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Wolf and Water


Mar 9, 2025
Perhaps I don't remember every detail

A cloudless night, yet it was not pitch black as a full moon rose low in the sky. This was a night were most villagers would stay in and hide, as thing crept in the night as they would every full moon. It is hardly superstitious when you know full well the dangers that lurk during nights like these, and do I know them because I am one of these dangers. Every cycle of the moon I am either changing into a wolf, or changing from a wolf to a human. Those of us with this curse, usually separate ourselves from those around us, usually live alone. We live vastly longer lives than those around us, but alone, when we turn to wolves, we think, act, hunt and survive as them. Yet those of us who have partners, who have those who understand and stay around us, can remember who they are, can remember that they are not beasts. For many years I had no one, I only had my pack, which I had led for generations. To a wolf, my scent stayed the same, and as a werewolf, I was larger and stronger than them when I was a wolf.

Yet it was this night I would find my partner, it would be this night that most of my pack would get slaughtered as well. This full moon was at the end of my cycle as a wolf, and I was reverting back to human. My pack and I were on the hunt and we were on the banks of a river that pour into a lake. Yet in the distance I could see three figures emerge from the lake. What could easily be assumed was these were three women out at night for a dip., naked. Yet a predator knows other predators, and my pack around me was warry. These creatures went by many names over the years, Water Sylphs, Naiads, or Mermaids. Elemental Spirits, that have taken form. Most take the shape of fish, and live in the waters they are bound to. Yet during nights like this, with a Full Moon low in the sky and Magic currents running thick, they could change, they could mimic those they most interacted with. Some remained fish like, but some curious would take a fully human form. I don't know if their intent is truly malicious, by they all seek to lure men into the lakes and rivers they are bound to. There they are trapped, and drowned, their physical form left to serve the Naiad for as long as she wimmed.

Howls went out from my pack…. Warning these creatures that this was our hunting ground. Yet my eyes fell on the first of them, as she left the water, as her human feet, touching drying ground. The other two were following. I don't know whether it was my wolf instincts, or human desires that were driving me, but I howled out for my pack to attack. A single leap through the air, and I would land on the shore, separating the first from the water as my pack followed. Yet these were creatures of water, and we were also in their. The first the one stared at me as I stood before it, standing on two legs. My wolves comes down and surrounded the others, some crossing the water at a shallow point to surround the other two.

Yet these creatures were not without defense, as tendrils of water snaked out.. I felt one behind me, trying to coil around my leg as I drove forward, driving her further away from the water, yet some of my pack were not as lucky, as tendrils of water dragged some of them into the water, yet I did not focus on their struggles I kept moving forward my claws and teeth preventing the one from slipping by me. She was my prey now, she would be mine tonight. A quick glance around me, as one of the other two had slipped into the water, one had turned back into a fish, yet that had spent most of her power and the wolves had caught a hold of her and had dragged it from the water, and despite its struggles were keeping it on land.

As I approached the one in front of me she continued to back up, trying to get around me until her foot slipped and she end up on her back. A howl at the sky, signaled to the pack that we could eat. Being the alpha I had mine all to myself as I lunged down on top of her, my fore paws on her shoulders as my legs straddled her. As my shaft pointed down towards her. I would not completely understand the ramifications of my actions, of what I was about to do to her, yet I drove my shaft down into her, She cried out, part of in surprise from the pain, and part in despair because it knew exactly what was happening. Hungrily I drove down into her, my large shaft stretching her small body, yet I hardly cared as I continued to drive into her. Her magic, her allure had little effect on the wolf part of me, the only difference was that my human mind determined how she was going to be my prey, as I groaned and growled down at her, driving her hips down fiercely into the ground. She could only cry out under my assault. As my seed shot down into her, each powerful thrust driving more into her until my shaft was spent and I pulled out of her. Looking up at me, now terrified. Yet I simply got off her, as I moved away from the shore and into the forest, settling down. I glanced over at my pack. This was our last hunt, those that remained were still tearing into the corpse of the large fish. Yet I would not join them, they earned it. A new pack leader needed to raise, by morning I would not be one of them.

I would awake to coughing and sputtering. As I awoke their was sunlight. The noise was coming from the lake. My prey had only moved a couple feet to the river, on her front. She kept trying to push her head under the water and bringing it back after she looked like she could not breathe. As I stood up on my human legs and watched her, it looked like she was trying to return to the water but couldn't. As I racked my brain trying to think of an explanation I knew they tried to lure men into the water. The men either drowned or could never leave the water after that. I hardly knew the magic's at work but because I took her on land could the opposite had happened: That she could no longer return to the water. As I watched her try again she managed to take a long full of water at that moment I had moved over to her, was she trying to drown herself? She saw me as I approached and made several motions at me like she had the night before yet unlike then the water didn't move. As I would wrap my arm around her as I tossed her on my shoulder. She would struggle for a bit before I carried her away from the waters edge, still reaching for it as I carried her away. The word "No" escaped her lips as the river faded from view.

"So you can speak?" I question her.

No response came from her for a while as I carried her deeper into the forest. I had a cabin in the woods for when I was human. I had clothing and some food there and I was talking to her there. Yet finally a response would come from her lips "Yes."

"Your mine now?" I asked her.

A second "Yes" came from her lips, but along with a sensation of defeat.

I would pause in my walk. It would be a good deal more walking to that Cabin, and I moved slower in this shape, plus I had this girl on my shoulder. Taking a breath I would lift her off my shoulder and place her down on the ground.

"Well if your mine, then I get to enjoy you." I said as she started to back off, yet moving forward my hands would trace down her sides, as I pushed her back toward the side of a tree, the rough back digging into her skin. This was the first time I really took her all in, she stood only 5 foot. I had to lift her off the ground, as I still held her roughly against the tree as my shaft went between her legs. She cried out in pain already as the tree she was being pinned against.

An erection there already, as I started to penetrate her, pushing into her she was tight around this shaft, as I heard her cry out as hilted myself inside her, my thrusts would now come in hard and fast, as I had to keep her pinned against the tree, each time I pulled back she slide down the tree only to forced back up as I drove back into her. I would groan with pleasure as she would cry with pain, being forced to take me as well as her back being forced to ride the tree. My shaft would swell with pleasure as I drove into her, a few more powerful thrust and my seed would be shot inside her, each following thrust would empty out more before I pulled out, letting her collapse to the ground.

I saw her back, momentarily cut, covered in cut in cuts and scrapes, as the bark had torn up her back, yet the scars, and cuts would heal, leaving as only the blood as evidence of what I had done. Yet her body was still leaking my seed, yet she looked up at me, tears still in her eyes… "Are… you … are you going to…. Are you going to eat me?"

I paused… this was the most she had said. I definitely didn't plan on eating her, she was far more entertaining. Perhaps I may get tired of her.. "Not in this form… I may when I return to a wolf, I can't say for sure, I don't have as much control."

"I … want to return to… the water...I can't if there is not anything left of me. My sister… who was eaten… she will never see the water again."

"Do the Men you lure into the water get to return?" I ask simply back.

"No… they get to join the water.." she replied quickly.

"Then why should I let you return to the Water… if you do not let them return to the land."

I didn't know how it all worked, but that logic shut her open as I simply stepped away from her. Glancing at her she would crawl after me, struggling to stand, and falling. Watching this I would take a couple more steps away, and she would continue to follow. I would continue to step away, and she would continue to follow, curious I steps out of sight. She would still try to follow, chanting out… "No…" as she searched for me., her voice getting wet with tears as I turned back to her.

Seeing me again, she tried desperately to close the distance, trying to walk. "I have to … serve you… return… I don't want to… get eaten before I can return."

I simply nodded before stepping away again, this time a bit slower… letting her stumble after me… yet as she struggled she slowly succeeded, walking on her feet, slowly, each step gaining a bit more strength. Until she followed me with some speed, yet I would just keep in sight of her just a bit. Yet she followed me for a couple hours of walking, I would let her keep up, but always stay on that edge of disappearing behind a tree. As she walked through the forest, their was a fear, as she looked to the right or left but followed. The sun would be setting as I saw my cabin, it looked untouched which was good as I abandoned it every cycle for a cycle while I existed as a wolf.

Entering it leaving the door open for her to catch up as I looked through it. The only food I left was jerky, it would last the time I existed as a wolf, so it was what I kept. I looked to the door as I saw her at the entrance. I motioned for her to enter, as I tossed her a piece of jerky. I bit into it, as I watched her look at it. She imitates me, buy biting it. A look cross her face, but she doesn't spit it out.

"Fish eat other fish…. Its is simply food, if you don't need to eat then don't. I'm going to take you again tonight." I say with a grin as she gulps and backs away from me. "No more pain… no more pain" she backs away more backing against the bed, yet I follow her towards that bed.

My hands grab her waste, preventing her from escaping. "Your mine remember" I say as I grin. As one hand grabs her backside the other moves down between her legs. Stroking my fingers across her sex. She trembled, perhaps expecting pain as my fingers just traced over her sex. She looked up at me, perhaps puzzled as a single finger slipped into her, sliding along the walls of her sex. She squirms a bit in my grasp, yet pauses as she looks bewildered as a soft moan of pleasure escaped her lips. Gently pressing her down onto the bed as my fingers continue to slide in and out of her sex. Her sex, would get wet, causing her fingers to touch as if she had no clue what was happening, as another moan would leave her lips. Her breathing was deeper as I continued my work, my fingers sliding along the lips of her sex, as other fingers pushed in deeper, sliding along her moist tunnels, until she cried out, not from pain this time but pleasure. A look of confusion still on her face with would be followed up by a renewed sense of fear as my fingers left her, and my hands pushed her back on the bed, moving down overtop of her, she trembled again. Yet that pain she feared would not happen, as my shaft touched her sex, and slid into it, being welcome this time as was ready. Each time I slide my shaft would now elicit another moan, my own groans joining with her gasps and moans as I drive down a bit harder. My shaft hard and penetrating her depths, still stretching her small body, yet the only cry would be as her second orgasm would wash over her. I would still continue groaning as I drove down into her, my own seed shooting into her washing over her…

There was a almost a light now in her eyes, an awakening as if only realizing that sex could be pleasurable, exciting. Yet there was fear still buried behind that look of excitement. "Nice… Fun…." were her first words… "Yet want to return to water…. Can't have both." I would not answer, partly because I didn't understand yet her situation completely, but my arms wrapped around her, as I pulled the blankets of my bed around us both. "Close… Nice.. Warm.." as she pulled in closer, pressing her head against my chest. She would fall asleep first, perhaps more exhausted from the day that she even realized and I would sleep.

Yet in the Morning she would not be in my arms, she would be up, in the middle of the Cabin, pacing, almost look like she is in deep thought. She looked at me as I stirred, waiting a bit longer till she knew I was awake as I sat up. "I am of water… I was born from water. Until now I did not know anything other than being of water. I want to return to the water…. Yet… Water now seems like Water…. I have drawn many men into the water… had fun with them…. Yet I hardly remember their touch. They seem as faint as all my memories as Water do. Yet I remember your touch. I remember the pain… and the pleasure. I want more..."

Approaching she pulls down the covers still surrounding me, and I let her crawl up on me her legs straddling me. Her hands grab my limp shaft, while not skilled it still responds to her strokes. She moves closer, and I have to aid her slightly, as she lifts herself over my shaft, lowering herself down to touch it, before she brings her self down onto me hard enough to buried myself into her, she cries out in a bit of pain, as she was dry and the speed she came down onto me forced myself into her hard. Yet she moves slowly, still whimpering with pain, yet she begins to react to me being inside her. Yet she seems to simply enjoy the moment she was in control, of the pain and pleasure. Yet her body around my shaft felt good, as she rode my shaft, eagerly, picking up speed sliding up and down, moaning as she road. She would keep it up, even after she cried out with pleasure only stopping as my seed shot up into her. Panting she falls down onto my chest as my arms wrap around her.

"Warm…" she simply replies… "Held so many people…. But no memories of their separate touches."

She would cling to me for a bit as I held her, "Are you going to get bored with me?"

"I can't promise you I wont, but not any time soon. We should get you some clothing, but first we get out of bed." Slowly rising I would lift her with me as I rose. Placing her feet down on the ground. I would go to my dresser to finally dress myself. I had some basic clothes, that were bought, mostly use for when I went into the village.

I would fashion some skins as a basic covering for her which she could wear loosely, she seemed to understand clothing and didn't question that need or she simply did what I told her. "When we are around other people, don't mention that you saw me as a wolf, or even mention anything about water. People are superstitious enough. I can't promise you safety if anyone finds out". They won't be kind to either of us."

She nodded and we set out. I had always posed as a wandering Hunter, that migrated to follow the game, so I never stuck out that much when I was gone for a month and back another. I did supply the tailor with a number of pelts, so he was not opposed to me, and I had a few nice pelts to trade him, so getting a good garment.

"These are good pelts, I knew you were holding back on me." the tailor grinned. Glancing at her, as he started to take measurements, "What is her story?"

"Her family ran afoul from predators. I found her and saved her, she hasn't spoke much since."

"Ill omen", the tailor muttered, yet glancing back at me, "Yet you have been good for business, so who am I to care about omens." And with that the tailor went to work, she kept silent, while he worked, and even as the clothing was put onto her. Yet watching him work intently, standing at the end, looking at the dress she was wearing.

"Thankyou." I said as the tailor was finished, as she made no comment, or words as I nodded.

She puzzled for a moment as she walked alongside me, her fingers stroking along the material. "What is the purpose...of this? Is this to absorb the animals' powers?"

I chuckle, as I watch her a bit. "Clothing helps keeps you protected, from the Weather, and from other Men. Your mine right?"

She nods a little bit more eagerly this time.

"Then I want you to stay mine, I don't want to share you. I don't want other Men to touch you, hurt you. If another person other than myself wants to remove your clothes, then I want you to flee, want you to tell me." I paused as I looked at her, I wanted her to understand. She looked at me pensively, perhaps what I was asking was beyond her comprehension. We were now out of the town back into the woods. "Some men might try to claim you, like I did."

"But they can't… I've already been claimed by you. If I am able to return to water then they could claim me like you did, but to do so now would gain them nothing…"

"That may not be their intent. When I first took you, I simply did so to enjoy doing so. I didn't know I would be claiming you. Some will simply want to do that. Some may hurt you, or even kill you. Men can easily enjoy themselves and only hurt you, if they don't care to let you enjoy it." I step forward, as I touch her sides, stroking along the new dress. "Do you want to return to the Water… I want to keep you, as you can help me. But I don't wish to force you anymore. If you don't want this then I will do what I can to see you released."

Looking straight at me as my hand touched her, her body pressing into that touch. "I miss the freedom of the water…. I have memories, but I don't. It don't have the words…. Yet now I remember… both the pain times…. And the fun times…. I'm not certain… but I want to remember, I don't want to not remember… I don't want to return to the water…" those lasted words were followed by a pauses as she looked up tears in her eyes. I reach and touch the side of her head, as my lips move to hers, and press and kiss hers. I hold the kiss for a bit, slowly sucking her lips.

Her eyes lighten up a bit, as the kiss breaks, a smile on her face. "I want to remember that." As her lips close in to repeat the kiss.

I would pause as I held her, "Do you know what I am?"

She looked puzzled as if that was a strange question… "You are of man… and you are of wolf, right now you are more of man than of wolf…. Before you were more of wolf than man." She spoke those words, as matter of face, another person would be terrified of what I could become, what I could do… what I had done. My lips pressed against hers again. "I want to remember as well…. When I am off Wolf completely… I don't remember when I am of man. When I am off Man I don't remember being of Wolf." I spoke using her language to perfectly draw the comparisons… She looked up at me, her eyes locked with me, "If you remain, I will remember. If you stay by me, then I will remember."

She looked up, looking somewhat pleased that she could help somehow, "I am yours." was all she replied, as my hands started to lift her dress, my own pants will be opened, as my shaft is released. Her back pressed against a tree, as my shaft stroked across my sex, only briefly before I start to enter her, she trembled as I entered her, not of fear but eager excitement., slowly stretching her body as I enter her. Her legs wrap around my waist as I pull back only to drive back in, as she moans with my movement her legs pulling me in. My lips brush against hers, kissing even as I thrust with my hips. I could feel her lose herself and cry out again even as my lips were tight with hers. My thrust came down hard, as my breathing was heavy, even as my breathing had to escape between our lips, I would moan loundly loudly into her lips, my seed shooting up into her, each thrust sending more, until I was empty. Finally I backed off, as she would slowly let go, getting her balance.
She would smile as I fixed her clothing, as I would take her hand, and we would finish the trek back to my Cabin.

She wanted to remain, and I wanted her to remain, so that would be it. She of course would have a lot to learn, but she would learn quickly. She initial was reluctant to go near the water, but would later take to it like a fish, enjoying swimming as I would fish and provide food. She would not have an issue with the meals, eating fish and meat that I would provide. She would even learn to cook simple means, having no issue with fire. The weeks would pass, as she would constantly remain at my side, even as I hunted, or worked. Simply just watching me. Yet I knew I the next full moon was coming. As I would wake up, she would be stroking her hands along my arms, now conversed in fur. "Your going to change soon aren't you?" she questioned as her hands trace across my fur.

I simply held her. "Indeed, most likely by tomorrow." Normally on this night I would of seek to leave my house, yet I wanted her to see me like this, to still want to be around me. "Are you frightened of me turning back into a wolf?"

Almost innocent looked stared at me, "We both stay to help each other to remember." She would hold me close, as if to back up her words, that she had no intention of going anywhere. So we would spend the day as per usual, she would press against me, keeping close as we went to sleep.
I could feel myself changing as the night passed, even in my sleep. I would wake, and she would be there, I could feel her heartbeat. I felt the warmth and heat of her small body. My hand went to her throat, my claws now wrapping around it. My mind was clouded, as I studied her, I did not remember why she would be beside me, yet she smelled familiar. She looked at me, with a bit of fear as her hand stroked up my arm, stroking through my fur. As I looked down at her, my thoughts struggled. The beast, the wolf inside of me, simply saw her as food, yet her scent was still familiar, tempting, desirable. She was a mate… her scent told me that, as my shaft pointed down toward her. I would push down into her body as she cries out, she was still small for this form, that thought was there, and slowed me down.
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