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[WB] Eternal Secret (NSFW)


Mar 9, 2025
WIP.... still typing out lore, want to also flesh out this page so it's not just a scary wall of text.

General NSFW declaration. While I won't be using any explicit images here. My lore is definitely suggestive in but aa a whole this should be mostly tame.

Here I will be able to introduce alot of my "lore" So when I need to refer to something or when I want to use it in a RP, I can refer a partner to here. I've been gradually building this for a few years. As this Lore affects alot of my Roleplays. (Most of those that do will be Labels as Part of the Eternal Secret, but it also acts gives some limiting factors to some of my favourite creatures, and gives general knoweldge when I use other creatures)

1. The Planes. All of existance, everything that exists lives out their life on a Signular plane. The number of planes are countless, and the number of lives are endless.

a. The Etheral plane. Perhaps consider the Prime plane. Yet it is the source of all magic, as this plane leaks into all the others. Most of its energies, as they enter the other planes are like light through a prism, as is influence the very elements of the worlds it infects. Yet these engergies are harnessed as Magic.

Yet some magic, remains as Etheral, pure raw magic, and chaos.

The only being of the Etheral Plane, is the devourer. And while it exsists in the plane, it is also the Plane itself. As it has one endless goal, of devouring every plane to recover its self. It cannot normally enter another plane. But it can whisper to those infected with Etheral magic, and those who are possible drive mad are drive to break down the barriers and summon the Devour to their plane. As its tendrils enter, slowly that plane changes, and everything in it, simply become part of the Etheral Plane ceasing to exist.

b. Dragonus. One of the innumerable victims of the Devourer. A plane saturated in Magic, and the Original home to what we call Dragons now.

Yet unlike so many other worlds. The Dragons learned about the Planes, yet no soon enough to prevent the Devourer from invaded. Watching their world collapse around them. And their people scumb to the corruption they fled, through the Eldritch plane into another.
Yet as the fled the Devour chased.

c. The Prime Plane
Original just a plane just like many of the infinite others. Yet it was where most of the Dragons ended up. Yet the Dragons eagerly and willingly taught their primitive people the magic enegeries that were already their and that they brought with them. Long before any recorded history, a war was fought. It was here that the Dragons used their knowledge to seal any hole the devourer manged to open. And for the first time in its existance, the devour lost the fight. Yet such a battle had consquences. This plane was not devoured, but in closing those holes they trapped the devourer. The Devour could not leave, to hunt and devour other planes, but neither would this plane be after free of its influence. Nor would it want to stop devouring the plane.

Some of the Dragons settled down in this world, while others offered invitations to their new friends to explorer the planes together.

As some Dragons left, to find new worlds, perhaps one to replace their lost home, some humans left with them spreading out amongst the infite.

d...1. The Dragons.
Yet it was not until the Dragons settled down, did they realize the damage done to them. As their ancients grew older... their once ancient minds started to slip. Started to loose focus... and suddenly the greatest among them would snap. Turning on their familes and the allies alike.

Together they were put down at cost. And then later another sign was in their eggs. A dozen or so eggs would be layed and only a handful would hatch. And the small creatures that hatched, would lack the spark, that fueled the Dragons intellect, their minds. Yet a few of these hatchling would later awaken, becoming fully like their parents.

Both these incidents were related... Dragons realized that they were utterly bound to Magic. The young needed magic to hatch, and later awaken. And their elders if they every ran out of their magic reserves, they would go mad... and loose that spark. Never to reclaim it again. While they never died of old age.. the older they got the more magic they needed, and invetably they would run out of magic.

d..2. Dragon Hunters - The warriors trained by the Dragons, and then asked to help hunt their kin gone mad, when they themselves were not able to overcome their partriacts. Yet as time goes on, the Hunters become greedy, and Dragon remains become valuable. At first it was the push elder Dragons over the edge, to burn their magic before it shold and force them to go Feral. Until later it become out right Hunting Dragons, when it realized that their was more power within a Dragon in its Prime.

f. Adaptation. Dragons adapted. First the learned to take the shape of less Dragonic creatures called Draconian. Requiring less Magic to live out their lives in these forms, and then later they found after living around these other races for a long time that they could take their shapes, their forms. Living in and amoung them. The Dragonic offspring that would result would not be as strong, or are pure of a Dragon, and could still grow old and die. These half Dragons could take a Draconian form. And if two of these Dragons mated a Dragon called a Shell Born would result. While few and far between, these creatures had far more limited life spawn than any True Dragon, but they would bear all the resemblance to their true ancestors. Even if they were viewed as lesser.

5. The Prime plane and Spirits. Needless to say stopped the Devourer in its tracks, drew alot of attention toward the Prime Plane. Some were Darker powers, wanting to see if they could claim this for themselves. Others were friendlier spirits willing to lend an aid to strength this world. While most were just curious and fascinated. The Prime plane was physical while most of the planes around were not. During periods of time when these barriers were weak the spirits could visit. Some did so willingly and others were sucked in. For most the Spirits would mimic those things that they had eagerly watched. Yet in their ignorance their was disaterous effects. Sailors chasing after mysterious figures in the water, lured only to be drown as they could not survive the spirits embrace. As they mingled with the solider enviroment, many spirits found themselves bound to this plane unable to leave. And while some remained eternally playful, others became resentful and wicked.

A couple noteable groups. Some nature bound spirits found themselves trapped, instead they adapted, learning and forming their own societies. These spirits would eventually find themselves as physical as the world around them, but they still posses a strong bond to the element of nature. These would be known later as Elves.

The second group would be of rock and fire. These found home deep under ground. They found joy in constructing, build, smithing and working the world around them. While they merged with their new world, they become known as Dwarves. Perhaps somewhat hostile to outsiders, a group of people that still enjoyed shaping this physical world even as this world shaped them.

Many other spirits exists, some are just passing through, some get themselves stuck, and some are trapped intentionally if they are discovered.

6. Magic.
The people of this world now had acces to Magic. Yet as time went on, and they continued to spread out. What they could build and construct was amazing. Yet as they fought amongst themselves, most of the time the wonders they created would end up in ruin.

It was subtle at first. Almost every human could use magic to some form or another. Yet as time went on, more and more children were born without the "Spark" as the Dragons called it.

This did lead to more conflict, as those who had magic rules over those that didn't. Alot of the early rulers of humans were powerful Sorcerrors. That wield the power to enslave their magicless breathern. Yet as the years went on, and human empires come and went. Soon the Magic users were now in the vast minority. Some still ruled, while others simply asked the question of why magic was in decline.

7. Magus and House of Magic. The remaining magic users met, and took on the title of Magus. The gather together in familes, strictly controling who their children marry. This did stem the decline of magic, yet now most of the power was centralised within these houses and they become even more feared.

8. Persecution and the Eternal Secret. As fear grew, people would start to hunt and kill Magic users, or even those who they suspected to able to wield magic. It would be the Dragons once again, to bring attention to the issue... If Magic disappeared, entirely would the Devourer still remain bound? It was clear to them that their was no longer the strength needed to repeat that same Victory. So to protect themselves, the Magus the Dragons, and the remain Magic folk including Elves and Dwarves agreed to the Eternal Secret. To hide the fact that magic existed, That magic shaped their history, and perhaps still was guiding it.

9. The Rise of Religion. While their is no exact set date when this was witnessed. Yet it was discovered. That devoute believers presence would hampen and weaken magic. While debates still rage it was never linked to one religion in particularly. All believer who held faith, and were aware of magic could weaken it.

This did add to the conflict and the persecution.

10. The Hunters. To keep the secret they agreed to. An organization was founded called the Magic Hunters. Mostly of magic users at the start, but would soon see magic aware members of various faiths involved as well. They were tasked with dealing with anything that endangered the secret. They were given authority to act upon any Magic House, Dragon Clan, or any other magic creature to enforce the secret.

11. The Camps: Then came the discussion. What to do with those that refused to, or simply could not maintain the secret. The Dragons would hunt their own, if the Dragon Hunters did not put errant Dragons down themselves. Though the Mage Hunters worked with both to enforce the secret.

The Magical folk were very few in number, but the Humans were the question. If they had to discpline a strong Magus? Would it not be better for that person be used to create future generations and not simply be killed off?

So the Camps were created. Hidden and secret breeding grounds. A place where those that could not keep the secret ended up. A place where these houses would send their sons to and then pay for a result magically gifted child to raise as part of their family. Or a place their daughters who did not rank strong enough, would spend time, and return only when pregnat. Yet regardless if the house used the Camps or not, everyone was shown them, as this is where they would end up if they did not keep The Eternal Secret.

12. An Event. - While most Magus could track their lineage back for thousands of years, occasionally something would happen. A strong magic event, perhaps two Magus have a Dual, they might be sealed off yet. Or perhaps a tidal event lets in curious water sprits, or a Volcanoe or Earthquake temporarily opens to other realms. Normal humans are effected by Magic. Sometimes when child that not born, even if their is no Magic in his family, that child can awaken to a similar magic. Each houses, look upon these children closely. The Hunters also watch them. Can the master their gift? Can they be trained? How strong are their gifts. Some of these raw gifts, put the existing house to shame.

Some of these disappear into the Camps, others our invited in join and marry into exisiting houses, the new blood give an old house new life.

And while others with Raw powerful gifts, that are both able to control their gift and understand the secret, a bunch of younger Houses have emergered. Perhaps founded by the Dragons, or perhaps a rich Family of the Magic Folk that still hide in our worlds.
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Those who have Magic who are human goes by the the tile of Magus or Magi for plural.

Giftings: Each person gets a single Magical gift. It can be a single Element like Fire. Or a bit more Complex such as Nature.

What they can do with their gift is limited by the users Imagination, Strength of the Gift, and the Pool of Magic he has.
- Example: A weak Fire Gift, a person might be able to only warm themselves up on a cold day. These giftings are mostly called Internal. Yet even these weak gifts can be used to enchance their physical abilities.

- A strong Fire Gift could rain fire down across an entire city, but with only a small pool of magic it would only last seconds. Yet they could do something smaller, with extreme force very easily.

- A weak gift, but a large Pool can be valuable - more on this later.

- Alot of the elemental gifts are weakened by the Opposite. Not all have a direct opposite.

- Different Gifts can have similar effects. Both a Gift of Light and Fire are similar and can accomplish similar things.
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