She needed time to think, and that was perfectly reasonable. Henry pressed his bearded lips together to form a subtle, understanding smile and nodded as he patted his daughter's hand. "Sleep on it," he said. "We can talk in the morning."
He watched as Lily walked off to her room, and once she was out sight, his eyes drifted to his wife who seemed to be growing more agitated once again.
"Do you think she'll say no?" a confusing mix of worry and relief in her tone.
"Let's not talk about this here, okay?" he said, the weight of his exhaustion readily apparent in his voice. "It's been a long day, and I need a shower."
Mia nodded and they both retreated to the master bedroom upstairs.
Henry did need a shower, but he also just needed to be alone. He needed to be away from his wife, if only for a little while. He'd been trying so hard to remain cool, calm, and collected through all of this, but Mia's intense anxiety had a way of increasing his own. He was usually her rock, the source of her comfort, the one person in the world who could calm her down. But that wasn't the case now. Because of what he needed to do, he was one of two primary sources of anxiety in her life rather than her respite. And since he was unable to effectively calm her down, he knew he just needed to walk away for a bit, for his own sanity and for hers.
And so he took a long, hot shower. He'd been hoping to clear his mind, but that was apparently impossible. His thoughts kept returning to his daughter, to how this would all happen. Unlike Mia, he had no doubts that she would say yes. It was just a matter of when she would finally say it. And when that happened, what would he do? They'd told Lily that she'd have control over how this all transpired, but he knew his daughter. She was a strong person, but would she actually have the courage to tell him how she wanted this to go down? He doubted it. He doubted any daughter would have the courage to tell their father how they'd prefer to be fucked and inseminated. Because that's what was going to happen, right? They could use all the euphemisms they wanted. They could call it a procedure, but they'd both know what it actually meant. So, he figured he would ultimately have to take the lead.
But would he be able to get aroused for his little girl? Standing there under the shower head, water cascading down his body, he tried to imagine Lily and her body as if she weren't his daughter. Eventually, she wasn't even Lily anymore in his mind. She was just a faceless, seventeen year old girl. A slender but shapely little girl who needed him and his cum. He tried to imagine what this girl might look like in the nude. He tried to imagine the curve of her ass, the swell of her breasts. Feeling his manhood begin to grow, he took it in his hand and as he began to stroke, he grew firmer. The naked, faceless girl in his mind needed him, wanted him, was desperate for him.
And that's where the fantasy ended. Because she didn't want him. She wasn't desperate for him, at least not in the way he'd been imagining. That girl was his daughter, and she was essentially being forced into all of this out of necessity. Feeling dirty, which was quite the feat considering that he was in the shower, he released his manhood and reached for the handle of the shower to turn on the cold water. The last thing he needed was to walk into the bedroom and have Mia see him hard after everything that had happened that day.
Done with the shower, he stepped out and grabbed a towel to dry off, and as he did he eyed his body in the mirror. He'd been concerned about being able to become aroused for his daughter, but would she be able to become aroused by him? He was in pretty good shape for a man his age. He worked out and had a mostly athletic physique with a somewhat defined chest and muscular arms, but he was just a bit soft around the middle like any average man might be at his age. He stared at his cock, still somewhat hard. He knew he was large. Would it hurt her like Mia said? Would she have second thoughts the second it was inside her? Or would she be brave and bite the bullet?
Henry was torn from his thoughts when the bathroom door suddenly opened. "Are you avoiding me?!" Mia accused. "You've been in here for an hour!"
Clearly shocked from the intrusion, he couldn't formulate words right away, and just when he felt like he could, he saw his wife's eyes fall to his crotch. Her eyes widened in disgust. "Oh my god… are… are you fucking hard right now?" She left the bathroom and slammed the door behind her.
Henry quickly wrapped the towel around his waist and walked into the bedroom to explain himself, but Mia was already pulling luggage out of the closet. He opened his mouth to speak, but Mia stopped him. "Not a word, Henry," she yelled. "Not a fucking word, understand?" She started haphazardly throwing clothes into the luggage. "I'm going to my mom's. You call me when this is all over. I can't be in this house when… when you…" It was clear that she was unable to finish what she wanted to say.
"Can I explain myself?" Henry said angrily.
"No! Because I don't fucking care! I understand that you're… you're… probably doing whatever you need to do, okay? But I don't want to see it. I don't know about it. I don't want to talk about it. I know this needs to happen, but I don't want any part of this. I'm NOT part of this." The last bit is what appeared to hurt the most to say.
Henry understood, and just watched on silently as she finished packing her bags and left. Now alone, he dressed himself in his typical night time attire, a pair of boxer shorts, and finished his routine. He knew that sleep wasn't going to come easily. Not only did he have Lily to worry about, but now he had to wonder what all of this was going to do to his marriage. Could they survive it? Could any marriage? Surely, Mia would come around? It was only going to be a one time thing. They'd never even need to talk about it. He doubted any of them would ever think to bring it up.
He stayed up late into the night reading in a desperate attempt to take his mind off of things. At some point, he drifted off, but it was a fitful and hardly restful sleep. So it was no wonder that he woke to the sound of his daughter's bedroom door opening. A wave of anxiety washed over him for a moment when he wondered if she was coming to tell him her decision, but then he heard the creaking of the stairs and he let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding. She was probably just getting a glass of water like she usually did.
He tried to close his eyes again, but almost as soon as he felt like he might be drifting off again, he heard a loud crash. His fatherly instincts kicked in, and he popped out of bed. Racing down the stairs, he yelled, "Lily? Are you okay?"
She wasn't.
She was on the floor, but luckily it didn't look like she was injured.
Rushing up to her, he crouched down beside her, but before he could say anything, he saw a welling up of emotion on her face, and that's when she said it. She wanted the cure.
Henry nodded as tears brimmed his own eyes. Stroking her hair, he said, "Okay, baby girl… Okay…" All of his fears and anxieties seemed to dissipate. It was no longer a matter of whether he could do this. He had to do this… for her.
He scooped her up into his arms like she weighed nothing at all as he said, "Come on, let's get you back to bed." When they arrived at her bedroom, he gently set her down on the mattress before taking a seat on the edge beside her. "I think we may have put a bit too much pressure on you with the whole… having you decide how this all happens, especially since you've never done it before. If you have any ideas, then by all means let me know, okay? Otherwise, I… I hope you can just put your trust in me. I'm willing to take the lead on this if you want so you don't really have to think about it. You'd just have to trust me…"