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Fx Male Mystic's Desires [1x1 || Original Plots || Dominant Characters Desired]

A Mundane Mystic

all my characters come with knives
Sep 5, 2022
Oh hello! I'm not so new to this site but coming back after a long hiatus. I tend to consider myself a fairly casual and decently active RPer, mostly looking to pick up something fun with a couple of partners!~

First off, some things about what to expect from me:
  1. Frequency - I try to post at least once a day, but I work full-time and consider RPing a hobby above all else. I will try to communicate if I won't be available for more than a few days at a time. The frequency of my responses will also depend on the second item...
  2. Length - I am so up in the air on this. I tend to try and give as good as I get. Meaning if we prefer short responses of a few sentences it won't take me long at all, but if we're exchanging novella length posts it'll take some drafting on my end. I'm not really picky, but I am a little wordy. I prefer to steer clear of one-liners, some description makes things fun!
  3. Plot/Smut - Put simply, I love both! I rarely lean 100% one way or the other. I like to play with character dynamics and interesting circumstances. But I also love to just indulge in some good smutty fun. When it comes to dom/sub dynamics, I do not have a dominant bone in my body. I'm invariably submissive, and generally speaking so are my characters. My F-List can be found here!
  4. Characters - Generally speaking, I prefer to play one female character for any given plot. But if the situation calls for it, I may be open to playing more. How many male characters you prefer to play is entirely up to you!
  5. Face Claims - I like to have visuals! I'm open for real life face claims or art, I just prefer that we match medium so one of us isn't using art while the other is using a real human. I will provide a range of options, but please do not provide me with a list of your preferred face claims to choose from for my own character. Autonomy is important to me for both of us in that sort of thing!
  6. Age - All main characters will be 18+, no exceptions. In any given pairing, I prefer to play the younger of two characters.
  7. Location - I prefer to plan and write via PMs.

So I'm setting this up and will likely add more soon, but right now I'm really interested in taking some looser ideas that are meant for some smutty action or otherwise collaborating on a broader plot. I may add more to this later, but for now I'm pretty open to just about anything! I love collaboration, let's build something fun together!

The Human Plaything - A classic alien abduction story! Could be one alien intending to make MC into a willing pet, or could see multiple wanting to experiment with a young woman's body.

The Habitat - Another sort of abduction plot, only this time my character winds up placed in some kind of habitat. Think of it as a kind of zoo or reserve, could be any number of settings but it's clear that the inhabitants are on display. You could play another captive human, or again any number of monsters/creatures sharing the space with her.

Stockholm Syndrome - I'm interested in playing something to do with an abduction/Stockholm Syndrome situation. Specifically, I love the idea of a stalker or someone similar trying to keep MC captive not just through force but through coercion and care. I like a psychological element here too, where he tries to convince her that there really isn't anything out in the real world to look forward to and that he's the only one to care for her.

Final Girl Fun - Simply put, playing with the Final Girl trope in horror and having MC hunted by a monster or slasher that doesn't want to kill her as much as he wants to keep her as his own instead. I'd love to twist this where the "friends" this final girl is with are actually assholes who treat her horribly.

Cult Captivations - I love just about anything to do with a cult. It doesn't matter to me what the cult worships, only that they're widely regarded as bad. I think in this case I'm looking for the cult leader to take an interest in MC as someone he could indoctrinate. The cult could be the real deal with cult magic, or he could be a conman with an obsession, either way he sees her as having a prominent place in his cult and seeking to indoctrinate her. I'm also always up for something involving some eldritch abominations!

Bunker Buddies - For this, I'm interested in seeing what happens when we stick some strangers in a bunker together for the foreseeable future. I like this being set at the onset of the apocalypse so that there's all of that good shock about the end of the world.

Witch in the Woods - Less of a plot and more of a character I like to play. She's the classic definition of a "good witch", heavier on the folkloric vibes. She lives alone in seclusion, serving a local town. And I'm up for seeing her paired with anything from a familiar to a witch hunter and everything in between. Essentially her purpose is using magic for the greater good, which makes her a great candidate for some corruption.

I'm also interested in working out something where MC gets isekai'd into some new setting, or some general high fantasy smutty quest shenanigans. I'd also be interested in discussing some incest scenarios!

There's other things I'm open to, but as of right now this is about all I can wrap my brain around. I'll update this as I think of things, but feel free to PM me with any interest!~
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