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Local crazy cat lady
Oct 7, 2020
Grey-green eyes gazed upon the tavern with an air of wonder, curiousity drawing her towards the foreign building like metal to a magnet. Having arrived only a night ago, Lea had yet to explore the port town as much as she would have liked, and only now stumbled across the lively looking establishment.

Turning to catch a passerby, the young woman carefully spoke in what she hoped was now an all-but-perfected male timbre. "Begging your pardon, but what manner of place is that?"

The man regarded her as though she were daft, brows furrowed as he gruffly answered her anyway. "You got rocks in yer head boy? That's Madame Aja's Tavern. Hottest spot in town." Lea looked affronted at the insult, all but glaring at the retreating figure even as a burning embarassment filled her veins and colored her face. She didn't much care for looking a fool, even if she logically had no way of knowing otherwise. She had half a mind to curse out loud, but force of habit prevented the expletive from being released. Instead, she turned to marvel once more at the pub, feeling excited in spite of her less than pleasant exchange.

Sure, she had heard of such things, for they were mentioned often enough. But she grew up in the palace, and as her parents emphasized, no respectable aristocrat- especially a woman would be caught dead in such a place. It was for common folk- or so she was told, and such establishments were beneath her.

Despite her upbringing, Lea couldn't keep from feeling a growing excitement, intrigued by the thought of finally being able to freely set foot in such a place. It would seem almost silly, but even something as common as this was an adventure to her- stepping into forbidden territory. The sensation was the same thrill she always got when about to learn something new, and Lea relished the feeling. Mind made up, she headed to the building in question, about to open the door when something stopped her in her tracks.

A young boy peddling the news stood beside a stack of the folded parchments, holding one in his hand as he encouraged passers-by to grab the latest. While that in itself wasn't unusual, the picture on the front prompted a growing panic.

Leandra Stoltz, crown princess of Varinka.

The disguised woman hadn't anticipated news to spread this fast- especially pictures, though she supposed she shouldn't be surprised. It was clear now, however, that she needed to put as much distance between herself and the capital city as possible. Several towns over was nowhere near adequate.

Such distance could only be covered in a few ways; by caravan, sea, train, or airship. Train was out, they'd find her with ease and expect that. Caravan, no matter the type, was likely not swift enough or far enough.

Sea or sky then.

Thankfully, she did see an airship land not long ago, and the vessels were most assuredly easy enough to spot. Gathering her single bag (the plainest she could find, for whatever that was worth), the runaway royal hurried off towards the shipyard.
Pipes, the sound of rusted metals screeching as the overworked pistons released steam venting it onto the uninhabited areas of the ship, a stern voice from the shipswain, “We will be docking in a few minutes sir” the voice calling into the heart of the ship the warehouse where Deacon kept all his goods.

The room smelled like the sun, filled to the brim with general trade goods, food, monster parts, ingredients for potions, and artifacts some looked like junk with unknown purposes, some defied gravity, a great portion of the old Steamship Katre he inherited her from his father, a missing man and presumed dead. The entire ship was operated by a skeleton crew essentially, just enough people to keep it running properly, even Deacon would do general jobs on keeping the ship running but lately it had seemed it was running on hopes and prayers, the main engines worked but it had been Jury-rigged with artifacts they had found to take the load off the engines.

The ship was powered by magical energy taken from monster parts and salt water taken from the ocean depth, fed through a magical catalyst to separate the water and salt, the salt would then be sold and the water would flow through the monster parts and slowly become energized, the steam was harmless but when it overheats the excess has to be vented through uninhabited areas released in such large quantities it would be toxic, finding a delicate balance as a trader to sacrifice some of the haul to keep the ship afloat.

Deacon knew he was on a loss, when he had to use the artifact he nicknamed the floaty balancer to assist in the engines and use up the monster parts he gathered because the fuel was burning quicker and hotter, it was his idea to detour to the City of Endal, to buy everything needed to repair the ship and to send his assistant home, he could no longer afford her, but he hid from the subject for as long as possible. As he looked down at the city below, the streets were littered with magical artifacts that brighten up even the darkest corners of the city as he took a breath of the fresh air, there was some unusual ground activity, most wouldn't notice but he did the patrols were increased.

There was a feeling on unease as he looked at his assistant Emily, “Em, can you grab me a news paper when you get down there” he asked clearly distracted by the hustle and bustle of the city, the docking procedure went fine as he grabbed a small box, throwing it on the bow of the ship. It connected the ship to the land allowing potential buyers access as he began to move his stock onto the bow for them to see.

Emily ran back into the ship her heart beating “Boss” she yelled her screech piercing his ears as he winced at the noise the panic in her tone, the bell went as a mysterious customer also came in as he looked at Emily his eyes heavy “What” he spoke calmly not wasting a word as he looked at the paper, “Princess missing”, “trade ships grounded” he looked at it and knew he would have to a go soon or risk getting caught up in something tiresome.

Holding emily's hand “Sorry, i should have said earlier, but” Emily looked at him smiling “I knew since we came here, i see the financial reports after all, you cant fire anyone else, everyone else needs to keep the ship going, thank you for the opportunity” she bowed. Deacon reached into his pocket and pulled an envelope out passing the it to her “A small thanks for the service, and your pay is added in there too” he replied as he looked at the mysterious guy in the shop, something was off but he couldn’t place it, “Can i help you”.
Leandra stepped up to the recently landed airship, craning her neck as she appraised her surroundings in barely concealed awe. She'd never been this close to any ship, sea or sky. Even her brother with his poor constitution had been able to go out and see such normal things, yet being a noblewoman, she'd been stuck going over every minute detail of courtly etiquette, history, and the arts. The only princess might have been born to luxury and privilege, but as she was constantly reminded; with that came specific obligations.

Thus, her current predicament. Needing to put as much distance between her and the capital as possible- and as swiftly as possible. Keeping her back towards the streets, the disguised princess feigned a calm she most certainly didn't feel while awaiting the arrival of the airship's captain. Moments before a young man approached her, a young woman clutching an envelope passed her on her way out of the ship. Lea said nothing, but stepped aside to let the female through. The sound of the man addressing her brought her attention back to the matter at hand, the princess slipping into her new persona. Careful to maintain a lower timbre in her voice, she dared to look at the one speaking to her.

"I fear it may be a bit unorthodox, but I was wondering if you'd be willing to offer me passage when you leave? I am of course willing to pay you for your time and assistance." There. She said it!
Hopefully that wasn't too suspicious.

Deeper in the ship, a cheerful humming could be heard as a twenty-four year old brunette tried unsuccessfully to get his unruly hair to behave itself for the twenty-seventh time this morning alone. Attempt made, the quartermaster- sometimes shipswain resumed his adjustments to the catalyst fueling the engine. Gavin knew the ship needed repairs, and was eager to get started as soon as he could now that they had finally docked. Quickly gathering his tools, the emerald-eyed male headed to the storefront Deacon had set up.

"Oy Cap! I'm ready ta git supplies to fix tha ship. Anything ya need me to fetch while I'm out?" He called, pausing upon seeing him with a customer.
Looking suitably embarrassed, he gave an apologetic smile and wave.
"Mmm, sorry ta interrupt. I'll just be going then."
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