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thoughts on reusing starters?


Apr 10, 2022
Lately I've been writing a starter for a roleplay that hasn't even started yet, sort of as a writing sample, sort of as a way to get a feel for my characters, sort of as a way to dust off the rust so to speak. So far, it's more scene setting than anything else, and has no reference to an opposing character that my potential partner would play, but would it be weird to hypothetically use it as an intro for more than one person? does that opinion change whether you've been made aware up front that it's been recycled perhaps two or three times?

I feel like myself personally would be disappointed if it wasn't disclosed if I found out by going through my partner's other threads after the fact, but on the other hand, I feel like it has potential as an interest check to include it in my request thread and then starting the roleplay from that.

i want to know what you think !!
I do that often. There are just a few elements you might need to change. Opening posts are hard work. Reuse them. As long as they are yours and not someone else’s.
I do that often. There are just a few elements you might need to change. Opening posts are hard work. Reuse them. As long as they are yours and not someone else’s.
oh my god, I hadn't ever considered the possibility of reusing someone else's starter. what a funny (horrible) thing to get blocked/reported for.
I’d hunt you to the ends of the earth
😂😂 and rightfully so !! luckily I genuinely enjoy writing my starters. to the point I end up offering to write like 99% of mine. setting the scene is fun !!
I think it's fine as long as you can separate the new RP from the old one you used the starter with! I've personally only done it a couple of times where I've been ghosted, so I've had literally no response from the starter that I feel slightly proud about. Even then, I usually end up re-writing half of it out of insecurity.
Every RP I do is unique, even if it comes from the same prompt, so the characters I make and thus intros I do are also unique, so I never reuse an intro/starter, but I can see the reasoning for doing it.

I think it's fine, just not something I do personally.
Every RP I do is unique, even if it comes from the same prompt, so the characters I make and thus intros I do are also unique, so I never reuse an intro/starter, but I can see the reasoning for doing it.

I think it's fine, just not something I do personally.
ohh, I usually start my story ideas from looking at face claims and building off of that, so it's inverse from me!
I have no objections to doing so, especially when I'm trying for weeks to find someone to write with because the last four persons have all ghosted me either immediately after starting or right before. I don't have the will to write the same thing over and over again and would not feel offended if someone did so to me.
Nope, not me. Every starter I do is fresh, written exclusively for the RP I'm engaging in.
Honesty at this point, I’ve written starters that range from 300 words to 4,000 words depending on the plotting.

2/3s of them will don’t even get a response. So after plenty of fresh starters with no responses I’ll sometimes take parts or descriptions of old starters and then add in a few things here and there to make it fresh.

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