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Mx Female Tech Collar Mindless Bimbo Conditioning


Jun 8, 2022
This scenario is a bit of a thought experiment that I've entertained time and again, and explores the use of emerging new technologies and modern psychological conditioning techniques in order to facilitate bimbofication and transformation. The methods are as aggressive as they are effective, and the specific goals are to have you undergo massive IQ reduction, be conditioned for absolute obedience your Master(s) and/or Mistresses, have your behaviors and habits micromanaged right down to even the most mundane of activities, maintain feeling of sexual arousal 24/7, and have your speech and vocabulary both restricted and customized so that you are able to only express those desires related to sexual submission and basic biological needs.

Some of the tools and technologies to be deployed will be as follows:

* A device that is built with mini-EEG, fMRI, or fNIRS brainwave sensors, giving it the capability to monitor your thoughts in real time, such as modified Muse headset or an Emotiv device. This could be in the form of a headset, a collar, or even a wig.
* A modified shock collar that would be linked to the mind reading device as described above, which would react to your very thoughts. Good thoughts would be rewarded, bad thoughts punished with an electric shock.
* Lifestyle cameras equipped with facial expression recognition software, temperature scanning, and emotional recognition software to constantly monitor both your daily activities and your emotional responses. Additionally it will be used to train you to adopt bimbo facial expressions, and various sexual poses.
* A built-in AI and other machine learning algorithms that will improve over time as it continuously monitors and logs your brainwave patterns; eventually it will know what you are thinking before you are even consciously aware of it, and react accordingly. It can also be used to plant the precursors of desired behavior.

The training stages will be as follows:

Stage 1:

Dedicated to obedience training, lowering your inhibitions, and the initial stages of the dulling of your intellect. You would get an idea of how precise and accurate the apparatus is in being able to detect your innermost thoughts, and will be used to train and condition you into a state of submissiveness, agreeableness, and lowered sexual inhibitions. Any thoughts of disobedience or defiance will be punished and subsequently reduced. You will be initially trained to refocus your thoughts on vapid and trivial topics, sexual gratification, and the art of seduction. Some examples include things like your looks, makeup, clothing, acting like a horny slut for Master, watching either pornography or just rubbishy entertainment in general (such as reality TV or TikToks). Attention span will also begin to be reduced, and you will learn how to avoid discussing or thinking about complicated subjects like any work related topics, and more general things such as politics or science or math.

Stage 2:
Here the IQ reduction stage will begin to be aggressively pursued, and build on top of the things outlined in the first stage. The main components of this intelligence reduction will include the following:

* Vocabulary reduction: You will be trained to restrict both your thoughts and vocabulary to one or two syllable words, and will over time become a deep habit. A "deep habit" meaning that you will subconsciously break everything you hear into two syllable chunks or less, and so rendering any multisyllable words to be largely incomprehensible.
* No math: You will be trained to avoid doing any math, even simple arithmetic. Additionally, you will be trained to stop yourself from counting past the number 9 (specifically, you wouldn't be allowed to \*think\* any number below 0 and above 9).
* No reading: The gradual reduction, and then the elimination of reading altogether. Specifically, you would be trained to lose focus on any strings of text within half a second or less. So while you might recognize or register characters within a quick scan of your immediate surroundings, you would otherwise not be able to focus long enough to make out what most written material would say. Things like reading dense blocks of text, paragraphs, or even restaurant menus would be beyond you (where you would opt for doing things like just simply pointing at a picture of the food item you want, rather than trying to read the menu).

In addition:

* All thoughts will be restricted to revolve purely around sex and submission. You would be mentally trained to stop yourself just short, or right on the verge, of thinking any other undesirable thought before it can fully form or surface into your conscious awareness.
* A ditzy smile is expected to be your default facial expression. Other facial expressions would be allowed based on context and activity.
* This stage will also focus on training sexual poses, steadily increasing and maintaining your ambient level of sexual arousal, training your voice so that you will sound more vapid and airheaded whenever you speak, facial expression training, begging for cock or for sexual intercourse, web cam and masturbation sessions, and so on.

Stage 3:

Will build upon the previous stage. You will effectively become "A sex-doll with a pulse". In particular:

* Vocabulary will be limited strictly to words relating to sex and basic biological needs, and are also only 1-2 syllables in length. Additionally I can also limit the number of letters per word to <7, or limit the number of total words available to you to less than \~1000 total.
* >95% of all education you have learned will be eliminated in its entirety, both forgotten and also rendered \*unthinkable\*.
* Attention span is limited to less than 2 seconds for virtually any topic outside of sex.
* Conditioned to be unable to think coherently or logically, unless you are engaging with those activities related to your training i.e. sexual techniques, self-debasement towards your Master, looking and dressing in ways that enhance your sexual appeal, etc.
* Perpetually and overwhelmingly horny 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and always feeling like you are on the cusp of a breath-taking orgasm (but not allowed to cum unless Master gives permission otherwise).
* Conditioned/trained to continually find ways to further dumb down your own thoughts even further in any possible further way. Indeed the *very act of thinking* expected to slow down to a crawl and become ever more laborious and unpleasant.

Towards the end of this stage there will be increased emphasis on physical enhancements, such as breast implants, lip fillers, etc.

If interested in playing this scenario out with me, please send me a PM with the following information:

* Age
* Hair color and length
* Height
* Body Type
* Current level of education
* Anything else you want to add!

And that's it, can't wait to hear from you all soon!
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