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Mx F or NB A new interest check after some time away (futas welcome)

May 23, 2024
I'm looking to build a plot with someone, based on any of these settings. If you'd like to use OCs, I'm so down for that as well! It's been a while since I've been roleplaying, so I don't have any plot ideas written out but I have plenty in my head. As I spend more time on the site in the coming weeks, I'll likely add plot hooks to this and not just a list of random fandoms.

I always feel kinks and limits should go first, however. If we aren't compatible in this way, the rest of the plot probably isn't getting written eh?

Kinks: Deepthroating, oral fixation, spanking, face slapping, rough sex, jackhammering, mating press, ass worship, dick worship, big ass, face sitting, anal, bondage, toys, spit, cum play, excessive spit/cum, oversized dicks, monster girls, monster guys, futas, furries, tabboo relationships, father/daughter, mother/daughter, sister/brother, flexible on who plays what

I am willing to go without any of these, just name which ones you don't like!

Limits: bathroom, blood, vore, snuff,

I'm not one to demand all smut all the time, but it is the main thing I'm here for. I could go 50/50, but really I prefer 70 smut/30 plot. The plot can be detailed, and immersive, but I like it to always lead back into sex eventually lol. I enjoy writing both kinky and wholesome scenarios. I write 2-3 paragraphs generally, though I feel dialogue may sometimes require shorter responses to mimic actual conversation. A little back and forth if you will.

Fandoms I'm interested in roleplaying (AGED 18+)
My Hero Academia
Avatar the Last Airbender (and Korra)
Harry Potter
Legend of Zelda (all universes)
Game of Thrones
The Elder Scrolls
Power Rangers
Adventure Time
Regular Show

I can play an original or canon character in any of these universes.

Characters I like to play:
Midoriya, All Might, Bakugo, Mt Lady (futa), Naruto, Jiriya, Tsunade (futa), Sakura (futa), Sasuke, Goku, Vegeta, Bulma (futa), Piccolo, Harry, Fred and George Wesley, Luna Lovegood (futa), Lone survivor, Courier Six, Link, Urbosa (Futa), Zelda (futa), Finn, Jake, Marceline (futa), Mordecai

I'm basically down to play against any female from these verses. Hope to hear from you!

Monsters I like to play: slimes, tentacle aliens, yautja (predators), xenomorphs, dragons, werewolves, incubus, greater demons, vampire lords from Skyrim, orcs, goblins, trolls,

Furries I like to play: dragon, lizard, wolf, fox, bear, lion, tiger

Could be played as enemies to lovers, or more like enemies to fuck buddies.

We are both lone survivors wandering the wasteland of irradiated America. (Mojave?) When we first happen upon each other, we're wary. We politely pass by without much event, negotiating we'd both rather go about our business alone and unharmed. Later one of us saves the other from some peril of the wasteland. Animals, raiders, (supermurants? If you're into monsters :) what have you. We decide it's probably better to have someone to watch your back. Both of us reluctantly agree to camp together, as neither of us has a destination we're trying to get too. Just two aimless survivors.

You don't really trust me, or like me, but eventually we both have to admit the attraction to one another. There aren't many sexy people around the sad looking wasteland people, so neither of us have fucked in weeks (or months.) we agree to a friends with benefits situation, possibly turning into a relationship if you're the romantic type. Staying a tense, hate fucking, friends with benefits situation between scenes of wasteland survival and raider attacks seems fun to me too!

This plot could take place in Fiona's timeline, but Marceline is the only character not gender swapped. She could have also jumped timelines, as magic portals are a dime a dozen in Oooo. Let me know what you think.

Marceline has been friends with Fiona for a while. Though originally she antagonized the younger girl, Marceline grew to respect Fiona's willfulness and integrity. Then, just the other night, Fiona asked her on a date. Marceline was sure Fiona would never see her that way after their first impressions were rocky. She was content to have the adventurer as a friend. Then they went to the movies, ran with wolves, and really connected. They didn't kiss that night, but Marceline wondered strongly if Fiona wanted her too. She had asked for the date after all.

Marceline invited her over to another movie night, this time privately at her home. Watching heat signature, of course. Then, when under the covers on the couch, cuddling, the two realize they're both here for something more. A good, rough, fucking.

An evil genjutsu seems to have befallen the hidden leaf village, though it's source remains hidden. Only the nine tails chakra is keeping it from effecting Naruto. Or perhaps, it's his own natural libido which supercedes the sexual urges? He's always been a horny fuck since as long as anyone could remember. Now, everyone else has become just as bad as him. Hinata is begging him to take her virginity. Sakura has been talking shit, goading him on and on into fucking her senseless like a brat. Tsunade has been threatening him with domination, giving him mission after mission until he gives her what she wants. A big fat cock.

One thing is for sure, the women need help. But they won't leave him alone long enough to let him find the genjutsu user! Each one must be fucked into total exhaustion before he can solve the mystery. Will he remain focused enough on the mission to do so?

Any number of scenarios could be fit into this story! I just wanted to give some fun examples. If you wanted to include other pairings, I feel like I've lent the setting nicely to doing so!
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