I have recently gone on a spending spree for my fortnightly campaign of Wrath and Glory and in the interest of getting my money's worth, I'm figuring I'll give running a campaign of it a try. I have over a decade of experience in TTRPG's and through most of that I've been running one campaign or another. Have a similar level of experience with erotic roleplays and even longer with 40k and Warhammer in general, so all told I am quite prepared for all this and am excited to try and get a group going.
As mentioned above this would be using the Wrath and Glory system for the Warhammer 40k setting. I don't need players to be experienced in the system in the slightest, relatively new to it myself, just need a willingness to learn on your end. On a similar note you don't need to be an expert on 40k, so long as you know the basics then we should be all good.
Given this is an adult roleplaying site and this is what most of us are here for, this certainly will be more lewd than a typical 40k story. This still is a group rpg and I will be using some published materials as frameworks for adventures, so it is not going to be a non-stop orgy(which would get boring after a while for my tastes) but there will be opportunity for sexual encounters with NPC's and if willing, your fellow players. So that things aren't held up I'm thinking individual scenes will be handled over DM's as to not hold up progress, but that can be figured out on a case by case basis. So overall Story/Action heavy with a sprinkling of smut to keep things exciting.
For Kinks I personally have very few limits, and am down to try most anything. Just some basic limits will be following site rules on underage characters, no scat and no snuff, or guro. Other things can be discussed individually and any PCxPC scenes should discuss limits and kinks with one another.
I play every gender and am comfortable with every sort of pairing and orientation. I'm a sub-leaning switch, but am comfortable enough playing dom, as gm I expect I'll probably be playing a bit of everything here, but that of course remains to be seen.
Setting and Mechanics Specifics
This adventure will be a Tier 3 with the characters being loosely Imperium alligned. Your characters will be working as part of a team made by an Ordo Mallius Inquisitor, she has very little qualms about unorthodox tactics and is happy to throw Xenos, Criminals and perhaps minor Heretics at her problems if it means keeping the Imperium safe from the clutches of Chaos. Will this Inquisitor remain in charge of you all? Only time and your decisions will tell! But to start with, expect to be fighting your way into a stronghold controlled by the forces of Chaos and for your boss to only care so much if you actually make it out alive again.
For those unfamiliar with the rules I can help with character creation and have at my disposal almost every book available. At the very least, all of the Archetypes printed are at my disposal and I'm happy to help do some hombrewing if you have a specific idea not covered in the books(within reason).
This will be up to a four person party, with fewer people if necessary. Here I'll keep track of available positions.
Slot 1: Lord DreamCrusher
Slot 2:
Slot 3:
Slot 4:
Ending note
I think that should cover just about everything. Feel free to message here or me directly for questions, applications and the like. Hope to hear from everyone soon!
I have recently gone on a spending spree for my fortnightly campaign of Wrath and Glory and in the interest of getting my money's worth, I'm figuring I'll give running a campaign of it a try. I have over a decade of experience in TTRPG's and through most of that I've been running one campaign or another. Have a similar level of experience with erotic roleplays and even longer with 40k and Warhammer in general, so all told I am quite prepared for all this and am excited to try and get a group going.
As mentioned above this would be using the Wrath and Glory system for the Warhammer 40k setting. I don't need players to be experienced in the system in the slightest, relatively new to it myself, just need a willingness to learn on your end. On a similar note you don't need to be an expert on 40k, so long as you know the basics then we should be all good.
Given this is an adult roleplaying site and this is what most of us are here for, this certainly will be more lewd than a typical 40k story. This still is a group rpg and I will be using some published materials as frameworks for adventures, so it is not going to be a non-stop orgy(which would get boring after a while for my tastes) but there will be opportunity for sexual encounters with NPC's and if willing, your fellow players. So that things aren't held up I'm thinking individual scenes will be handled over DM's as to not hold up progress, but that can be figured out on a case by case basis. So overall Story/Action heavy with a sprinkling of smut to keep things exciting.
For Kinks I personally have very few limits, and am down to try most anything. Just some basic limits will be following site rules on underage characters, no scat and no snuff, or guro. Other things can be discussed individually and any PCxPC scenes should discuss limits and kinks with one another.
I play every gender and am comfortable with every sort of pairing and orientation. I'm a sub-leaning switch, but am comfortable enough playing dom, as gm I expect I'll probably be playing a bit of everything here, but that of course remains to be seen.
Setting and Mechanics Specifics
This adventure will be a Tier 3 with the characters being loosely Imperium alligned. Your characters will be working as part of a team made by an Ordo Mallius Inquisitor, she has very little qualms about unorthodox tactics and is happy to throw Xenos, Criminals and perhaps minor Heretics at her problems if it means keeping the Imperium safe from the clutches of Chaos. Will this Inquisitor remain in charge of you all? Only time and your decisions will tell! But to start with, expect to be fighting your way into a stronghold controlled by the forces of Chaos and for your boss to only care so much if you actually make it out alive again.
For those unfamiliar with the rules I can help with character creation and have at my disposal almost every book available. At the very least, all of the Archetypes printed are at my disposal and I'm happy to help do some hombrewing if you have a specific idea not covered in the books(within reason).
This will be up to a four person party, with fewer people if necessary. Here I'll keep track of available positions.
Slot 1: Lord DreamCrusher
Slot 2:
Slot 3:
Slot 4:
Ending note
I think that should cover just about everything. Feel free to message here or me directly for questions, applications and the like. Hope to hear from everyone soon!