- Joined
- Mar 9, 2025
Welcome to my Lair.
So definitely looking for woman role-players patners for original plot lines, that will start with NC scenarios, but not remain their.
Kinks & Definitions:
PLOT: All my Scenarios have a begining and I have an ending in MIND. Of where their destination is, how to bring the story to an end.
1. Control - ALL My fetishes below kinda factor into this. Not the Control where I have to be called Master, or need to dictate minute facets of their life. Yet a Subtle Control where the Sub can be released, go about their day, and yet be willing to return to his control.
2. NC - The starting point of Control. My characters have the Victim, at a point where he gets to demonstrate they physical and sometimes painful control needed. Taking what he wants when he wants.
3. Forced Pleasure: Still NC adjacent. Yet a change. Using pleasure even when not want. To demonstrate a more subtle Control. Perhaps to the point even as he orders her into his arm, he can be gentle enough that she gets excited knowing what to expect.
4. Manipulation: Subtle Control ... Letting her go. Enabling and Empowering her to go about her life. Being willing to serve her, honour her in Public, knowing that by lifting her up, when eyes or off, she will be willing to be at his mercy.
5. Mutually Benifical Control - By the end of the story, both partners are better off in the end.
Other Kinks:
Dragons - All my Dragon have human and Dragon (beast) forms, and some of them all have a Draconian (Anthro) Forms. So Scene between these characters CAN include interactions with some or all of these 3 forms. (Discussions and personal limits wanted)
Minor Kinks:
- Rough Sex
Dragon Characters:
- Size Differences
- Threat of Vore - No Vore, but using Vore Hinting Languge to suggest that it is possiblity but generally won't happen of course unless wanted
All Characters:
- Threat of Pregnancy: Not getting pregnant during the scene, but knowing that it could. Perhaps it could happen as we finish.
- Excessive Violence:
No pleasure in inflicting pain for the sake of pain. Pain might be part the NC side of sex initially or when use as discipline. Pain might also be included with te Dragon based RPS and the Size Difference Kink. But only connected to other Kinks. No pain from Torture, or unecessary violence.
- Degrading:
My characters are never going to deliberately insult the victim. Through my other Kinks, they might IMPLY something, but never outright degrade her. Letting her Degrade herself if she so happens to.
- Permanted Destruction:
Non of my fantasy are about ruining someone, destroying anyone. All the Victim Characters in my Scenarios are characters that are wanted, desired, lusted after. I do not want to turn that Intellegent and Wilful Princess, into just a mindless sex pet. While both our character will develop. As Ive state before in other Kinks. I want by the end of the RP both characters to be better off
Okay I am on or at a computer alot. Even when I am not at a computer. I might still be thikning of our RP, typing thoughts out about it. So as long as I physically can, you send me a response and I will have a reply for you and if we both have alot of time, their could be several responses during a day. But I don't expect it.
And I might slow down if were are doing alot of sexy stuff as I do have my limits
, or race beyond the point that I had planned. As I might need sometime to think about the next desination depending on how our RP is going.
I will always try to have an OOC conversation behind our RP. It could be simple things like commenting on Liking the name you chose for your character, or liking an action taken in a particular post. Or pausing and asking a Question I want answered before I make my own post.
Ultimately, I want this to be a two way conversation. Ask about my posts, pause your response at any time if you think you need input. Heck let me know if your struggling to response and you can bounce ideas off me.
If I'm enjoying the RP I'm going to be patiently impatient.
If you normally post daily and then miss out a couple days, I might send an OOC message asking if your well.
Please don't just Vanish. Yes I know it happens, granted I've had some of my RP partners vanish for a month and then I am more than willing to pick it back up.
If I cross a line in our RPs SEND A PM
If I am getting borring SEND A PM
If you are loosing interest SEND A PM
Please communicate.
My Plots fall into Two Main Categories.
Fantasy and
Modern Fantasy
Growing Lore: A lot of my Scenarios share my own Lore I have created. A lot of my Modern Fantasy will have "The Eternal Secret: " label in its Title. And a lot of these thoughts and ideas will be include a post containing it all in the World Building Section. Yet things like Magic, and my Dragons will definitely borrow from this Lore if if the plot does not have
Typically covers two sections.
Low Fantasy - Plots will focus King and Princess, war and politics and using a situation of the scene.
High Fantasy - Plots that include Magic and Magical Creatures.
As Ideas comes their might be High and Low Fantasy Variants of the same plot.
Modern Fantasy.
These Ideas will include a lot of Fantasy elements in a Modern setting.
Almost all of my ideas will exist in the realms of Fantasy, though some might be a variation of that a Modern Fantasy. (Where Magic and Magical creatures still exist in a more modern setting.)
I have a lot of lore for my settings. Which I will share if asked, or needed for the story mostly OOCly if it can't be introduce in the plot. Dragon which you might notice I will use a lot, all have a Humanoid form they can exist in.
Note on NC: Alot of my ideas start with NC situations, but I like to work to something more as I try to have somewhere I would like to move a story to. Please ask about this.
Out Passed Midnight: - A princess, sick and tired of all her protectors, chaperons, and suitors, find she is skilled at sneaking. She later turns to stealing, mostly all the baubles, they use to try and catch her attention.
Yet her current Mark, and exotic trader, has suprises and traps she can't expect. He will have uses for a Princess and a Thief.
Out Passed Midnight (Dragon Varriant)
- Merchant is a Human form of a Dragon. One who does not like thieves, but most certainly likes Princesses.
Cost of Chivalry -A plot to abduct and ransom a Princess. is interrupted by a skilled traveling Lordless Knight. Yet few things in life are free and while he might fully intend on taking her home, he might have a very clear idea of what he wants as payment and when he wants it. Yet the Princess will need protection getting home as their is definitely plots to prevent that.
Variant: Cost of Chivalry (Dragon) -A plot to abduct and ransom a Princess. is interrupted by a young Dragon returning home wanting to reclaim his ancestral lair. While the Dragon might take initial payment from the Princess himself, he will be aware enough that he has stumbled onto a plot and he might be better off seeing her home safely, than making her the first prize in his new horde. (Same setting as the one above, just a variant on the character which will modify his some of his motivations.)
Princess and Her Protection: ***TAKEN***
Princess is summoned back to Capital during a time of turmoil to take the throne. Yet can she even trust her bodyguard who has kept her alive this far.
Dragon Rider (Post Appocalypse Fantasy)
- Dragon and Rider must accomplish a Survial test to be allowed to join the Ranks of the Dragon Riders.
Modern Fantasy:
Eternal Secret:
Magic must be kept secret. All who use Magic or are magical must agree to this fact or they will be hunted down, and contained. A single incident could easily be ignored and written off, but when a after unwittingly awakens to her magic it does draw attention when people start dying it is time for a Hunter to get invovled. Hunters, the enforcers of the Eternal Secret. A group of Magus and the Magic aware, that deal with Magical incidents to prevent the secret from getting broken. Yet they are given free reign on how to handle it. And Freshman is going to be forced to accept this Law, learn her gift or be removed.... by death or worse... the Camps.
More to be added.
So definitely looking for woman role-players patners for original plot lines, that will start with NC scenarios, but not remain their.
Kinks & Definitions:
PLOT: All my Scenarios have a begining and I have an ending in MIND. Of where their destination is, how to bring the story to an end.
1. Control - ALL My fetishes below kinda factor into this. Not the Control where I have to be called Master, or need to dictate minute facets of their life. Yet a Subtle Control where the Sub can be released, go about their day, and yet be willing to return to his control.
2. NC - The starting point of Control. My characters have the Victim, at a point where he gets to demonstrate they physical and sometimes painful control needed. Taking what he wants when he wants.
3. Forced Pleasure: Still NC adjacent. Yet a change. Using pleasure even when not want. To demonstrate a more subtle Control. Perhaps to the point even as he orders her into his arm, he can be gentle enough that she gets excited knowing what to expect.
4. Manipulation: Subtle Control ... Letting her go. Enabling and Empowering her to go about her life. Being willing to serve her, honour her in Public, knowing that by lifting her up, when eyes or off, she will be willing to be at his mercy.
5. Mutually Benifical Control - By the end of the story, both partners are better off in the end.
Other Kinks:
Dragons - All my Dragon have human and Dragon (beast) forms, and some of them all have a Draconian (Anthro) Forms. So Scene between these characters CAN include interactions with some or all of these 3 forms. (Discussions and personal limits wanted)
Minor Kinks:
- Rough Sex
Dragon Characters:
- Size Differences
- Threat of Vore - No Vore, but using Vore Hinting Languge to suggest that it is possiblity but generally won't happen of course unless wanted
All Characters:
- Threat of Pregnancy: Not getting pregnant during the scene, but knowing that it could. Perhaps it could happen as we finish.
- Excessive Violence:
No pleasure in inflicting pain for the sake of pain. Pain might be part the NC side of sex initially or when use as discipline. Pain might also be included with te Dragon based RPS and the Size Difference Kink. But only connected to other Kinks. No pain from Torture, or unecessary violence.
- Degrading:
My characters are never going to deliberately insult the victim. Through my other Kinks, they might IMPLY something, but never outright degrade her. Letting her Degrade herself if she so happens to.
- Permanted Destruction:
Non of my fantasy are about ruining someone, destroying anyone. All the Victim Characters in my Scenarios are characters that are wanted, desired, lusted after. I do not want to turn that Intellegent and Wilful Princess, into just a mindless sex pet. While both our character will develop. As Ive state before in other Kinks. I want by the end of the RP both characters to be better off
Okay I am on or at a computer alot. Even when I am not at a computer. I might still be thikning of our RP, typing thoughts out about it. So as long as I physically can, you send me a response and I will have a reply for you and if we both have alot of time, their could be several responses during a day. But I don't expect it.
And I might slow down if were are doing alot of sexy stuff as I do have my limits
I will always try to have an OOC conversation behind our RP. It could be simple things like commenting on Liking the name you chose for your character, or liking an action taken in a particular post. Or pausing and asking a Question I want answered before I make my own post.
Ultimately, I want this to be a two way conversation. Ask about my posts, pause your response at any time if you think you need input. Heck let me know if your struggling to response and you can bounce ideas off me.
If I'm enjoying the RP I'm going to be patiently impatient.
Please don't just Vanish. Yes I know it happens, granted I've had some of my RP partners vanish for a month and then I am more than willing to pick it back up.
If I cross a line in our RPs SEND A PM
If I am getting borring SEND A PM
If you are loosing interest SEND A PM
Please communicate.
My Plots fall into Two Main Categories.
Fantasy and
Modern Fantasy
Growing Lore: A lot of my Scenarios share my own Lore I have created. A lot of my Modern Fantasy will have "The Eternal Secret: " label in its Title. And a lot of these thoughts and ideas will be include a post containing it all in the World Building Section. Yet things like Magic, and my Dragons will definitely borrow from this Lore if if the plot does not have
Typically covers two sections.
Low Fantasy - Plots will focus King and Princess, war and politics and using a situation of the scene.
High Fantasy - Plots that include Magic and Magical Creatures.
As Ideas comes their might be High and Low Fantasy Variants of the same plot.
Modern Fantasy.
These Ideas will include a lot of Fantasy elements in a Modern setting.
Almost all of my ideas will exist in the realms of Fantasy, though some might be a variation of that a Modern Fantasy. (Where Magic and Magical creatures still exist in a more modern setting.)
I have a lot of lore for my settings. Which I will share if asked, or needed for the story mostly OOCly if it can't be introduce in the plot. Dragon which you might notice I will use a lot, all have a Humanoid form they can exist in.
Note on NC: Alot of my ideas start with NC situations, but I like to work to something more as I try to have somewhere I would like to move a story to. Please ask about this.
Out Passed Midnight: - A princess, sick and tired of all her protectors, chaperons, and suitors, find she is skilled at sneaking. She later turns to stealing, mostly all the baubles, they use to try and catch her attention.
Yet her current Mark, and exotic trader, has suprises and traps she can't expect. He will have uses for a Princess and a Thief.
Out Passed Midnight (Dragon Varriant)
- Merchant is a Human form of a Dragon. One who does not like thieves, but most certainly likes Princesses.
The Princess, the sole heir of the Kingdom of Altair. Always surrounded by maids and servants, people attending to her every need. While she put on a show to meet expectations. Yet she hated the attention, hated having to be perfect, to have the entire burden of the Kingdom on her shoulders. She also hated the suitors, the Knights trying to win her favor by bringing in trophies of dead beasts, the Nobles trying to win her attention, by flashing their wealth.
It started so simply...she just wanted to be alone. Sneaking out at night, just to the Castle grounds. Terrified to get caught, yet the dark sky, the lack of people, the fact that no one was watching her. Even after she return to her room, she would sneak out again the next night, and then farther. Very soon she would be roaming the city. She would soon realize that she was GOOD at doing it. Able to silently slip around without being noticed, the ability to trail a guard completely unexpected and slip away at the last moment.
Yet it would continue from there... a certain arrogant Noble, brought one of his trophies. Are particular gem. It did catch her eye, the shade of deep blue reminded her of the moon light. Yet she was hardly going to accept it from him, he was still one of the many, all expecting her to smile, and curtsey, and then give him the Kingdom.
She went about her act, and then as they all left... she snuck out. This time in a little bit lighter, the sun had not yet fully set. Yet she followed him to his estate... snuck in And took that gem, and within the next moment she was gone, back out at the city at night, her new prize secreted away. Grinning, she got the gem without having to him any promises, no agreement to let him court her. She would find a place to hide it, but things would continue. She would continue, now stealing from every single one of the stupid Noble that tried to catch her her attention with things, baubles, and treasures. Yet soon the Nobles would complain, more guard would be on the streets now as night. Yet that only made it more fun, as it hardly stopped her. She knew she did not need these items, but neither did the Nobles.
As she gazed upon the Visitors to the royal court this one day. Doing her duty, a brief crossing of eyes. Not a Noble, but a Merchant, his skin was slightly darker than the others around her. Yet, he would be her next mark. She would follow him and steal something from him. He had not offered her anything, so she did not have a prize in mind, yet it hardly mattered, he obviously would have something to steal.
It started so simply...she just wanted to be alone. Sneaking out at night, just to the Castle grounds. Terrified to get caught, yet the dark sky, the lack of people, the fact that no one was watching her. Even after she return to her room, she would sneak out again the next night, and then farther. Very soon she would be roaming the city. She would soon realize that she was GOOD at doing it. Able to silently slip around without being noticed, the ability to trail a guard completely unexpected and slip away at the last moment.
Yet it would continue from there... a certain arrogant Noble, brought one of his trophies. Are particular gem. It did catch her eye, the shade of deep blue reminded her of the moon light. Yet she was hardly going to accept it from him, he was still one of the many, all expecting her to smile, and curtsey, and then give him the Kingdom.
She went about her act, and then as they all left... she snuck out. This time in a little bit lighter, the sun had not yet fully set. Yet she followed him to his estate... snuck in And took that gem, and within the next moment she was gone, back out at the city at night, her new prize secreted away. Grinning, she got the gem without having to him any promises, no agreement to let him court her. She would find a place to hide it, but things would continue. She would continue, now stealing from every single one of the stupid Noble that tried to catch her her attention with things, baubles, and treasures. Yet soon the Nobles would complain, more guard would be on the streets now as night. Yet that only made it more fun, as it hardly stopped her. She knew she did not need these items, but neither did the Nobles.
As she gazed upon the Visitors to the royal court this one day. Doing her duty, a brief crossing of eyes. Not a Noble, but a Merchant, his skin was slightly darker than the others around her. Yet, he would be her next mark. She would follow him and steal something from him. He had not offered her anything, so she did not have a prize in mind, yet it hardly mattered, he obviously would have something to steal.
Cost of Chivalry -A plot to abduct and ransom a Princess. is interrupted by a skilled traveling Lordless Knight. Yet few things in life are free and while he might fully intend on taking her home, he might have a very clear idea of what he wants as payment and when he wants it. Yet the Princess will need protection getting home as their is definitely plots to prevent that.
Variant: Cost of Chivalry (Dragon) -A plot to abduct and ransom a Princess. is interrupted by a young Dragon returning home wanting to reclaim his ancestral lair. While the Dragon might take initial payment from the Princess himself, he will be aware enough that he has stumbled onto a plot and he might be better off seeing her home safely, than making her the first prize in his new horde. (Same setting as the one above, just a variant on the character which will modify his some of his motivations.)
The Kingdom of Carth, a small but wealthy Kingdom. It was not known for its size or great army, yet it existed in the centre of the massive Farith forest. A forest that had about as much superstition as it did house natural predators. This kingdom was built over building a trade route through the forest, and while it remained Neutral to the much larger Kingdoms around it, the trade routes were valuable. Yet if you left the road, you could get completely lost, as inside the thick forest it was dark, and despite the size of the road you did not need to go far enough away to lose sight of it.
A few times this Kingdom would come under attack as both the neighbouring Thalas and Calleon kingdoms, would love to directly control the major trade routes, but between the large forest, it was hard to get an army through, and the large number of predators that would lurk in the forest, Carth made more money providing armed guards escorting trade down the long roads. Yet they could also easily ambush any army that would travel along it.
Yet what travelled along the road was not a trade caravan, and all the men were armed. The man leading them was well dressed, perhaps a noble, or a successful merchant. Yet the travel hushed, and silently. Finally the leader motioned for them to stop. "Here…" he said… "You can see it just to the north…"
"See what?" one of the men asked.
"That cave, just to the north.." the richman said… It took some time, a few of the men dared to leave the road to get a better look, before a few reported back that they could see it.
"It's large enough to hide your men, and close enough to the road, that you will be able to set up an ambush."
"Why has no one done this before?" one of the men asked…
"Because it's hard to find, my own men only stumbled upon it. Now do not get greedy, you are being paid to do this exceedingly well. The Princess of Carth will be returning home tonight. She has just become an adult, and has celebrated her birthday in the Kingdom of Calleon and she and her escort will be returning home tonight. It will be late by the time she is here, so the attack should be simple."
"Let me clear… the Princess should be harmed as little as possible. Kill, and rape her entourage, but every bruise the Princess has, will detract from your payment. The Prince of Thallas wants his future wife unharmed. I will return to collect her at this time tomorrow."
"Get ready" one of the larger men shouted as the richman left with his escorts. The men were at first hesitant to leave the road at first, yet slowly they all saw the cave and headed there. They quickly set up a camp, as the larger man inspected. "We have fun tonight. Once we grab the Princess, I'm certain you can have fun with her maids and chaperones." Yet he would go silent and simply whisper to one man beside him. "If she struggles at all, we can have a go at her… I've got enough money already, and its not like anyone in our standing will every be able to say that they have fucked royalty, but keep that amongst ourselves, the rest will be entertained by the other women and the whiskey that will show up with the supplies, after the event we can have some fun."
A few times this Kingdom would come under attack as both the neighbouring Thalas and Calleon kingdoms, would love to directly control the major trade routes, but between the large forest, it was hard to get an army through, and the large number of predators that would lurk in the forest, Carth made more money providing armed guards escorting trade down the long roads. Yet they could also easily ambush any army that would travel along it.
Yet what travelled along the road was not a trade caravan, and all the men were armed. The man leading them was well dressed, perhaps a noble, or a successful merchant. Yet the travel hushed, and silently. Finally the leader motioned for them to stop. "Here…" he said… "You can see it just to the north…"
"See what?" one of the men asked.
"That cave, just to the north.." the richman said… It took some time, a few of the men dared to leave the road to get a better look, before a few reported back that they could see it.
"It's large enough to hide your men, and close enough to the road, that you will be able to set up an ambush."
"Why has no one done this before?" one of the men asked…
"Because it's hard to find, my own men only stumbled upon it. Now do not get greedy, you are being paid to do this exceedingly well. The Princess of Carth will be returning home tonight. She has just become an adult, and has celebrated her birthday in the Kingdom of Calleon and she and her escort will be returning home tonight. It will be late by the time she is here, so the attack should be simple."
"Let me clear… the Princess should be harmed as little as possible. Kill, and rape her entourage, but every bruise the Princess has, will detract from your payment. The Prince of Thallas wants his future wife unharmed. I will return to collect her at this time tomorrow."
"Get ready" one of the larger men shouted as the richman left with his escorts. The men were at first hesitant to leave the road at first, yet slowly they all saw the cave and headed there. They quickly set up a camp, as the larger man inspected. "We have fun tonight. Once we grab the Princess, I'm certain you can have fun with her maids and chaperones." Yet he would go silent and simply whisper to one man beside him. "If she struggles at all, we can have a go at her… I've got enough money already, and its not like anyone in our standing will every be able to say that they have fucked royalty, but keep that amongst ourselves, the rest will be entertained by the other women and the whiskey that will show up with the supplies, after the event we can have some fun."
Princess and Her Protection: ***TAKEN***
Princess is summoned back to Capital during a time of turmoil to take the throne. Yet can she even trust her bodyguard who has kept her alive this far.
An Unease peace between the Kingdoms of Alter and Rennaris. A generation of on going war had left both Kingdoms exhausted. With neither Kingdom having any distinct advantage, a peace was achieved. To attempt to strength it. the Symon Crowned Prince of Alter as he finally was able to take the throne of his belated father. In attempt to strength the peace, he agrees to marry Sari, one of the Daughters of the King of Rennaris.
Yet that Marriage is hardly a happy one. While much rumors surround their interactions, two children result from it. First a daughter, and then a year later a son. With a Male heir, the Kingdom is able to relax, and with her "duty" done to her husband, the Queen chooses to live apart from the King, in an estate closer to the border. The son stays with the King, while the daughter is allowed to live with her mother. He assigns one Sir Ectir, one of his cousins, as a bodyguard to the Princess. While loyal to the King, he is diligent in his duty, even if the Queen distaste for him is apparent.
Time passes, the uneasy peace last nearly 16 years without any major incident. Ectir retires after 10 years, and his son Elric whom he had groomed for the last 10 years takes over as bodyguard. Yet in the last couple years the Alter has started to struggle. First their was a couple years of bad crops, only to be followed by almost two years of steady drought. Then in the last year a plague hits the Capital. Both the King and his son would be hit with it. The King would survive while he son did not. Yet on the border Elric, witness a brewing peasant revolt as the Queen imports food from Rennaris, but shares little of it with anyone else other than he family and close staff. Yet despite the venom from the Queen to his father, and now himself, he distinguishes himself in protecting the Princess. First escorting her back safely from the Markets as the a group of angry peasants try and take their anger out on her. Secondly as the mistrust spreads from the common folk into the barracks, as three soldiers attempt to kill the Queen and her daughter.
With the Prince dead, and the King 's health in bad shape after the plague. All eyes turn to the daughter. Some see her as a foreigner, simply would want to see her dead like all those of her nation, while others are simply not keen on having a woman sit on their throne. Yet others scheme to have her setup as a trophy while they rule the Kingdom. Even Rennaris, her mothers homeland has their eyes on her, seeing her a best useful tool, or a useful corpse.
The King surviving the plague, but barley, he is not healthy and most don't think he will live long. Send the order to summon his daughter back to the Capital. A retune is sent to escort her back, only as the peasants hatred of the Queen starts to boil to a peak. The princess is hurried out to the Carriage awaiting her. Even as Elric pulls the Princess into the carriage somewhat forcefully, as he orders the Carriage to go. As someone had open the main gates, letting the agitated peasants inside the Castle. As the carriage and retinue escape, the last sight will see a mob of peasants storm inside the castle.
Yet that Marriage is hardly a happy one. While much rumors surround their interactions, two children result from it. First a daughter, and then a year later a son. With a Male heir, the Kingdom is able to relax, and with her "duty" done to her husband, the Queen chooses to live apart from the King, in an estate closer to the border. The son stays with the King, while the daughter is allowed to live with her mother. He assigns one Sir Ectir, one of his cousins, as a bodyguard to the Princess. While loyal to the King, he is diligent in his duty, even if the Queen distaste for him is apparent.
Time passes, the uneasy peace last nearly 16 years without any major incident. Ectir retires after 10 years, and his son Elric whom he had groomed for the last 10 years takes over as bodyguard. Yet in the last couple years the Alter has started to struggle. First their was a couple years of bad crops, only to be followed by almost two years of steady drought. Then in the last year a plague hits the Capital. Both the King and his son would be hit with it. The King would survive while he son did not. Yet on the border Elric, witness a brewing peasant revolt as the Queen imports food from Rennaris, but shares little of it with anyone else other than he family and close staff. Yet despite the venom from the Queen to his father, and now himself, he distinguishes himself in protecting the Princess. First escorting her back safely from the Markets as the a group of angry peasants try and take their anger out on her. Secondly as the mistrust spreads from the common folk into the barracks, as three soldiers attempt to kill the Queen and her daughter.
With the Prince dead, and the King 's health in bad shape after the plague. All eyes turn to the daughter. Some see her as a foreigner, simply would want to see her dead like all those of her nation, while others are simply not keen on having a woman sit on their throne. Yet others scheme to have her setup as a trophy while they rule the Kingdom. Even Rennaris, her mothers homeland has their eyes on her, seeing her a best useful tool, or a useful corpse.
The King surviving the plague, but barley, he is not healthy and most don't think he will live long. Send the order to summon his daughter back to the Capital. A retune is sent to escort her back, only as the peasants hatred of the Queen starts to boil to a peak. The princess is hurried out to the Carriage awaiting her. Even as Elric pulls the Princess into the carriage somewhat forcefully, as he orders the Carriage to go. As someone had open the main gates, letting the agitated peasants inside the Castle. As the carriage and retinue escape, the last sight will see a mob of peasants storm inside the castle.
Dragon Rider (Post Appocalypse Fantasy)
- Dragon and Rider must accomplish a Survial test to be allowed to join the Ranks of the Dragon Riders.
Dragons need Magic, it is perhaps their one major flaw. Without Magic they don't hatch, without Magic they don't "waken" from the mindless creatures that are a hatchling and without Magic they go Feral, loosing their mind, their higher intellect. Become creatures of only base instincts.
So most Dragons have left the world of Zelkrith. Taking the risk of traveling the Astral plane when the opportunity arose. Yet some remained. Perhaps out of Duty, or some loyalty to this world. As Zelkrith has seen its is share of battles. Vast cities lost in endless deserts. And Feral and hostile Jungles that have torn through structures that might look like foreign or alien creation, with materials that are forgotten or don't exist anymore.
Zelkrith is a dying planet, while most of its inhabitants don't realize it. Even while Ferals spells that were unleashed hundreds of years ago, still destroy and corrupt the planet. Most don't know if the planet will finally end devoured in the ever growing Jungles, and or a scorched wasteland as the desert expanding. Or the sheer corruption at the places these two lands have when they meet.
Magic is feared by most.... but the remaining Dragons are needed. Their fire, burns away the growing jungles, and their life and breath, help keep the deserts at bay. Children born with a gift of Magic, are given to the riders. From mere infants, they are paired up with a newly awakened Dragons.
The time and proximity to each other, lets the Dragon and its partner bond. The human and Dragon, their giftings connecting. The human's magic flows to the Dragon, adding to the Dragons needed supply, while the Dragon's Essence flows back, empowering their partner, with strength, or speed, or endurance. As well as connecting the life span of the two of them. If the Dragon dies, so does its Human. If the Human dies, the Dragon will shortly run out of magic and go mad, to be hunted and devoured by his own kin, to reclaim and magic that might remain.
Yet the Dragon and its partner must strength the bond, learn to rely on each other, increasing what is shared between them. To accomplish this... when the human are old enough, and when the Dragon can fly. They are sent into the Jungles. They are not to return unless the bring back a source of magic. Yet the Jungles are no friend of Human or Dragon, and to survive they must be willing to work together. If they return, they are welcomed to the Ranks of the Dragon Riders. Yet many do not, the Jungle swallowing most.
It is common if at all possible when they partner each other, that Dragon and its rider are the same gender, and if possible they also try to match the giftings of their partners. Gifts of Fire to the Red, Water to the Blue.... yet this is hardly always possible.
Zikir a proud if not arrogant (Colour Choice) young male Dragon, was paired with (Name Choice) a youth who's gift had awaken violently (Element Choice opposite of Dragon Colour) Yet this pair while powerful, have been at odds with each other most of their life. Most of their instructors do not expect them to return.
Red - Fire <> White - Ice
Brown Earth -<> Yellow Wind
Purple Lightning <> Blue Water
So most Dragons have left the world of Zelkrith. Taking the risk of traveling the Astral plane when the opportunity arose. Yet some remained. Perhaps out of Duty, or some loyalty to this world. As Zelkrith has seen its is share of battles. Vast cities lost in endless deserts. And Feral and hostile Jungles that have torn through structures that might look like foreign or alien creation, with materials that are forgotten or don't exist anymore.
Zelkrith is a dying planet, while most of its inhabitants don't realize it. Even while Ferals spells that were unleashed hundreds of years ago, still destroy and corrupt the planet. Most don't know if the planet will finally end devoured in the ever growing Jungles, and or a scorched wasteland as the desert expanding. Or the sheer corruption at the places these two lands have when they meet.
Magic is feared by most.... but the remaining Dragons are needed. Their fire, burns away the growing jungles, and their life and breath, help keep the deserts at bay. Children born with a gift of Magic, are given to the riders. From mere infants, they are paired up with a newly awakened Dragons.
The time and proximity to each other, lets the Dragon and its partner bond. The human and Dragon, their giftings connecting. The human's magic flows to the Dragon, adding to the Dragons needed supply, while the Dragon's Essence flows back, empowering their partner, with strength, or speed, or endurance. As well as connecting the life span of the two of them. If the Dragon dies, so does its Human. If the Human dies, the Dragon will shortly run out of magic and go mad, to be hunted and devoured by his own kin, to reclaim and magic that might remain.
Yet the Dragon and its partner must strength the bond, learn to rely on each other, increasing what is shared between them. To accomplish this... when the human are old enough, and when the Dragon can fly. They are sent into the Jungles. They are not to return unless the bring back a source of magic. Yet the Jungles are no friend of Human or Dragon, and to survive they must be willing to work together. If they return, they are welcomed to the Ranks of the Dragon Riders. Yet many do not, the Jungle swallowing most.
It is common if at all possible when they partner each other, that Dragon and its rider are the same gender, and if possible they also try to match the giftings of their partners. Gifts of Fire to the Red, Water to the Blue.... yet this is hardly always possible.
Zikir a proud if not arrogant (Colour Choice) young male Dragon, was paired with (Name Choice) a youth who's gift had awaken violently (Element Choice opposite of Dragon Colour) Yet this pair while powerful, have been at odds with each other most of their life. Most of their instructors do not expect them to return.
Red - Fire <> White - Ice
Brown Earth -<> Yellow Wind
Purple Lightning <> Blue Water
Modern Fantasy:
Eternal Secret:
Magic must be kept secret. All who use Magic or are magical must agree to this fact or they will be hunted down, and contained. A single incident could easily be ignored and written off, but when a after unwittingly awakens to her magic it does draw attention when people start dying it is time for a Hunter to get invovled. Hunters, the enforcers of the Eternal Secret. A group of Magus and the Magic aware, that deal with Magical incidents to prevent the secret from getting broken. Yet they are given free reign on how to handle it. And Freshman is going to be forced to accept this Law, learn her gift or be removed.... by death or worse... the Camps.
More to be added.
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