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Little Red and the Big Bad Wolf (Brokk x Gunner)


Nonsolis radios sediouis fulmina mitto.
Jul 16, 2017
How long had it been since she had seen sunlight? When they slept she worked, when they woke she slept…mostly. They were horrible monsters. Beautiful in their own right, flawless creatures, however they were cold and cruel. They cared nothing for anyone but themselves and their silent wars. Ivah sat on her stool, it was getting late at night but her work wasn't done. She hated to be awake when they rose to dominate the night. Nothing but monsters and those that took the war very seriously would not hesitate to bother her.

How long had it been since she had been taken? She had long since lost count. There was no day and night for her…there was darkness and sleeping. She worked in a dark room, with only her desk lamp for company, as too many light hurt their eyes. It was a tell tale sign when one came to visit when the lamps were extinguished in the room. She poured over weapon after weapon, perfecting things to destroy the Lycan. It was her genius that had created the liquid bullet. The point would shatter after penetrating the lycan's body releasing silver into the veins of the Lycans. She had invented the silver net launchers and the boot knives. Day after day, working and perfecting. The worse part was the clothing she was forced to wear. They were not satisfied with simple clothes for their inventor, no. Their attire was regal and dramatic, she was no exception. She wore a dress that should be a child's dress. Thirty years of age and they dressed her like a child. The dress was black with a wide skirt, filled with chiffon to make it poof out. The hem of the skirt ended halfway up her thighs. Long white stockings crawled up her calves to her knees and black leather shoes sat on her feet. The dress had a bodice, the only thing that proved she was not eight. It pincered her stomach in and pushed her breasts up, wildly exaggerating the normal size of them. Her hair of bright red was elegantly curled and set into pig tails. She was painted up to almost give the appearance of a doll. The final bit was a lacey choker about her neck. It tied gently in the back and hid a myriad of scars. Anytime her work ran late she was subject to their biting. The blood they had stored away was hardly enough. They craved fresh blood and no human who worked under them was exempt.

How long had it been since she had been bitten? Once she understood that working into the night led to a feeding she made sure her work was done. She worked furiously on her weapon, trying to finish it before they stirred. It was a marvel of engineering. A small, wrist mounted crossbow and each bolt was a smaller version of her liquid silver arrows.

"So you are here, angel?" She heard the silky tone behind her. Andrej was always the first to her work station if she worked late. Her blood ran cold as she heard his footsteps. "Just about to go," she said as she set it down and made to leave. "Oh…I think not…" he cooed, grabbing her hand and pulling the human close to his cold body. She shivered, an unsettling cold in her stomach, as he untied the lace choker. "You leave so early…do you not want attention, sweet little one?" He questioned as he held her head still to look in her eyes. Those green eyes glazed over and her mind went blank. The vampire dipped his head and fed upon his prey. Just enough to enjoy, not enough to kill or even turn. Her body went slack and the vampire lifted her up. He deposited her body on the chair as he withdrew his fangs from her neck. "Mmm…delightful as ever… " he said lowly as she slumped forward. Her body felt weak, notably drained. "Do finish your work pet…no one likes a lazy human."

How long has it been since she had contemplated death? Sometimes it seemed preferable. Yet she was a coward. She would dream of the sweet release but she feared the enveloping darkness. Everyday she lived in near darkness with her masters who ruled the night. Too weak and drained to move she stared into the dark. She couldn't end it. Not if it meant more darkness. She wanted the light but was denied.

There on the desk she slept through the night. Too tired to haul herself up and find proper repose. Slept until the sun rose which, down in the laboratories, in the center of the keep, she had never seen.

"We make this quick, we make this efficient," Andreas said to the small group of Lycans. Male and female, eight in total. They were the best of his people, for this mission anyways. Had this been an all out battle he would have chosen others. No, this group was meant for stealth. Straong and svelt kinsmen stood before him, their faces stern. Just beyond the vampire city they waiting on a ledge, able to see the keep from where they stood. A sharp wind ruffled the sandy blond, yet short cropped, hair of Andreas. "We take the inventor, if we can. If not, we kill him." The group gave sharp nods. "Let's move."

Their changes were speedy. Fine, taught muscle grew thick fur in varying hues. Faces distorted and twisted into long, razor filled muzzles. Yet these were not the wild,unbridled, savage beasts spoken of in legend. Their stern, serious, expressions remained once all were transformed. They moved out, swift as shadows in the trees.

No alarm sounded. No claxon of impending doom rang out in the warm, spring morning. The small party of warriors darted through the trees, clearing the tall fences with ease and grace. As if the wind itself carried them they noiselessly infiltrated the keep. Down, down, down into the dark depths. Into the very, beating, heart of their longest enemy. The vampires were vane, arrogant creatures. So secure in their mansion they didn't bother setting many guards. Guards that were easily avoided…or quietly ended. No claws, no fangs, no evidence save a body with the head the wrong way around. For good measure, a couple with stakes through the heart, a common tactic for humans.

The door to the lab opened quietly. Ivah stirred from her sleep. A touch of color, what little there was, had come back to her face. Her makeup was smeared a bit from sleeping on her arms, folded on the workbench. Verdant eyes fluttered open to see a hulking form enter the space. She sat up suddenly with a startled gasp. The figure strode forward into the low light. A towering form of fur and muscle. Her eyes went wide as the beast stepped into the pool of gentle light. A Lycan. His long face looked about the room, searching. If she didn't know better, confusion knitted his brow.

"Where is the inventor?" The creature growled low. The sound sent tremors down her spine. Ivah managed a couple small squeaks, her lips working more than her vocal chords. He stepped closer, towering above her. The stool below her rocked as she leaned back. "Human, I am not here for you. Where is the inventor?" He looked around again, golden eyes noting the surroundings. Clearly this was the lab. Bits and bobs of things Einar would probably know more about. He looked down at the human again. Clearly she had slept here. He noted grease on her fingers, smudged on her face. His expression hardened to suspicion, a dawning realization coming upon him.

"It's me…" she finally said in a whisper. They had come to kill her. She had contemplated death so many times. Never in her wildest dreams did she think it would come in this form. "Make it quick, please," she quietly requested. Adreas's eyes widened a bit and he chuffed a half-hearted laugh. "Oh…this will not be quick."

With never a by-your-leave, the lycan hoisted her up, his hold anything but gentle. "Make a single sound and I will, in fact, kill you. But it will be slow." Her growled as he turned. The others had been standing guard outside of the door. They peered curioustly at the doll creature Andreas was carrying. It wasn't the time for questions. As quickly and quietly as they had come they left.

The journey home was swift. They stayed in their shifted forms to run the whole way. Their return was heralded with limited fanfare. Tensions had grown in the pack. Many of their kind had been felled by the weapons the inventor had made. Many wanted the inventor dead, others thought weapons could be made for them. Time would tell if the inventor was permitted to leave. For the time being, the creator of such devastating weaponry was out of the clutches of those leeches.

Once safe inside the lycans shifted back to their human forms. Ivah flushed, suddenly surrounded by acres of naked flesh. She quite suddenly found the ceiling fascinating. "Where the hell is Einar and the guards for the girl?" Andreas growled. One of his group suddenly jumped up and ran off to find the needed pack members.
Small wisps of steam rose from the mug of hot coffee sitting on the desk. If it weren't for that visual detail, it might have gotten lost amidst the various parts and equipment scattered across the surface along with tools, rags and way too much accumulated grime. It was fairly impossible to tell by looking at it what the desk was even made of, it was so coated with years of grease and dirt.

Anton was carefully disassembling a weapon that had stopped working. His glasses were precariously balanced on his nose and a strong lamp was bolted to the desk to provide plenty of light for him to see the small parts. Given that anything that fell on the desk would instantly be lost, he did his work on a metal tray to help prevent anything from rolling away and it was easier to keep clean.

This was effectively busy work that any of the others could do, however it was something to keep his mind occupied. The mission kept trying to creep back into his thoughts, the one that was sent to capture or kill the inventor working for the vampires. Repeatedly, he argued the case to capture rather than kill. The mind behind these inventions was a treasure and he would hate to see it lost when it could be used for their own benefit. With how many died, there were a lot of voices pushing for death. It would be up to Andreas to make that call as the leader of the pack, which was one reason he had chosen to go himself.

Several hours ago they had left and like all such missions, they required radio silence unless there was an emergency. From that standpoint, no news was good news. There hadn't been any reports of gunfire or explosions in the vampire stronghold and no frantic radio communications calling for an extraction team. While it was possible that the entire unit had simply been wiped out inside the building, it didn't seem likely. It hadn't been long enough to justify worrying about them yet, but he had always been a big believer of getting an early start on projects so there was a knot in his stomach whenever he thought about it.

Reaching for his mug, which had cooled enough to barely be steaming, he took a large swig before staring down into the reflective surface. Looking up at him from inside the mug was a middle-aged man with salt and pepper beard and hair, his large glasses made him almost look comical. He frequently wore them around his neck rather than on his face since he only needed them for close work. However, with their thick lenses they resembled the bottom of old Coke bottles. It wasn't really an attractive look but it was more about what he could see rather than what people saw when they looked at him. As long as he could get his work done efficiently and effectively, he didn't care what he looked like.

There was a growing sound coming from down the hallway. Footsteps and voices that moved and then faded again. His heart raced in his chest. They were back and hopefully with good news. Getting up from his desk, he paced back and forth, moving items around without really accomplishing anything. If they captured anyone, they would need to be questioned first before they would decide what to do with them. All he could do was wait.

…or so he thought. A loud voice suddenly barked from the doorway "Anton! Get your ass over here. It looks like you got your wish, they captured someone. Andreas thinks it's your inventor, the rest of us aren't quite so sure yet. They… don't really look the type." Einar said hesitantly. "Come along, I want your opinion."

By the time the two of them had gotten to the interrogation room there were already two guards stationed at the door. The rest of the team had been dismissed and Andreas had slipped on some clothing. His arms were crossed and he was leaning against the wall looking thoughtfully at the girl sitting at the table.

Anton had learned over the years to keep his mouth shut in these situations. He was there to observe and at some point they would ask his opinion and that's when he should give it and not a moment before then. Sometimes they want the person they are questioning to hear what he has to say and other times, they want to keep it a secret and it wasn't up to him to decide which situation this was.

Andreas growled at them as soon as they walked in. "What took you so long?" It was clear that he was being ignored and the words were directed at Einar. Anton wisely stepped out of the line of fire, shifting over towards a corner as if hoping not to be seen.

"I was on the other side of the compound when you got back and then I had to swing by the lab to pick him up. So what do we got? You think this skirt is the inventor?" Einar rumbled back, nonplussed by the pack leader.

"I admit, she's not much to look at. She certainly doesn't dress like any of the engineers we have. But she does have some of the same habits. She was asleep at her desk, looked overworked and underfed plus she had grease under her fingernails. Does the description sound familiar?" Andreas shot a glance towards Anton who pretended not to be listening.

Einar nodded, not bothering to look at Anton. "Does she have a name?"
Some of the naked people drifted off, to where Ivah didn't know and it wasn't really her business. Boy such nice ceilings they had. After a little she heard boots approaching. More of these stern, serious people. These ones had clothing on at least. "Finally," Andreas groused. "Take the girl to the interrogation room. I'll meet Einar and Anton there," he said and was quick to leave. One of the guards grabbed Ivah's arm, she sucked in a hiss from the clenching grasp. The woman paused a moment and loosened her grip a little. Humans were so delicate.

Ivah was led through the complex and she was careful not to look around too much. Not for fear of more naked people, more so she didn't look like she was trying to gather information. She and Andreas had spoken a little on the trip. He at least explained what the situation was and her precarious position with his pack. Not much else beyond that. She didn't even know his name and she hadn't given hers.

The room she was brought to was stark. Just an empty room, blank walls, a simple table and some chairs. Yeah it looked like an interrogation room. She'd seen snippets of crime shows as a teenager. Ivah was sat down at the table and the guards posted themselves outside of the door. There she waited, her hands sat in her lap, nervously fiddling with the lacy bits of the dress she wore. How she'd love to change and wash. Out of the frying pan and into the fire as they say.

After some time the door opened. It was the blond man from earlier, thankfully wearing clothing. He said nothing to her, merely leaned against the wall to wait. Ivah's nervous fidgeting got worse. How often had she contemplated death? Now here it was, breathing down her neck, and she was terrified. She had seen sunlight, tasted wind, and it could all be over soon.

Two others showed up. Good lord were all these people good looking? Did they breed specifically for attractiveness? To be fair the vampires had been attractive in their own way, but they were so cold. These people were stern but there was just so much more life to them. Go figure.

"Never got her name," Adreas said with a small shrug. He looked over and Ivah sprung to attention. "Oh, uhm, Ivah. My name's Ivah," she said, her hands gripping the skirts of the dress. Andreas nodded and looked back to Einar. The brunette wolf nodded and turned towards Ivah. "We need to be sure you are who you say you are and who we think you are. Don't assume this means we're set on keeping you alive. If you're lying…" he drifted off, the threat hung heavily in the air. Einar turned to Anton. "Quiz the girl, figure out if she really is this inventor. I want a report before evening. Understood? The guards will stay. Understood?"

With that Adreas and Einar left, leaving Anton alone with the little doll claiming to be the inventor.
Such a delicate little thing, dressed up like a little girl? A doll? It was difficult to tell. The one thing he could say for sure was that she looked adorable and easy to break. He stared at the young woman, looking past her smudged makeup to take in the shape of her face and delicate bones. The black dress looked fancy but added a somber tone. White stockings on her legs and bright red hair made a wonderful contrast. Her skin looked pale and white as if it never saw the sun or she was anemic from lack of blood. Remembering that they had just taken her from a vampire stronghold, it was very likely that both were true.

The fact that she was staring down at her hands allowed him to look at her while the other two talked as if she wasn't even there. His eyes quickly shifted to them if she happened to look his way, pretending that he wasn't fascinated by her. When Einar spoke up, Anton was caught flat-footed by the unusual request and he just stared at his supervisor with his mouth half hanging open as if he had just been struck dumb. It wasn't until the question was repeated that he finally cleared his throat and answered. "I… uh, yes. Understood."

Of course, he didn't understand, not one bit. Why in the world would they leave him in charge of this? As an engineer, he had terrible social skills and talking to the opposite sex was even worse. The other two walked out without saying another word, leaving him alone with this strange girl… woman? He shook his head, trying to look past the outfit, taking in her curves which seemed to be pushed up to the point that they might spill out. It didn't look comfortable at all but it was attractive. Like most men, his eyes were drawn towards her chest. Swallowing hard, he forced them up to look at her eyes and attempted to give her a warm, but somewhat nervous smile.

It felt rude to stand there, towering over her and staring down into her cleavage in order to talk. So he pulled out one of the chairs to sit across from her, placing his forearms on the table and grasping his two hands together to hide any nervous fidgeting he might do. His glasses hung from around his neck and his face had small lines from worry and stress. However, his dark eyes looked bright, intelligent and friendly, while his hair seemed to be a clean, but unruly mess of dark wavy hair streaked with grey. His short cropped beard was better described as salt & pepper.

"So, you said your name is Ivah, right? What brings you here?" His words came out in a casual tone as if he happened to run across her at a bar and was just striking up a conversation. Then his question and the stupidity of it reached his own ears and he chuckled nervously. "Ah… Forget I asked that. Please?"

"Let's try that again. Hello Ivah, my name is Anton. It's a pleasure to meet you." He unhooked his hands as if he were about to offer his hand to shake and then thought better of it. In his head, he couldn't recall ever seeing anyone shake hands before an interrogation. "Let's see if we can straighten things out a bit. You were invited here today because someone got the impression that you were inventing new technology for the vampires." The way he spoke about it, treating as if they hadn't sent in a strike team into the heart of enemy territory to kidnap the woman and bring her here like a prisoner. "Apparently I've been put in charge of determining if that's actually true or not. What can you tell me about it that would convince me that you were really the brains behind the engineering?"
Ivah kept her mouth shut tight. She wondered, not for the first time, if it had already gotten her into some deep shit. Honestly she was still trying to decided if was better here or not. No, that was stupid. She was away from them. Those monsters and their biting, their pinching fingers, their remarks that were part flattery, part insult. Still, apparently her life still hung on a precarious ledge. Maybe if they thought she was just some snack, some hapless human, it would have been better. But then she wouldn't be out of that dungeon.

The two left, leaving this new man alone in the room with her. Her eyes darted between him and a distant wall, over and over again. He stood there silently, a towering frame staring down at her. She felt a heat rise in her chest and face from being stared at. Was he going to eat her? It kind of felt like it. Lycan ate flesh right? Just like vampires drank blood. That was the rumor anyways. Rumor enough it kept kids from playing outside too late in the day.

Finally he moved, sitting down in front of her. Her gaze settled on him. Wary, nervous, but also curious. Her eyes darted around his face, noting the salt and pepper in his hair and beard, the fine lines around his mouth and eyes. Despite the stern harshness in the others she noted something a little different in this man. There was a warmth there she hadn't seen in almost a decade.

His first question to her brought a new expression to her face. Bemusement, disbelief. He seemed to realize the absurdity of the question just as quickly. Her lips twitched in poorly concealed amusement. She was in no position to judge but clearly he was about as comfortable as she was about all of this.

"Hi Anton," she said, politely enough. She said nothing else as he carried on about her 'invitation' there. With his question her lips pursed and her brows knitted. How to prove who she was. Did she actually want to? At this point is was useless to lie. She already said who she was. Couldn't back out on that one now. Ivah sat there in silence, her lower lip tucked in, caught between her teeth. She worried at her lower lip as she thought, the wheels spinning in her head.

Her eyes were unfocused, as if she was reading some notes in her mind. "I…know the full chemical break down of the rounds. The precise measurements of powder. If there is too much powder the rounds shatter in the barrel…too little and they can't penetrate the skin. Normal munitions aren't as, ah, precise. Somewhat precise, but these have to be exact." She paused, her eyes sliding back into focus. It dawned on her that, for him, hearing about these things used to kill his brethren might be unpleasant.

"Is…that enough or do you want more? If I had one of the guns here I could break it down. I, ah, made them a little harder to break down than, say, a colt. Just, ya know, to piss them off a little," she said with a sheepish, but slightly proud grin, suddenly staring down at the table.
His lips twitched in a smile as she parroted his greeting. The rest of his remarks didn't seem to be as well received and he watched her face darken with concern. It looked like she was wrestling with something but he had no idea what. No doubt, she was worried about admitting to making increasingly deadly weapons for their enemy. Quite a few lycans had been killed thanks to her technology. It would be perfectly natural for her to assume there were those among the pack that would want her killed because of it.

There was a pull to say comforting words and put her at ease. Tell her that there were no hard feelings and she could be honest with them but it would be a lie. He couldn't promise her safety or what would happen to her next. Having spoken up already and advocating for the preservation of her life, he had clearly cast his lot in with hers even if she didn't realize it.

She was quiet for a while, a distant look in her eyes as if reliving a memory or simply being lost in her own thoughts. There was no need for pressure and so he simply sat back and waited. As an engineer, he knew if she were the inventor, she would know her designs like the back of her hand. Just as a musician knows his own songs, they are a part of who you are, like children, you would recognize your own work anywhere.

Her voice began speaking softly as if from far away. Her eyes moved as if reading a book and she spoke dispassionately. Then she seemed to snap back into herself and there was an edge of worry in her eyes as if she was expecting him to judge her for the things she had built.

In exchange for what she had just told him, he gave her a smile, trying to put her at ease. Reaching into his jacket, he pulled out a small notebook and pen. Flipping to a blank page, he slid the two across the table to her.

"Write down the formula. I think that should be convincing enough. It would be unlikely for any lab tech or helper to have such a thing memorized. In case you're worried, you're not giving away any sort of trade secrets. We've already examined traces left on the ammunition. It was enough for us to reverse engineer the formula you were using so I happen to know it as well."

With the topic moving into engineering rather than interrogation, he relaxed, sitting back in his chair, crossing his arms, not defensively but simply at ease. "I have a confession to make, I've been studying you closely for quite some time." His eyebrows rose in sudden concern at how creepy his statement likely sounded. "Uh… I mean, I've been studying your designs whenever we can get our hands on them. Very impressive the way you were able to make improvements, taking solutions to long standing problems in new directions. I must say I'm a fan." Looking around nervously, he realized how that might sound. "I mean… they were vicious horrible tools given to the vampires to kill lycans brutally. I'm not a fan of that at all. Just… the designs." His voice projected as if to make sure anyone listening would hear his clarification.

A laugh burst out at her own confession. "Well that explains a thing or two. With everything else designed so flawlessly, I had wondered why decisions had been made so that they were harder to maintain and clean. I'll admit, I thought to myself at one point in time that the flaws almost seemed intentional. After all, they didn't impact the function of the weapon."
When slid the small notebook and pen she leaned forward to take it. Ivah nodded some as Anton spoke. He was correct. Despite the fact she rarely had assistance, shy of some folk who were a little better metal workers than she was, none of them really knew her designs. In those fleeting time she just told them how to work, checked on what they made. Interesting that they, the lycans, had studied and reverse engineered the liquid silver in her rounds.

Ivah started writing out the full formula for the rounds. Hardly trade secrets really. She had never written them down either. Not in a way that others could really understand. When the vampires demanded submissions of her work for their records she switched some things around. Just enough to make it look correct. Just enough that if they tried to make her rounds themselves they would look right but wouldn't work right. Her eyes lifted as he spoke of studying her close. A brow raised curiously, her mind suddenly a whirl of questions. Anton was quick to correct himself. A prideful flush crept into her cheeks with his praise. Which quickly turned into some amount of chagrin. Horrible tools used to kill lycans. He was right of course.

His sudden laugh at her confession perked her up. It was a nice laugh, warm and inviting. She couldn't help but grin at him, that prideful flush creeping back up. "Well I'm glad you noticed that and not the vampires," she said with a quiet chuckle. "I would have been in…" her voice trailed off, eyes glazing again as she sank into memories. They could be cruel when angry. She shivered as she recalled it. So many teeth. Cackling laughter. Crying. Pain. Her eyes slid back into focus again. "…trouble." She finished the thought. Ivah shook her head to clear the cobwebs of memory out. She leaned back over the notepad, scribbling furiously to finish.

Once done she slid it back to Anton. Her handwriting was atrocious. Like a chicken that had a seizure while writing. It was an odd combination of block letters and cursive. The formulas themselves were in block lettering while the added notes about it, as well as grain measurements, blurred between he slopping cursive and almost child-like block letters.

"Anton I…uhm…" she started, hesitating and biting her lower lip. "I understand that your, uh, pack? Group? Well some preferred me, ya know, wiped away." She accentuated with a slicing motion across her neck. "But some didn't and…well your leader man wasn't very, ah, forthcoming. But you all want…weapons right? To hurt the vampires?" Her voice was muffled oddly as she still worried at her lower lip, red lipstick smearing on her teeth. "If it…if it help I would happily do it." Rage. Her eyes burned like ignited copper salts. Her teeth sunk harder into her lip, she could taste iron.
His face grew a little concerned with how long it was taking to write down the formula. It shouldn't take more than 30 seconds. However, she was writing down much more than just the formula and he looked over the page in surprise. Rather than just writing down the chemical compound, she had actually outlined the entire process of how it was made. Since the only purpose was to create something deadly for lycans, they had no need for trying to manufacture it. All they wanted to know was the nature of the chemical compound, in case there was some weakness in it. There was still hope that they could make some sort of antidote. Like a type of coagulant that would cause the silver compound to form into a solid so that it could be ejected from the body more easily. While they had made progress in creating such a thing, injecting it into a lycan was actually more deadly than the silver itself. So it is still a work in progress.

Raising an eyebrow at her comment, he was quick to sympathize with her. "Yes. No doubt they could make your life rather unpleasant. I'm surprised they didn't turn you. So valuable and yet easy to break. Weren't they afraid you'd get sick and die?" Looking chagrined at his own lack of tact, he amended his statement. "Nevermind. I'm sorry I asked. I am often too curious for my own good."

"If I was under pressure to create more of your weapons for immediate use, I would simply have copied the design exactly as you had it. I would include all the flaws because I didn't understand why they were there so it would be hubris of me to remove them. It could have resulted in the weapon blowing up or becoming non-functional. I'm sure any vampire who might have noticed would have probably approached it the same way."

"As an engineer, I always start with the assumption that every aspect serves a purpose and is intentional until it is proven otherwise. It's a waste of time to recreate the wheel. Now, on the other hand, being a researcher and creating experimental weapons, then I would feel free to play around and try to make improvements. They would need to be well tested before being brought into the field."

Putting down the notebook and pen, his face grew more somber as she spoke of her future as well as her passion for payback. "The first priority was to stop the invention of new weapons that could kill our people. For that, death was the easiest solution. I was the one who hypothesized that there was a single individual who was responsible for all of this innovation. That's what ultimately led to your capture."

"I've argued from the start that you're talented and valuable and that having you working for us would be better than killing you. However I don't really have any say in the matter. Just like this interview, they're going to ask me my opinions and I'm going to give them and then they're going to go off and make their own decisions. I wish I could promise you one thing or another but it's out of my hands. I can say, I will continue to advocate for your health and safety. I think there's a lot you can help us with and I'd love to get the chance to pick your brain."

'Look at her eyes, they're up on her face. Don't just ogle her body.' He kept reminding himself every time his eyes started to drift downward. "We… ahem. Should really get you some more appropriate clothing to wear. Something less… distracting." There was a nervous half smile on his face as he said that.

A knock on the door interrupted any further chances he had at embarrassing himself and he turned around to look at it as one of the guards poked his head through. "Einar said that you've had enough time and they want a verbal report immediately before they talk to the rest of the decision makers about her fate."

"Oh… Yes." Getting up, he grabbed the notebook before forgetting it, tucking it back into his pocket along with the pen. "I, uh… It's been a pleasure meeting you, Ivah. I feel confident I'll be seeing you again soon." The look on his face did not reflect that confidence. Turning, he headed for the door.
She understood the position, was even flattered that, without knowing her, he had advocated for her. Even more so when he said he would continue to advocate for her, especially for the chance to pick her brain. She flushed becomingly, appreciatively. While Ivah had received plenty of praise and adulations in school that wasn't much of a thing in the past decade. In fact, each accomplishment was often met with scorn and derision. "I appreciate it…I really do," she said quietly. She wasn't upset with him, far from it. Despite the constant contemplation of it she didn't really want to die. No one did.

His mention of her clothing lightened her a little more and she laughed. Her arms folded in front of her chest. "This will have to work for the time being," she said, her shoulders still shaking with laughing. "But, yeah, I wouldn't say no to getting out of this ridiculous thing. Shower would be nice too eventually."

A knock at the door. Time was up. Ivah's heart gave a thud. She looked to Anthon, the mirth seeping from her face as he stood. The first pair of kind, warm eyes. Eyes that, she thought, saw her as a person. Not a human, not the inventor, just a person. His confident remarks didn't reflect on that kind face. She gave him a wan smile. "Yeah nice to meet you to. Uhm…good luck?" She said half-hearted but raised both thumbs up.

Einar and Andreas stood together, speaking quietly in growling tones. "…be that as it may we are in a precarious position." Anton would head Andreas say as he approached. Einar huffed a sigh but lifted his head up, looking directly at Anton as he approached. "Ah, good. Tell me this has all been a mistake and the girl is just some crazy human that think she invented anti-lycan weapons." If it were possible for Einar to plead, this would be the closest he ever came. Clearly he was exhausted from conversation after conversation about their new guest.

Andreas stood there silently. He would let Anton and Einar speak about it while he listened. Though he couldn't help a cutting glare at Einar's false pleading. His arms folded across his barrel chest as he quietly waited.
At Einar's request to say it was all a mistake, Anton's glowing report stuck in his throat like a frog. His eyes seemed to bulge, looking at his boss and knowing he was about to tell him the exact opposite of what he wanted to hear.

"Well…" He started hesitantly, trying to choose his words more carefully. "I… am afraid not." His eyes turned pleadingly towards Andreas, hoping that perhaps a little flattery might help the poor woman's situation.

Addressing his report more towards the leader of the pack although certainly not ignoring his supervisor, Anton began. "Our guest is clearly familiar with the vampire weapons and some of the more intricate details of their design." Pulling the notebook out of his pocket he waved it vaguely in the air as if it were clear evidence. "The liquid silver munitions that have been quite deadly use a unique compound that has never been heard of and doesn't even have a name. When she mentioned that she knew the chemical formula for it, I asked her to write it down. Not only did she provide that, she also provided a comprehensive outline on the manufacturing process for it. Not that we need that information as I don't see us creating more of it but it… seems pretty conclusive that you were right in identifying her correctly. She is who she says, as far as I can tell."

Einar drew in a deep breath as if he were about to start ranting, but Anton was able to quickly interject a bit more. "…but, she also made it clear that not only would she be willing to work with us to make more efficient weapons against the vampires, that she's eager for the opportunity. I got the feeling from talking with her that her treatment during her stay was not very nice. I think she looks pale not just from being indoors. I get the feeling they were also feeding off of her which would have just made her work more difficult. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. I believe she's hoping for the opportunity to pay them back."

Whatever Einar had been about to say, that last bit of information gave him something different to chew on. While he was more of an open book in regards to what he was thinking, Andreas always seemed to be an enigma, totally unreadable. It was him that finally broke the silence. "Do you actually think she could be of use in your work? Could she do as she promises? With our numbers down, better weapons would certainly help to even things out."

Anton brightened immediately. "Yes, yes… absolutely! In fact, I would be surprised if she couldn't help us to create better defenses against those very same weapons. Who else knows their weaknesses more than she does? It could save lives of our own men as well as creating weapons to help even the playing field."
Einar listened, his arms also folded and the toes of his fine, leather shoes tapped lightly on the concrete. His brows were knitted together as Anton added the bit about the girl wanting to make them weapons. Lips curled a little, he never had the poker face that Andreas had. His eyes drifted to the leader. As always, utterly unreadable. Even after all this time Einar could never get a bead on him. Never knew what he was thinking.

Brows rose with Andreas's question. He honestly didn't even know Andreas's position on the inventor. He hadn't thrown in any thoughts while the other wolves argued their point. It was a marker of his leadership. He listened far more than he spoke. Anton was quick to reply, his tone bright. Einar's eyes flash tohis subordinate, suspicion narrowing his eyes. He knew Anton had a fascination with the inventor, even before seeing her.

"Well I'd hope part is penance for the destruction her hands have wrought," Einar said with a small snort. "Even still…" he paused, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "Getting the upper hand, protecting our warriors…This is a great advantage. We do have a problem though." His arms refolded, shoulders squared. "We can't make the same mistakes as the vampires. Clearly they thought their secrets were well hidden. Did you say there was a strange lack of guard on the girl?" Einar asked Andreas. The barrel chested leader nodded. "Right, we can't do this. She will need guards, at all time. Never mind protecting her from being stolen back but…maybe even from others in the pack. She is, after all, just a human."

Andreas's face was stony. His rule was absolute but…well rumors of the lycans existed for a reason. Many of the pack wanted vengeance. "We will present this information to the council," he said. "For now," his eyes snapped to Anton. "Two guards will be assigned to the woman, present at all times. You, Anton, will be responsible for her work and additional guard. I will send Camille along today. The girl shouldn't walk around…like that." A crack in the visage, a soft growl, the tiniest movement of furrowing in his brows.

It seemed the meeting was adjourned, but before Andreas and Einar left Andreas paused. "Do not give the girl false hope…we may kill her this evening." With that they were gone.
He looked hopeful as the meeting finished. When Andreas spoke his final order, Anton was quick to reply. "Of course I…" Denial was on his lips, wanting to claim that he would never do such a thing. However, he knew himself too well. He had developed a soft spot for her and wanted to make her feel comfortable and safe. Without a doubt he would put a more positive spin on this discussion, giving her hope that he did not have such a right to provide. Swallowing his words, he nodded. "I understand."

Staring down at the floor as he walked back, he almost bumped into others because he was lost in thought. What should he tell her? He certainly didn't want to lie but the truth seemed rather harsh as well. Perhaps, he should focus on other things, keep her mind off of it. Hopefully the council would make a decision soon. It was already late afternoon and according to Andreas it should be resolved one way or the other by this evening.

Stepping between the two guards, he knocked on the door more out of habit than anything else. Leaving the door open wide, he stepped in and made a gesture towards her to follow. "Well, that's all I can do. I told them everything, including your eagerness to help us out. They are bringing it to the council for a decision. I expect we will hear back within a few hours. They plan to send someone to get you into clothes that are less… um, more… appropriate." Swallowing nervously once again as he felt heat rising to his cheeks such that he forced himself to stare at a wall rather than looking directly at her.

"Anyway… in the meantime, I thought you might be interested in seeing the lab. I know that focusing on my work helps me to get my mind off of other problems." For a moment, he couldn't help but wonder whether it was meant to keep her distracted from thinking about her fate or whether it was to keep him distracted from thinking about her state of dress. Of course all of this would be much easier once she was wearing normal clothes. Thinking of her as a peer and focusing on her mind and ideas would be much better than his continuing thoughts about how adorably attractive she was, dressed up like a doll. Honestly, that sort of thing had never appealed to him but there was something about her that just kept pulling his thoughts in that direction.

"Shall we?"
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