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Fx Female Shapeshifting and Gender-bending


Dec 26, 2022
Hi all! Back after a hiatus and wanting to write something.

I really, really love the idea of characters shapeshifting, either just to adjust their looks, become the perfect version of themself, or to become someone and something new. I've written lots of stories with this kind of theme, and I want to try it from another perspective.

My character, let's call him Scott, has a medical problem. Maybe an injury from an accident, or a wound from battle, causes serious damage to his lower back. He can still walk, with difficult and maybe a cane or something, but there are other problems. The one that's the most significant to this story is that he is now impotent.

Through all of it, Scott is supported by his partner Amanda. She has been accepting and is trying her best to help and to adjust to the reality of their new life, but her love language has always been physical touch. They've tried adapting; using toys and focusing on things that aren't actual intercourse, but that's only partly fulfilling their needs. Although she's never said anything, Scott knows that it's getting harder and harder for their relationship.

Scott, desperate to try anything, eventually sees an ad online. It's a long-shot, not to mention very sketchy and quite possibly a scam, but he's run out of legitimate options, and doesn't want to lose Amanda. He calls the number in the ad and makes an appointment.

The details of the procedure aren't really important, except that there are some highly-illegal chemicals involved. It's all experimental and very much not approved by the FDA. In the end, it's explained to him that the procedure won't exactly fix the damaged nerves, but instead, will allow him to regrow them. There's... more to it than that though. The procedure can't be targeted: they can't just make it so he can regrow the damaged tissue. Instead, he will be able to regrow everything. Not only that, for a short time, he will be able to pass on that ability (to anyone he has sex with, because reasons). Scott realizes the possibilities: not only can he repair the damage to his body, and to his relationship, but he can build himself the body he's always wanted, and that he's sure Amanda would drool over. And, if she wanted, she also could have the same ability.

This is more or less where the story actually starts, with Scott explaining to Amanda what happened (I literally envisioned the first post to start with her texting him asking how the appointment went). Of course she is skeptical, until he shows her, reshaping himself, getting rid of the modest gut he's grown recently. He explains that he can give her the ability too, and between her excitement to be able to make her own adjustments, and the fact that they haven't had real sex in months or more, they jump into bed.

Amanda does receive the ability to change her body, and they both slowly start to make little tweaks to themselves. At one point Scott asks Amanda what her fantasy would be; what she would most want him to become, if only just to try it. She tells him that she wants to see what it would be like to be with another girl.

This, now, finally, is really the main thrust of the story. Scott, wanting to please, changes into a woman for the night so that Amanda can try it. The thing is, they both realize that they prefer him that way. Scott now has to grapple with having to live a double life: as himself during the day, at work or with friends and family, and as a woman when at home with Amanda. Eventually, Amanda starts to wonder about herself as well, not that she wants to be a man, but... what would it be like to have a dick?

OK, if I haven't lost you yet, please let me know if you'd be interested in writing this with me. I would want to play Scott, with you playing Amanda. I'm open to other ideas for changes as well, and I'd love to discuss them. If this grabbed your attention and got your heart racing, please PM me and we'll discuss.

Thanks :)
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