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I Know What You Did Last Night ― Chai & Bevatoria | nsfw


❝ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʙɪᴛᴄʜ ❞
Aug 24, 2017

i know
what you did
last night
⠀⠀a roleplay by Chai and Bevatoria⠀⠀

you crashed the car
and abandoned the wreckage
fuck with my head like
it's some kind of

I know who you are.
She stared at the texts, stunned and heart racing. He'd even sent proof—a photo of her getting coffee last Friday, and another of her driving up to her apartment complex. On the outside she was as a normal, successful woman: a PhD student, perfectly polite, and a warm personality if a little bit quiet and reserved. Behind closed doors she was an Only Fans model (hey, grad school was expensive), but she was always careful to hide her identity... or so she thought. Who knew her secret?





⠀⠀⠀⠀code for emily⠀⠀⠀⠀

[CENTER][IMG width="220px"][/IMG][/CENTER]

[SIZE=3][COLOR=#c4b9bb]Anthropology PhD student
Only Fans model[/COLOR][/SIZE]

[SIZE=14px][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#c797a3][B][I]current outfit[/I][/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=3][abbr][URL=''][COLOR=#c4b9bb]white crop tank and jeans[/COLOR][/URL][/abbr][/SIZE][/CENTER]
{td=border:0|bcolor:#212121|10pxx@}{/td}{/tr}[/xtable][/floatleft] [floatleft][xtable=border:0]{tr}{td=border:0|bcolor:#212121|10pxx@}{/td}{td=border:0|bcolor:#212121|650pxx@}
[CENTER][COLOR=#c797a3]┌─[/COLOR] [COLOR=#a14f63][SIZE=16px]❀*̥˚[/SIZE][/COLOR][COLOR=#c797a3]──────────────┐[/COLOR]
[SIZE=3][COLOR=#c4b9bb][I][B]you're the best mistake i've ever made[/B][/I][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=#c797a3]└──────────────[/COLOR] [COLOR=#a14f63][SIZE=16px]❀*̥˚[/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=#c797a3]─┘[/COLOR][/CENTER]

[JUSTIFY][SIZE=13px]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

[COLOR=#c797a3]"This is some example quote text,"[/COLOR] she said.

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?[/SIZE][/JUSTIFY]

⠀⠀⠀⠀code for seth⠀⠀⠀⠀


[SIZE=3][COLOR=#b1bac9]Computer Science PhD student[/COLOR][/SIZE]

[SIZE=14px][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#6C85B0][B][I]current outfit[/I][/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=3][abbr][URL='http://this is totally optional'][COLOR=#b1bac9]this is totally optional[/COLOR][/URL][/abbr][/SIZE][/CENTER]
{td=border:0|bcolor:#212121|40pxx@}{/td}{/tr}[/xtable][/floatright] [floatright][xtable=border:0]{tr}{td=border:0|bcolor:#212121|40pxx@}{/td}{td=border:0|bcolor:#212121|650pxx@}
[CENTER][COLOR=#6C85B0]┌─[/COLOR] [COLOR=#37568c][SIZE=16px]◆◇◆[/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=#6C85B0]──────────────────┐[/COLOR]
[SIZE=3][COLOR=#b1bac9][I][B]what happens when hidden desires are unleashed?[/B][/I][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=#6C85B0]└──────────────────[/COLOR] [COLOR=#37568c][SIZE=16px]◆◇◆[/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=#6C85B0]─┘[/COLOR][/CENTER]

[JUSTIFY][SIZE=13px]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

[COLOR=#6C85B0]"This is some example quote text,"[/COLOR] he said.

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?[/SIZE][/JUSTIFY]

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Anthropology PhD student
Only Fans model

current outfit
white crop tank and jeans

┌─ ❀*̥˚──────────────┐
you're the best mistake i've ever made
└────────────── ❀*̥˚ ─┘

The smell of hot croissants and freshly pulled espresso filled Emily's senses as she stepped into her favorite coffee shop. Mozart's was a hidden gem, located just north of the university campus. It was quieter here, too far for students without cars to comfortably walk to, and too far away from the hustle and bustle of college life for most undergrads. Instead, the usual customers tended to be graduate students and locals that appreciated the cozy, causal atmosphere and serene, Japanese-inspired interior design. The abundance of natural light, hand-cut wooden table tops, and indoor greenery sure beat the fluorescent-lit conference rooms that were reserved for the Master's and PhD students.

She spotted a table in in the corner and set her backpack down, then headed to the counter to grab something to drink. It was late in the afternoon but not late enough to deter her from getting a pick-me-up.

"Hey, Em," the girl at the counter said, midway through restocking a tower of coffee cups. She looked young, or at least younger than Emily's own 26. "How's things?"

"Busy! Real busy. Finishing write ups and stuff, trying not to procrastinate too much."

"Ugh, you make me not want to apply for grad school! So much work." The girl wrinkled her nose and started tapping on a screen. "You want your usual?"

"You're so good to me," Emily laughed, her glossed lips breaking into a wide smile. "And it's not that bad, really. Not even as much work as undergrad. Just more independent, and at the end you get to be called doctor."

She slid her card into the chip slot to pay, then returned to the table as she waited for her order. As a second year PhD student herself, she wasn't exactly the most qualified to be giving out advice about grad school, but she always honest when people asked. It was hard work and a lot more writing than she imagined, but she did enjoy it; there was still a lot more to cover within her doctorate Anthropology program, though, and she wouldn't be finished for another three years.

One of the cafe staff brought her a mug--a dark chocolate mocha with a bear's face formed on the top with milk foam--and she took a long sip before pulling out her laptop. A myriad of windows were open on the screen along with too many Chrome tabs than one could count. And, just her luck, it was close to dying. Looking around for an outlet, she found the closest one next to the table on her right.

"Hey, is it alright if I..." Emily gently waved the laptop charger in the air and gestured to the outlet.

The man seated at the table only shifted his eyes from his own laptop screen to her, a barely imperceptible nod as his only response. She was almost sure she'd seen him before, both in the coffee shop and on campus, but couldn't place exactly from where. It must have been on the lower floors of the Patton-Grace building; there was a connected building and even other departmental offices in addition to the fifth floor Anthropology office.

"Thanks!" She flashed him a sweet smile, bent down and plugged her laptop in, and returned to her seat.

There was plenty of work to be done, both for her academics and her other job. A side hustle, as she liked to call it. Stealing a few glances around, more out of paranoia than anything else, she opened the Only Fans app on her phone. Six new messages, most of which were hellos from guys who'd tipped her the additional $150 in order to get unlimited messaging privileges. One was from a long-time fan, and she made a mental note to reply to all of them later that night.

She didn't mean for things to get to this point. Not initially, at least. What started as anonymous Reddit posting had earned her a small fanbase, and eventually she monetized her content on Only Fans. It was amazing what $14.99 per month would earn her, or "pincessmae" as she was known on the app, with a couple hundred followers plus any additional fees for VIPs -- the exclusive or personalized content that really brought in the cash flow. It wasn't enough to make her debt free, but it did pay her rent and allowed her to live comfortably and apply the abysmally low pay of being a TA to her tuition cost.

She scrolled through her posts, admiring the new photos she'd uploaded just last night. Side profile, showing off her lithe body in a lavender lingerie set, her long chocolate hair cascading down her back, and, as usual, her face cut off from view. She liked to take extra precautions now and again, like wearing wigs in some of her shoots, and it was crucial she hid this part of herself from her academic and professional life.

With only a small pang of guilt, she took one last glance and then tucked her phone away to focus on the laptop in front of her.

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┌─ ◆◇◆ ──────────────┐
what happens when hidden desires are unleashed?
└────────────── ◆◇◆ ─┘

It was probably one of the few things the two of them would have agreed on; in that Mozart's was a hidden gem; a perfect place to get away from it all, relatively speaking. Granted, his reasons for thinking so may have differed from hers, at least consciously; as the thirty one year old student/technician wouldn't have known anything about how the interior was laid out, any of the plants which gave the place a comfortable ambiance, or even about many of the more complicated brews which many students subsisted on.

For Seth it was a haven; a retreat from normal life. He lived alone, yet still found his one bedroom apartment somewhat uninspiring when trying to work on an essay or to do some of the studying he always seemed to be falling behind on.. But on campus, he often found his thoughts wandering to the actual work he still had to do; attempting to balance his 'part-time' job with finishing his graduate studies in Computer Science. Studies he was now convinced he'd never truly finish, having delayed completing courses and changed his focus several times during his post-secondary career, even at the graduate level. He'd been called a lifetime student, the implication that he'd never get started on life seeming to linger with him as he tried to get out of the endless treadmill of study, work, and sleep. The thirty-one year old's mind drifted as if often did to one of his vices, one that had become a bit of an obsession for him as he was soon switching to his tab which had the Only Fans site open.

Seth had barely even noticed someone asking him about the power outlet nearby, and he nodded before giving a quick look up. He'd agreed before even being fully cognizant of what the other person was asking!. Seth gave a quick glance towards her (only now confirming that the slightly more feminine tone of voice - yes it was a female), again still only registering that she'd wanted to use the outlet. His gaze lingered for a flicker of a second, inwardly approving of the cut of her shirt even as the sight of the attractive female nearby was also a source of slight frustration: his own 'love life' had been erratic at best.

Between long hours of study, work, and his own fairly antisocial behavior, Seth had found himself single for sometime, and so his Only Fans subscriptions - down to one now, thankfully - had become and outlet for him; not only to relieve his loneliness and repressed sexual frustration, but also as somewhere to spend his money. It wasn't as if he was rich - no graduate student working part time was - but a significant portion of his disposable income had been used on this site, to maintain some sort of connection with whoever was on the other side of the screen.

And now, his obsession was princessmae. Seth wasn't sure if it was better or worse that he was only subscribed to one person on the adult content platform; but she was by far his favorite. He'd lost track of how much money he'd spent on her; the $14.99/month subscription fee was chump change compared to how much he'd splurged on personalized content from the attractive, dark haired young woman. And despite her many wigs, Seth knew she was a natural brunette.

He liked to think he knew a lot about her, falling very much into the trap that Only Fans (and princessmae, to some extent) was setting for him. Creating a connection that wasn't real, subsidized only by his meager bank account and his own desire for socialization, which was why he was typing a message to her right now. In his mind, he imagined she saw him typing and was eager to get his message, not considering the rational reality that her inbox was constantly getting new pings. The site did say she was online, although for all of his faults Seth didn't assume that meant she had time for him.

Wouldn't hurt to try though, especially with how much money he'd given her, and soon she'd see a message pop up in her inbox.

Hey there, sexy! Good time for a hot drink, I think :)

Of course, Seth was saying it to try to make conversation - maybe he'd pay for some more sexting tonight - not even thinking for a moment that his chat partner was just a few feet away. He had the presence of mind to face his screen away from the coffee area proper, as well as to not look at any of her more suggestive photos where anyone could look behind him. Seth might have been a bit of a recluse, but he was not clueless, or desperate to that degree.

If she was online, maybe he'd go home and they could have some 'quality' 1v1 time later…but even as he typed, in a way Seth - or his online handle, Revilo - was as much of a lie as hers. For one, he never used this many emojis when he texted his other friends, and he was normally not this pleasant.

But a keyboard could cover a considerable amount of sins, such as the ones he was fantasizing about as he waited to see if she'd reply, or if he'd have to check in later on to connect.

What are you wearing? ;) he said.





Anthropology PhD student
Only Fans model

current outfit
white crop tank and jeans

┌─ ❀*̥˚──────────────┐
you're the best mistake i've ever made
└────────────── ❀*̥˚ ─┘

Emily stared at a blank Word document on one half of her screen, a virtual pile of literature open on the other half. It was all to prepare for a study she was designing. She'd completed a half-assed sample abstract for it the other day but couldn't find the motivation to go on. This was a joint endeavor between a few departments at the university, wanting to be a leading force in interdisciplinary studies, and she'd joined after an invitation from one of her professors. Mixing traditional social sciences with technological studies seemed like a good way to open her horizons, both academically and professionally, and it was an offer that would've been silly to turn down. But at times like this, with the rigorous workload and tight schedule, she questioned whether she was a right fit for academia. And then her mind always wandered to her Only Fans, wondering how much she could truly make if she focused on that rather than her studies. It was a tempting thought, but no; she was much too competitive and ambitious to just rely on the adult content platform to pay her bills.

Her phone buzzed, and she glanced down to see an Only Fans notification pop up on the screen. She let it go dark, only to receive another after a minute or two. Well it never hurt to look, she thought to herself, opening the messaging portion of the app. It was a name she recognized, one that frequently popped up, if only because of the amount of money he spent on her content.

The average person paid the $14.99 per month to get their fill, to satiate the curiosity. Then there were the VIPs who paid $24.99 per month to access her more niche content—themed photo shoots, close-up shots as she touched herself, the ability to vote on what they wanted to see next. Many of them 'tipped' her extra cash. An extra $5-10 for a photo or video they especially liked, or the more expensive $150 for unlimited messaging.

And then there was Revilo. Even Emily was in amazement at how much he apparently liked her; she recognized his username from Reddit in her early days of posting risque content, was unsurprised when he joined her Only Fans community, but was shocked at how much he spent. She remembered he once offered her $75 to send him a private photo and wish him a happy birthday a few months back. He also was one of her few fans to consistently use the unlimited messaging perk. Not all of their conversations were sexual in nature, but when they did inevitably turn erotic, he was always sure to send her a small monetary thank you after the fact.

Half out of boredom, and some because Revilo was too important of a fan for her to neglect, Emily (or Mae as her community affectionately referred to her) answered:

hi rev :) how're you?
what kind of drink did you get? i got coffee too!

Then she paused to tug her white tank top strap down her shoulder, letting it fall onto her arm, framed by her long brunette hair. She took a discreet selfie, a close-up of the falling strap, a hint of her cleavage next to it, and her slender neck. The photo stopped at her pink pout, lips turned up in a small smile, hiding the rest of the background from view. And then she hit send.

you caught me at a busy moment! do you like it though? if you want, you can choose what I wear tonight, haha

In her haste, Emily didn't realize she'd forgotten to remove one detail: her hand, playfully tangled in her dark locks, had her gold bracelet dangling off her wrist. It was a monogrammed gift from her parents, the '-ily' in her name visible if one looked closely enough.

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┌─ ◆◇◆ ──────────────┐
what happens when hidden desires are unleashed?
└────────────── ◆◇◆ ─┘

Seth was not an entirely irrational person, and for all of his flaws the fact was a part of him knew this was fake. That Mae's questions to him were not out of genuine concern, but merely out of the fact that he'd paid her to be something she wasn't. A connection for him, a fake girlfriend for his anti-social mind, and an outlet for many varying repressed social and sexual frustrations that had accumulated over years of him neglecting himself and being neglected by his friends.

I'm ok :). He didn't normally use this many emoticons when he was talking to anyone else, so in a way he was being fake for her, too, trying to be a person she'd feel comfortable with. I'd started with a London Fog, but now I'm just drinking water. Been working a while. Not only on actual work, but also on one of his overdue proposals; it felt like he never finished anything these days, or more likely it was just one project bleeding right into the other. School merging into work, and vice versa, running on the never ending treadmill of education and a 'temporary' job that had been going on three plus years now. Just to make ends meet.

The teasing photo she sent was typical of the image she seemed to send him; tantalising glimpses of her body, hinting at what would await him if he tipped her generously enough. He smirked at her pout, the delicious view of her breasts, and the strap hanging precariously on her arm; barely aware as he tipped her another $3 while she sent him another message. Yet another incentive for him, to choose what she wore tonight, and for his part he wanted to tease back.

I like your outfit. But tonight I want you wearing as little as possible, I think ;)

While he waited for her response, his gaze lingered on the photo she'd sent him. The background was nondescript enough; familiar in a way that he couldn't place because Seth's attention and gaze were obviously meant to be elsewhere. But he was attentive enough to notice the bracelet hanging off of her wrist. Not something he'd be conscious of normally, or even was really conscious of now.

But as he waited to see if she'd reply - or for something else to distract him - his eyes wandered to his 'friend' in the coffee shop; the person using the same outlet as him. He spied a similar bracelet on her wrist, and wondered if that kind of thing was common. The thirty one year old let out a sigh, leaning in a bit to focus intently on his computer; not noticing if she was typing as he sent another message.

If you have time later, I might be in the mood for some fun..

It was in these little moments that Seth could convince himself that she was drawn to him, and not by the prospect of milking a bit more money from a fellow student trying to make ends meet. Not that he knew that she was a student, but from the pictures he'd seen of her - and the hints of her face he'd seen, though her eyes and hair had mostly been off limits - she seemed to be around his age.

Which made this connection all the more enticing to him.

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Anthropology PhD student
Only Fans model

current outfit
white crop tank and jeans

┌─ ❀*̥˚──────────────┐
you're the best mistake i've ever made
└────────────── ❀*̥˚ ─┘

tea? i always thought you were a black coffee kind of person, Emily texted back after a few minutes. i bet you can guess what i like... something sweet, obvs :)

Sometimes it was the casual conversations that mentally exhausted her, having to play a role and stick with it. Even when she was utterly exhausted from school or the pile of readings she always seemed to have, she was never allowed to be just "Emily" in her down time. Mae was bubbly and flirty; not that these weren't traits that Emily shared, but it was difficult to be her Only Fans persona 100%, or even 75% of the time. Most of her friends would have described her as warm and outgoing, the kind of person who'd easily turn strangers into friends, but never the one to demand attention. The majority of the time she was content to blend into the crowd rather than be at the center of it. Ironic considering what she did for a job.

Funnily enough, the sexting, photos, and videos were often the simpler part of being someone else. It was easier to compartmentalize them, her responses stemming from some part of her brain that went on autopilot. Most people - men in her experience - were content to receive the same generic teasing, yet for some reason she couldn't understand, they kept coming back for more. And as she stared down to Revilo's other messages, a sort of relief washed over her.

i can do little... or nothing, she typed back, thumbs flying across the screen. Autopilot. and i always have time for you! just let me know when xo

She'd left the obvious qualifier out, the last part of the sentence that went unspoken. I always have time for you... for a price. Not that she needed to ever remind him. Out of all people, he understood the rules more than anyone else. But for that reason, she was also more lenient with bending the rules on occasion, like the photo she'd sent him earlier; most others would have had to pay upfront. In that way he was special, but only because of the money. Most high spenders on Only Fans knew that.

Emily set her phone down, leaned back, and took a sip of her mocha. Upon setting the mug down, her elbow bumped her pen, sending it rolling off and onto the floor, right underneath the neighboring table. She scooted her chair back and reached for it.

"I'm so sorry - do you think you could grab that for me?" she asked the familiar looking man. Her body was slightly leaned over in the space between them, brown hair cascading down, and her arm extended as she pointed to the pen. It had rolled right by his foot, and she didn't want to make him uncomfortable by accidentally brushing against the hem of his jeans. But he seemed too engrossed in whatever was on his laptop, clearly focused on something else.

"Hey, um... my pen, can you...?" Emily tried again.

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┌─ ◆◇◆ ──────────────┐
what happens when hidden desires are unleashed?
└────────────── ◆◇◆ ─┘

It wasn't that she was being so obvious about it that should have irritated Seth. It was his own lack of self control, lapping it all up just like they'd talked about her lapping up something else entirely during one of their many dirty chats; ones which Seth had paid good money for and likely would tonight. Even her hinting at getting naked for him was a tease; not that he doubted she wouldn't, but that it was for him. It wasn't for him, but for the money he would give her, just like her fake kisses and hugs that Seth imagined feeling from her.

Irritation subconsciously crossed his features, even as he knew he'd be chatting with her again for the high of her attention; divided as it might have been between the many other men who paid her for the same thing. No, he was special to her, just like she was to him; it wasn't just a desperate, single man getting little bits of enjoyment during a dreary life.

"I'm so sorry - do you think you could grab that for me?"

Strangely enough, it was in between chats with Mae that Seth found his focus the most intense, and he started to type furiously; not into the chat window but into another tab where he had a 'notes' page for ideas. These thoughts would help him later on when he got home, and suddenly Seth really wanted to get home, not only to get some project work done but also so he could really get comfortable before talking to Mae in private.

"Hey, um... my pen, can you...?"

It was the second set of words that finally got Seth's attention, and drew him back to the moment as his conscious brain caught up to his subconscious. He turned to her, a blank look on his face, before giving his table neighbor a polite half-smile. "Oh, uh, sure. Pen." He laughed, as if making fun of his own inattention as he reached down. In doing so, he got a brief view down Emily's top, though even a man as socially unpracticed as Seth pulled his gaze away fairly quickly, but as he grabbed the pen, there seemed to be something...familiar about her. Maybe it was his imagination.

But maybe it wasn't.

"Here you go." He said, placing the pen on the table in front of her. Seth looked away, but he kept her arm in his peripheral vision, with a quick glance up to her eyes before he broke contact. He wanted to see her smile.

Or at least, her pout, to see if it was similar enough to the girl who's photo he'd just gotten. Because the white tank top, brown hair, and the cleavage certainly looked the same. The bracelet on her wrist, which spelled out Emily. Similar enough to what he'd seen in the picture that suddenly he was starting to get very new and different ideas as to what he might talk to her about this evening, and that he couldn't resist sending one last message to his only fans girl.

I'll let you know. Looking forward to having fun with you!

Especially when she might be sitting right across from him.





Anthropology PhD student
Only Fans model

current outfit
white crop tank and jeans

┌─ ❀*̥˚──────────────┐
you're the best mistake i've ever made
└────────────── ❀*̥˚ ─┘

"Cool, thanks," Emily answered, a slightly confused smile on her face, leaning back as he reached across to return her pen. Strange guy, she thought to herself.

She sat upright as she scrolled on her laptop, her other hand tapping the end of the pen against her notebook. Out of the corner of her eye she could see her table neighbor stealing quick glances at her. It wasn't anything out of the ordinary; attractive young women tended to receive the occasional stare, and she would've been a liar if she didn't think it was a confidence booster, but still... there was something different about the way he looked at her. Like he was studying her. Waiting for something. Or maybe that was just her boredom releasing itself in the form of an overactive imagination.

Her phone buzzed, breaking her thoughts, and she smiled.

of course, always a fun time. see you later xo, her fingers typed out the response.

Today might have been unproductive for her studies, but at least she'd enjoy doing this tonight. As repetitive as the Only Fans stuff might have been - carrying out 3 similar conversations at once certainly wasn't the most engaging - Revilo surprised her from time to time. While she knew he was attached to her like everyone else was, his chats were the least creepy by far. It made it easy to talk to him, though the extent of their "relationship" ended there. Under no circumstances would she ever consider any of her fans as a friend or anything else. She did know other women on the app who charged exorbitant amounts of money for a meetup or a date, but even then they also drew lines between being a fan and being more.

Another hour went by before Emily finally packed up her things to leave, having gotten at least a few rough paragraphs drafted. She slung her backpack over one shoulder before approaching the counter to get a cup of water to go.

"Hey, um, this isn't a weird question or anything, but do you know if that guy sitting by the window goes to the university too?" she quietly asked the barista as she scooped some ice into the plastic cup. The girl shrugged.

"Honestly no idea. He just comes in here and works a bunch. I've never really talk to him though. Kinda quiet."

"Gotcha. He just looked familiar, that's all." Emily gave her an apologetic smile, grabbed the water, and nodded her thanks before heading toward the door. She couldn't see him, but somehow she could still feel the stranger's eyes on her back as she walked out.



Emily stretched out over the faux-fur throw draped over her bed, the lean lines of her body barely covered in a light pink lingerie set. She wore her hair natural, the rich, velvety brown splayed out like a halo around her head. Rose petals were scattered over the plush blanket and pillows, making an ethereal, romantic backdrop for her photo shoot. Her phone was on a tripod at the foot of her bed, along with a variety of lighting to set the mood. One of her hands, hidden under one of the pillows, held a small remote that helped her take the solo photos.

She switched positions, riding one of the pillows and leaning back on her hands, her hair waterfalling behind her as she put the rest of her body on display. Even in the mood lighting, the rosy hue of her nipples and the cleft between her bare pussy lips were just barely visible underneath the sheer, lacy fabric of the lingerie.

Click. Click.

It was an incredible amount of work for just a small number of shots, but it was just the type of tantalizing image that would get people interested and ultimately push them to purchase more of her content. Like most women on the app, Emily learned quickly what worked and what didn't, and the secret seemed to be showing just enough to entice; the vague promise that just a little bit of money spent would allow the viewer to get what they truly wanted. After picking a few photos and editing the lighting, she posted them to Only Fans.

"You guys wanted to see me in pink!💕✨" the caption read, "Join my VIPs to see the rest of this amazing shoot😇"





┌─ ◆◇◆ ──────────────┐
what happens when hidden desires are unleashed?
└────────────── ◆◇◆ ─┘

Suddenly everything mattered to Seth as his mind created imaginary stakes as he was listening quite carefully, focused not on the laptop he was looking intently at, but to see if he could find enough evidence that Mae was sitting in just a few feet away from him. That this 'Emily' - according to the bracelet on her wrist - was the only fans slut who'd teased and sexted him to milk him out of his hard earned money, and hearing the buzz of her phone as his message went through, along with seeing how her response on her phone came to his PC a moment later cemented it in his mind. She was her. Emily was Mae.

His cock was no longer stirring at the thought of the 'fun time' they would both have later, especially as it was taking on a dangerous, exciting new tenor for him.

It took every ounce of his willpower not to reveal his secret then, to indulge in the primal, male urge to control and dominate. It was unfamiliar to Seth, not these urges necessarily but to have a potential outlet for them. He wanted to tell her now, to make her his now, to see the look of bafflement and confusion on her face as she discovered that one of her most obsessive fans knew her secret. Knew who she was in real life, was looking at her as she continued her 'work'.

When she finally left, Seth's eyes stayed glued to 'Emily' even as he was careful to make sure nobody else noticed him obsessing over her. He licked his lips in nervousness as she walked out the door - fuck I love that top on her - before he went back to work for a bit. For his part, Revilo stopped messaging her, his mind racing until she left roughly an hour later, suddenly feeling awkward about doing something he would have done normally without thought - namely leaving right after she did.

Luckily, being awkward around her wasn't something he'd have to worry about much longer.


It didn't take a lot of sleuthing to find her in his mutual friends, which confirmed that she - 'Emily' was his onlyfans girl. Or at least, as close as he could get, but already he was plotting how to get her to unintentionally confirm it. It was still a huge risk to do what he was doing, and as he mindlessly commented on Mae's photos and teasing messages as she took her delicious photoset for her adoring fans, Seth found himself distracted. He was nervous, uncertain, almost excited at the thought of what he was going to do. As if taking this kind of a risk was more fun than anything he'd one in a long time.

Even at the risk of losing his e-girlfriend.

Love the photos, Mae! He commented publicly, looking like just another one of her slaving money spenders, but his private message to her was much more crude, and demanding, even as the tantalising young woman would see another more crude message appear in her inbox next to another $20.

Your nipples look so hard...I'm thinking about what they'd feel like between my fingers. Or your tits in my hands.

It was as if his mind hadn't caught up to the fact that he might not need to do this soon, or maybe he felt like he needed to lure her in, as he sent her more money with a familiar refrain.

Want to fuck?

Which meant their version of fucking, of course, even as that restraint would be a thing of the past soon, and Seth felt his cock stirring in his shorts as he continued to message her, adrenaline and endorphins flowing through him even as all he was doing was typing.

You promised me a good time, earlier... ;)





Anthropology PhD student
Only Fans model

current outfit
baby pink lingerie set

┌─ ❀*̥˚──────────────┐
you're the best mistake i've ever made
└────────────── ❀*̥˚ ─┘

She only had to wait a few short moments before the responses came flooding in. Either her adoring fans had their notifications turned on or they happened to spend a lot of time on the app.

Holy shit you look great as always 😍️‍🔥, one person commented.

So fucking hot, said another.

Satisfied, Emily smiled to herself and then walked to her bed to start picking up the petals. Photo shoots weren't normally this messy, but the idea had come to her while on the way home from the coffee shop; stopping to get a few flowers was a small price to pay considering she knew her followers would would eat it up. She supposed she played the role of a romanticized girlfriend well; she was under no illusions as to who her target demographic was. Many of them had even admitted as much when they messaged her, openly pining for a woman 'like her' in their lives.

A minute hadn't gone by before her phone buzzed beside her, and she picked it up to see a string of messages from Revilo. Of course, she'd seen his comment on her public post as well. Interestingly he tended to be much more polite compared to everyone else, but she figured that was because he saved his uncensored self for their chats.

someone clearly liked my newest pics! she responded, fingers rapidly tapping across the glass phone screen, and then chewed lightly on her bottom lip. Truthfully she had to finish drafting a research proposal, but he—Revilo—had already paid. And... once this was over, he probably would again.

Not that Emily was selling intimate photos of herself on Only Fans just for the money. It may have been how she justified it to herself, that she was avoiding a mountain of debt by using the platform as a means of self employment, but the uncomfortable truth was that she liked it. The whole thing had started off unmonetized, after all. There was nothing quite like the exhilaration of showing off for hundreds of strangers, or the constant stream of adoration and validation.

And few knew how to give it like Revilo did.

I have some extra photos that didn’t make it to the post - just for you, xo

Without waiting for a response, she uploaded a new image to their chat—she was laid back on the bed with the pink bustier removed, her bare chest now on display, and one hand resting on her left breast. Elegant fingers grazed the delicate peak of her nipple, barely squeezing. Her other hand rested on her right leg, which was now folded up and drawn to the side to offer a more intimate view of the skimpy panties between the lightly tanned skin of her inner thighs. Her pussy peeked out from behind the thin material, and if one was looking closely, they'd be able to spot the dampness on the gusset of the pink lace.

The photo was, in fact, not just for Revilo but for all the fans who were willing to pay extra to feel special.

thinking about this? 😇 she teased him, and then paused.

thinking about your hands all over me... how I'd feel under your touch. you'd like that, wouldn't you?

Last edited:




Computer Science PhD student

current outfit
grey and black striped shirt, faded black jeans (unzipped)

┌─ ◆◇◆ ──────────────┐
what happens when hidden desires are unleashed?
└────────────── ◆◇◆ ─┘

If anything, the most tragic part of this online interaction was that it was a good time for Seth, bringing endorphins and validation of his sad existence as he finally saw that she was typing to him. He had an addiction of his own to the rush of communication, of an unspoken approval of his opinions of her, the rational part of his mind giving way to a need for something more carnal and 'intimate'.

While he had subscribed to other girls on the website, now he only had eyes for her.

Were he thinking clearly, he would have known that Mae's photos weren't just for him, and he likely would have pieced together that her encouraging, non-specific responses were designed to get him to respond with more than just words, and it was barely a moment after she saw her first delectable image that another $5 tip would appear to the photo itself.

Fuck that's hot. Seth's replies weren't pointed, either, letting his lust addled brain draw its own conclusions as he ogled his coffee mate, topless on her bed. Seeing her hand on her breast made him give more concrete imagination to the wish he'd given earlier to wanting to feel her up, as he fantasized about what her soft, smooth body would feel like under his hands. Soon his typing faltered as his right hand slipped downwards, feeling himself recline in his chair a bit as Mae continued to taunt him with her words and body.

It was as if she was sensing where his mind went, his unbidden gaze going between her legs shortly before he saw her message, both about him thinking about her pussy (and what it would feel like…) as well as her inviting him to touch her.

Seth's breathing started to get light as he fantasized about getting to do just that, fumbling to reply coherently.

You know I am thinking about you right now, sexy. The words hinting at a relationship they only had in his mind. I'd rub my hands all over your body…tease your panties…squeeze your tits like they deserve to get squeezed.

This was the venue where Seth's comments would get more degrading, as if hiding his anonymity through an online username and not having a profile picture were not enough. Here, only Mae really knew what he was like, and the knowledge that she went to his school added a bit of spice to his words as he continued.

I want you so badly right now, Mae...

He wasn't always this forward, but she often unlocked this in him; plus there was a foolish hope that he could have her like he wanted. It was as if Revilo needed validation from his online chatting partner, too; for all of the encouragement she got from her online crowd of adoring fans, it was the barest scraps of positive reinforcement that would keep the men coming here, and would keep his wallet open for her for as long as she would indulge him, or until he ran out of money, whichever came first.





Anthropology PhD student
Only Fans model

current outfit
baby pink lingerie set

┌─ ❀*̥˚──────────────┐
you're the best mistake i've ever made
└────────────── ❀*̥˚ ─┘

Sometimes Emily wondered if Revilo, and the few others who paid so desperately for her time and attention, ever got bored. Not necessarily of her, but bored of the repetitive nature of their chats and how limiting they were. It seemed to her that their energy would be better spent actually going out and dating. At least that’s what she would have done if she were in their shoes. But then again, she wasn’t in a position to ponder those hypotheticals. She was self-aware enough to know that women, unlike men, had the option of doing just that—going out and dating—whenever they wanted. Even if they didn’t want most of the options, they were still options. Meanwhile, one of the reasons men often turned to Only Fans was precisely due to their lack of opportunity, fulfilling their desires with an online fantasy they could pretend to have as their own.

Emily tried not to think about it that deeply, or the fact that many people considered what she was doing exploitation of male loneliness.

If anything, she rationalized to herself, she and the other women like her on Only Fans were doing something good for those lonely men. It was a service kept alive by a clear demand; it wasn’t her fault if she was giving these men exactly what they wanted. She could give them what porn sites couldn’t: connection. Something “real.”

you only want to tease my panties? The words were playful, even as Emily herself was still focused on cleaning up her equipment to start on schoolwork. rev, baby, don’t you want to take them off me? slide them down my legs real slow…

She didn’t bother replying to the bit about how much he wanted her. A smug smile lifted the corners of her lips; she already knew it. He’d told her dozens of times by now. Once finished with the mess in her bedroom, Emily moved on to getting snacks from the kitchen—baked pita chips and baby carrots with homemade hummus—all the while typing to Revilo.

you know how I want more than just your hands
you can put them on my hips while you fill me so fucking deep
make me into a moaning mess all for you
can you imagine that? just like this 😇

Another photo was sent his way, this one just as explicit as the last. She was face down on the mattress, knees bent with her ass in the air. Long brunette hair cascaded down her arched back, the lean lines of her body accentuated by the position she’d placed her body in. The thin straps of her panties converged between two plush rounded cheeks, leading down to a strip of lace that barely covered the tight lipped line of her pussy. Whatever arousal was hinted at in the last photo was now on full display, the wetness there turning the fabric a slightly darker shade of pink. With outstretched arms and delicate fingers gripping the plush duvet in front of her, it made it seem as if she were in the middle of the throes of passion. A deliberate point of view so the viewer could imagine he was responsible for that passion.

Such forward sexting was rare from Emily, but she was throwing Revilo a bone for spending so much on her within a single day. Dangling the carrot on a stick as if to say, you can get this again if you keep spending just like this. She was playing along, enticing him, nothing but a meaningless fantasy. Or so she thought.





Computer Science PhD student

current outfit
grey hoodie, blue shirt, dark grey jeans

┌─ ◆◇◆ ──────────────────┐
what happens when hidden desires are unleashed?
└────────────────── ◆◇◆ ─┘

Seth wanted to do far more than slide her panties off, but in his haste to imagine the crude, carnal image in his mind - to say nothing of sharing it with his online girlfriend - he found himself just laying back to enjoy himself,allowing himself to think he was the one owning her right now. Scant seconds became minutes of heavy breathing, dangerous thoughts, one hand fumbling with the keyboard. In his mind, she was doing the same thing, putting in the same amount of effort as him, allowing himself to believe she was as invested in this as he was.

I know exactly what you want, Mae. What you need from me. But he wasn’t conscious of it at that moment, not really, having fallen victim to thinking with the wrong head as he allowed her to lead him along in his fantasy. He’d heard her voice, in real life, he’d broken the protection of her anonymity, and that led him to imagining what her moans would sound like.

I know exactly what you want, Mae. What you need….

They were both lying then, in a way, even as it was Seth lying more about. She wanted his attention, but she didn’t want his words or his cock. She wanted his money, but she didn’t need him to try to torment her the same way she was doing to him.

The last photo spurred him on past the point of no return, and his words reflected as such as they erratically appeared on the screen. Seeing her long hair free on her bare back, her mostly exposed body, her panties barely hiding anything at all as Seth lusted and longed for what sat between her thighs. But that wasn’t all he wanted, as it was more than just using her for his pleasure that he craved.

Fuck yes…oh Mae….you’re such a good little slut. I can feel my cock inside of you right now...

She’d made another twenty dollars before he finished, and while Mae had likely gotten what she wanted out of it, Seth was left with familiar feelings of regret and sadness, coming down from what felt like a drug induced high as he went to clean himself up, logging off although not without one final message.

thank u. See you again soon ;)

One which had more meaning to it than usual.


It might have been a repeat of the day they ‘met’, so similar was the scene to what happened a few days ago, and most students had their usual hangout spots. While Seth didn’t have the problem of a roommate to deal with, it still helped his thinking process to get out a bit, and drinking coffee and eating occasional snacks here was far from his most expensive habit, he mused to himself.

Still, he was keeping his eyes out for the girl who held her own secret. How did someone act naturally when they were trying to wait for someone who wasn’t waiting for him? Seth was at the same table he’d been at then; his phone out, laptop open, one headphone in as he pretended to be distracted even as he needed not to be in order to catch her.

In order to really make her his - to turn his only fans sexting into something meaningful - first he’d need to make a new arrangement with her…and that meant he’d need leverage.

She never showed her face online, but in the real world you couldn’t hide behind paywalls or vague promises.

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