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May 27, 2009
Hope this is in the right area, it's not my artwork, but I felt it was worth using.
Mr Master said:
Why the heck are you angling for RPs on THIS thread, of all things?

What are you talking about? I don't see where anyone posted about RPs in this thread...except you.
LOL! Enable them! hehe... not only are the fun and give personality to the members, but sometimes they're informative too! *giggles*

And cute comic, since that's the topic of this thread and all. Poor Firefox.... he goes crash. XD
Hehe.... oh I'm only teasing. You don't have to have them load if you don't want. However, I do find them fun and often times informative. I know I have specific links in mine for my RP partners or potential RP partners.
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