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Mx Female The Exploitation Of Youth

Jan 25, 2025
Welcome to my newest roleplay, The Exploitation of Youth, my first official attempt at playing a pure evil human character.
What can you expect from from this roleplay? From my character? He'll be a drug dealer, thief, rapist if not serial rapist, ruthless, cruel, hateful and selfish.
His primary target audience? Selling drugs to underage young high school girls, from the ages of 17 up to college age.

Drugs of all kinds, with known or unknown affects such as the experimental Milk Pill of which its affects are said to cause temporary increase in intellect for short periods of time, great for passing tests!

The down side? permanent or temporary mass growth of bodily proportions such as breasts, nipples, hips, thighs, and ass.

This roleplay is designed for those with almost or little limits.

What I'm looking for from you? at first your character should be of socially insecure variety, like she wants to appear more attractive and intelligent, to gain friends and popularity, but also timid and easily scared, full blown virgin. And now for the roleplay with a short prologue!

This could be 50/50 in terms of smut and story or whatever you prefer.
7/4/2019 Tuesday evening 6:30 pm
90 Degree temperature with decent humidity

''Man teenagers these days are complete idiots, but boy are they good for business. Shame they're letting me ruin their futures, ah what am I talking about?! Fuck em, fuck all those little shitheads. Speaking of fuck em, girls today damn! Juniors and seniors are getting hotter and hotter every day and they look a lot older too, been awhile since I last had fun......haha hehehe'' The 6'2 tall man who was talking to himself couldnt help but laugh at the thoughts and plans cooking in his head as he must have spent the last 5 minutes talking to himself, inside the dark alley that must have been 10 feet wide from the left to right. Filthy brick walls that belonged to a set of 2 4 story tall abandoned apartment buildings, that had numerous trashcans scattered about, and other scraps of trash, with him leaning against a wall in the dark shadows, it was a decently long alleyway that at one end was a dead end with a brick wall and then the one entrance. Despite the heat, he was dressed in dark blue jeans, with a leather belt that hugged his toned muscular torso, with a sheath attached that had a sharp pocket knife. Uptop he was wearing a black leather jacket over over a white tank top, that did little to hide his muscular toned chest and large arms, a face that looked like it held secrets, a chiseled jaw line, blue eyes, a nose that was a bit crooked and a smile that was that could charm or terrify someone, with a bald head. Soon hearing some laughter that sounded like it came from young women. ''Bingo, fresh targets'' Soon walking the length of the alley from where he was, fully exiting the alley to stand against a wall basking in the waning sunlight, spotting just one girl that was laughing at something on her phone, as she walked past him before he spoke up, looking her up and down.

''Hey there, young lady, stop right there, I got a deal for you, a deal you cant turn down. '' His voice was smooth and slick like honey with his charming smile on display, oddly even, straight white teeth. ''You look like someone who craves and desires to have friends, be popular and be seen as attractive, you look even desperate for it, I can see it in your eyes, you laugh at your phone, but thats the only happiness you got. I got something to fix that, to make all your problems go away, all you need to do is bring some money and come back later tonight at 11:30 pm. Alone, by yourself. Take a look at these and think about it.'' He opened his leather jacket and pulled out a bag, a dime bag with two small capsule pills filled with white fluid in them, showing the bag to her from a distance. ''Two of these will fix your problem, make you smarter and prettier guaranteed, but you'll want new clothes, because these will make you curvier'' in the jacket was several other bags of drugs, before he started backing into the dark alley with one final word, ''just think about it. ''
11:30 pm several hours later, The man was still in the alley waiting, seeing if she'd show up. Tonight was a full moon, and it was starting to cool down, the alley illuminated by moon light, but still on the darker side. This late? the only people out and about were criminals and few people heading home from work, but still there he was waiting, the only change to his outfit was his pants, a different color. ''She''ll show up, I know she will, I recognize that look in her eyes, I was definitely spot on, but get ready to run if she brings the cops'' The end of the alley wasn't just a brick wall, there was also a rusty ladder that led to the roof, thankfully the roofs werent too far away, so he could jump them until he reached his apartment. He may have seemed nice and friendly earlier but that was just a mask, he was vastly different underneath as his thoughts ran. That dumb bitch better show up, its been awhile since I've had fun, if she makes me wait any longer, she'll regret it. I hope shes a virgin, so I can be the first to taste that sweet sweet fruit of hers.
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