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family protection plan verseXmvdenk

Wen Hi Jien was a consequence of Yareli. The youth had sprung in the city's - affectionately known as New City - bad parts, which was most of the blocks surrounding the polished, high-rise megacity core. But he had been born on the edge of suburbia, so he'd had a silver of a chance for better education. But he was a bad element spreading more of the same around him. At least it taught the upper-middle class children there were worse things than having a bad lunch, out there. Being mainland Chinese, he could only ever have gone one way, if he didn't take to academics. And with the Triad collective of Xuy waiting for him, Wen had carried the confidence of his heritage of violence even into the sandbox and schoolyard. Really, enforcing his group was just another form of bullying, so who's to say he hadn't gotten an education that would benefit him later in life?

Not that it had been without trials. New City was overrun with criminal intent and the ambitions that comes with it. In the beginning, when there was no guns or knives, Wen had to beat his way to the top of his own social group. Back then he'd been a little bird-boned shit, and relied on tricks and viciousness to get by. But his tireless malice and enthusiasm for stomping others down for whatever pittance they had in their pockets eventually paid off. Even the slow learners of Yareli East Johnson Elementary got it into their skulls that if you fucked with Wen Hi Jien, or even didn't listen to him when he wanted you to humiliate yourself for him, you'd get beaten badly. By the time he got to East High there was little less to prove to those without affiliations, and those with usually kept peace because the higher ups from the actual streets didn't want trouble when they could peddle drugs to kids. They didn't want war because young members didn't know what to do with all their testosterone.

It's like that in crime economies; sometimes the hoodlooms and crooks have more power than the people with the real money. The Xuy was well familiar with Wen's worth by the time he graduated, and he sat pretty on his own gaggle of bad elements now. They'd even made sure he enrolled into university so he could continue selling to the same people he always had. And bully the same people, too.

Between standing guard at the dock, and waiting for older members to peddle their larger amounts of contraband, and often actually practicing abhorrent acts to maintain power for his group, Wen had to have his own projects to blow off steam. Lately it had been fucking the dirty new girls who came off shipping containers from boats that dealt both in smuggling wares and people, but classically he just liked to target someone and mess up their lives. He was sitting in a warehouse that he'd pretty much claimed for his own, with guys at the top of his given group, looking on his phone. Wen had chosen a wooden crate that had once contained toys impregnated with heroine as his seat. It made him taller than anyone else, who had to stand, hunched over the little screen. Not that he hadn't grown exponentially in the last few years.

"Yeah, his name is Robin, and he's been like my toy since the beginning of high school I think." he bragged. The video was of a public bathroom, dirty, with a boy their age, but decidedly more effeminate looking, forced to wear a bra that was too big for him, and nothing else. "Had him steal his mother's underwear." The boy had a black eye that well explained just how Wen had persuaded him. "But I think he likes it. Look at his little prick standing up like that." The others huffed in agreement.

"Yeah, eventually they just give into it." one of the onlookers muttered around the filter of his cigarette. Wen shrugged.

"You should all see the mom too, by the way." His eyes rolled with some dreamy enthusiasm. Wen was long in design, his black hair too, and still had elegant bones in his face from his youth, but there was a hardness in the sharp details. But sometimes he made expression that could remind you of his age. "She's like one of those conservative wives." he complained and grabbed his crotch with his free hand. "I've been thinking of expanding to the rest of the this little bitch's family." he said and meant the male on the screen who was now forced to dance and sway so his cock clapped against his thighs.

Wen flicked his phone to the side and one of the guys had to catch it. Didn't want to be the one who dropped the leader's phone. Wen already had a cigarette in his mouth and blew at the rusty beams in the high ceiling. The others looked at him with some awe. He didn't have a suit like the elders, but his leather jacket and fitted slacks were still something they coveted because of what it meant for their station. They had some time to kill before a big thing tonight that would likely involve bloodshed. But they were between activities. They were all waiting on Wen to decide.

It'd be a combustive time to visit the rag-tag band.

Everything had to be perfect in the life of Jenny Schäfer. Not only because her utmost perfectionistic nature, but also since she had to upkeep appearances in the upper class suburban neighbourhood she inhabited. And let's not forget her social media presence. As of recent, she fully jumped on the #tradwives bandwagon, posting at least once a day on how good of a housewife she was.

Her makeup had to be impeccable, her house kept pristinely clean. Sometimes she had to redo baking a cake 5 different times, just for that perfect picture and doting smile on her husbands face. Her clothes had to be modest, of course, but she also knew all too well how to abuse all the loopholes within the aesthetic of her subculture, leading often to tight and lowcut dresses, giving her viewers what they really wanted. Of course, her hubby had paid for the necessary cosmetic surgery here and there, from simple lip fillings to the infamous BBL...

The most important thing in her life, however, was her love for her son. Yes, she knew that he was a bit effeminate with his wide hips and high-pitched tenor voice (if not higher), but he was still her son and she would do everything for him to give him the best life she could. This didn't mean that she was always kind with him, though. Sometime, discipline is more effective than praise, and she has let herself go more than once, sometimes even asking his father for the belt. Their son was just being stubborn sometimes, joining clubs just unfit for his gender, like joining the crochet club. She often worried how he would ever be able to become a real man...


Everything had to be miserable in the life of Robin Schäfer. Of course, on paper, everything was fine. His parents were well-off, his academics were decently well. But behind that thin service, it quickly went down hill from there...

First of all, he hated this new push towards these so called "traditional values" his mom is going on and on about. Not only was it super hypocritical (he knew exactly what his mom was doing with those a little bit too tight dresses), it also changed her from a loving, accepting mother to someone that was always reprimanding him that he should be more manly (whatever that means, god). It's a good thing that he build a little bit of resilience against all the corporal punishments, thanks to his other secret cravings...

It started with Wen Hi Jien simply name calling and pretend flirting, whistling when he walked by followed by the hellish snickering of his friend group, and shouting "What's up, phat ass!" So what if he had a little bit of a booty, he couldn't help it. It was just his natural physique. Then, the taunting increased, you know, the usual stuff. Wedgies in the middle of the hallways, stealing his lunch, locking him up in a locker for the whole day... it became more and more rough. As we both went through puberty though, things slightly changed between us, making me perform all kinds of little tasks "or else..."

We're not thinking the usual stuff anymore, like having to make the bullies homework, letting him cheat during the exam. No, after gym class, the young thug made sure Robin stayed in the changing room, dragging him to the showers and treating him like his personal slut. Spanking, fellatio, and in the final year he even started taking him in the ass. However, luckily, middle school is now over, and Hi Jien didn't make it to uni (unlike Robin of course). However... it wouldn't take long before Robin started texting his bully, now longing back to the feeling he hated so much during high school. At least, that he thought he hated... Every time he came up with an obvious excuse why he needed to see him, but he of course already knew the outcome on beforehand.

This last time meeting, it didn't end up well for Robin. This time, he didn't get fucked, but he rather received an assignment. If she (as Hi Jien called him) would simply obey his command, he would receive the reward in a next meeting. This was unexpected. "No, don't take this away from me, I'm too addicted" I think to myself. At the same time, he knew he just couldn't comply. Not this time, it just went to far. For his disobedience, he now has to walk around with a black eye. The same day, Hi Jien would receive the promised video of him embarrassingly dancing in his mom's special lingerie with the caption "There, now happy?"


Jenny was furious! Her own son, still getting bullied by that Chinky Scum? She told him so many times to man up, and now this? And that after he already finally left that incompetent high school! But she was most angry at his son, he did not only let this happen in the first place, he also hid it from her. His own mother, who loved him so much! He even lied about that black eye, claiming it was some kind of vague "accident". Yeah right, she was not born yesterday... Furthermore, why was he still in contact with him? Were they actual friends or something?

Fuming she deliberated what to do next. This had to stop now, punishment could wait. She finally decided that this could only end if she herself would take the lead. Reluctantly, Robin gave her his number, fearing that now it would only get worse. But Jenny didn't want to hear it. She quickly sent him a video message with simple content: "We need to talk! Right now!"
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They were in the middle of scrolling through the plentiful material Jenny Schäfer had up, mesmerized by the colors and the quiet sexuality she was pushing while playing at being an innocent house wife. While Wen had already seen it all, the others passed his phone around and ooohed and aaahhed while they tried to find the most incriminating pictures. While she did hint at the naughtier bits of being a housewife, her core audience would never forgive her for actual ventures into even the softest porn, so there was nothing really juicy for them. That was also why Wen wasn't all that interested. He was getting more out of her son, as it was right now, as the other videos in his library could attest.

So when he got a message, the one goon holding it almost dropped the phone. He didn't though, after some panicked juggling to catch it, and quickly handed it back to its owner. Wen was annoyed when he saw the message. New number. That kind of thing could mean a lot of bad stuff in his line of work, so he looked the number up. That made him stand on the floor and grab the phone with both his hands. Jenny Schäer. "Guys. This is the fucking milf I was talking about." They all gathered around the phone, and the chattered peaked before Wen made an annoyed gesture. They fell into a tense silence. And then they watched the video.

"Give me another video, this time topless or I'm not meeting with you." It was pretty easy to guess what the mother of his favorite victim might want, and the bitch have better change her tune or she wouldn't even get to enjoy the thought of getting to help her son out of this. One of the guys walked circles around the now tightly gathered group, out of excitement. Since they'd just bombarded themselves with pictures of the mature woman, they were obsessed. Boys attention may be short lived, but it is intense. If she did reply with a video, they'd all cheer, and eagerly petition for Wen to have the meeting somewhere they may attend. He would simply give the address of his apartment, which was in a rather sketchy neighborhood, even if the loft itself was rather nice, given his privileges from the higher ups. He also wanted this meeting to happen. There was really just one thing he wanted out of a woman who looked like Jenny.
"Who the hell does he even think he is!!" Robin had never seen her mother this angry before. He knew giving her his number would be a mistake, and the evidence came in pretty quickly. With a sigh, he turned around to go to his room.

"Not so fast there!" his mother yowled at him, immediately stopping him in his tracks. "You know where he lives, right? Tell me! Now, NOW!" He didn't know, he tried to explain. He really didn't know. He started crying. They never met up at his new place before.

Seeing his poor son cry, finally some aspect of her old motherly self came up again. The son, caught off guard, suddenly felt himself in the nurturing embrace of his mother. "Now don't you cry, honey. Real men don't cry, but with me you can cry a little bit. Mommy will solve this issue for you." With a kiss on his cheek, he was alone at the kitchen table where it all started. "Sure... mom..." he stammerd bewildered.


Jenny took her phone and speedwalked to her office. Mommy will save you, honey, before long it's all in the past.

In her office, she had set up a small studio for her daily lifestyle vlogs. If she was going to do this, she was going to do it immaculate. At least that way, if it would ever got leaked, she would go public with dignity.

She first made sure that she was all made up, doing her lips with the right amount of gloss, making sure every hair was in pristine shape. She put on a top that would make a quick flash easy, which was practically any of her tops.

An hour after the message, Hi Jien would receive a "new video (4s) notification. Footage start - one second - flash down - one second - top up - one second - "Happy now?" Almost robotic.

The video was quickly followed up by another message. "You better send me your address now"
Wen was excited, but his attention was quickly diverted. The problem with women like Jenny was that they didn't know they were sluts until someone taught them. So far she hadn't been worth the effort. He had his hands full with actual work, and there was a line of wives and daughters to in-debt men that Wen could have his pick. The elders liked putting their more virile upstarts on it. He had decided to get other girls on the job of keeping his guys entertained for now. A handful of them were called up, and now were populating the laps of his smiling crew. He'd limited the intoxicants, there among alcohol, so they'd at least be a semblance of fresh-eyed, come tonight. But he was checking his phone every now and then, still.

When the video came, he reclined in his new place in the couch, and played it. His eyes widened. He of course paused when her full mammaries were on full display and got a heaping eyeful. Those were round and pretty, almost bursting, and he liked the conservative areola. Damn. He got up and the decisive motion had his men look up at him. He threw a wad of hundreds on the table for the girls and some extra fun. "I got business. I'll see you at the job." he said and the others called after him, suspicious, but knew not to stop their boss when he had things to do.

He sent her the address of his general block, a place visible from his window, but not his exact building, along with the text "Wear the same thing." Since that meant no bra. Honestly, he was just getting off on making this mother do what he wanted. She didn't negotiate the way he did. If she came to an exchange already having showed her tits, she'd already lost. "If you're not there in half an hour I won't be." He was home in ten minutes, since there was pretty much always a black car on retainer for Triad leaders of Wen's caliber. Even if the car wasn't always namebrand or clean.

If he did see the obvious white milf on the sorry excuse for a square in his neighborhood, he'd come out. She'd be surprised at how tall Chinese males grew, these days. Everyone was. With his hands in his jacket pockets he'd look her up and down, to make sure she'd followed his instructions, and then nodded toward his building, making sure to follow her to continue the viewing. "Up there." He was sure she'd want privacy too, but not for the same reasons as he. She seemed concerned enough for her son that she'd be stupid enough to be alone with him.
Confident that she would receive an address, Jenny directly got into her car, preparing for driving off. When she, after a few minutes, received the text message, she shuddered from the specific instruction, but wasn't surprised. "This little...! No, Jenny, focus on the drive!" and with shrieking tires she set of to her destination.

Her adrenaline was through the roof! "Does anyone know were Ik can find Jean?" she butchered up de name. "Hey, you there, are you Jean?! Don't ignore me, mister! And don't you all know how to clean your streets properly?!" She scoffed, poor people, disgusting! Don't these people have to work, anyway? Least they could do is help me!
He laughed to himself from his window when he saw her. He even let her run around trying to find him for a while. She did stick out like a sore thumb. His neighbors weren't exactly the friendly type, unless you offered them drugs or cash. He even filmed her so he could contrast it to what he'd make her do later. His mouth was watering and his pants were tightening from the thoughts. Every now and then he got a tilted birdseye view of her ass.

But eventually he did come down. He was dressed in black and towering over her. But she didn't see that when he came up behind her. She might notice how other people avoided her then. Wen had his hands in his pockets for a moment, looking at his latest victim, and was pleased she heeded his dresscode.

He learned down and placed his hand on the low of her back. "Hey. Let's go." He said, close to her ear, and started steering her with pressure on her back toward his building. Of course, that hand would slide down to cup her endowed ass. He also made sure to get a whiff of her personal scent as they walked.

If she did not directly follow him, he'd stand there, pushing his height advantage on her.
Suddenly she felt a muscular hand on her lower back and heard a soft voice in her ear. Confused she turned het head towards the voice and only saw the dark tall torso of the bully. She felt her chest tighten, intimidated by his powerful presence. Don't worry, he's only a lowly chinky thug, I'll handle this!

As she stood there, she felt the hand pushing her towards a building. She didn't resist and let him guide her where to go, even when that guiding hand went lower and lower, squeezing her ample bottom only moments later. Even my husband doesn't touch me there anymore, why do I just let it happen? It's improper! Well whatever, let him enjoy it now, I'll just get even more angry later! A light blush started on her face.

When he closed the door behind them, she walked towards the middle of the room facing him! "W-well there mister, we finally get to talk about you bullying my son! Why don't you just leave him alone?!" As she was starting to talk, she build up more confidence again, remembering that anger from just a few moments ago.
Out in the open, she went along with what he wanted. Her body dipped into her spine right where he touched. Her proportions were a lot more enticing in the real world, even if they were less exaggerated. He remembered the tits under that top from the video, and got excited for what would come next. And by the way she tensed up from just getting a glimpse of his chest, this confused milf was starting to get it, too, even if her mind was still making excuses. She needed a man that could fuck her better than her limp dicked husband.

Wen enjoyed leading her, winking at some men who hadn't done as well as himself in the criminal world they'd all entered. He took full advantage of her inability or lack of intention to push his touch away. His hand glommed on to her buttock, squeezing hard and then easing up repeatedly, each time his fingers dug deeper into her flesh and closer to where her two asscheeks touched, weighing her butt in his palm. Once in the shitty elevator, he even pressed her up against a corner to get both hands on her rump, squishing her chest against the meeting walls. He parted the cheeks and bunched up her skirt between them until the signal dinged to let them off.

By the time they reached his door he realized she'd let him grab and feel her all the way. He knew what kind of woman she was now. So when he closed the door behind him, he just smirked at the flushed mom trying to be authoritative for her son. She looked pretty good, all riled up but uncertain, stuttering.

He came up to her again, really close. It was a big room, with a bed toward the large window through which he'd filmed her. There was a couch and a big tv against one wall, and some expensive clothes strewn about. The kitchen corner had new appliances but it was messy. Over all it was obvious he had more money than someone his age should, but he was still and unkempt youth.

He looked down at her and shrugged. "Maybe I'm acting out because I've got all this built-up masculinity and no one to take care of it for me?" He asked to test her motherly instincts and see if they could be redirected. "You're pretty judgmental for someone who doesn't know me. Maybe you should try being nice before coming at me with a battle-ax?" He went on, though the darkness in his voice and leer contradicted his peaceable sentiments. He had every intention of doing a lot of things to her while she was here. Whether she was as gullible as her hair color suggested or if he had to hold her down for it, he didn't care.
As she walked in, Wen could see her ass cheeks even better now, her skirt still clenched between them from what happened in the elevator and my hips wiggling in a proper eight-motion, slowly releasing the tight fabric again.


"Oh no mister, I know just about enough about you! You're a bully, you live in this... crappy neighbourhood, you're probably not even Christian! You're an unhealthy influence on my son, and I just want you to stop bothering him! Aren't there enough other guys you can pick on?" She continues her rant, making it difficult to get interrupted. She had to win, for the future of her son and of herself. If the bullying would stop, Robin would finally be able to outgrow his high school traumas.
He followed her as the outlines of her asscheeks were on display, the thin fabric doing preciously little to conceal her generous anatomy, before the wedgie slipped out of her grinding buttocks. He tsk'ed with some disappointment, even if the skirt didn't really hide that much, either. They would have to revisit the subject, soon.

He looked at her like she was the smallest creature he ever encountered, as she spouted off. No body got to talk to Wen like that. And there'd be consequences for Jenny Schafer too. Her account was building as she stood there, deep within enemy territory, and having brought no insurance other than her motherly instincts. They wouldn't go very far in her present company. He licked the corner of his mouth as he let her blow off some steam, and think she had some kind of advantage.

"Thing is, though, Jen." he started, cautioning her. His voice was deep and calm, like an iron beam before it fell and crushed you. "You can't stop me, can you?" It was the truth. She was flushed with the energy of her lecture, and it was adorable. "You have things you want from me, but you haven't really offered me anything in return." he pointed out and suddenly reached to grab her jaw, so she had to strain on her toes as he forced her to look up at him.

"You think you love your son, but right now you're just making things worse for him." he said, breath spilling over her face as his nose touched her, and his lips glided over her cheekbone all the way to her ear. His fingers wrung her jaws tighter. "You can't even be a good listener for him." he said into her sensitive shell before shoving her back. It was up to her whether she'd catch herself or fall on her pretty little ass. "Now, either leave and see what I'll do next to your son, or appologize to him on your knees."

And there was nothing in his dark eyes that suggested he was joking.
As she was shoved backwards, she had no way of saving herself. Never in her life she was treated like this, so she didn't know how to handle herself. Normally, she could just throw her usual temper and then the men would budge, but this man was clearly different. Suddenly, she understood why her son was bullied by him, he also wouldn't stand a chance.

"Ouch!" she said as she fell on her behind, luckily it was an ample cushion, but it still hurt. "He was right," she thought, "what could I offer in return?" Of course she knew that he was enjoying her body earlier, and not only a little bit. "Could it be that, if only this time..."

She changed her position to sitting in her knees. "Alright, you have me on my knees, so what do you want? What will you finally disappear out of our perfect little life?" She was still acting defiant, but just on the edge not to anger him too much. The tiger just showed it's claws.
She was letting him interrupt her and dictate the pace of this interaction after she had tried to open so strongly. Obviously she had thought her usual tactics of being an overbearing mother would help her, that just a talking-to would make him understand her side. But this was the real world. Where women like her ended up on their knees in front of men like him. She should be happy she'd gotten to wait this long to learn it.

As her butt bounced on the floor where many other women had both sat and laid before her, she had the kind of expression that he liked. She understood, at least a little, how this had to play out. At least she could still tell herself she had a choice. And as long as she gave him what he wanted, she did.

She was being more obedient, down there, and when she shifted into position and he smirked, he thought that should be answer enough. He stepped closer to the kneeling milf, looking at her face, whore lips, and cleavage. Maybe he should start small?

"Pull that down again." He missed her tits. And women automatically became more submissive the more they were exposed. If she could do that much, she'd be able to do more. "How about you be a good guest in my home, and take out my cock?" His eyes were full of darkness and if she tried to get up or protest, he would put his hand on her head and shove her down on her knees again. "You want Robin to stop crying himself to sleep, right?" He asked as he started taking out his phone.
She sighed. "Really? You guys really only think of one thing, right..." she says, as if she didn't know that this is why he wanted her here to begin with. She looked into his dark eyes, checking whether she could still get away with it. But his look was saying everything she had to know.

Well, she already showed her... breasts... before right. She hesitantly pulled down her top again, just like in the video from before. "What's even so special about these anyway, they're just big bags of water..." She said with a soft tone of protest, looking the bully in the eyes. "Here you go, enjoy. You probably never even saw them like this before." she added. Being a cunning influencer, she knew damn well that many guys really liked them, and she was proud of them too.

Meanwhile, Robin was in full panic. It finally dawned on him what his mother was doing: she was going to be alone with his bully. And he knew all too well where that would lead, he had seen enough women at his den. Hell, he was even enjoying him himself! But his mother... she was too pure, too strongminded as well! There would be only two possible outcomes, either she would give in to his usual demands, or she would be hurt badly. And he didn't know what he would hate more to happen...

Her eyes were now focused on his crotch. Showing her bosom was one thing, but exposing his cock? She reminded herself why she was here, as she was reminded by his last sentence, but, wasn't this a bit much? Through his jeans, she could already see the outline of his big cock. He was so much bigger than her husband... what was even the last time she did it with him? She reached out with her hand hesitantly, feeling the outline first. It felt really big in her fingertips, how did he even...

Then she made her decision. An audible gulp, and then the sound of the zipper. Not only did she have to for her son, she just had to see it...
He listened to her attitude about it. But if this had been any other situation, she would have been much louder with her protests. Just the fact that she was tempering her mouth meant that he had the power in this interaction. She could pretend to be prim and proper and innocent all she wanted, but he'd been here enough times before that he knew exactly how to play this, to get what he wanted. And also, that she was the kind of enjoy it. Hadn't her son also tried to pretend not to understand where his life was headed? And now the little shit regularly was on the same giant cock his mother would get introduced to.

There was noting merciful in his eyes for her, and she finally understood. She had lost her ability to negotiate the moment she'd revealer her breasts to him on that clip. He was excited to see the same show live, but he liked her expression more as she had to give up this part of herself to a younger male. He sighed with some triumph when she submitted and let him see them. That top certainly was practical. "Don't pretend you don't like showing them off. If they're just bags of water then why were you so intent on putting them in, slut?" He said with scepticism. She was on her knees with her breasts out; it was a really good look for her. Certainly more risque than any of the other content she had on her medias.

Once he'd taken out his phone - he was sure being filmed was second nature enough to her that coupled with the threat of her son's continued bullying, she would allow it, especially since she'd already given him a video - he let his free hand roam and the glom onto a fat breast, squeezing firmly, possessively. She notice the young man was good at fondling her, compared to her gentle husband. "Let it happen." He warned her strictly if she thought to slap away his hand.

He caught on camera when she contemplated her continued obedience. He waited for the inevitable decision, and then groaned when she finally gave. "Now that's a good mommy." He said and let her undo his zipper.

The cock she'd have to take out was a hulking one. The fat bowed limb had a thick neck and a bulbous, dark head, partially clad in foreskin. He would have her pull it out all the way to the balls, that were contained in the sack, heavy. "Now spit on your hands and jerk it off." He said to her with grave voice. And if she did, the cock would harden to an impossible size, dwarfing the woman in the clip with it. There was already precum in the slit. The fat member was excited to play with the mother of its usual victim. And since he already knew Robin, he knew she'd have an inclination toward a big cock, no matter what she tried to say.
She reacts to his first reaction with a short "Whatever...", knowing she couldn't dispute him for telling the truth. "It just helps me get some more followers." Funny enough, she didn't argue against him calling her a slut. "You're not posting this anywhere, right? And if you're filming me, make sure to at least film me from my good side..." Always the diva.

As he was reaching for her breasts, she instinctively tried to stop him, putting her hands on his arm. However, his short warning reminded her of why she was here in the first place, so she let him go. He was actually... not too bad? She disguised her pleasure by clearing her throat a bit.

As she opened his zipper, the cock jumped right out, slapping her on her cheek. Even though she already felt it through his jeans, she still didn't expect him to be as big and strong as he was. She quickly squeaked from the shock, trying to regain some composure. "It's only a cock, from a chink no less" she thought to herself, as she moved her hand towards it.

As she heard his command, she followed it obediently without too much thought, spitting once on each hand and putting it around his shaft. She moved her hands slowly, needing both to fully go around it. She looked up and said: "You promise that after this you leave my son alone, right?" Hiding the fact that she was very impressed. It was already hard to look at him in the first place, with this huge rod in their line of sight.
She had very little trouble talking about her breasts. It was no secret she at least wanted some attention for them. And the small correction was a good tradeoff for getting to actually insult her. She wasn't so fierce once their dynamic was established. He bet she was the man of the house at home, with her simp son and useless husband. Maybe she craved being treated like this, after always having to run the show. He chuckled at how she actually verbally allowed the filming. He could even put this up legally now. "What angle do you prefer, slut?" He asked. He was not opposed to getting a good performance from her. In the heat of things he was sure she'd forget he hadn't agreed on not posting this.

She also understood that he was claiming her breast. The submission after having made a small attempt at stopping him looked good on camera. And her little act to pretend it wasn't getting to her was so transparent he laughed shortly, but he didn't call her on it. Things were going well. He was sure he'd derailed any plans she had coming in, thinking she would dominate the conversation. Now she was on her knees and giving up her breast for his entertainment.

Her gearing up to releasing him was almost cute, and so was her reaction when it swung out and hit her. The phone even caught a small jiggling of her cheek upon impact that would look great in slowmotion. Her sound and her cockshock was very good too, and it made the cock, her costar, jump with excitement. "What's the matter, mommy?" He asked, mocking, streaming to her son. "Biggest you've ever seen?" She was immortalized staring and reaching for the large, incriminating object like it had gravity of its own.

He gasped quietly at the view of her spitting into her hands like a whore and then started to work on his cock, two hands. He sighed with pleasure. Sure didn't take long to get her like this.

And then he laughed dismissively at her question. He let her lather and lube up his cock a little longer before he answered, letting her sit in the silence of her stupid words.

"You're kidding right? This much was just to hear you out." He explained and squeezed her tit hard as though to punish her. He even slapped it decisively to make his point, making the big orb bump into its twin. He stood up straighter to look further down at her. "Hold it to you face and smile up at the camera. Slap yourself with it." He ordered. It was understood that everything she did was required for him to even entertain the thought of letting her son be. She didn't even know the stream and recording actually made her part of her son's torment. But just looking at the milf handling a big cock with her tits out, you could have guessed planning and cause and effect wasn't really her strong suit. But she performed well on video, at least. Part of her had always wanted this.
"It... it's quite big indeed..." she said flustered. "Well, as long as you don't forget the reason I came here!" She gasped a bit as he slapped her giant tit, almost as if she got pleasure from it.

"If I do this, will you leave my son alone then? This is quite humiliating already, you know..." She forced a smile into the camera, and grabbed his huge cock at the base. Then she did it: she swung it against her cheeks, from left to right to left... sometimes brushing her nose, sometimes her thick bimbo lips. She could not really aim it well, as she kept looking into the camera as she was ordered to. In between the slaps, she stroked her cock a bit more, to maintain its hardness. Her own spit was now on her face, making this extra humiliating. However, she got a bit aroused by the whole setting as well...

As Robin was panicking, he noticed a notification from his phone. "Could that be my mother?" he thought as he checked what it was. He was surprised to see it was his bully, who invited him to watch a stream. "What the hell is this, he's streaming now? Could it be....?" He doubted a bit before finally opening, being conscious about Wen being able to see him logging in. His mouth fell open in shock. Prominent on screen was his bully's big cock, that he knew all to well, now hovering on top of his mother's face. Shortly after playing, he saw his mother smiling while stroking it, after which she started slapping her face with it. "What's... going on here?" he thought. It looked so good though, his cock was always looking so sexy, but like this... He pulled his pants down and started stroking his little shrimp dick watching the stream.
It was good to have on video when she complimented his cock. Nobody would believe the milf didn't want this now, whatever she may claim later. The reason she was here was actually to start her journey as his cum bucket, but it was she who didn't know that yet.

He didn't even answer her question when she started doing as she was told. He huffed when his cock was directed by her hand, the long thing swinging and then landing on her face wherever she may be able to put it. He pushed his hips forward a little, the touch of her cheeks and the breaths from her nose warming his tips was good stimulation to start. She was absolutely a performer still, borrowing from her career as a trad wife on her medias, but also drawing from an inner well of something else, of whatever made her enhance her lips and tits, of that part of her that dressed her in the kind of outfits that were just a hairsbreadth away from porn.

He grunted when her hand continued to add friction, jerking him. There were women who'd suck a cock to completion, but not subject themselves to be cockslapped. "Have you ever done this for your husband?" he asked as the sounds of the big head bouncing against her famous face was recorded by the device aimed at her. The way she insisted on keeping eyes on the lens made for a very good video already. He was sure the underlings would be excited to see it.

He saw the little bitch Robin join the stream, but since the front camera was recording, the mother wouldn't know her son could see everything she did. But Wen of course could see everything the little pervert did. He hadn't even waited a second before jerking off. But Wen was aware of how he'd trained the simp already. Wen's free hand came down to massage her tit roughly, the way she'd shown she liked before. And then he slapped the orb firmly again, to show Robin just how much of a dormant slut his mother was.

"You know, the spit is running low, why don't you apply it directly onto my cock this time?" Telling her to suck it in so many words. She was getting into it, he knew that, and with the continued attention to her breasts and the added excitement of being on camera, which she obviously liked, he didn't think the idea would sound all that bad to her. Those whore lips should be good for something.
"M-my husband?" she stammered. Like she could even do that with his tiny member. "N-no I haven't... yet..." she answered the question while still hitting herself with it, even a bit harder after she realised how shameful this act was. She did not actually enjoy this, it was just for Robin's sake, right?

Robin watched his mother's slutty display with awe. Why did she do this, when she didn't even do this for his own father? It excited him a lot though, maybe he would also do this with me later?

And then the next question came, of which Jenny obviously knew it was coming. Use her spit directly... did he mean... licking... or? She looked at the enormous cock with a hint of fear. Would it even fit? Well.... maybe licking was enough, then she would technically fulfil the request, right?

She put her lewd tongue out, and started licking the shaft, all the way from the tip to the base and back. She looked her master in the eyes, would this be enough to please him?

The pathetic Robin immediately came from seeing his mother using her tongue like that. He really was a sorry excuse for a human being, wasn't he? Still, he kept watching, now in silence, for he could just not look away from the scene unfolding on the screen of his phone. He needed something better, he thought, as he rushed upstairs to his pc in his smelly bedroom.
She answered, which was good. The smart thing to do from her side was to clam up whenever the situation allowed; he'd had his fair share of seething blowjobs with angry eyes to look down at, but this housewife kept offering up her conversation as well as her physical services. Not to mention her dignity. He had to bite back more laughter when she still beat herself up with the big cock. He groaned with victory when she admitted to never having granted her husband this act.

Wen watched quietly when she deliberated his next request. The clip of her staring in fear at the giant dick was priceless, as though it would destroy her. He wasn't sure what she'd decide, but so far the curvy milf had not disappointed; all her actions hinting at a deep well of sexual frustration waiting to be released, even if she played sweetly at reluctance. Maybe it was her genes that had made her son so easy to dominate.

He gasped when she made the decision, and her pink tongue came out along with her hot breath. He swallowed to compose himself as the tantalizing sensation of her slick touch stroke his shaft's underside all the way to the dark head. But the eye contact was the real kicker. Hah. What a perfect slut. She saw a towering young lad, with dark intentions in his eyes.

Every now and then Wen looked at the screen to monitor what he was catching of Jenny, but also how her son reacted, the slavering beta was of course getting off from the stream, and sharing eagerly in his mother's humiliation.

Wen's free hand abandoned her tit. He pressed the shaft down on her face, eclipsing and eye and using her head as reference to show off his size. Since he could clear the forearm test, the span of her skull was no match. He was basically covering half her features. With his balls on her jaw and the tip extending past her hairline, the phone caught a perfectly slutty picture of the married woman. But even if he enjoyed what he was seeing, Wen narrowed his eyes coldly.

"You think that's enough?" He asked and let go of his cock. "Listen, whore. We both know this is going to end with you sucking my cock real obediently, so stop dragging your feet and fucking get to worshipping." His voice was deep and dark.
When the bully leaves her tits for his cock, he sees her now all hard and excited, betraying her demeanor. As you slapped her, her cheeks turned red from not only the impact, but also her shame.

His words were clear, he didn't want her to only apply the spit using her tongue, she would have to use her mouth. Of course she had to, how silly of her to think otherwise. Still would it even for in her mouth?

She now sat upright, arching her back properly. She opened her mouth as wide as possible, trying to fit it in first. She barely got the tip in, as she already felt it pushing against her wet tongue. This was already the maximum, further was just not possible, right? She tried to make the best out of it by making out with his tip, still trying to comply.
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Her changed posture looked good on camera, which he was sure she thought of, along with the practicality of sitting correctly to take a huge cock. From above her could see her ass jutting out beneath her. Her face was blushing from his cock's abuse and the color fit her nicely. To thinks she was actually the mother of Robin. They'd both been in the exact same position under him now. What a slutty family.

She didn't protest much either. She just went along with it. Despite being older than him, and with such swelling breasts, her mouth was rather small, and struggled. Admittedly it had a lot to work with.

Wen sighed when the woman took the tip in her mouth. There was precum there for her to taste. It was obvious she struggled with it, and it made good porn so he let her try for a while.

And then he tired of it. His free hand grabbed the back of her head. If Robin was looking he'd know what would come next. Wen forced the head of the milf onto his cock, holding her hair and applying pressure. This also kept her in place as his hips pushed forward, forcing her lips and jaws apart.

"Take it you fucking whore." He muttered when half was in and her could pull out, having dragged thick saliva out of her and on his cock in the process. He eased up on his grip but didn't tell her to stop. Robin had taken initiative out of reflex when Ren taught him to suck the first time.
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