How long had it been since she had seen sunlight? When they slept she worked, when they woke she slept…mostly. They were horrible monsters. Beautiful in their own right, flawless creatures, however they were cold and cruel. They cared nothing for anyone but themselves and their silent wars. Ivah sat on her stool, it was getting late at night but her work wasn't done. She hated to be awake when they rose to dominate the night. Nothing but monsters and those that took the war very seriously would not hesitate to bother her.
How long had it been since she had been taken? She had long since lost count. There was no day and night for her…there was darkness and sleeping. She worked in a dark room, with only her desk lamp for company, as too many light hurt their eyes. It was a tell tale sign when one came to visit when the lamps were extinguished in the room. She poured over weapon after weapon, perfecting things to destroy the Lycan. It was her genius that had created the liquid bullet. The point would shatter after penetrating the lycan's body releasing silver into the veins of the Lycans. She had invented the silver net launchers and the boot knives. Day after day, working and perfecting. The worse part was the clothing she was forced to wear. They were not satisfied with simple clothes for their inventor, no. Their attire was regal and dramatic, she was no exception. She wore a dress that should be a child's dress. Thirty years of age and they dressed her like a child. The dress was black with a wide skirt, filled with chiffon to make it poof out. The hem of the skirt ended halfway up her thighs. Long white stockings crawled up her calves to her knees and black leather shoes sat on her feet. The dress had a bodice, the only thing that proved she was not eight. It pincered her stomach in and pushed her breasts up, wildly exaggerating the normal size of them. Her hair of bright red was elegantly curled and set into pig tails. She was painted up to almost give the appearance of a doll. The final bit was a lacey choker about her neck. It tied gently in the back and hid a myriad of scars. Anytime her work ran late she was subject to their biting. The blood they had stored away was hardly enough. They craved fresh blood and no human who worked under them was exempt.
How long had it been since she had been bitten? Once she understood that working into the night led to a feeding she made sure her work was done. She worked furiously on her weapon, trying to finish it before they stirred. It was a marvel of engineering. A small, wrist mounted crossbow and each bolt was a smaller version of her liquid silver arrows.
"So you are here, angel?" She heard the silky tone behind her. Andrej was always the first to her work station if she worked late. Her blood ran cold as she heard his footsteps. "Just about to go," she said as she set it down and made to leave. "Oh…I think not…" he cooed, grabbing her hand and pulling the human close to his cold body. She shivered, an unsettling cold in her stomach, as he untied the lace choker. "You leave so early…do you not want attention, sweet little one?" He questioned as he held her head still to look in her eyes. Those green eyes glazed over and her mind went blank. The vampire dipped his head and fed upon his prey. Just enough to enjoy, not enough to kill or even turn. Her body went slack and the vampire lifted her up. He deposited her body on the chair as he withdrew his fangs from her neck. "Mmm…delightful as ever… " he said lowly as she slumped forward. Her body felt weak, notably drained. "Do finish your work pet…no one likes a lazy human."
How long has it been since she had contemplated death? Sometimes it seemed preferable. Yet she was a coward. She would dream of the sweet release but she feared the enveloping darkness. Everyday she lived in near darkness with her masters who ruled the night. Too weak and drained to move she stared into the dark. She couldn't end it. Not if it meant more darkness. She wanted the light but was denied.
There on the desk she slept through the night. Too tired to haul herself up and find proper repose. Slept until the sun rose which, down in the laboratories, in the center of the keep, she had never seen.
"We make this quick, we make this efficient," Andreas said to the small group of Lycans. Male and female, eight in total. They were the best of his people, for this mission anyways. Had this been an all out battle he would have chosen others. No, this group was meant for stealth. Straong and svelt kinsmen stood before him, their faces stern. Just beyond the vampire city they waiting on a ledge, able to see the keep from where they stood. A sharp wind ruffled the sandy blond, yet short cropped, hair of Andreas. "We take the inventor, if we can. If not, we kill him." The group gave sharp nods. "Let's move."
Their changes were speedy. Fine, taught muscle grew thick fur in varying hues. Faces distorted and twisted into long, razor filled muzzles. Yet these were not the wild,unbridled, savage beasts spoken of in legend. Their stern, serious, expressions remained once all were transformed. They moved out, swift as shadows in the trees.
No alarm sounded. No claxon of impending doom rang out in the warm, spring morning. The small party of warriors darted through the trees, clearing the tall fences with ease and grace. As if the wind itself carried them they noiselessly infiltrated the keep. Down, down, down into the dark depths. Into the very, beating, heart of their longest enemy. The vampires were vane, arrogant creatures. So secure in their mansion they didn't bother setting many guards. Guards that were easily avoided…or quietly ended. No claws, no fangs, no evidence save a body with the head the wrong way around. For good measure, a couple with stakes through the heart, a common tactic for humans.
The door to the lab opened quietly. Ivah stirred from her sleep. A touch of color, what little there was, had come back to her face. Her makeup was smeared a bit from sleeping on her arms, folded on the workbench. Verdant eyes fluttered open to see a hulking form enter the space. She sat up suddenly with a startled gasp. The figure strode forward into the low light. A towering form of fur and muscle. Her eyes went wide as the beast stepped into the pool of gentle light. A Lycan. His long face looked about the room, searching. If she didn't know better, confusion knitted his brow.
"Where is the inventor?" The creature growled low. The sound sent tremors down her spine. Ivah managed a couple small squeaks, her lips working more than her vocal chords. He stepped closer, towering above her. The stool below her rocked as she leaned back. "Human, I am not here for you. Where is the inventor?" He looked around again, golden eyes noting the surroundings. Clearly this was the lab. Bits and bobs of things Einar would probably know more about. He looked down at the human again. Clearly she had slept here. He noted grease on her fingers, smudged on her face. His expression hardened to suspicion, a dawning realization coming upon him.
"It's me…" she finally said in a whisper. They had come to kill her. She had contemplated death so many times. Never in her wildest dreams did she think it would come in this form. "Make it quick, please," she quietly requested. Adreas's eyes widened a bit and he chuffed a half-hearted laugh. "Oh…this will not be quick."
With never a by-your-leave, the lycan hoisted her up, his hold anything but gentle. "Make a single sound and I will, in fact, kill you. But it will be slow." Her growled as he turned. The others had been standing guard outside of the door. They peered curioustly at the doll creature Andreas was carrying. It wasn't the time for questions. As quickly and quietly as they had come they left.
The journey home was swift. They stayed in their shifted forms to run the whole way. Their return was heralded with limited fanfare. Tensions had grown in the pack. Many of their kind had been felled by the weapons the inventor had made. Many wanted the inventor dead, others thought weapons could be made for them. Time would tell if the inventor was permitted to leave. For the time being, the creator of such devastating weaponry was out of the clutches of those leeches.
Once safe inside the lycans shifted back to their human forms. Ivah flushed, suddenly surrounded by acres of naked flesh. She quite suddenly found the ceiling fascinating. "Where the hell is Einar and the guards for the girl?" Andreas growled. One of his group suddenly jumped up and ran off to find the needed pack members.
How long had it been since she had been taken? She had long since lost count. There was no day and night for her…there was darkness and sleeping. She worked in a dark room, with only her desk lamp for company, as too many light hurt their eyes. It was a tell tale sign when one came to visit when the lamps were extinguished in the room. She poured over weapon after weapon, perfecting things to destroy the Lycan. It was her genius that had created the liquid bullet. The point would shatter after penetrating the lycan's body releasing silver into the veins of the Lycans. She had invented the silver net launchers and the boot knives. Day after day, working and perfecting. The worse part was the clothing she was forced to wear. They were not satisfied with simple clothes for their inventor, no. Their attire was regal and dramatic, she was no exception. She wore a dress that should be a child's dress. Thirty years of age and they dressed her like a child. The dress was black with a wide skirt, filled with chiffon to make it poof out. The hem of the skirt ended halfway up her thighs. Long white stockings crawled up her calves to her knees and black leather shoes sat on her feet. The dress had a bodice, the only thing that proved she was not eight. It pincered her stomach in and pushed her breasts up, wildly exaggerating the normal size of them. Her hair of bright red was elegantly curled and set into pig tails. She was painted up to almost give the appearance of a doll. The final bit was a lacey choker about her neck. It tied gently in the back and hid a myriad of scars. Anytime her work ran late she was subject to their biting. The blood they had stored away was hardly enough. They craved fresh blood and no human who worked under them was exempt.
How long had it been since she had been bitten? Once she understood that working into the night led to a feeding she made sure her work was done. She worked furiously on her weapon, trying to finish it before they stirred. It was a marvel of engineering. A small, wrist mounted crossbow and each bolt was a smaller version of her liquid silver arrows.
"So you are here, angel?" She heard the silky tone behind her. Andrej was always the first to her work station if she worked late. Her blood ran cold as she heard his footsteps. "Just about to go," she said as she set it down and made to leave. "Oh…I think not…" he cooed, grabbing her hand and pulling the human close to his cold body. She shivered, an unsettling cold in her stomach, as he untied the lace choker. "You leave so early…do you not want attention, sweet little one?" He questioned as he held her head still to look in her eyes. Those green eyes glazed over and her mind went blank. The vampire dipped his head and fed upon his prey. Just enough to enjoy, not enough to kill or even turn. Her body went slack and the vampire lifted her up. He deposited her body on the chair as he withdrew his fangs from her neck. "Mmm…delightful as ever… " he said lowly as she slumped forward. Her body felt weak, notably drained. "Do finish your work pet…no one likes a lazy human."
How long has it been since she had contemplated death? Sometimes it seemed preferable. Yet she was a coward. She would dream of the sweet release but she feared the enveloping darkness. Everyday she lived in near darkness with her masters who ruled the night. Too weak and drained to move she stared into the dark. She couldn't end it. Not if it meant more darkness. She wanted the light but was denied.
There on the desk she slept through the night. Too tired to haul herself up and find proper repose. Slept until the sun rose which, down in the laboratories, in the center of the keep, she had never seen.
"We make this quick, we make this efficient," Andreas said to the small group of Lycans. Male and female, eight in total. They were the best of his people, for this mission anyways. Had this been an all out battle he would have chosen others. No, this group was meant for stealth. Straong and svelt kinsmen stood before him, their faces stern. Just beyond the vampire city they waiting on a ledge, able to see the keep from where they stood. A sharp wind ruffled the sandy blond, yet short cropped, hair of Andreas. "We take the inventor, if we can. If not, we kill him." The group gave sharp nods. "Let's move."
Their changes were speedy. Fine, taught muscle grew thick fur in varying hues. Faces distorted and twisted into long, razor filled muzzles. Yet these were not the wild,unbridled, savage beasts spoken of in legend. Their stern, serious, expressions remained once all were transformed. They moved out, swift as shadows in the trees.
No alarm sounded. No claxon of impending doom rang out in the warm, spring morning. The small party of warriors darted through the trees, clearing the tall fences with ease and grace. As if the wind itself carried them they noiselessly infiltrated the keep. Down, down, down into the dark depths. Into the very, beating, heart of their longest enemy. The vampires were vane, arrogant creatures. So secure in their mansion they didn't bother setting many guards. Guards that were easily avoided…or quietly ended. No claws, no fangs, no evidence save a body with the head the wrong way around. For good measure, a couple with stakes through the heart, a common tactic for humans.
The door to the lab opened quietly. Ivah stirred from her sleep. A touch of color, what little there was, had come back to her face. Her makeup was smeared a bit from sleeping on her arms, folded on the workbench. Verdant eyes fluttered open to see a hulking form enter the space. She sat up suddenly with a startled gasp. The figure strode forward into the low light. A towering form of fur and muscle. Her eyes went wide as the beast stepped into the pool of gentle light. A Lycan. His long face looked about the room, searching. If she didn't know better, confusion knitted his brow.
"Where is the inventor?" The creature growled low. The sound sent tremors down her spine. Ivah managed a couple small squeaks, her lips working more than her vocal chords. He stepped closer, towering above her. The stool below her rocked as she leaned back. "Human, I am not here for you. Where is the inventor?" He looked around again, golden eyes noting the surroundings. Clearly this was the lab. Bits and bobs of things Einar would probably know more about. He looked down at the human again. Clearly she had slept here. He noted grease on her fingers, smudged on her face. His expression hardened to suspicion, a dawning realization coming upon him.
"It's me…" she finally said in a whisper. They had come to kill her. She had contemplated death so many times. Never in her wildest dreams did she think it would come in this form. "Make it quick, please," she quietly requested. Adreas's eyes widened a bit and he chuffed a half-hearted laugh. "Oh…this will not be quick."
With never a by-your-leave, the lycan hoisted her up, his hold anything but gentle. "Make a single sound and I will, in fact, kill you. But it will be slow." Her growled as he turned. The others had been standing guard outside of the door. They peered curioustly at the doll creature Andreas was carrying. It wasn't the time for questions. As quickly and quietly as they had come they left.
The journey home was swift. They stayed in their shifted forms to run the whole way. Their return was heralded with limited fanfare. Tensions had grown in the pack. Many of their kind had been felled by the weapons the inventor had made. Many wanted the inventor dead, others thought weapons could be made for them. Time would tell if the inventor was permitted to leave. For the time being, the creator of such devastating weaponry was out of the clutches of those leeches.
Once safe inside the lycans shifted back to their human forms. Ivah flushed, suddenly surrounded by acres of naked flesh. She quite suddenly found the ceiling fascinating. "Where the hell is Einar and the guards for the girl?" Andreas growled. One of his group suddenly jumped up and ran off to find the needed pack members.