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Mx Female Taboo Ideas to Pique Your Interest (On Site Edition)


Jul 14, 2016


First and foremost, this is not my first rodeo. I have a main Request Thread that details exactly what I look for in a partner and roleplay. I highly suggest you check it out over here.

Main Request Thread - NSFW

So what am I doing here if I have a main thread?

The answer is simple. Please read below to get an idea. It's kind of basic, but I think we can build off this.

Teenage girl (16+ please) gets knocked up by her irresponsible boyfriend. Her parents, the religious conservatives, don't approve and kick her out of the house. So she's forced to move in with her boyfriend (baby daddy), and her boyfriend's father.

Her boyfriend is the typical immature guy who would rather be out with his friends till all hours of the night, or playing video games, than at home taking care of his girlfriend and their baby. He leaves her home with his father all the time.

Her boyfriend's father ends up being the one helping her with the baby, and spending most of his time with her. So things start to develop romantically between them, the two of them starting to feel like a family, and she ends up knocked up a second time. This time by her boyfriend's father.

All details are up for discussion, and open to brainstorming. I'm very open to ideas.

All characters 16+.

Teenage girl (16+ please) raised by a single mother discovers that her father is the leader of a local biker club. He doesn't know about her. Her mother was a random stripper he knocked up at a biker party.

She decides she wants to meet him, but doesn't want him to know who she is. So her and her friend go to a bar that they hang out at with some fake IDs, and she meets him there. To her surprise she feels that pit in her stomach, and warmth in her pussy when she's around him. She didn't expect to feel that way.

The biker club is celebrating a huge deal they just cut, and throwing a big party. Lots of guys. Lots of girls. Lots of booze and drugs.

He sees her there, and he can tell there's no way she's 21 years old, and calls her out on it, but he lets her stay and have fun.

I'm thinking during the party some guy gets a little too handsy with her, and her father steps in to protect her. And by the end of the night she ends up on the back of his bike, and then in his bed.

All details are up for discussion, and open to brainstorming. I'm very open to ideas.

All characters 16+.

I feel like there's a lot of fun to be had with these ideas, and lots of places to take things. So if you're interested, I'd love to brainstorm this with someone who loves character development and world building. Also, someone who actually enjoys storytelling, and not just smut.

All characters must follow the site rules and be 16+. I will not entertain anyone younger.

I'd love to hear some of your ideas, and get something going.

Please make sure you check out my Main Request thread to answer some of the questions you may have about how I like to RP, and what I enjoy.
Thank you!

So what are you waiting for? PM me!​
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