Devils Temptation
- Joined
- Jan 14, 2021
"Here we go... just take a seat right over there, Royce. I'm told you've had no issues on the prior few mental evaluations but this is just standard practice to maintain your clearance. We should be through all this in just a few minutes... now, can you tell me how you have been these last few days."
"Good. I feel fairly refreshed in the mornings and there isn't much stress in my life."
"I see. Have you been facing any negative emotions lately or possibly depressive and/or suicidal thoughts?"
"No, not in the slightest. There are times I work so hard I feel like I could drop dead in bed when I get home but other than that, things are well."
"Hah... well that's normal. You sound like you have good stress regulation. What do you do to unwind from a hard day, Royce?"
"I take walks. I enjoy walking a lot, especially during the night. People don't interest me very much so I try to avoid them... I'm a little awkward socially, if I'm being honest with you, doctor."
"Do you feel there is a reason for that, Royce?"
"...Not in particular. Some people are charismatic and good at socializing. I am not so I prefer to avoid it."
"You're said to be rather introverted and quiet at work, are there any thoughts you are holding onto regarding your fellow coworkers that you may describe as intrusive? This evaluation is purely confidential, I assure you."
"...Intrusive? Hah... I don't think much at all about my coworkers beyond work. They aren't really the type of people I'm interested in, doctor."
"And what does that mean?"
"Exactly as it sounds, sir. I have no real interest in them outside of them merely being coworkers. After all, there's nothing they're doing out of the ordinary so is there a reason I would look in their direction - much less care about them? When you see someone walking down the street to their work, do you stop to take a glance at them? No. What about some screaming lunatic on the sidewalk? If, even for a moment, they catch your attention. That's what I mean. People don't pay attention to those they consider to be boring and in the background."
"Huh. So you're saying you just find them boring?"
"...Anything else you want to tell me before we conclude?"
"Very well. Your results look healthy aside from a slight concern in socializing but your coworkers seem to have no trouble with you so I see no reason to pursue it. Thank you for your time, Royce. I will send in the evaluation to have your clearance refreshed."

In times like those, of course he wanted to slap them.
Who the hell wouldn't?
Royce could already see those thick flapping gums as the man occupied the space in front of the elevator, yapping like some complete moron while people were trying to push past him. Thoughts like those were healthy and normal in his eyes but what was not had certainly been the way he looked at normalcy. Society existed in a certain equilibrium where all the more depraved acts hid just loosely beneath the surface. Swept up by those that wanted to keep some semblance of 'order' in something chaotic. There was a certain expectation that a person could go to work safely, afford a living, and then potentially retire one day...
That unusual variables like murders, abuse, starvation were something that most people would not have to be concerned of.
People were civilized and boring, after all.
No one would hurt someone else without a good reason, after all.
It was better to be average, after all.
"Sorry about the delay, Royce!" Swing of the door opening for the doctor to step in, an older man with a rounded stomach and a thick, white beard. He had a habit of stroking it while he was speaking for some reason, as if everything Royce said was, in some way, interesting to him. Pulling a document out of his folder, he would hand it to the man. "Here you go. It's a provisional document, should let you get back to contract work immediately. Sorry to keep you so late - I'm sure a young man like you had plans for the weekend!" Apologetic squeeze to his shoulder to which the dark-haired male would merely stand to his full height and merely gave a shake of his head and a curt -
"No. Just heading back to my place. Thanks for the document, doctor. Have a good evening." He did have plans... it was a little annoying but now they were delayed plans. Small deterrents like this didn't bother him too much but sometimes they piled up a little more bit by bit and he was suddenly left feeling an irritation well beyond anything that made any amount of sense. Itchy. It felt like his brain was feeling itchy. Or maybe it was his fingertips trembling a little...?
Wait, he was really fucking annoyed, wasn't he?
Yet, in spite of that his expression had not changed in the slightest. Messy hair covered the expression in his eyes and even as he rose to leave the room with the evaluation in hand there was not the slightest indication that anything was even wrong with the man. Out the hall and into the lobby, he pulled his coat over his shoulder and then without another word stepped into the darkening evening - practically blending into the crowd perfectly. No different than anyone else living their own lives, not at all unusual, not at all threatening... in every way, he had that capacity. To merely be just another in the crowd. Maybe it would have been for the best if that was all he was... some days he might have even wished it was like that. Go home, relax, work the next day. Live an average life without pulling back the veil.
Unlocking his phone, his thumb slid over his text messages. A dozen from the same conversation had spammed his phone...
"I did what you fucking asked, there's no one here --"
"Once I find out who you are, I'm going to make your brains kiss the fucking curb."
"You seem a little tense... relax a little. Don't worry. I'll be there. I had a little checkup to do."
"Don't worry. Your secret is safe."
"Don't worry, we'll meet soon. Be patient. If you didn't do what I asked, your life is over - you know?"
Small smile etching over his features as he navigated through the crowd, almost appearing as if he was texting with a friend... if only the crowd could have known that he was the largest deviant out of them all.

"Hey, old man. Your foot doing okay? Shouldn't really be kicking like that, it sure is gonna hurt in the morning!" Laughter spilled out from his mouth in rumbling waves with that gleeful grin faintly looking handsome if not wildly unsetting.
"Beat it jackass. I'm fucking busy --"
"I'm the guy you're looking for, Mr. -- you know? The messages you got. Those were me. See?" Shifting his hand into his pocket, he would pull out his phone to send another text message and within seconds, the man's phone lit up with the notification.
'Told ya!'
...To which his demeanor changed entirely and he would size up Royce immediately.
"...Who the fuck are you and how do you know any of this shit? Do we know each other?" Grabbing a suitcase beside himself, he dropped it in front of himself and kicked hard to have it sliding all the way over to Royce.
"Here. It's the money. Keep your fucking word and don't let any of that shit come to light. If I have to, I'll take you down with me." Kneeling, Royce would open up the suitcase. Several bands of hundreds were neatly stacked into the suitcase. At least a hundred thousand in total... he was surprised such an out of shape pig like him could have hauled it here! Dipping a hand into his pocket, he would pull a lighter out and right in front of the man - snapped his thumb along the ignition and lit the money on fire.
"W-What the fuck are you doing, you psycho?!" Snapping harshly, he would lurch forward to try and grab the suitcase just to be met with a CRUNCH of a fist digging against his jaw to force him to go reeling a few steps back with a mess of drool slipping down onto the ground from his open mouth.
"Let's get one thing straight, old man! I'm not here for the money. You are specifically why I am here. You asked if you knew me, the answer is no -- but I know you. Mr. William Reeds. You're a very affluent politician. Big on order and stability, you want to drive the crime in this city down with an iron fist. Respectable but unfortunately, it's just an attempt to cover your ass - isn't it? Everyone has their choice of poison, Sir. It's just that... raping young women isn't a very sweet one, is it? You take bribes too. I hear you're rather sadistic in bed. Perhaps you can demonstrate to me?" Grandiose little 'bow' as Royce seemed to give him the stage for the time being, hands wrapped behind his back with a big 'warm' grin.
"...Cut the bullshit, kid." Massaging against his jawline, he would knead his thumb against the faint swelling of a bruise. "What the fuck are you calling rape? Those women chose to sleep for me to get further in their careers. Just because a bunch of sluts wanted to use me, I can't use them? How the fuck does that make sense? Bribes? What the fuck do you know about bribes? You think you're some fucking hero? Some vigilante that's out to clean up the mess in this city? Hahahaha! What a fucking moron! Come on then, kid. Have your few minutes of fame before you end up buried for fucking with the wrong guy --" Ah, man... he always hated this part. The misconception. It was the weirdest misconception too. Why... why did everyone assume that he was out here to help others? The color on the politician's face would vanish for a moment when Royce would pull a knife out of his pocket and held it in font of his face.

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0:00ㅇ──────── 2:41
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺0:00ㅇ──────── 2:41
"You got it wrong again, old man. What the hell gives...? Hero? Justice? No. I'd applaud you for getting around the system so well! Why is that something to be ashamed of? You got strong following loopholes in society. I'm not here to 'bring you to justice' or whatever deluded nonsense you have in your head. Murderers and rapists... and in a broader light, politicians, CEOs, cops... do you know what they all have in common? They're strong. They're in a position of power. In those moments that I'm tearing down something powerful, I feel alive. Don't you feel the same way, William?" Tremors between his fingertips would make the knife shake lightly, hand squeezing at the hilt and relaxing again and again like he could barely contain himself.
"When you beat those women to an inch of death while fucking them, did you feel strong? When your hand went around her throat or you slapped her across the face after calling her your fucking toy... did it make you hard beyond belief?" Faint hint of a flush would cover across his features and he would let out an excited exhale in spite of the look of disgust covering the politician's face.
"Like I fucking said, I didn't rape anyo--"
"Oh, but you did! Why are you lying?! Do you think I didn't do my research? Man, I fucking hate liars... I hate, hate, hate liars... people like you and I, we pretend to be human but at the end of the day we're anything but - I know you enjoyed it. I enjoy it too... feeling powerful over someone. We're not completely alike, you know? I don't really get why someone feels tough breaking down someone, something so weak. For me, I can only get my rocks off after I've slaughtered someone... something strong. It's the worst, really... I wish I was more pathetic like you." Speaking mostly to himself, he let out an exasperated sigh and took a step forward, lips folding into an increasingly more warped grin. One step forward. The man took a step back. The mood in the alleyway changed when it became increasingly more apparent that Royce could not be reasoned with.
Suddenly, the anger started to fade to fear. The relationship transitioned from friendly to the terrifying distinction between predator and prey.
There was hardly any room to run. The politician had come assuming that he could bargain to save his career but...
He made a mistake.
"Who... who the fuck are you...?" Shaky breath, cold sweat dripping down his chin and the sensation of his back hitting the brick of the alleyway behind him. For once, Royce felt a wave of relief. For once, the man was looking at him, truly looking at who he was. It felt so good... moments like these felt so fucking good.
"My name is Royce Kiran... you might know me by another name, though. What was it they were calling me on the news...?" Tapping his temple, the color drained from William's face entirely and he pieced it together.
"You... you're The Executioner?"
"Oh, that's right! That's what it was! Pleased to make your acquaintance, you little pig!"
News channels were quick to flock to news of yet another murder. A stream of nearly ten that had started from about three years back... all localized to one city. All of the kills had distinct themes in common with one another, the fact that they targeted normally powerful, seemingly untouchable men that always ended up unveiling something utterly disgusting about them. Skeletons in their closets or past victims of their own - even more macabre than that had been the manner by which those victims perished. The killing blow was always the same. Carves over their throat to sever their neck and spine altogether and have them decapitated next to their bodies. That was how he had earned the nickname of The Executioner. Every murder looked like it was some sort of execution. No one had even remotely made progress on who he had been, or how he seemed to know so much about individuals that were seemingly so powerful.Many theorized that The Executioner was a collection of people... someone higher up in the government capable of digging deep in phone logs, internet activity, flight logs -- but no one had really quite managed to piece together who he was or even the slightest thread he left behind. The assailant was overwhelmingly meticulous to the point that even with how gruesome he left the sight of the murder, there was nothing to ever connect him back to the murders.

Ugh, this is why media is so fucking bogus. Look at how biased this bitch is.
I bet if she was the one getting raped, she wouldn't say he's terrorizing anything.
Are you people fucking for real? Who cared if he killed a rapist, you want someone like that prowling around on the streets?
Yeah, for real - this guy is sick in the head, have you seen the live leaks of some of the shit he's done? He's deranged.
Turns out when you give piece of shit pricks who are untouchable their justice, people tend to like you. Who would have guessed?Yeah, for real - this guy is sick in the head, have you seen the live leaks of some of the shit he's done? He's deranged.
...He hasn't killed even one innocent person yet, has he...? Then, maybe he isn't really that bad of a person --
Back and forth. Back and forth... back and forth. The sentiment about him seemed to constantly shift... some that despised him, some that feared him, some that felt nothing towards him. And some... that felt everything towards him. The thought of who he was, what he could be.
It was one such person just like that - who had all too much to share with him that would receive a stream of text messages one day on her phone...
"You've been a bad girl lately, haven't you? It isn't good to lie about your credentials to go places that should be off limits to you."
"You're rather captivated with the thought of me. I wonder why that is? I never went into this hoping or looking to be anyone that people looked up to."
"But... you've intrigued me. I wonder if you can help me with a little something. You seem like a smart young lady."
Briefly, a video would be uploaded to her phone, the same alleyway that the murder had taken place in. Blood splatters on the ground and the brick walls... the sight of two men sitting next to one another, though one was entirely unresponsive and had a knife just barely lodged into his neck from the angle the video was shot. It didn't look fake. An unpleasant crunch as a figure grabbed at the knife to drag it more mercilessly across the throat -- but that part of the video would have been cut off, all she would hear was a painful crunch until everything cut."You're rather captivated with the thought of me. I wonder why that is? I never went into this hoping or looking to be anyone that people looked up to."
"But... you've intrigued me. I wonder if you can help me with a little something. You seem like a smart young lady."
"I wonder if he felt remorse for the women he beat and raped as his head was falling off his neck? Huh... sometimes I wish I could speak to the dead."
"Sorry, this must be a little strange. I want to meet. I don't usually do this... so I'll offer this just this once to you."
"Return to where it all started three years ago within two hours."
"I'd advise you to not contact the police. I know where you live... but I have no plans to harm you. Just to avoid you religiously until I can finish what I need to do."
"Take care and have a lovely day."
That was the last message she received... no amount of responded texts or attempts to communicate with him were met with any response whatsoever. Not even the small tag at the bottom of her texts to indicate that her messages had been read. Two hours. Two hours was all she had to meet him."I wonder if he felt remorse for the women he beat and raped as his head was falling off his neck? Huh... sometimes I wish I could speak to the dead."
"Sorry, this must be a little strange. I want to meet. I don't usually do this... so I'll offer this just this once to you."
"Return to where it all started three years ago within two hours."
"I'd advise you to not contact the police. I know where you live... but I have no plans to harm you. Just to avoid you religiously until I can finish what I need to do."
"Take care and have a lovely day."