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Mx Female Literate & Erotic (NSFW Links & Imagery)


Dec 13, 2023
General Disclaimers

1. Should someone wish to contact me and inquire to discuss a potential writing partnership, they should not respond to this thread. I only bring this to light due to myself likely not seeing or even being aware of someone doing so. The best and preferred way to contact me is by private messaging.

2. This thread contains a large amount of NSFW imagery. You may follow the provided links at your own risk! Many of them do have sound!

~Thank you.

About the Writer

Hello and welcome to my small corner of Blue Moon. I’m, William Drake. I’ve been writing for the vast majority of my life and have been floating around various online writing platforms like Blue Moon for several years now. All under the same alias. Some time ago, I was a very active member of the Dream Realms and Guilty Pleasures writing communities. Both of those sites were where I really cut my teeth as a public forum writer. At times, there are days when I truly do miss that era of my life as it was something that was so brand new to me and exhilaratingly enjoyable. Collaborating with fellow like-minded individuals from around the world and creating memorable erotically romantic storylines was a truly treasured privilege and honor. It was something that I had immediately fell in love with from the very beginning as it would eventually lead me to where I am today. Most if not all of my old writing partners from that period in my life have all but vanished and drifted away, unfortunately. That is something that truly pains me but has still yet to deter myself from enjoying new experiences while forming wonderful new partnerships along the way. All are things that I look forward to hopefully discovering once again here on Blue Moon.

While I’ve been active here for quite some time, I’m only just attempting to make a return after a hiatus that dates back to September of last year. Some months ago, my muse became extremely dry and greatly uninspired. Being overwhelmed with work and real-life responsibilities can sometimes require more of my time, energy, and effort than I care to put in. Something that I know we all suffer from and battle with from time to time as we struggle for our right to even exist within this unforgiving world. Some unfavorable interactions with other writers didn’t quite help this little dilemma of mine, either. Though that’s another story for a yet another time. After having had taken a much-needed break and step away from it all however, I feel more inspired than I ever have in recent years to connect and interact with other talented artists. All while simultaneously hoping to create immersive, unique, and erotically engaging storylines that keep us frothing at the mouth for increasingly larger doses of the immense pleasure that we all so desperately desire.

As I stated before, I’ve been writing for the vast majority of my life. I like to consider myself literate and grammatically advanced but am still only just a mere mortal man that isn’t perfect by any means or stretch of the phrase. Still yet, I strive for perfection despite the unfavorable odds when doing so while also maintaining my due diligence and utmost best to proofread and spellcheck each and every sentence before allowing my work to be viewed. It is my responsibility as your writing partner to not only communicate with you, but to also provide you with the best possible content that I can craft for your viewing pleasure. This is also a desired quality that I hope to find within any and all of my potential writing partners in the near future.

Equal effort.

Quite simply, there is nothing more disappointing than pouring out my heart, soul, and passion to then only receive something that can only be described as lackluster at best. Much of the wonderful pleasure that I find within the writing community isn’t even at all erotic. I seek connection. I lust for bonds shared by beautifully creative minds that share similar characteristics, morals, and courtesy when it comes to collaborating and writing together. In short, I give what I am given in return. And if I suspect that we are not compatible as writing partners, I will politely look elsewhere for what I crave. Something that I equally expect from and also respect of my fellow writers within this community. After all, we’re all trying to discover one thing in particular, yes? Pleasure. Pleasure that can be found in a plethora of differing and various forms, styles, meanings, and skill sets. So, let’s not waste one another’s time, shall we?

As I very briefly touched on a moment ago, I believe that communication is not only valuable to understand what we are truly seeking, but to also understand one another on a more personal level. For example, I’ll be the first to say that my schedule isn’t at all extremely flexible. My work offsite is oftentimes very unpredictable and sometimes even more unforgiving. There are times when I must work a lot of long hours with very few days off, which unfortunately does not allow myself to be very productive nor at all extremely active here on Blue Moon. All while other times are much more relaxed, but still highly unpredictable. Normally, I reserve one day per week to dedicate myself and my time to any active storylines that I might have ongoing. This day will most of the time fall on Sunday. On this particular day, I am normally available and can provide multiple posts throughout the day. Depending on my partner’s schedule and preferences, of course. During those rare slower times throughout the week, I may even be fortunate enough to find some spare time to devote myself to some sort of amount or form of writing activity. In short, I require a certain level of compassion and patience from my respective colleagues should we find ourselves writing together. I will always extend this same courtesy back to them in return.

My writing style could be described as fluent, well written, and highly detailed. As I said before, I am not at all a perfect grammatical expert. Nor have I ever claimed to be, either. I am, however, a perfectionist. I strive to achieve perfection despite the odds, all while taking great and immense care when constructing the work that will be later presented to my awaiting partners. I’m also a highly motivated writer in terms of the more visual sense, as well. While I’m more than capable of painting pictures, scenes, and actions with extensive levels of creative wordplay, I adore incorporating various elements of visual storytelling within my work. I understand that this isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, and by no means is it a requirement for my partners to indulge in nor reciprocate. Although, it is highly encouraged! I’m very comfortable with anything they might want to include. So long that it doesn’t violate any rules here on site, of course. Due to myself being so inspired by various forms of imagery within text, this is something that my partners and I definitely need to discuss beforehand. By no means do I want to exceed their levels of comfort, nor do I wish to offend them. Furthermore, I normally write in third person within the past tense. However, I can fluctuate from this from time to time. Everything from third person present tense to first person past or present tense. It all really just depends on my partner’s preference as I’m very negotiable within this specific department.

I enjoy writing within multiple genres. Though I must admit that my guilty pleasures have almost always centered around aspects catering to slice of life as opposed to anything else. For me, I adore writing within the realm of a reality that could actually occur within our otherwise mundane and ordinary lives. Growing up, I had always held a large, invested interest in all things related to that of nonfiction. In short, I’ve just always been fascinated by subjects that are real. Because when the content you’re consuming is real and actually at your fingertips, the more you can truly study it. And as you study it, the more you begin to understand it overtime. Not only do you gain real world knowledge that can be applied to your life and then perhaps later even be used to better it, but you also acquire a unique skill set within a specific field in whatever it might be. Not only this but writing characters within potential real-world scenarios and situations that could actually occur is something that has always turned me on. Perhaps I might be alone on this island, but it’s something that I truly enjoy writing as I find myself spending the majority of my time here within this particular genre. With all of this having been said however, I have been known to dabble with aspects related to that of light fantasy.

Interests & Limitations

When speaking about what I specifically enjoy behind closed doors, I’m truthfully quite vanilla. The only things that I choose not to indulge myself in, are things related to that of the restroom. As well as subjects revolving around blood and gore. Quite simply, things of this nature just aren’t up my alley. Most other things are on the table and up for discussion. Though should someone be interested in trying something that they feel might be a little controversial, I would greatly appreciate it if that individual and I could possibly talk it over before incorporating it into our shared storyline. Communication, please! I of course will always extend this same courtesy back to them. A lewdly detailed explanation of what I enjoy can be found below!

~My biggest fetish would undoubtedly come within the form of a big round ass.
Thick, firm, and tight, preferably. Though I don’t discriminate! Nothing melts my heart quite like a nice piece of booty teasing and tempting me into some delicious sin.
Associated with this kink of mine, come various forms of anal play, as well. Giving anal sex, spanking, being the recipient of face sitting, and eating ass, are only but a generic few of the many actions that I adore revolving around this fetish.

~Foreplay is something that I’m extremely passionate about, as well. Nothing gets my blood pumping hotter quite like a playfully
eager and tantalizing woman who loves to tease. Oftentimes, I find that the build of anticipation can surpass the coming climax to an event or action. Seemingly endless amounts of teasing and other similar intimate encounters are all things that I highly encourage writing when collaborating with me. The slower the pace, the slower the burn. That’s just the way I like it, Love. I surely can’t be stranded alone on this island, can I?
~Sloppy, messy oral sex. Both giving and receiving.

Cock and ball worship by female characters is also very much welcomed. Having them swallow my hot cum and painting their pretty faces with its warm sticky white substance is something that I’ll never grow bored of doing, either.

~Stripteases, clothed sex, and dry humping could most likely be categorized within the foreplay section of this kink list, as well. I thought that they might be worth mentioning here due to my personal overt enjoyment of it all.
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While we’re still on the subject of foreplay, I also really love having my cock teased through the fabric of whatever might be covering it. Whether it be by some sort of pants or underwear, I just simply crave it. All by various forms of stimulation ranging from hands, mouth, ass, vagina, to even feet.

~FFM threesomes and harems. This is certainly a selfish kink, yes. Though I simply cannot help myself. Nothing is more satisfying than falling victim to multiple eager vixens while being taken down and fucking swallowed.

~Other kinks and fetishes of mine include dirty talk, eye contact, as well as being licked and kissed about the surface of my body. Light vaginal play like fingering and eating, too. And of course, giving vaginal intercourse. Women in uniform have always been a huge turn on of mine, as well. Women wearing sexy, slutty, and skimpy clothing, also. I suppose those last few sentences might have been fairly predictable coming from a typical male like me, right? Though as I've stated before within this thread, I just can't help myself.


As of this time, I don't have any readily available plot seeds to bring forth. Largely due to myself having just returned after such a long hiatus. This thread's main purpose is to hopefully drum up some interest for future projects with some potential writing partners. Assuming that you have studied this thread's entirety and believe us to be a good match, please free to shoot me a message. I'm more than willing to discuss any and all plot offerings that might be brought my way. Should they align with my interests, of course.

I look forward to chatting with you all!
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