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Question about general feelings on AI Art


Mar 7, 2025
Hello all! I am quite new here, and thus ask this question as a general litmus of taste, nothing more. No ill-intent either way!

Does this website have a general taste for or distaste for AI Art found for use in RPing? I'm merely curious, and of course openly looking for ways to increase my post-count for membership purposes. :p

I myself am open to their use, as I have shamelessly spent my life hunting through images for use in RPs, and so they sometimes work! When they don' know...have fifteen extra fingers of the SKRUNKLIEST persuasion.
It completely depends on your partner, it's best just to ask them if they don't put anything in their RT/Profile about it. I personally don't like it but purely for ethics reasons as I'm part of a community of creatives, and many of us have begun to refuse posting our art on public websites, as we're very worried about AI being used to steal art.

That being said, I've almost certainly used AI art by accident in the past, it's getitng quite difficult to tell whether its real or not. 😭

There's no specific rule against it anyway!
It completely depends on your partner, it's best just to ask them if they don't put anything in their RT/Profile about it. I personally don't like it but purely for ethics reasons as I'm part of a community of creatives, and many of us have begun to refuse posting our art on public websites, as we're very worried about AI being used to steal art.

That being said, I've almost certainly used AI art by accident in the past, it's getitng quite difficult to tell whether its real or not. 😭

There's no specific rule against it anyway!
That's very fair! I wanted to check before I stepped on website toes. I ask my partners what kinds of pictures they'd like to work with anyway before just sending them.
It's kind of split I think, but a more common sentiment among creative people seems to be a distaste for AI. As an artist myself I personally don't care that much, but I do prefer hand-drawn images for characters just because they generally look better, like they have a uniqueness to them whereas AI art sort of all ends up looking the same. Although I have seen AI art that I genuinely thought was good and was surprised to find out that it was AI, so I'm susceptible to falling for it too lol. When it comes to images of locations or outfits though I'll sometimes end up using AI art since it doesn't really look any different in those cases and still gets the job done. That's just me though, everyone's different so I would just ask and probably err on the side of them not liking it, better to be safe than sorry and all that.
It's kind of split I think, but a more common sentiment among creative people seems to be a distaste for AI. As an artist myself I personally don't care that much, but I do prefer hand-drawn images for characters just because they generally look better, like they have a uniqueness to them whereas AI art sort of all ends up looking the same. Although I have seen AI art that I genuinely thought was good and was surprised to find out that it was AI, so I'm susceptible to falling for it too lol. When it comes to images of locations or outfits though I'll sometimes end up using AI art since it doesn't really look any different in those cases and still gets the job done. That's just me though, everyone's different so I would just ask and probably err on the side of them not liking it, better to be safe than sorry and all that.
That totally makes sense. It's kinda how I've approached it, save that there ARE some images I genuinely like. They're often quite limited though in their capabilities, AI I mean.
I'll be honest and say I dislike AI art.

That being said, I can empathize with not being able to find a perfect picture to represent one's character for an RP and turning to AI can help with that. I try to be cool with partners using AI images for their characters but I admit it kinda makes upselling the RP a smidge harder to me. I don't use AI myself - at least not knowingly.
One of the biggest issues of AI "art" for me so far has been the excessive use I see of it. Going anywhere; from RP communities, Pinterest, Twitter, etc, all I see is AI art because of how easily it can be mass produced compared to actual art. It's also soulless, steals art from artists, etc. I can't wait for websites to hopefully have ways to filter it out, esp on Pinterest.
I really appreciate you's alls views on this. I'll generally do as I've always done; ask my partner what they like. Yeah, it's...not a great situation for artists.
I'm not exactly against my partner using AI art but I personally don't like using it. That said, if it's glaringly obvious the face claim is AI generated, I am less likely to be excited about the roleplay,,
Generally I'm not a fan of AI art. AI Image Generators in particular stand out because they often struggle with smaller things like fingers and eyes, and the errors there are often glaringly obvious and ruin the immersion.

I'll use RL photos, 3D renders, maybe well-drawn images...but I just can't do anime-style.

Most often, though, I'll just use wordy descriptions so my partner can use their imagination.
I very much dislike AI refs. Most of the reasons why I dislike it have already been mentioned here so I won't repeat same points.

If my partner has trouble finding a perfect one I just encourage them to find something close enough and just fill in rest of the details with their words and description for example. If they are hell-bent on using AI then I usually bow out at that point.

If my partner or me unknowingly end up using something AI generated then that's a different case of course, since at least some AI-assisted images have tripped me a few times, but the baseline for me is zero-tolerance, but that's just how I roll.
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