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At parity with pears...
Apr 7, 2017
From the Flames of Creativity
Deep within a forest of monsters, a shape shifting slime has been lurking to hide from the other monsters that would want to eat it. However, the slime was smart for its kind, figuring out what to do. It hid to avoid danger, observing to adapt.

One day, a traveling elf Archer is caught off guard by an ambushing orc, who wanted to claim the elf as his next conquest. The slime was originally watching, but was surprised when it saw the desperation of the elf, who couldn't react to the surprise attack. This vulnerability spurred the slime.

The slime attacked the orc, engulfing it and digesting it immediately. The elf, fearing for her life, had a twisted ankle and the slime was between her and her weapon. She resigned to becoming the slime's next meal as it engulfs her. However, she is shocked as it only strips her by dissolving her clothes. Otherwise, she was unharmed.

The elf soon was experiencing pleasure from the slime investigating her body. While unable to speak, the slime can tell the elf reacted positively to what it was doing.

There's a rule in the forest: the strong can claim the spoils of battle as their prize. Therefore, the elf was the slime's. Enjoying the experience greatly, the elf submits willingly.

The slime was interested in the elf, but kept her inside its body to keep her off her injury, and also to keep her safe. It listened to the elf, eventually mimicking what's being said. Eventually, the slime learned how to talk.

The elf eventually explained why she was going through the forest. The slime declared that the elf was its treasure, so it'll never let her go. However, the slime is curious about the world outside the forest, and eventually decides to leave with its elf.
It also wants to acquire more women, having a fascination in the noises they make when touching them in certain spots. It also enjoys the idea of expanding its collection. It adopts a humanoid form like the elf, but adopts the orc's lower body, becoming a futa. The elf loves this, and reveals she wanted a partner like that. The slime decides to be like this so that she's happy. It's also curious how to have sex with its elf like a human, as well as better understanding relationships.

This is a longterm plot with lots of porn with it. The main plot would be the slime learning about the human world, and finding girls who could willingly join the monster as "treasure", or one of its submissives. Throughout this, it meets various girls who have various issues, leading to the Slime and elf archer to figure out the solution to the current issue with the girl they meet.

Also, this also would have the slime learning of why most humans do monogamy, when it can see Polyamory working.

If there's multiple girls that surpass the amount my partner can handle roleplying as, I have a system to reduce how many are handled at a time. In this case, it's a large inn that doubles as a tavern. The girls not traveling with the slime would be here, helping out with the tavern and living there.

The slime won't be wanting to enslave anyone against their will. It won't force anyone to become one, yet it would accept any who do want it. The goal is having a group of submissive girls with a futa who is basically considerate and loving, though clumsy and impulsive at times.

My kinks are sexy/slutty clothing, exhibitionism, public sex, outdoor sex, submission, polyamory, collars, tattoos, or branding, aftercare, and diversity of female partners in story. (Only catch is the slime likes young and fit girls regardless of the race)

Limits are no sexual violence or death, rape, anything that belongs in the toilet, pregnant sex, or no underage characters.

I commit to a plot, so I won't abandon without any warning. I try to respond as soon as I can, but if I don't reply in three days, send me a PM to check in. Real life was likely the cause. Also, I'm willing to add or change things my partner wishes.

I can easily do two paragraphs per post at least, but more if on a roll. I'm fine with any length my partner does, and I'll try to match effort.

I prefer my plot having organic interactions, so would like my partner to be female as well. It's very distracting knowing that my partner is male. Apologies.

Plot to smut is 40/60 or 60/40.

If interested or have any questions, feel free to contact me.
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