Local crazy cat lady
- Joined
- Oct 7, 2020
Grey-green eyes gazed upon the tavern with an air of wonder, curiousity drawing her towards the foreign building like metal to a magnet. Having arrived only a night ago, Lea had yet to explore the port town as much as she would have liked, and only now stumbled across the lively looking establishment.
Turning to catch a passerby, the young woman carefully spoke in what she hoped was now an all-but-perfected male timbre. "Begging your pardon, but what manner of place is that?"
The man regarded her as though she were daft, brows furrowed as he gruffly answered her anyway. "You got rocks in yer head boy? That's Madame Aja's Tavern. Hottest spot in town." Lea looked affronted at the insult, all but glaring at the retreating figure even as a burning embarassment filled her veins and colored her face. She didn't much care for looking a fool, even if she logically had no way of knowing otherwise. She had half a mind to curse out loud, but force of habit prevented the expletive from being released. Instead, she turned to marvel once more at the pub, feeling excited in spite of her less than pleasant exchange.
Sure, she had heard of such things, for they were mentioned often enough. But she grew up in the palace, and as her parents emphasized, no respectable aristocrat- especially a woman would be caught dead in such a place. It was for common folk- or so she was told, and such establishments were beneath her.
Despite her upbringing, Lea couldn't keep from feeling a growing excitement, intrigued by the thought of finally being able to freely set foot in such a place. It would seem almost silly, but even something as common as this was an adventure to her- stepping into forbidden territory. The sensation was the same thrill she always got when about to learn something new, and Lea relished the feeling. Mind made up, she headed to the building in question, about to open the door when something stopped her in her tracks.
A young boy peddling the news stood beside a stack of the folded parchments, holding one in his hand as he encouraged passers-by to grab the latest. While that in itself wasn't unusual, the picture on the front prompted a growing panic.
Leandra Stoltz, crown princess of Varinka.
The disguised woman hadn't anticipated news to spread this fast- especially pictures, though she supposed she shouldn't be surprised. It was clear now, however, that she needed to put as much distance between herself and the capital city as possible. Several towns over was nowhere near adequate.
Such distance could only be covered in a few ways; by caravan, sea, train, or airship. Train was out, they'd find her with ease and expect that. Caravan, no matter the type, was likely not swift enough or far enough.
Sea or sky then.
Thankfully, she did see an airship land not long ago, and the vessels were most assuredly easy enough to spot. Gathering her single bag (the plainest she could find, for whatever that was worth), the runaway royal hurried off towards the shipyard.
Turning to catch a passerby, the young woman carefully spoke in what she hoped was now an all-but-perfected male timbre. "Begging your pardon, but what manner of place is that?"
The man regarded her as though she were daft, brows furrowed as he gruffly answered her anyway. "You got rocks in yer head boy? That's Madame Aja's Tavern. Hottest spot in town." Lea looked affronted at the insult, all but glaring at the retreating figure even as a burning embarassment filled her veins and colored her face. She didn't much care for looking a fool, even if she logically had no way of knowing otherwise. She had half a mind to curse out loud, but force of habit prevented the expletive from being released. Instead, she turned to marvel once more at the pub, feeling excited in spite of her less than pleasant exchange.
Sure, she had heard of such things, for they were mentioned often enough. But she grew up in the palace, and as her parents emphasized, no respectable aristocrat- especially a woman would be caught dead in such a place. It was for common folk- or so she was told, and such establishments were beneath her.
Despite her upbringing, Lea couldn't keep from feeling a growing excitement, intrigued by the thought of finally being able to freely set foot in such a place. It would seem almost silly, but even something as common as this was an adventure to her- stepping into forbidden territory. The sensation was the same thrill she always got when about to learn something new, and Lea relished the feeling. Mind made up, she headed to the building in question, about to open the door when something stopped her in her tracks.
A young boy peddling the news stood beside a stack of the folded parchments, holding one in his hand as he encouraged passers-by to grab the latest. While that in itself wasn't unusual, the picture on the front prompted a growing panic.
Leandra Stoltz, crown princess of Varinka.
The disguised woman hadn't anticipated news to spread this fast- especially pictures, though she supposed she shouldn't be surprised. It was clear now, however, that she needed to put as much distance between herself and the capital city as possible. Several towns over was nowhere near adequate.
Such distance could only be covered in a few ways; by caravan, sea, train, or airship. Train was out, they'd find her with ease and expect that. Caravan, no matter the type, was likely not swift enough or far enough.
Sea or sky then.
Thankfully, she did see an airship land not long ago, and the vessels were most assuredly easy enough to spot. Gathering her single bag (the plainest she could find, for whatever that was worth), the runaway royal hurried off towards the shipyard.