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NSFW Ramblings and Sketchings From A Mad Man

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Come enjoy the vibes!
Sep 21, 2024
ur moms house

Entry 1

I am FurryDaddyBear
I am a trans man who met the love of his life on a rp website
I want to write, I want to share, I want to tell stories

I live with two other people, I wish for my bf to move up here with me

i struggle but this shall be entries for myself and random updates throughout life and whatnot
it;ll be interesting to see what all happens

im currently applying to jobs as a graphic designer, i want to draw more in my free time, ill share some of my art here probably, but im currently playing elden ring but with only parrying, and not leveling my heath

i have a hard time focusing, i take medication for it

i want to make more friends but i dont know how hehe

I finally started using my macbook again, it was all, fucked up
but yeah
thats all on my mind for now
have some art






She is my fursona, if you have anything to say about her, mean or nice, lemme know <3


uh im kinda young i guess, im only 24, but i wanna share so much with people, idk, call it whatever you want
i guess i just dont wanna feel alone
send me a pm if you ever wanna just talk? i love knowing people's stories

i think i bother people more then i ever make people happy

part of me wants to be poly but my partner doesnt want that
i have a therapy appointment tomorrow, and im gonna tell him all about this, even if i know its baddddd heheehe
i feel bad for ghosting people but i dont know how to tell people that im just not vibing with somethin?????
i wanna try sucking a cock /)/////(\
i want to be fucking remembered for something

uhh, goodnight chat, sleep good, its 3 am right now for me
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Entry 2

Went to therapy, he had me sit with parts and we all talked
Wants us to find intimacy
Doesn't feel like our needs are met
feels like we are focusing too much on them and not ourselves
Struggling to feel adequate
Missing the praise as it seems he has more to worry about then love on you
Greedy for feeling this way (?)
Feeling like my stuff isn't as important
Missing physical touches and craving just tender affection
Am I a horrible person?
Everyone has a limit
You're not getting your fill
I think you're just sad because you lack the physical side of it
We miss it
I think we miss when he was more... affectionate to us?
Maybe we miss how much he used to say to us about how he liked us
Its confusing
Part of us misses him, part of us feels... empty
He's loved us since the beginning
Weve loved him since weve met him
We hold him close to our heart
You're going to back stab him by wanting more love
Youre greedy
You ruin everything you touch and that includes this relationship
Guilty guilty guilty
He will hate you and he'll blame you and then he'll kill himself and it'll be all your fault

I sit and rot at my computer, I have applied to jobs like a good slut lmfao fuck
I am alone : )))))))))

i didnt tell him i wanted to or im thinking i want to be poly, but i told him im tired of wiating and he wants to hurt himself, oops

chainsaw man
cheesey rps
erotic slow burns
gender bending of all kinds
monsters and men

im gonna gnaw my teeth outta my head ;)
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Entry 3

I have applied to soooOOOo many jobs rn
im doing my best but my portfolio is weak, but thats why im hoping to hear back from someone
entry level we... we doing our best
took my meds
i have work later
perhaps ill upload some art you cant find elsewhere
but maybe not idk yet
we shall seee hehehee

i will never be happy and thats okay
i dont think i have the right
Elden Ring said:

You don't have the right O you don't have the right

im going to rip my teeth outta my head for funsies

I have muse so bear (hehe) with me
I was breathing hard, panting as my teeth felt as if they were too big for my mouth. I could feel them protruding, they glinted with saliva and felt heavy like silver. My eyes, I could feel every single one of them. They glared into nothing and saw everything. I could see myself from a third view, but I could also see what was in front, behind, and besides me. I felt out with my hands, feeling the ground beneath me. I have felt everything, I have been in the vast void of space, was left to explore the nothingness of this universe. I deserve to feel it all again. But where... where am I? I take in everything around me, and notice the one who gave me their blood. I gaze at him with my eyes, taking in everything he has to offer. Beautiful skin, the color of the lovely fertile dessert. Eyes that were the [color} of [descriptor}. Rolls of black silk formed from his chin.

I stood, my hooves hitting the ground. My wings, light, tattered, burdened my shoulders and back.

I have work soon
I know I am not the greatest
i hurt him i think
rip my heart out
he doesnt even make me cum
i cant tell him that, its not okay
i love him so so much
im obsessed with him
but im so greedy and want even more and more and more, i miss it all, and
ive always wanted to know what its like to be a slut tbh, i wanna whore myself out for attention sometimes hehee whooops
i won't, id never betray his trust, that just wouldnt be right

gods i wanna feel it over me though

i almost became a sugar baby bc i was desperate
i kinda wanna be one still
but i wanna treat someone like that myself


im not very good
i wish i could be a sugar baby for someone, just for a little bit
i tell him i want to be treated like a puppy and he ignores me it feels like sometimes, which hurts tbh

i dont think he's as happy as he can be

i love his eyes
theyre beautiful
pools of fertile land
i love watching him be blissful
why do i want more then that?
is it because i am such a greedy creature?

I have taken my meds and I have evened out some, I am not as... frazzled as I was
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Entry 4

Am i doing these daily? yes, yes i am heheehe

"there is a wolf screaming in my throat"

I have work soon
Mayhaps it'll soon be my last
i make my family worried i guess
my mom has been spearheading me about things
i dont think im getting better in her eyes
but whatever i guess
thats why i have issues ah
off work
i think i get better then i get worse idk

when I was a kid, I used to to sit outside and draw, I liked to sit and watch the road, and I'd draw
My mom would get mad at me all the time for drawing outside
i dont know why
it feels like shes been breathing down my neck, i dont have the guts to tekl her to back off since she helps me financially
I have a sucky job trying to pay both rent and college bills, im bad with money, and im trying to get better
She shames me for being in love with my partner
I even told my sister and she laughed it off but
she seems to hate him
i dont like it
she doesnt like that hes poor probably
she said hes sucking the life out of me but she honestly does somedays
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Entry 5

sick of these yet??
i am but just a wee strange creature
offering my ramblings of who knows what of he knows when?

i can tell the future

  • me
    I have the power to tell the future but its specific case by case basis
    thank you for coming to my tedtalk
  • bf
  • me
    idk what that word means
    so no
  • bf
    a: the power or faculty of attaining to direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought and inference
    b: immediate apprehension or cognition
    c: knowledge or conviction gained by intuition
I think i can tell the future tbh
I love my bf, he told me under no circumstances that he'd be poly
i guess i just have to suck it up cause i really do love him
thats okay
we keep going and thats okay
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