- Joined
- Jul 28, 2022
So, having had Bioshock pop around my feed, a game series I loved since I was a teen, I have a strong urge to revisit a concept I only got to play around with once before. Crossing over the characters of Elizabeth, from Bioshock Infinite, with Jack from the original Bioshock. Romance could definitely be a theme, but honestly there'd be a lot of violence, darkness and death because... well, it's Bioshock. 
Because the lore around Elizabeth is pretty intricate, both considering Bioshock Infinite and the Burial at Sea DLC this roleplay would be spawning from, I'd be looking for a partner who is well-versed in those two titles at the very least. Knowledge in the first two Bioshock games is less of a priority, as I can handle more of the creative lifting in that area, but the person playing Elizabeth should definitely know the character quite well.
For anyone that does, it probably suffices to say that the way I envisioned such a roleplay starting would be quite straightforward; that part at Burial at Sea, where Elizabeth gets beaten to death with a wrench by Atlas? We're just going to say she almost gets beaten to death, but that Atlas apparently does a shit job at actually making sure he finished the job.
Cue some mild Little Sisterly intervention and help from Tenenbaum, and boom, Elizabeth has a front row seat to the first Bioshock's events, right before Jack comes and crashes the party.
So, I'm looking for a co-GM because the way I'm picturing this is basically trading off on episodic arcs for the characters, obviously starting with lore closer to the games, but then branching off into pretty much any other story arcs, locations or events that might catch our attention. Trading off arcs back and forth would keep things simple, (since we'd always knows who is 'in control' of the surroundings,) and it means neither of us is responsible for always deciding on what happens next, or where they go next.
I've already got a lot of the initial arc figured out, as I'd be acting as GM for what would be Elizabeth's perspective during her remaining time in Rapture. (For ease of avoiding literal prophecy fulfillment, would either assume that her 'vision' of the events of the first game never happened, or at the very least getting brained by a wrench knocked any memory of those visions out of her.)
She wouldn't even initially meet Jack for a large chunk of it, as I'd instead envisioned her trying to make her way through the crumbling, chaotic city, guided along by Tenenbaum and the Little Sisters, while elsewhere Jack is working his way through the city as per the first half of the first game. If their paths cross, he would be this frightening, seemingly demihuman drone cutting a murderous path through the Splicers, the Big Daddies, pretty much everything... except for the Little Sisters, who he seems to have a softness for and spares.
Where their paths will cross, ultimately, will be just after the end of the 'Big Twist,' when he's lying in Tenenbaum's sanctuary. At that point he's no longer completely under Fontaine's control, but there's still work done to put his mind back together, to say nothing for dealing with Fontaine once and for all. As Elizabeth and Jack start to work together against a common enemy, they also start to get to know one another, and it's the beginning of a partnership, a friendship, and eventually more between two people who have their own separate traumas to address. Even when Fontaine is eventually dead, the door is wide open for what journey they take next, what their objective is; given at this point, Elizabeth has technically lost her ability to open tears and is just a normal person, maybe you'd have an idea on what might undo that, opening up the avenues they can explore together.
This would definitely be a more story-focused setup, though there's room for sex not just between Elizabeth and Jack, but also other sorts of encounters depending on the preferences of whoever's asking. It's open for brainstorming, of course!
Because the lore around Elizabeth is pretty intricate, both considering Bioshock Infinite and the Burial at Sea DLC this roleplay would be spawning from, I'd be looking for a partner who is well-versed in those two titles at the very least. Knowledge in the first two Bioshock games is less of a priority, as I can handle more of the creative lifting in that area, but the person playing Elizabeth should definitely know the character quite well.
For anyone that does, it probably suffices to say that the way I envisioned such a roleplay starting would be quite straightforward; that part at Burial at Sea, where Elizabeth gets beaten to death with a wrench by Atlas? We're just going to say she almost gets beaten to death, but that Atlas apparently does a shit job at actually making sure he finished the job.
So, I'm looking for a co-GM because the way I'm picturing this is basically trading off on episodic arcs for the characters, obviously starting with lore closer to the games, but then branching off into pretty much any other story arcs, locations or events that might catch our attention. Trading off arcs back and forth would keep things simple, (since we'd always knows who is 'in control' of the surroundings,) and it means neither of us is responsible for always deciding on what happens next, or where they go next.
I've already got a lot of the initial arc figured out, as I'd be acting as GM for what would be Elizabeth's perspective during her remaining time in Rapture. (For ease of avoiding literal prophecy fulfillment, would either assume that her 'vision' of the events of the first game never happened, or at the very least getting brained by a wrench knocked any memory of those visions out of her.)
She wouldn't even initially meet Jack for a large chunk of it, as I'd instead envisioned her trying to make her way through the crumbling, chaotic city, guided along by Tenenbaum and the Little Sisters, while elsewhere Jack is working his way through the city as per the first half of the first game. If their paths cross, he would be this frightening, seemingly demihuman drone cutting a murderous path through the Splicers, the Big Daddies, pretty much everything... except for the Little Sisters, who he seems to have a softness for and spares.
Where their paths will cross, ultimately, will be just after the end of the 'Big Twist,' when he's lying in Tenenbaum's sanctuary. At that point he's no longer completely under Fontaine's control, but there's still work done to put his mind back together, to say nothing for dealing with Fontaine once and for all. As Elizabeth and Jack start to work together against a common enemy, they also start to get to know one another, and it's the beginning of a partnership, a friendship, and eventually more between two people who have their own separate traumas to address. Even when Fontaine is eventually dead, the door is wide open for what journey they take next, what their objective is; given at this point, Elizabeth has technically lost her ability to open tears and is just a normal person, maybe you'd have an idea on what might undo that, opening up the avenues they can explore together.
This would definitely be a more story-focused setup, though there's room for sex not just between Elizabeth and Jack, but also other sorts of encounters depending on the preferences of whoever's asking. It's open for brainstorming, of course!