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What is a piece of media (show, movie, book, art, video games etc) that the majority love but you just can't get behind?


Mar 1, 2025
I'm curious to see what y'all say but for me it's probably most period dramas, a lot of them are really predictable and similar it just kinda gets old but I definitely see the appeal.
Most DC/Marvel stuff... Or generally western superhero-medium in general.


Silver-Fang/Weed/Any Yoshihiro Takahashi dog-manga (Long-running dog manga/anime that is for some reason extremely popular in here ('for some reason' most likely being that it got VHS release here in the 80's and shocked everyone with it's gory scenes and horrible, yet classic dub). I still think that the mangaka makes most of his income thanks to people from my country loving it to bits)

Kingdom Hearts (Though Sanctuary will always be banger like most Hikaru Utada songs)

Most extremely popular and hyped battle-shounen/adjacent shows from recent years. Some of them I've tried one season, others few and some I've even finished as a manga. Some exceptions do exist though.
Superhero stuff in general is it for me - Just cannot get into it.

Harry Potter too - The author is a terrible person and I don't want to support her.
I guess Harry Potter, even completely unrelated to the author.

I just never thought it was particularly good. Slightly estranged relatives gifted me every book for birthdays and Christmases, which I read dutifully but it just is.... meh.
And then, all of a sudden everybody took off their nostalgia-goggles and went "Wait! Is Harry Potter maybe bad, actually?". Yes, it is. I've been saying it since I finished Philosopher's Stone, shrugged and said "Can I get a discworld novel next year, please?"
I mean, no shade on anyone who did enjoy it, but I'm convinced that if it weren't for some clever marketing and nostalgia, nobody would have given two shits about "Annoying Cupboard-Boy's Magical Adventures in Wonderland, where Racism is bad....unless!"

Sorry... I didn't know that rant was in me, but I feel better now xD
Magic The Gathering.

I want to get into it cause I love card games and it's the biggest one out there. Though I just think the art is sooooo ugly most of the time. If I don't like the look of the cards, I don't really care to collect um. Though I keep trying over and over to give it a shot but just can never stick.
Harry Potter: I’ve watched all movies ever since I was a kid but my mom and sister seem to enjoy it more than I did. Nothing against the author. I just couldn’t get too into it. I tried again with the Magical Beast franchise but pretty much dropped it when the second movie wasn’t as good as the first (convoluted plot and less magical beasties). The nail in the coffin for me was when WB fired Johnny Depp without waiting for any evidence on the Amber Heard allegations.

Since Harry Potter has been mentioned a couple times already I’ll include a new one.

Sports: I love to play sports but I can give less of a shit to watch sports. The only sport I actually keep up with is Mix Martial Arts (UFC, One Championship, Boxing, etc). Everything else I couldn’t care less for.
Pulp Fiction.

I know it's a cult classic, I know it's loved by gazillions of people...but I just can't.
Forgot to put this in my list, but will come back for round two:

Shinkai Makoto-movies - I've watched almost every major work of his and I still can't see the "modern day Miyazaki" most people seem to see in him and his works. They are audiovisual spectacles. Absolutely gorgeous looking movies with eyecandy animation and setpieces and the soundtracks of his movies are great, but the stories he tells in his movies never resonate with me. Just watched Suzume no Tojimari before writing this and the same problems I've had with his stories plaqued this work as well, despite this one being probably my favorite work of his with Garden of Words (though main reason why I enjoy that movie is because of the atmosphere it has).

When someone is compared to Hayao Miyazaki I think the person needs to have the whole package down from intriguing stories and concepts in them to visuals and audiovisual department, and Shinkai Makoto is way too formulaic of a director to claim that "new Miyazaki" title in my opinion. Miyazaki does something new every time, but wih Shinkai his movies feel extremely same-y in terms of their visual style, music (Is it really a Shinkai Makoto movie if it does not have RADWIMPS in it?) and even in terms of stories he tells with some bells and whistles to make them stand-out, but they essentialy go through the same motions in terms of character drama and romance and the endings for most of the time are huge let-downs (with the exception of Suzume no Tojimari).

So yeah. I just can't get behind his works despite giving most of his major works a shot. I doubt that he manages to ever cook-up a story that I will eat-up and feel satisfied afterwards, despite majority of anime-fans and even more casual anime viewers praising his works as some of the best ones in the whole genre.

It insists upon itself.
I watched I don't remember how many seasons but I couldn't watch anymore after they introduced the vegan character, it was so painfully obvious the direction they were going and I just found it kinda tacky
Maybe it's not a single movie, but I don't understand the "hype" for the Isekai stories in general, and especially those who aren't even trying to hide the fact, that they're presenting the viddya game world (stat chart windows, adventurer ranks etc). It was... moderately... fun in first two or three instances, but now it's just a poor excuse to show more half-naked Nekos and heroes with "completely useless, yet actually pretty OP" powers.
Probably Demon Slayer for me. Don't get me wrong, I'd say it's a decent enough shonen, maybe 6.5/10, but it's just that. Yet when the first season came out, it was tauted as the best anime ever.

It's not bad, but I think it's definitely carried by the animation. The manga itself doesn't have very good art either. I never got past the second (third?) season though, so maybe it gets better after that, but I doubt it.
My Hero Academia. And I'm saying this as someone who has watched like 5 seasons of it lmao. I legit can't recount most of what happened in the show, I feel like my eyes just kinda glazed over while watching it? It's not bad, but it's not really my cup of tea, either. I used to do fandom roleplays a lot and so many people had MHA listed in their RTs that I put it in mine at one point, but tbh none of the characters really even appeal to me that much, I wouldn't really want to play as or against any of them.

Another one for me is Battle Royale/Hero Shooter/MOBA games. You know the common culprits: Fortnite, Overwatch, Valorant, DOTA, LoL, etc etc. I'm terrible at these kinds of games and they tend to just bore me out of my skull. That being said, I don't hate every game that I'm bad at - I'm horrible at Soulsborne games and still enjoy them, so I think it's just something about the PvP-oriented gameplay that I don't like.
Maybe it's not a single movie, but I don't understand the "hype" for the Isekai stories in general, and especially those who aren't even trying to hide the fact, that they're presenting the viddya game world (stat chart windows, adventurer ranks etc). It was... moderately... fun in first two or three instances, but now it's just a poor excuse to show more half-naked Nekos and heroes with "completely useless, yet actually pretty OP" powers.
Their formula is so over done, all share the same story-beats, and characters. I guess they make so many because it's all easily made and produced, and the return is big enough. It's genuinely tragic seeing the 100th "I got transported to another world but got turned into a toaster" or slop like that. Sadly a lot of anime has turned into this, but when something inspired and creatively cared for releases like Frieren releases, it's some of the best media out there.
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