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Princess and Her Protection (Denthris x Syrene) NSFW


Mar 9, 2025
Please be advised. This RP will contain NC scenarios.

An Unease peace between the Kingdoms of Alter and Rennaris. A generation of on going war had left both Kingdoms exhausted. With neither Kingdom having any distinct advantage, a peace was achieved. To attempt to strength it. the Symon Crowned Prince of Alter as he finally was able to take the throne of his belated father. In attempt to strength the peace, he agrees to marry Sari, one of the Daughters of the King of Rennaris.

Yet that Marriage is hardly a happy one. While much rumors surround their interactions, two children result from it. First a daughter, and then a year later a son. With a Male heir, the Kingdom is able to relax, and with her "duty" done to her husband, the Queen chooses to live apart from the King, in an estate closer to the border. The son stays with the King, while the daughter is allowed to live with her mother. He assigns one Sir Ectir, one of his cousins, as a bodyguard to the Princess. While loyal to the King, he is diligent in his duty, even if the Queen distaste for him is apparent.

Time passes, the uneasy peace last nearly 16 years without any major incident. Ectir retires after 10 years, and his son Elric whom he had groomed for the last 10 years takes over as bodyguard. Yet in the last couple years the Alter has started to struggle. First their was a couple years of bad crops, only to be followed by almost two years of steady drought. Then in the last year a plague hits the Capital. Both the King and his son would be hit with it. The King would survive while he son did not. Yet on the border Elric, witness a brewing peasant revolt as the Queen imports food from Rennaris, but shares little of it with anyone else other than he family and close staff. Yet despite the venom from the Queen to his father, and now himself, he distinguishes himself in protecting the Princess. First escorting her back safely from the Markets as the a group of angry peasants try and take their anger out on her. Secondly as the mistrust spreads from the common folk into the barracks, as three soldiers attempt to kill the Queen and her daughter.

With the Prince dead, and the King 's health in bad shape after the plague. All eyes turn to the daughter. Some see her as a foreigner, simply would want to see her dead like all those of her nation, while others are simply not keen on having a woman sit on their throne. Yet others scheme to have her setup as a trophy while they rule the Kingdom. Even Rennaris, her mothers homeland has their eyes on her, seeing her a best useful tool, or a useful corpse.

The King surviving the plague, but barley, he is not healthy and most don't think he will live long. Send the order to summon his daughter back to the Capital. A retune is sent to escort her back, only as the peasants hatred of the Queen starts to boil to a peak. The princess is hurried out to the Carriage awaiting her. Even as Elric pulls the Princess into the carriage somewhat forcefully, as he orders the Carriage to go. As someone had open the main gates, letting the agitated peasants inside the Castle. As the carriage and retinue escape, the last sight will see a mob of peasants storm inside the castle.
'It is not up to us to choose our lot in life. It is, unfortunately, a woman's lot to serve the role in which she was born into. You, my dear, have had the unfortunate duty of being first born and a woman. We live in the shadow of my father's deal with these more 'primitive' people. The comforts we can take in being as close to home as possible is all that we can muster. Yet, your 'father' ails on the throne and they have no choice but to humor you as their next leader. You were not prepared for this. You were never even considered for this. Yet even the farce that is my title comes with a certain level of expectation; you must obey the summon from your King. You must return to Capital.'

Those words of wisdom, and also orders, from her mother served to bolster Cecilia. Times had grown far more dire in the last couple of years. The stability that had reigned in the kindgom had begun to falter bit by bit, and the ruses that Queen had employed to keep the peace, at least in her neck of the woods had begun to falter. Food was growing more and more scarce and the attempts to protect her own fiefdom had started to fail. The peasants were unhappy and growing desperate. What had begun as minor protests had most recently turned into a straight riot!

That hadn't even the worst of it. The worst was the traitors turned assassins who tried to kill her and her mother just a few days ago. Cecilia's life had been one of rather tame peace. A peace that was now completely disheveled and all eyes placed on her. No one cared who she was before. Now everyone seemed desperate to find a way to get to her. Cecilia isn't thrilled as Elric orders her to evacuate. They need to leave NOW. There isn't time for any proper goodbyes. Her mother chooses to stay behind to draw the attention away from their carriage. The pale young woman is roughly handled by Elric, desperate to protect her, as she is led out of the castle. The princess wore the colors of her mother's house, blue. A simple, but elegant sapphire blue dress with a modest neckline and simple petticoat to give her frame modesty but not to encumber her too much.

There was no time to prepare her hair in any form of beautiful style. Her mother had it pulled back into a tail. handing her a bag of equipment, jewels, and coins to try and send her off.

"I'm not a toy to just throw around!" She had yelled out to Elric as she nearly tumbled into the carriage. Though there wasn't much time for her to be angry at him. She was simply horrified, eyes wide, watching as her home was rushed by a mob of angry peasants. "Do you think the guard will hold?" she nervously said.
"The Mob will treat you far worse if they get their hands on you." he muttered as he signaled to the few soldiers he had at his command at the moment. Far fewer thanks to this riot. It was clear that their was a traitor in the Castles ranks, and he only hoped it that it was not within his ranks. Last thing he needed was to bring a traitor back into the Capital with him." Giving a signal the Carriage would start up at a faster speed, a small sprint as to keep up as he would enter the carriage even as he moved out of the castle. Their was a definite hustle to clear the Castle through the North gate, as the peasants swarmed the Castle from the South gate.

As he settled down across from the Princess. He breathed a sign of relief... they were safe for now.... briefly looking back. He would hardly miss this keep. To be truth he hated it her. A long way from his family lands, from the Capital. He never fought in the wars, he had been to young, but his Father had, and growing up his father stories he had little love for any of the people of Rennaris. And having the put up with the Queen, and her contempt for him had been clear. He did not get a reprieve from that contempt until only just recently. Not until his own blood was spilt protecting the Princess. He knew the people he fought, people who probably served in the war under his father, men with more experience than him. Perhaps they underestimated him, but he fulfilled his duty, and they were dead he and the Princess was alive and he got at least some respect from the Queen.... He still hated her. His father had warned him of this possibility, he had seen the starts of this riot, and it had only gotten worse over the years he had been here.

This riot was not surprising. Yet its timing was. The Plague, the attempt on the Princess life, the death of the Prince. Now the traitor opening the gates as well. As much as he would like the blame it on Rennaris. Looking at the Princess. sitting across from her, silent for now, not immediately answering her question. He couldn't decide if he saw the Crowned Princes. or just the Daughter of the Queen, who never adapted, always remained separate.... regardless of what the King rumor to did to her."

"The gates should hold for a while. Yet they should of never been able to get in as far as they did." he would go silent again.

Only as the city faded only to a silhouette in the distance, did the carriage slow its pace. Letting the solider on foot, properly catch up and form around the carriage. Only did then did he start about thinking about his situation. In a normal situation, he would not be in this position. This close to her, and not without at least on of her ladies in waiting surrounding her.

Closing his eyes... and taking another breath. She was definitely an attractive woman, but he tried to push those thoughts away. "To the Capital.... To make you the Queen." repeating his duty.
There was a dark sensation in the words he said. The attempts to soothe her by telling her that it would have been more if she remained didn't particularly endear her to the current situation any better. Cecilia took a deep breath trying to steady herself. Her eyes couldn't be peeled away from the sight of the castle. The sight of where her mother remained. The site of which she had grown up blissfully ignored by her father and the world at large. All of that was collapsing around her and a new, clouded future had been thrust upon her. The exhale didn't steady her any further.

It was the awkward bounce of the carriage picking up speed that jolted her out of the introverted haze of what was happening. Despite the situation with the rest of her family, Cecilia at least had built a slightly better respect for her distant relative and bodyguard, Elric. He had saved her life twice so far, and he was known for his composure. The fact that he seemed worried now was a testament to the danger of the situation.

It was the implication in his response to her that sent a pang of fear through her. Her expression stiffened as did her glare at him. "That can only mean..." She paused, letting the realization wash over her. "There must be a traitor somewhere, isn't there? That shouldn't have happened. That keep is one of the most secure battlements in the Kingdom!" She said with frustration in her voice. In the past, she would have lashed out at him, but for now, she held her tongue.

She covered her lips with her fingers, staring out into the darkness. These Alterians were so willing to turn on their own? Her mother and she may be Rennarian born, but they had quietly helped the borders stable. How could it have come to this?

Cecilia flinched at his last words. He turned to her. "Do you really think that's what he intends? It doesn't make sense...there must be another option. Me? Queen?" There was so much doubt in her. Despite the snark that she could dispense at times. It was rather clear that this was not what she wanted. Yet she reflects on the words of her mother. She took another deep breath, settling her hands upon her skirt to try and relax. "I guess...I should have known this was always a distant possibility."

She said softly in the narrow space between the two. Their relationship had been a combination of oil and water, and this was surprisingly a moment of peace between them given everything.
"Are you an Alterian? Or Rennarian? Your mother mad it clear who she was, whom she prefered to be around..... " he pauses, he himself was curious what she viewed herself.

As he unstrapped his helment covering his head, placing it beside him. Roughly shaved, as trimmed black hair crowed his features. Unstrapped his sheild from his arm, the shield he carried everywhere, as his sword still at his side. Not fully decked out his his full armor due to speed needed for their escape. Yet he still wore a coat of chainmail above his shoulders, and a simple pair of trousers on his legs." He was not the monster of a man his father was in size and shape.

"Your are in line for the Throne, perahps if you were living in the Captial along with your Father, you could of even had made a claim for the throne as you are the first born."

Turning away, he looked back in the direction of where they had left. "Yet your mother has done you few favours in this. The Nobility does not know you. The people do not know you. And when looking at you, they may choose to see a Rennari Princess, and not an Alteran Queen."

"Many still hate the Rennari for the war. The land your mother ruled over, changed hands many time, and each time the Rennari took hold of it, the people suffered. Granted I won't pretend it was not the other way around under Alterian rule. This kind of hatred does not die out easily. Their are many graves, soldiers and pesants."

"I don't know why your mother choose to live out here... their are plenty of rumor. Your mother did little to deny what happened, and your father refused to admit to any accusations. Yet their was no love between them. And that is the situation to where I now take you."

"We have had only one Queen before you, and if the tales are true, she would not need a bodyguard. Every other ruler has been a King."

"To be Queen, you need the support of the Nobles. Each of the Nobles must swear fealty to you as Princess and then you will be crowned Queen.

"Odds are, the one of the Nobles will try to force you to marry one of them. They will use the accusations, and rumours of your mother against you as only support you after they have married you. Most likely you will be Queen in Name only."

I have already hear some of them within the many missives I have recieved. It was well known that your Mother did have a number of their Nobles as Guest. Alone and in private..." not filling in the details of the shameful rumours that did go around regardless if she heard them or not.

"Now, with this... know that all that could vouch for your intergrety, will most likely die along with your mother. I am not one of your chaperones, and they will have attend you father longer than I have as I have only filled in for my father in the last number of years."
There was a certain bite to his words that seemed to draw a bit of ire out from her. Yet she was a Lady. A lady who had been tried to know to bite her tongue, and when the ire needed to be released, she made sure that it was released in a far more controlled form. It was men who had the luxury of emotional outbursts. If she were to do so, she would only be seen as emotionally weak and incapable of control. "Oh, of course. She did have quite the warm welcome to this kingdom if the local texts are accurate." Her words were short and to the point. The rebuke of his words is delivered with little room for argument.

Her palms shift uncomfortably, lacing her thumbs over herself while she ponders his actual question. "I suppose I'm both by blood and aspects of culture. The gilded cage we were placed in while my brother received the spoils of legacy did little to truly integrate me into the Kingdom. Her secrets are not for me to reveal, but there is plenty of reason as to why she chose to live here and not in the Capital. It's also different here. The border we share has led to a different 'feel' than the rest of the Kingdom."

Cecilia loosened her hair from the pony tail, letting it fall onto her shoulders now that there was not a present need to make sure her hair and sight was clear.

"I suppose you're right. Though he was quick to discard me when my brother was born. Alter has never taken kindly to the idea of a Queen Regent, which I suspect is why you've been extra...busy lately." She said uncomfortably about the recent attempts at her life.

The tone of his speech though began to grate against her. Her brow furrowed with some anger at him. "Do not forget yourself, Elric. You have saved my life and we may be family, but I would prefer if you did not speak so casually of those lies peddled against my mother and speak about her as if she were already dead." It was clear that this was a sore subject for her. Her mother had, after all, reminded her their entire life that women would often be discredited in any way. Though she also knew her mother did little to win the support of those around her. Yet to so cavalierly consider her already dead when there was still plenty of hope for her survival drove a wedge in her demeanor.

One needed to care about their reputation in order to actively protect it.

The brunette took a deep breath as fingers played with the trim of the sapphire blue dress. "And what option do they have? I may not have received the tutelage of my brother, but I am not unwise to the ways of the world. The Kingdom is in danger and it needs a steady hand. If they try to instigate a civil war what's left our country will crumble. The ambition of men is so near-sighted..." She said admonishingly.
"Their is only a small garrison there, and thank to the traitor, already half that garrison is dead falling back to the Keep from the wall. Those Gates will not withstand fire, if that traitor does not open them from within. It is only a mater of time now Princess and sorry, but I will not shed a single tear. She had been warned of her actions by my Father and myself."

Sizing up her small frame Infront her compared to him, he did grin a bit.

"The people watch, the people talk. While I do not think this riot alone is the people alone. Your mother's disregard for our people, is a well known fact. You and her were not short food during the famine. Your mothers choose to only help her. It is well known of her contempt of my Father and I and it is well know that contempt extended to the common folk. We know they had food while fast stretch of our land did not. She could of aided in something far more than the marriage treaty, and yet she did not. The peoples anger, not their actions are well placed."

"Yet I do not know what went beyond the King and your Mother, and I know that he did not directly step in and ask. So part of the blame is at his fault. Yet we still know that you and your mother ate, while the people nearly starved and this fact was NOT hidden."

"Yet the threat for your Mothers Kingdom is still there. We are still catching a number of their spies. If their is civil war, I know that Kingdom will take advantage their is little doubt in my mind."

"Yet that is why the Nobles will act. A knife in the back, can solve much more than years of war. The large Nobilities will bring their dependents with them and with enough bending the knee, all will follow. Yet will they be bending the knee to you... or to your Husband and once secured how much are you actually needed? I hardly think they will let the past repeat itself.

Yet he paused.. amongst the missives with the final instructions to bring the Princess to the throne, had been a somewhat confusing message from his father. "Confirm her yourself... and our entire House will follow you." His Father couldn't of meant this... he had been fiercely loyal to the King, yet he also had been ambitious as well and brutal as well. A chill ran up his spine could his father have been a part of sending those assassins.... Those men that he had to kill were veterans they would of known his father... they were not their to kill the Princess. They were there to test him. If the he failed, he might be dead, or the Princess would be and his father would have one last laugh at the Queen he has served and hated. He was not sure if his father was one of the plotters, or perhaps working both sides.

He grins to himself, briefly looking out the Window. It made sense now, why his father insisted he was the one to replace him as her bodyguard. And the traitor. Yet his Father trained him, if he had gone this far already it's likely that their will be more attempt on their lives. Yet the way that letter was worded. Their house would support him. "I will play your game father. But i do so my own way." He uttered to himself.

As he looked back at the Princess, perhaps it was the thoughts in his head now, but as his eyes scanned her. A grin crossed his face. "You are correct in part we Alterians, are unbelievably stubborn. Yet it was that trait, of why and how we stood up against the Rennaris, despite their advantages. I share that trait, and you are alive because I won a fight I should of lost. Yet some of us are not short sighted.... even if what I am about to do next might seem so."

Sliding forward in his seat towards her he quickly grabbed her arm, "Their is one for sure way I can put to rest all the rumors of yourself for good. Pausing for just a second. "This is the last of his order I follow" as he still gripped her arm, with all his strength he jerks her off her seat and towards him.
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