Hello all! I am quite new here, and thus ask this question as a general litmus of taste, nothing more. No ill-intent either way!
Does this website have a general taste for or distaste for AI Art found for use in RPing? I'm merely curious, and of course openly looking for ways to increase my post-count for membership purposes.
I myself am open to their use, as I have shamelessly spent my life hunting through images for use in RPs, and so they sometimes work! When they don't...you know...have fifteen extra fingers of the SKRUNKLIEST persuasion.
Does this website have a general taste for or distaste for AI Art found for use in RPing? I'm merely curious, and of course openly looking for ways to increase my post-count for membership purposes.
I myself am open to their use, as I have shamelessly spent my life hunting through images for use in RPs, and so they sometimes work! When they don't...you know...have fifteen extra fingers of the SKRUNKLIEST persuasion.