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Where do you like to find your faceclaims?


Apr 10, 2022
Hi there! For those of us who like to use faceclaims, searching for the perfect one can sometimes be a struggle. In the past, I used to use Pinterest and good old Google search, but both of these have been flooded by AI art that I'm not particularly interested in using. using Google search with -AI seems to be to okay for the first few pages but afterwards gets into non-related territory to the original search, so it seems less a good resource for me than a few years ago.

Are there particular sites you find yourself going back to? Or do you keep to the same faceclaims you've used for other stories and just change the character?
I use gelbooru which is a tag based -booru style image site. It caters mostly to anime style imagery though which I know not everyone likes but they don't allow AI art to be hosted on the site. It hosts SFW and NSFW content as ell.
I use gelbooru which is a tag based -booru style image site. It caters mostly to anime style imagery though which I know not everyone likes but they don't allow AI art to be hosted on the site. It hosts SFW and NSFW content as ell.
ooo, I'm not sure if I've ever used anything -booru related, I'll have to check it out !! thank you for the recommendation o:
Besides Pinterest and gelbooru, I also like to use danbooru and zerochan. It kinda goes in tiers, where if I find Pinterest is sucking on a particular day, I'll go to gelbooru, then danbooru and finally zerochan, usually the last one if I find a specific faceclaim that I really like but can't find art for, because it tends to pretty much have the most art. It's just a matter of looking exactly for what you need with zc.
For less anime or hentai inspiration I find art station pretty good. You can turn off ai easily in search.
The rabbit hole that is Pinterest... I never truly understood the power it held over people until I found this hobby, and now, well, it's a dangerous time-suck when I visit that place. I'm still too lazy to organize any sort of boards, and my hard drive is nay pleased about that. One day, maybe, I'll get around to being organized.
Pinterest and Google images sometimes I’ll commission discord artists
as an artist, I keep telling myself I'm just gonna draw all my faceclaims but I'm so lazy,,,,

(good on you for commissioning though, we appreciate it !!! )
I, myself, have been finding a fair number of my faceclaims on Rule 34. Naturally, that site lends itself more to canon refs that I want to play as, but the original tag on that site does yield some good stuff. If not that, I tend to use Gelbooru, as stated frequently above, after that...maybe DeviantArt? Google is a last resort, just to cast the widest net possible to get something for the odd time my picky ass is spending several days finding a faceclaim lol
The rabbit hole that is Pinterest... I never truly understood the power it held over people until I found this hobby, and now, well, it's a dangerous time-suck when I visit that place. I'm still too lazy to organize any sort of boards, and my hard drive is nay pleased about that. One day, maybe, I'll get around to being organized.
Same here...I do keep organizing, re-organizing and re-re-organizing my boards regularly, though....Which I feel is just more of a time-sink, than actually helpful in organizing things^^
Used to be google but Pinterest has exceeded my expectations finding whatever I need.
Pinterest, Google. I also have a running list of face claims I like using.
Deviantart, Pinterest, the various -boorus (particularly Gel and Dan), Artstation and Newgrounds.
+1 for the Boorus. The tags are generally more complete on Dan compared to Gel, in my experience, which is especially helpful in finding outfits with particular apparel.

For inspiration for scenes rather than characters, I've found the hentai boards on 4chan to be surprisingly helpful.
I also mostly use Gelbooru and other booru-sites for my refs.

Pinterest used to be a decent option, but nowadays it's filled with AI-slop and finding anything there is a headache unless you happen to fall down some decent rabbit hole which rarely happens, however for villainess and adjacent refs I still use it.

Rule34, zerochan and generally googling also works. Depends what kind of ref I am after.
AI has been such a boon for porn, but it's such a curse! I usually use R34, Booru, Pinterested, and Google to find my references. Sometimes I'll find a picture as I'm browsing the internet and save it for future use but often times I'll ask my partner what they enjoy and then trawl through the internet then.
the amount of booru replies was shocking since I'd never used them before, but after spending a few hours between gel and dan, I managed to collect a ton of potential new face claims !! I'm really glad I asked ;w; it was super helpful
Danbooru and Gelbooru for me, I do like to search for original characters, unless I really like the look of some existing characters.

I just tell people that I am likely to use their likeness, or loose history, as I don't know each and every one.
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