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Fx Male Haven't you ever wanted to π’“π’–π’Šπ’ something π’”π’‰π’Šπ’π’š?


Oct 3, 2024
Status :: Available || Replies :: Weekly || RP Location :: PMs


multi-paragraph writer
third person, past or present tense
here to write stories with heart and smut
friendly, open-minded, and reliable
three kobolds in a trenchcoat
check the FAQ for more

star ratings on prompts are a warning for extreme themes and pairings
more stars β˜…β˜…β˜… = more potentially triggering content
all stories are open to adding or removing themes/kinks


β˜…β˜…β˜… Daddy x Daughter β˜…β˜…β˜…
Digital Doesn't Count
immersive online . incest . age gap (18+) . dub/non-con . hidden identity
MC just turned 18 and can't wait to hit up the restricted areas in the VR world she hangs out in. YC uses parental controls to stalk his daughter on an avatar she won't recognize. At first he tells himself it's for her protection, but soon he's flirting with her and forcing her to do things for him no father should. Online abuse bleeds into offline rape.
β˜… Soldier x Botanist β˜…
A Life Apart
time skips . long-distance . desperate and rough . hurt/care . size difference
YC goes where he's told, where the fighting is thickest, with only brief and occasional R&R. MC is a researcher who rarely leaves the station she lives and works on. All they have are brief moments of contact between the gulf of texts and calls. They make the most of it.
β˜…β˜… Alien x Human β˜…β˜…
From Different Worlds
language barrier . alien humanoid . extreme innocence . non-con . size difference
YC is a human explorer who charts unknown areas of space for future colonization efforts. Forced to land on an alien world when his ship is battered by a micro asteroid cluster, he finds MC. MC is a survivor of a similar crash, and is decidedly not human. She lacks the instincts to protect herself from predators, and is tantalizingly affectionate.


β˜… Princess x Visiting Prince β˜…
Honor and Duty (Be Damned)
suitor . experience gap . age gap (18+) . hold the moan . sneaking around
YC and MC are at the beginning of their courtship, they don't know one another well yet but the heat between them is undeniable. It is forbidden for them to spend time alone together, but YC suggests they steal away regardless so he can put a breathless edge on her giggles. MC denies him reluctantly, but shyly teases him to desperation whenever she can.
β˜…β˜… Princess x Royal Advisor β˜…β˜…
Reaching for the Throne
this is wrong . dub/non-con to con . age gap (18+) . risky relationship . breeding
YC is an advisor to the King with his eye on the throne. MC is a sweet and flirtatious princess who hasn't the guile to hide her crush. One way or another, YC intends to fill her belly with an heir before the King can marry her off to some idiot noble, hoping to force a marriage.
β˜…β˜…β˜… King x Princess β˜…β˜…β˜…
I Can't Let You Go
incest . non-con . age gap (18+) . size difference . drugs/alcohol
YC is a single father, a lonely king of a mountain kingdom, with a wife who passed in childbirth. MC is a princess and much loved daughter, who has recently come of age for suitors. YC finds himself jealous of these young men, and obsessed with his daughter in ways he tries to fight.


β˜…β˜…β˜… Vampire x Human β˜…β˜…β˜…
Violent Delights
femdom . bloodplay . non/dub-con . predator/prey . violence
YC is a human who caught MC's eye when he 'rescued' her from her dinner a few weeks ago. MC has been stalking him and messing with his life and relationships unseen, but she wants more. She is starving, and unfortunately for YC, he's the only thing she's craving.
β˜…β˜… Angel x Demon β˜…β˜…
Before the Fall
corruption . dream-invasion . non/dub-con . innocence destroyed . manipulation
MC is an innocent angel who has been assigned a post on Earth to protect certain humans from danger. YC is a demon who is determined to ruin MC. Flattery to stoke her pride, dreams to tempt her lust, pain and violence to bring out her wrath, he is determined to drag her down and turn her into a blaspheming, vicious, fallen angel fucktoy.


β˜… New Hero x Unaware Friend β˜…
Keeping Secrets
new superhero . friends-to-lovers . hurt/care . sneaking around . lying
MC & YC are friends who definitely have a flirtationship going on, but MC has gotten secretive and started disappearing for a night here and there. In the city, a new hero has picked up the fight, and YC has questions (and theories) about MC's strange new behavior.
β˜…β˜…β˜… Hero x Sidekick β˜…β˜…β˜…
Meeting Your Hero
new sidekick . non-con . size difference. experience gap . rough
MC is YC's biggest fan, and absolutely hero-worships him. From the day her powers popped up, MC has been working hard to find her way to YC's side. Now that she's there, all innocent and full of trust, YC intends to make good use of her even if it breaks her.

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