machina erotica
- Joined
- Dec 17, 2009
- Location
At first glance, it likely looked like any other "anonymous" meeting. Folded chairs had been set up in a sad little circle. Someone had set up a table, on which were a couple of boxes of donuts and a water cooler, along with paper napkins and cups. The place looked and felt clean, sure, but almost in a sterile sort of way. It probably didn't help that they were tucked away in a side room of the local community center. For most of those there, being tucked away probably wouldn't be an entirely new experience for them. Some may even feel some relief in that.
Which may be odd, seeing as when you looked further, nearly everyone there looked remarkably attractive. For some reason, that always seemed to happen with these meetings, the circumstances themselves naturally selecting people who just happened to be physically appealing. Yet it wasn't even just the physical attractiveness: many had this aura, an almost sexual draw. One leggy female, looking just out of her teens, kept running her hand along her lower belly while she looked nervously around the room. A curvy young woman eyed up nearly everyone there, one moment licking her lips, the next looking down as if embarrassed. One girl who couldn't be more than eighteen wore an actual collar around her neck, and she nervously fiddled with it.
A man in his mid-twenties, ostensibly the one responsible for leading this, called out to everyone. "Time to gather up in the seats, if, ah, you're cool with sitting down. No judgment if you want to stand for whatever reason," Mr. Rolla as he was known on the flyer ran his hand through his shaggy hair. While he, too, looked fairly handsome, he didn't seem quite as twitchy as many of the others. Fun how even something like a seating arrangement could get tricky in this. Collar girl sat next down to this burly guy who tried a shy smile, and as soon as he did, she shot up and sat a few seats away, mumbling an apology. At least one couple sat next to each other, reaching and holding one another's hands.
Rolla cleared his throat. "Right, well, we should probably get started. My name is Ezekial Rolla. I was, ah, the 'disciple,'" he used air quotes, "of Hezekiah the Groper, and this... this is Hentai Survivors Anonymous."
Which may be odd, seeing as when you looked further, nearly everyone there looked remarkably attractive. For some reason, that always seemed to happen with these meetings, the circumstances themselves naturally selecting people who just happened to be physically appealing. Yet it wasn't even just the physical attractiveness: many had this aura, an almost sexual draw. One leggy female, looking just out of her teens, kept running her hand along her lower belly while she looked nervously around the room. A curvy young woman eyed up nearly everyone there, one moment licking her lips, the next looking down as if embarrassed. One girl who couldn't be more than eighteen wore an actual collar around her neck, and she nervously fiddled with it.
A man in his mid-twenties, ostensibly the one responsible for leading this, called out to everyone. "Time to gather up in the seats, if, ah, you're cool with sitting down. No judgment if you want to stand for whatever reason," Mr. Rolla as he was known on the flyer ran his hand through his shaggy hair. While he, too, looked fairly handsome, he didn't seem quite as twitchy as many of the others. Fun how even something like a seating arrangement could get tricky in this. Collar girl sat next down to this burly guy who tried a shy smile, and as soon as he did, she shot up and sat a few seats away, mumbling an apology. At least one couple sat next to each other, reaching and holding one another's hands.
Rolla cleared his throat. "Right, well, we should probably get started. My name is Ezekial Rolla. I was, ah, the 'disciple,'" he used air quotes, "of Hezekiah the Groper, and this... this is Hentai Survivors Anonymous."
Introduction and Overview
So I'm not sure this idea is going to work. I know that's a great way to start off a request thread, but I wanted to get it out there. This is based off an idea I had that I thought would make for an interesting erotic based RP. The basic premise is kinda simple, as the above little imagined setup (though a real starting post from me would likely be longer) entails. I would like to write with/as a character who survived your basic hentai/doujin/porn story.
You know the ones I'm talking about. Those erotic tales where a girl's pleasure senses are amped up 100x normal sensation, where a guy is given a literal monster dick or hyper fertility. Where a seemingly normal girl was trained as a pervert's sex pet. Every once in a while, those hentai or doujin have almost what seems like happy endings. People are saved from their situations, or seem to reach some sort of acceptance of it, and attempt to move on with their lives.
What I want to do is therefore write a burgeoning relationship developing from at least one character like that. While the setup and the sort of overview do read like they'd probably almost lead to a sort of trauma based, almost dark RP, I'd like to lean out of that. While that's probably going to be part of it to some degree, what I'm most interested in is how they turn their situation around. I want a scenario where a girl, say, still wants to be immobilized and tied up for sex, but with someone she trusts who will stop if she gives the safe word. I want a RP where the magical girl with a fetish for monsters finds someone willing to, say, use various Bad Dragon strap-ons on her, or even turn into a monster themselves. Basically having those usually intense fetishes, kinks, and scenarios in a situation where someone is still trying to have a better or successful life.
I'm less interested in a sort of even sketched out plot here than having the characters interact with one another. The focus would be split between writing hot scenes that use these fetishes almost to help the characters, and having them build a relationship with someone who either finds those kinks hot or wants to help them work through it, be that a fuck-buddy, a fellow survivor (which could be quite interesting indeed) or a romantic partner of some kind. Think of it almost as hentai like porn and smut, but with the almost romantic, wholesome fluff and relationship building.
See why I wasn't sure it would work?
This didn't just feel good. Good was when she managed to tie herself up and put a vibrator on her, wriggling free after an orgasm or two. Good was kissing the guy and feeling him kiss back. Good was getting back to a normal life after that fucker tied her up as his "sex pet" for those years.
This though ,this felt amazing, this felt blissful, this felt almost mind melting. She couldn't fucking move at all, the heavy binders drawing her arms back, nearly threatening to pop them out of their sockets. Her legs were similarly yanked apart, heavily latched and chained to the bed. The cushions and safety measures that prevented them from digging into her skin felt this weird combination of comforting and almost arousing, particularly as she started bucking her hips. The vibrator had only been strapped to her for a few seconds, but just the fact that she couldn't move at all, that she had to have the toy thrubbing against her, it all felt absolutely amazing. It took her something like seconds to go from horny and scared to excited to aroused. Her hips jerked as she felt that too familiar pleasure rising within. It happened so fast that they probably couldn't have pulled off or stopped if they wanted, not that her body would.
See, echoed the voice in her mind, this is what you are. You're a needy little slut, aren't you? She felt drool gather around her mouth, where the ballgag covered her completely, adjusted just right so she could still breathe. The echoing voice wasn't her. He was here, this handsome guy who was now looking at her with... with worry. Fuck. She quickly made three rising pitch noises against the gag, making sure she was looking right at him. For a moment, she hung there, thing thrumming, that forced pleasure still casacading throuhg her, but he was there in a moment, yanking the gag out. "We need to stop," she said, breathily, already shaking her head, knowing he was either going to protest or read it wrong. She almost glared at him. "You're freaking out," she said, wriggling again, biting her lip as she felt him already moving to turn the toy off, fighting an irritated groan.
Fuck, but that had felt good. Fuck, fuck, fuck. She really couldn't get a decent guy to do this to her, could she?
This though ,this felt amazing, this felt blissful, this felt almost mind melting. She couldn't fucking move at all, the heavy binders drawing her arms back, nearly threatening to pop them out of their sockets. Her legs were similarly yanked apart, heavily latched and chained to the bed. The cushions and safety measures that prevented them from digging into her skin felt this weird combination of comforting and almost arousing, particularly as she started bucking her hips. The vibrator had only been strapped to her for a few seconds, but just the fact that she couldn't move at all, that she had to have the toy thrubbing against her, it all felt absolutely amazing. It took her something like seconds to go from horny and scared to excited to aroused. Her hips jerked as she felt that too familiar pleasure rising within. It happened so fast that they probably couldn't have pulled off or stopped if they wanted, not that her body would.
See, echoed the voice in her mind, this is what you are. You're a needy little slut, aren't you? She felt drool gather around her mouth, where the ballgag covered her completely, adjusted just right so she could still breathe. The echoing voice wasn't her. He was here, this handsome guy who was now looking at her with... with worry. Fuck. She quickly made three rising pitch noises against the gag, making sure she was looking right at him. For a moment, she hung there, thing thrumming, that forced pleasure still casacading throuhg her, but he was there in a moment, yanking the gag out. "We need to stop," she said, breathily, already shaking her head, knowing he was either going to protest or read it wrong. She almost glared at him. "You're freaking out," she said, wriggling again, biting her lip as she felt him already moving to turn the toy off, fighting an irritated groan.
Fuck, but that had felt good. Fuck, fuck, fuck. She really couldn't get a decent guy to do this to her, could she?
That Long and Rambling List of Details
- I go by Fate on the site, with darkest being my adjective. Been on the site for fifteen something years with slightly more time writing the horny. When not writing erotica, I write YA fiction, game reviews, and work as an online instructor (and substitute teacher)
- RL gender means nothing to me. You could be a cis-male, trans-female, erotica-writing alien, non-binary, or computer AI for all I care. So long as you feel comfortable writing in the scenario, we're good.
- I write males, females, non-binaries, robots, pretty well anything and everything. It'll help to let me know what you're interested in writing as well.
- I'm looking for RPs on either PM or thread. Letting me know your preference would be awesome and move things along.
- As the structure, samples, and setup probably suggest, I'm on the literate side of things. I don't want huge novellas for posts, but I do like detail and all that good stuff. I also write more the more excited I am, both in plotting and in RP.
- I'm also fine with either first person or third person, with whatever tense. I've done all of them and they're pluses and minuses. You'll see essentially samples in my little tidbits here.
- This setup is meant to be this weird mix of kinky, sexy, serious, funny, and almost cathardic? I do want to explore our characters, but I don't want to wallow in suffering. The idea is for our characters to be enjoying themselves. Basically think of mixing some of the odder kinks and/or hardcore stuff with more fluffy situations, and you'd have a good idea.
- I am quite accepting of kinks and love to meet my partners' preferences. Most of the ones I "insist" on are pretty easy to deal with. f-list is here.
- All characters should be 18+
- Any past sexual experiences should also be within BM's rules and guidelines; tempted to just suggest that they should have happened at 18+ anyway
- I can be quite active and highly responsive, particularly when I'm excited about a RP. However, I've had a tendency to slip more and more lately. I at least put up an announcement if I won't be responding for a while. Patience is great though
- I have repetitive strain in both my arms, which means that sometimes they lock up or get too painful to write, so I may take a sudden break
- Feel free to send me a PM if you're interested. I don't have secret words or phrases or anything, but using my actual handle when addressing me (Fate), and coming in with some plot ideas and potential characters is gonna be great.
It felt almost surreal, hearing those words come out of the prim and proper student council president. He'd heard the rumors, sure, and she'd pretty well told him what this was going to be like. But hearing it and seeing it in action were two different things. She'd literally had him tear her shirt off, showing this pretty, frilly bra underneath, and had literally just all but demanded that he bruise her while fucking her. Despite her being very upfront, he still felt himself hesitating a moment, right up until he saw that momentary flash in those gorgeous eyes of hers. He couldn't read Sakura's mind, didn't know what she was really thinking, what that was about, but he was pretty sure he understood.
"That's right, I'm going to fuck you," he tried growling, feeling a bit like an idiot. He thought he saw her lips twitch too, but he lunged forward all the same. His hand grabbed onto her throat, being careful to place his fingers just right, hesitating for just a moment after to check. He gave it a slight squeeze, adding pressure, constantly looking at her eyes. "You like that, don't you, dirty...dirty slut," he almost flushed, feeling weird saying that. His other hand went to her skirt, sliding it upward while his fingers went down. "You're already wet for me, aren't you? That's because you're---you're a slut, you--" he paused, not because he felt silly (though he sort of did), but because he could swear she actually did feel wet. His fingers lingered for only a moment though.
He lowered his mouth as he did, seizing her lips in his. They'd kissed a few times in the past, little chaste thing, and he could almost feel Sakura holding back. Now though, he felt like he almost jammed his lips to hers, practically feeling their teeth connect. He gave her another of those moments, watching her, but his lips prised open hers. He let his tongue begin exploring while his fingers moved in time, as if he wanted nothing more than to take that pleasure from her. He realized as he went that he did, that this was definitely hot as hell, making that uncomfortable swelling in his pants all the more noticeable. He pressed his fingers against her pantie clad sex a little harder, rubbing up and down, feeling the heat and trying to sort of map her out, feel the best areas, watch for reactions. He pulled back, giving her another slight squeeze of the throat.
"That's it, Sakura," he whispered, moving to her ear, figuring he should try a quick nip. "You like that, don't you?"
These are sort of just some priminary ideas for characters and their background/setup. Basically if you can think of an adult story and someone who would go through that, that's it, but here's some more specific ideas. (A lot of these are based on specific works I like, though I weirdly am not that interested in playing canonical characters for this. Maybe if the canon characters survived a fanfiction?)
- Ninja (or other warrior) with entire body wired for sex
- Magical Girl used to fucking the monster of the week
- "Reformed" Succubus
- Ex-bride of monsters
- Restored queen of previously conquered nation
- Released "Hucow" (human used for milking and fucking, fyi)
- Daughter of demon king and heroine
- Previously kidnapped ace who now seems distracted
- Supernatural fighter with womb tattoo
- Heroine who previously infiltrated exclusive brothel
- Superheroine trained to get aroused while fighting
- Superheroine who survived mad sex doctor
- Girl trained as extreme bondage (NOT BDSM) slave
- Student Council President trained as a sex-toy
- Pervert Doctor's favorite nurse
- Beauty who's partner broke up with her because of netorare
- Girl with mind-control chip or leftover "programming"
- Beauty with a size queen (or other) "implanted" fetish
- Girl who used to do "compensated dating"
- Single mother of a child whose father she doesn't know
- Ex-conductor of a "sex train"
- Alchemist previously trained in sex-alchemy
- Ex-leader of a sex cult
- Previously possessed by a sex pervert
- Trainee of a "professional molester"
- Guy with hyper-fertility
- Guy with inflated, possible literal, monster cock
- Lustful demi-human who switched sides
- Father/daughter pair who were made to fuck each other
I sat there, Bad Dragon dildo still strapped between my legs, staring at the panting, curvy woman in front of me. I'd barely gotten her out of her panties when she'd cum, flushing in an almost adorable fashion. one look and you can see those rippling abs, the muscles, even some scars. This girl could probably kill me in twelve different ways. But she was also looking up at me with this expression of utter trust as I ran my hands along her sides. Those gasps, those moans, those little sighs of delight, they twisted my insides, made me ache to do things to this woman. She gave me another look, nodding. That little teasing command, that suggestion.
"If you're sure," I almost murmur, looking down at the almost vicious looking toy between my legs. Long, green, ribbed, the thing looks like it would almost literally fuck you up as much as fuck you. I grab its base, feeling the unwieldy, heavy thing. I shift slightly, trying to get into a better position. I've used strap-ons before; lots of girls liked them, needed them, especially those that were bi or trying to see if they even liked girls. I'm not sure an ex-special ninja or whatever she was counted as one of those, but already her sex puffed up and looked oh so ready for me. I shift and run the flared tip up and down, gathering more juices. The toy glistens with that lube I put on earlier, more out of fear of having to take something. But she's already trembling.
I take another breath and push my hips forward, watching, almost awestruck, as the toy pushes past those tight lips. I see it spreading her, delving deeper inside. The pressure pushes against me, a not unpleasant rubbing and a tension that's ramping me up further still. My thighs quiver, my hips almost just thrusting forward to see what happens. But I'm holding instead, waiting, muscles nearly trembling myself. She'd almost came from undressing earlier; what was this going to be like? Was she going to lose her mind? Would she trust me enough to do that?
I push just a little harder, trying not to look oh so eager to find out.
Ending Bit
I really want to do this idea. I think it's got the potential for some really hot smut and some really great plotting and character interactions. If you see this thread, it means I'm likely interested in RPing. I'll admit to not being super friendly outside of that, but I don't bite or anything. I leave that for the RP, if that's the interest.
Anyway, hope to get some responses! Really hope this idea works, as I think it could be really interesting and hot! I am now repeating myself so I'm gonna stop now.