The Collective
Lemme Bounce!
- Joined
- Feb 20, 2025
- Location
- Washington
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SEEKING ; Passionate, fun-loving and creative writers who enjoy world-building, character development, tension you can cut with a knife and saucy smut. We will be playing in third-person perspective, preferably past tense but if you're anything like me, you probably have issues with tenses and I'm not gonna complain if you don't. Ideally, you like soft and sensual scenes as much as you like the rough and deviant, and you're intelligent enough to read the room to know which one the scene calls for. You like vanilla, you like kink, you might even like a few things you don't admit to in public - I'm looking at you, you filthy little hand-holding fetishists - but with the right person, you feel comfy exploring. You usually play male characters, but you might - like me - enjoy dabbling a little and trying something out, and you're good about communicating if something you thought was going to be fun actually doesn't end up being what you thought it was, because you understand that our writing is part of a hobby and if we're not having fun, then we should be writing something else! You have your own life and your own entertainment, and you don't rely on me for that entertainment because you acknowledge that we're both adults and I have a full-time job and communities to run - I don't want to be your one and only, you will not be mine.
OFFERING ; Open-minded, literate and goofy creative writer with over 20 years experience in roleplay and plenty of it in smut. I am an absolute sap for romantic stories and love myself the snuggly and warm domestic fluff with characters that were literally born for one another and found each other through lifetimes, but I'm also super into heavily toxic relationships where the only true compatibility that the characters seem to have is in the bedroom - and even then, sometimes it's a little bit of an arguing point on if that is really true. I'm the sort of person that likes to write a kink for a specific part of it more than just because it's kinky - like, tell me why the attempt to fight and resist the fall into a taboo is more fun than the taboo itself - and even if you think a character I have written is a one trick pony, I guarantee you that they've got more layers than the skinny Texan girl weathering her first Montana winter. I love to chatter and world-build, I'm incredibly observant and respectful of boundaries, and while I'm playfully flirtatious I can assure you I do not want you - I just want your brain and writing. Does that make me a zombie? Hmm.
INCOMPATIBILITY MARKERS ; You want me to carry the entire scene/creation from the start. You approach me with one liners or - and I can't make it any more clear how much I legitimately hate this so please do not drop the ball - you hit me with the 'call me back' after giving me some single line mash of 'I have a guy character, want to boink?' You do not match my energy. You want a kink that I list specifically as a hard 'absolutely not' and you simply will not accept that I won't say yes. You want canon characters and just canon characters. You want to write with no discussion at all - not even a brief idea of what you're looking for or a moment to make sure kinks are clear. You want something fundamentally cringe - as a hint, I'm not sending you pictures of myself, my cat or my feet - or you decide to drop something fundamentally cringe into my DMs - I promise you I have seen bigger and you are not better than what I have under the bed. You need attention all the time and/or you absolutely have no concept of someone having other things they have to do. You don't like OOC chat or making friends - sorry, I am a golden retriever and we will be friends. You stalk me when I don't respond to you on one platform.
CONTACTING ME ; While my Discord is attached to this account, please be aware that it is a roleplay Discord only and I do not access it on the weekends. Blindly adding me gives you one shot to pitch to me before I block - I do not have the time, want or desire to pull teeth in figuring out why you have added me and my standards remain the same no matter where we communicate. Please do not regurgitate my RT and prompts back to me, and please understand that compliments on my prompts - while appreciated - are not acceptable as requests to play. You should be able to tell me what prompt(s) you liked, what about them snagged your interest, and what you have to bring to them that will make the thread ours and not 'Collective's, ft. <x> as a guest.' Do not screw yourself by holding cards at your chest when I've got my whole hand on the table, because there is no bigger match-making turnoff to me than taking the time to make and upkeep this RT only to get messages from people who imply they don't want to waste their/my time and only give me fragments.
- Let's Talk About Kinks & Themes -
INCOMING ; An F-list. Refer to it for in-depth kink sorting, but the below are a few off-the-top of each:
Anal Sex, Oral Sex (Giving), Masculine Partners, Excessive Loads, Large Cocks, Belly Bulges, Long/Thick Tongues, Oviposition, Cervical Penetration, Tentacles, Monsters, Breeding, Risk of Pregnancy, Intent to Breed, Incest, Condoms, Non-Consensual, Dubious Consent, Cheating/Adultery, Forced Orgasm, Forced Breeding, Forced Creampie, Male Aggressor, Female Aggressor, Power Dynamics.
Women, Canon Characters, Short Stacks, Feminine Partners.
Extreme Violence (Sexual), Extreme Gore/Blood, ANYTHING Bathroom Related, ANYTHING Vore Related, ANYTHING Death Related, Bimbofication, "Shock Value" Language, Politics, Real Life Characters.
GENRES AND THEMES ; This is not an all-encompassing list, but I did try to make it clear at the very least what I'm not interested in. Again, we can discuss this all when we reach out:
INTERESTED IN ; FFXIV, World of Warcraft, Stardew Valley, Rune Factory, High Fantasy, Modern Fantasy, Modern, Supernatural, Medieval Fantasy, Psychological Horror, Slice of Life, Toxic Relationships, Prostitution/Sex Work, Sugar Baby, Redemption, Corruption, Creative Dominants, Reluctance, Blackmail, Kidnapping, Stockholm Syndrome, Accidental Sex, Mistaken Identity, AI to Real Life, Romance, Isekai.
NO INTEREST IN ; 90% of Cartoons and Anime, Science Fiction, Real Life Anything, Strict To Lore, 'Save The Sex Worker,' 'Jack the Ripper,' Cuckolding Themes, Most 'Casual Sex/Normalized Sex' Themes.
UNDERSTAND ; Even if I have something listed as 'Not Interested,' when it comes to genres I can be really lenient if an idea is pitched right and grabs me. A good example is Science Fiction, as this tends to be pretty sterile and rarely is played more than 'humans in space,' but I actually am quite fond of fandoms like Doctor Who, Eureka, Sanctuary and even Star Trek. So while my preference is usually fantasy or modern, I can be tempted to try something out of the box if we can find a way to make it engaging and comfortable for me. Don't be afraid to ask if you think we'd vibe but you don't see your favorite here!
- How About Some Hooks? -
HOOKS ; I'll be adjusting these as people respond. My hooks are evergreen, I will play the same hook with multiple people. Please do not ask about something 'still being open.' If you want it, have the confidence to ask for it - I will let you know if it isn't available. In my experience, people who worry too much about something being 'not available' tend to hold themselves back in properly pitching an idea. A green hook is high interest, a red hook is low interest. Yellow is, of course, somewhere in the middle. Red doesn't mean I won't, just that I'm likely doing a lot of that hook and you'll have to have an exceptional pitch. Also remember that a hook doesn't have to be everything I've written! You can mix, match and replace what you like to shape something that actually interests you. These will be updated frequently, so while there's only a few to start, that's because I'm up late.
Giving In ; It's been a long and lonely holiday. Your marriage is on the rocks, it's been ages since you and your wife have been intimate, and a fight on Christmas Eve has sent her to her family for the rest of the holiday along with your youngest child. It's when you're well into your cups - and your depression - that the doorbell rings and you're met with the slightly guilty smile of your oldest daughter with tribute of chinese food in hand. When secrets come out, and boundaries end up pushed - just how guilty do you really feel when you wake up the next morning with your daughter on your wife's side of the bed?
No Consequences ; She's cute, flirty and has spent most of the night brushing up against you in some way or another. When she invites you back to her room for the night, you can't help but be tempted - after all, who would know? Or so you tell yourself, pushing prior obligations out of your mind. You get a little confused when she brings up a stipulation, though. You have to wear a condom - but if that condom breaks, you absolutely can't pull out! It seems easy enough - if you can resist your baser needs.
Feral Heat ; Something is lurking outside your tent. Something that wants in. It's been tracking you, keeping you awake - but after a week in the woods, you can barely keep your eyes open when you finally manage to make camp. You're so exhausted that when you hear the tent open, you can't even manage to rouse yourself - but what come in isn't set on hurting you. Not in any way that you really end up complaining about, anyway.
Dungeon Diving ; She's been sent into a dangerous place in search of something that someone wants. Are you the monster that finds her in the dungeon itself, or another adventurer that has decided to accompany her? Maybe it went fine, but now that you have your item you sent her in for, you want something more?
Hidden Heritage ; With the big bad defeated, the wedding of your party member to a fae prince over, and your bags full of priceless gem and coin, you and your remaining party members decide to head home and part ways after one final romp through cities. Heralded as heroes, you're put up in the most expensive of inns, sometimes even palaces as envoys of royalty. You want for nothing - but at least on in your party is not celebrating like the others. She's always been quiet, always seemed hesitant, but now she's seemed almost drained, exhausted. By some twist of fate, the two of you end up alone - and her reasons are laid bare. Helping her could be easy... but helping a fae often comes at a cost. Are you the devout paladin, faithful to your vows of chastity? The barbarian with a wife and child at home, loyal to their love? The rogue-ish scoundrel who trapped the fae in a deal initially? What will you give up to help the one who has helped you and asked for nothing?
Public Transportation ; She's a cutie on the bus or subway that you've seen often. She keeps to herself, but the few times you've accidentally caught her eyes, she's at least smiled and shyly looked back to her books. She gets off at the stop that leads to the local library, but you've never seen her get on at that stop when you're heading home. Lately, the bus is getting a little more full. Packed, really. You've shifted where you've been so you're closer, somehow protective of her - but the closer you get, the more you've spent your nights beating your meat to the thought of having her get off at that stop in the morning trying to hide the cum dripping down her legs. You're starting to push boundaries when you see her in the morning...
Companion... Human!? ; In a city in the future, scientists have developed elite fighting machines that have blended the best of animals with the ingenuity of humans and the logic of advanced AI. They're easy to make, easy to manufacture, and completely obedient - and for a while, utterly without rights. Following an enormous upheaval when some less than savory practices are revealed about the inhumane 'disposal' of these weapons of mass destruction, a new program is formed - the Intelligence Rehoming Project (IRP). The concept is simple: undesired machines are rehomed in efforts to give them a second life. Just because they aren't capable of fighting on the front doesn't mean they can't find other uses. For undisclosed reasons, these creatures are rehomed specifically with humans. The good news? Those lucky humans want for nothing; all-expenses paid housing, a stipend to cover all utilities and base needs for them and their new roomie, all previous debts paid off and forgiven, all medical needs and schooling paid for, among other things. A whole culture has arisen from it! There's just one big set of rules: do not fuck the machine, do not knock up the machine, and do not fall in love with the machine. Seems easy enough, right?
On Guard ; In the middle of the night, you're awoken by the palace warlock and given a task - you, a loyal guard to the king, must take the youngest daughter away from the kingdom to be married off to the son of a warring kingdom. The problem? You've never met this daughter - no one has. Turns out your task isn't quite so simple; you're responsible for the safety of the bastard daughter of the king that resulted after a torrid night with a kitsune. The king's shame has now turned into his greatest chess piece - provided his daughter can get to her husband-to-be intact, in more ways than one. You are fairly sure you can do this task without issue, but as the days becomes weeks and you are put into situations you don't expect, you find that the attraction is intense - as are her needs. You're loyal to the king, dedicated to your task... for now.
- Finishing Off With Writing Samples -
SAMPLES ; I don't usually do this, but have a few. Enjoy. Or don't, I'm not your mother.
At first, you thought it was a little silly. You didn't need therapy. Everyone else was over-reacting, you were absolutely fine! So you ignored the words of encouragement and caution. You pushed away the words of concern and went about your life, because you're a man and men don't need therapy. They don't need to talk about their feelings or think about things that have happened, and they definitely don't need anyone empathizing with them. Your father always said that men were meant to be strong at all times. Weakness was to be dealt with where no one could see, stuffed away until not even you knew what it looked like anymore.
You were fine... until you met her.
She was an accident, literally. An angry phone call while driving landed you with not watching traffic and hitting the back of her car. A part of you was ready to flee - to gun it and make sure no one was the wiser, but then the driver's side door opened and she left her car to knock on your window and she looked concerned. You'd hit her, but all she seemed to care about - every question she had - was only focused on if you were okay. When it turned out that your car was incapable of fleeing, she'd stood with you on the sidewalk while waiting for the tow. You learned she was a student at a nearby college. You learned that she loved to draw and paint. You learned she had a secret love for polka music. She asked about your job. She asked if you liked to run. She asked about the wedding ring you were wearing. By the time the tow came, you'd almost forgotten to exchange details. When she went to leave - assuring the tow driver that her car was fine and she'd get that tail-light checked - you asked. She handed you a card, waved and drove off.
'See you again, handsome.'
You wondered what a 'tender love therapist' could have possibly been. It plagued you like she had plagued your thoughts. She'd been pretty. Gorgeous, really... but she'd made you think. You hated your job. You'd taken it because it had made your father proud and you supposed you did alright with it, but it wasn't what you wanted to do. You loved to run, but when had been the last time you'd gone running without a treadmill involved? That wedding ring that you couldn't take off was the remnants of a relationship that could be described on it's best days as a mistake, but you'd loved the woman dearly and it had been your fault that it had failed. Hadn't it? You hadn't been good enough... or so your father said. Why were you thinking about this, now?
When it came time to call about her car, you figured you'd drive over there instead. You were surprised that the address on the card was a house. A nice yard with a big tree in the front that had a swing hanging from a branch that had probably been grown that way for just that purpose. A picket fence. A door with a wreath on it. When she answered, it was like she'd expected you. You'd stammered when you handed over the flowers you'd brought, and she took them and had you follow her into the kitchen. You talked with her over blueberry muffins and listened to her laugh. You asked what her job was, and all she said was 'just this.' You said that you didn't really understand and she just smiled. She asked if you wanted to watch a movie, and you accepted. She told you to go pick one while she got some cocoa and a blanket, and you did.
You didn't remember falling asleep, but you did. You woke up to her hand smoothing through your hair, and you didn't dare move. When was the last time someone had done something so innocently tender? It had been your mother, you're pretty sure. Before she'd passed. When you were sick or tired, she'd do this. It almost put you back to sleep, but she'd seen that you were awake. She teased you for falling asleep during the good part, and asked if you wanted some muffins to take home. You helped her clean up and left with the muffins, and at work you shared them the next day. You asked your boss about his favorite movie. You were curious.
When the letter came a few days later through the mail, you knew it was her. 'First one's free,' is all it said, while a pamphlet had all of her other services on it. You laughed... but when you went to her house next, you had a check. You didn't know what you wanted, but you'd picked a few things. Over the weeks, you picked other things. You found yourself listening more at work. You were gentler with people who weren't fast. Your road rage stopped completely. You'd called your ex and apologized - and she'd told you it hadn't been just your fault, you'd both messed up... but she loved you and hoped you were doing better. She was going to be a mom soon, and she was scared. You talked for hours. You slept better than you'd had in a long time.
The next time you saw Chani, your gift to her was your wedding ring. You saw her put it into a momento box before she led you to the bath for your session. This time, you asked for more than you'd dared to, before. She'd given it to you, and you'd savored every touch. You hoped she accepted what you gave her, too. She seemed to, with how loud she'd been. Like she knew it was what you wanted, what you needed. You'd never fucked someone so roughly and still called it lovingly, and she'd taken it all. Fuck, she'd even let you watch her take off the condom. She'd even let you call her 'Mommy' and you just about blew your load with how she'd squeezed. When you woke up, she had lunch made already. She'd put your scarf around your neck and kissed your cheek, and told you she was proud of you.
A week later, Chani was gone. She'd moved - you'd known it was coming. Something about another school in another state or country. You'd wanted to beg her to stay, but you knew that it wasn't about the sessions anymore. You were head over heels and knew it wasn't to be. Three days after Chani left, you found yourself at the pound. You wanted to go running again - and a dog seemed like a good partner for it. His name is Chip. He's had a rough life, but he's a good boy.
Just like you.
You were fine... until you met her.
She was an accident, literally. An angry phone call while driving landed you with not watching traffic and hitting the back of her car. A part of you was ready to flee - to gun it and make sure no one was the wiser, but then the driver's side door opened and she left her car to knock on your window and she looked concerned. You'd hit her, but all she seemed to care about - every question she had - was only focused on if you were okay. When it turned out that your car was incapable of fleeing, she'd stood with you on the sidewalk while waiting for the tow. You learned she was a student at a nearby college. You learned that she loved to draw and paint. You learned she had a secret love for polka music. She asked about your job. She asked if you liked to run. She asked about the wedding ring you were wearing. By the time the tow came, you'd almost forgotten to exchange details. When she went to leave - assuring the tow driver that her car was fine and she'd get that tail-light checked - you asked. She handed you a card, waved and drove off.
'See you again, handsome.'
You wondered what a 'tender love therapist' could have possibly been. It plagued you like she had plagued your thoughts. She'd been pretty. Gorgeous, really... but she'd made you think. You hated your job. You'd taken it because it had made your father proud and you supposed you did alright with it, but it wasn't what you wanted to do. You loved to run, but when had been the last time you'd gone running without a treadmill involved? That wedding ring that you couldn't take off was the remnants of a relationship that could be described on it's best days as a mistake, but you'd loved the woman dearly and it had been your fault that it had failed. Hadn't it? You hadn't been good enough... or so your father said. Why were you thinking about this, now?
When it came time to call about her car, you figured you'd drive over there instead. You were surprised that the address on the card was a house. A nice yard with a big tree in the front that had a swing hanging from a branch that had probably been grown that way for just that purpose. A picket fence. A door with a wreath on it. When she answered, it was like she'd expected you. You'd stammered when you handed over the flowers you'd brought, and she took them and had you follow her into the kitchen. You talked with her over blueberry muffins and listened to her laugh. You asked what her job was, and all she said was 'just this.' You said that you didn't really understand and she just smiled. She asked if you wanted to watch a movie, and you accepted. She told you to go pick one while she got some cocoa and a blanket, and you did.
You didn't remember falling asleep, but you did. You woke up to her hand smoothing through your hair, and you didn't dare move. When was the last time someone had done something so innocently tender? It had been your mother, you're pretty sure. Before she'd passed. When you were sick or tired, she'd do this. It almost put you back to sleep, but she'd seen that you were awake. She teased you for falling asleep during the good part, and asked if you wanted some muffins to take home. You helped her clean up and left with the muffins, and at work you shared them the next day. You asked your boss about his favorite movie. You were curious.
When the letter came a few days later through the mail, you knew it was her. 'First one's free,' is all it said, while a pamphlet had all of her other services on it. You laughed... but when you went to her house next, you had a check. You didn't know what you wanted, but you'd picked a few things. Over the weeks, you picked other things. You found yourself listening more at work. You were gentler with people who weren't fast. Your road rage stopped completely. You'd called your ex and apologized - and she'd told you it hadn't been just your fault, you'd both messed up... but she loved you and hoped you were doing better. She was going to be a mom soon, and she was scared. You talked for hours. You slept better than you'd had in a long time.
The next time you saw Chani, your gift to her was your wedding ring. You saw her put it into a momento box before she led you to the bath for your session. This time, you asked for more than you'd dared to, before. She'd given it to you, and you'd savored every touch. You hoped she accepted what you gave her, too. She seemed to, with how loud she'd been. Like she knew it was what you wanted, what you needed. You'd never fucked someone so roughly and still called it lovingly, and she'd taken it all. Fuck, she'd even let you watch her take off the condom. She'd even let you call her 'Mommy' and you just about blew your load with how she'd squeezed. When you woke up, she had lunch made already. She'd put your scarf around your neck and kissed your cheek, and told you she was proud of you.
A week later, Chani was gone. She'd moved - you'd known it was coming. Something about another school in another state or country. You'd wanted to beg her to stay, but you knew that it wasn't about the sessions anymore. You were head over heels and knew it wasn't to be. Three days after Chani left, you found yourself at the pound. You wanted to go running again - and a dog seemed like a good partner for it. His name is Chip. He's had a rough life, but he's a good boy.
Just like you.
There was a squeak, not from the woman herself but from the way her hands slipped along the tile as they fell and her laugh was barked and then pitched into a yelp. There was a cry, somewhere... his name, or something else entirely, it was hard to tell. There was blinding white in her vision, that blissful feeling of being utterly and completely claimed, and the lick of warmth that she knew was his seed where it nestled in her belly. "I think we need a bath mat," she managed to gasp at last, some semblance of coherency squiggling back into her mind, but it lasted about as long as it took her to see him like that - shoulders and head propped, and her atop him. A growl bubbled up from her chest, her tail thrashing briefly. The way he looked at her made her feel beautiful, even broken. Powerful, even at her weakest. She leaned back only just, fingers grazing over the swell of her belly in a manner that was almost possessive. He was hers.
A fact she took great pleasure in as she used the momentary pause as his mind reboot itself to let him watch as she began to ride him, let him see the way his cock twitched and throbbed and pressed so lewdly against her belly so brazenly that he could watch the very track it took as it traveled. She made him watch as she lifted high enough to feel that broad cockhead pull and tug at her cervix before it popped free with a squelch, and with a squish was forced back in again, making her toes curl and her eyes roll. It was tempting to try to keep him there, to make him watch the woman who dared call herself his mate as she milked his cum from him, but there was another sort of beauty in watching him come to her, watching him rise to latch on her breast and amidst all that sweeping power that could have gone to her head, she still found the willingness to yield to him.
"I want this, forever." It was moaned into his ear, her arm around his neck and fingers buried in his hair, and that surprised gasp that tumbled and tripped itself into a moan as fingers joined him and she thought for a moment she might crash and burn, that she might beg for him to release her for just how overwhelming it was, but her legs locked beneath his thighs and her face buried into his hair as she matched those cruel fingers, kept up with that mind-breaking pace as words of adoration, praise and encouragement spilled against his ears and tumbled into his hair amidst the wet, lewd slap of her ample ass on his thighs. He could break her into a million pieces and she would let him do it, willingly, knowing without a doubt that he'd find every single one and put it back together.
"With me," came in a staggered breath, that familiar burn there in her tummy and she thought - she dared! - that she might possibly make him break before she herself did, but at the end of it all it didn't matter who came first or second, because the moment she felt that edge crumble under her feet her legs tensed, her hips dropped, and the whole of his length was overwhelmed with the way those walls gripped amidst her bliss, milking him in desperate efforts. She dared not move, she couldn't move, save for the buck of her hips as tension wound and then released in rapid fire, overwhelming waves that had tears coming to her eyes. "Mine," she spoke, and it was a plea tangled amongst heat as much as it was a statement of possession, one that came from her as his sac was bathed in her honey and her body trembled against his own.
A fact she took great pleasure in as she used the momentary pause as his mind reboot itself to let him watch as she began to ride him, let him see the way his cock twitched and throbbed and pressed so lewdly against her belly so brazenly that he could watch the very track it took as it traveled. She made him watch as she lifted high enough to feel that broad cockhead pull and tug at her cervix before it popped free with a squelch, and with a squish was forced back in again, making her toes curl and her eyes roll. It was tempting to try to keep him there, to make him watch the woman who dared call herself his mate as she milked his cum from him, but there was another sort of beauty in watching him come to her, watching him rise to latch on her breast and amidst all that sweeping power that could have gone to her head, she still found the willingness to yield to him.
"I want this, forever." It was moaned into his ear, her arm around his neck and fingers buried in his hair, and that surprised gasp that tumbled and tripped itself into a moan as fingers joined him and she thought for a moment she might crash and burn, that she might beg for him to release her for just how overwhelming it was, but her legs locked beneath his thighs and her face buried into his hair as she matched those cruel fingers, kept up with that mind-breaking pace as words of adoration, praise and encouragement spilled against his ears and tumbled into his hair amidst the wet, lewd slap of her ample ass on his thighs. He could break her into a million pieces and she would let him do it, willingly, knowing without a doubt that he'd find every single one and put it back together.
"With me," came in a staggered breath, that familiar burn there in her tummy and she thought - she dared! - that she might possibly make him break before she herself did, but at the end of it all it didn't matter who came first or second, because the moment she felt that edge crumble under her feet her legs tensed, her hips dropped, and the whole of his length was overwhelmed with the way those walls gripped amidst her bliss, milking him in desperate efforts. She dared not move, she couldn't move, save for the buck of her hips as tension wound and then released in rapid fire, overwhelming waves that had tears coming to her eyes. "Mine," she spoke, and it was a plea tangled amongst heat as much as it was a statement of possession, one that came from her as his sac was bathed in her honey and her body trembled against his own.
It had never been like this before. Percy wasn't sure there had ever been a moment before that stupid porn that she'd considered what she was doing now, but ever since then, he'd crept into her mind with a fervor that could have only been attributed previously to those passionate about their religion. With her on her knees, her eyes slowly closing as if in reverent prayer while she felt his hips roll and he did little more than work an inch or two of himself in and out of her throat, she certainly felt as though she'd changed her religion herself, slipping into one that catered to something so vile, so depraved. Was that why this felt so good? She'd hardly been neglected...
Or at least, she thought she hadn't been neglected. Shen had been wonderful, but not this big. Not this thick or this hot. Another lurid, groaned moan left her as her hands wrapped behind him, nails scritching along his tail as he pulled her face to his pelvis and held her there, and she knew in her heart that she should have struggled. Should have cried or perhaps struck him, should have fought... but her mind went blank as that first rope warmed her, no different than the warmth of potent booze that she'd drunk. There was no escaping that, and she greedily swallowed even as her air was running out, desperate not to spill even the smallest drop, utterly devoted to the depravity of it.
It had been no surprise when she'd gotten pregnant with Nii. Shen may not have been blessed in size like her father seemed to be but he came in frightening amounts and Percy had never considered herself to be a size queen. Jeff and Cole had been the largest she'd ever taken, but she was pretty sure her father topped that in one way, and as her belly strained as he emptied his heavy, neglected sac with every thrust, as she felt his balls tighten against her chin and smush up against her throat that was so gloriously stretched around his equally neglected cock? She was pretty sure he topped them all in that way, too - and oh, how she loved it.
She hugged his waist tighter, not loosening until she felt his cock begin to soften and his orgasm ease, and her moan was rough as she pulled away and let the last bits of his orgasm drool onto her tongue. Her throat felt raw, but her belly was full - and she was still hungry. No, still needy? Was that why she crawled up into his lap and straddled his waist? Why she moved those damp panties to the side so her hand could tease the slick tip of his softening cock against her aching cunt and broke every rule by slowly feeding him into her?
If it wasn't right, she wouldn't be so wet. There was still resistance, he was bigger even half-hard than most she usually took, but there was also something intrinsically hot about feeling him inside her and knowing he could get bigger. "I'm sorry," she murmured against his cheek, and felt tears prick at her eyes. "I'm so sorry, Daddy..."
And in truth, she was. This was cruel to both of them - he was married. Unhappy or not, he was married and he was her father. This could not happen again, if they were found out it would destroy everything, and it was cruel to indulge either of them the way that she was doing now. How would any man be able to compare to this? Why hadn't they done this before? Nii could have been his! The very thought made her groan, made her clench around him and her legs shifted to lock beneath his thighs. "If we don't move, it isn't cheating. It's not wrong. I just want to feel you..." Her hips wiggled and shifted, legs tensing as she sat more fully, locked herself down more tightly. She had to resist the urge to move. They had to be good... her hands stroked through his hair as she nuzzled her face into his neck, shame heating her cheeks.
He felt so fucking good, even just like this. It was so fucking unfair. "Please don't move... don't make this worse..." Who was she warning? Who was she trying to convince!? "Please forgive me."
Or at least, she thought she hadn't been neglected. Shen had been wonderful, but not this big. Not this thick or this hot. Another lurid, groaned moan left her as her hands wrapped behind him, nails scritching along his tail as he pulled her face to his pelvis and held her there, and she knew in her heart that she should have struggled. Should have cried or perhaps struck him, should have fought... but her mind went blank as that first rope warmed her, no different than the warmth of potent booze that she'd drunk. There was no escaping that, and she greedily swallowed even as her air was running out, desperate not to spill even the smallest drop, utterly devoted to the depravity of it.
It had been no surprise when she'd gotten pregnant with Nii. Shen may not have been blessed in size like her father seemed to be but he came in frightening amounts and Percy had never considered herself to be a size queen. Jeff and Cole had been the largest she'd ever taken, but she was pretty sure her father topped that in one way, and as her belly strained as he emptied his heavy, neglected sac with every thrust, as she felt his balls tighten against her chin and smush up against her throat that was so gloriously stretched around his equally neglected cock? She was pretty sure he topped them all in that way, too - and oh, how she loved it.
She hugged his waist tighter, not loosening until she felt his cock begin to soften and his orgasm ease, and her moan was rough as she pulled away and let the last bits of his orgasm drool onto her tongue. Her throat felt raw, but her belly was full - and she was still hungry. No, still needy? Was that why she crawled up into his lap and straddled his waist? Why she moved those damp panties to the side so her hand could tease the slick tip of his softening cock against her aching cunt and broke every rule by slowly feeding him into her?
If it wasn't right, she wouldn't be so wet. There was still resistance, he was bigger even half-hard than most she usually took, but there was also something intrinsically hot about feeling him inside her and knowing he could get bigger. "I'm sorry," she murmured against his cheek, and felt tears prick at her eyes. "I'm so sorry, Daddy..."
And in truth, she was. This was cruel to both of them - he was married. Unhappy or not, he was married and he was her father. This could not happen again, if they were found out it would destroy everything, and it was cruel to indulge either of them the way that she was doing now. How would any man be able to compare to this? Why hadn't they done this before? Nii could have been his! The very thought made her groan, made her clench around him and her legs shifted to lock beneath his thighs. "If we don't move, it isn't cheating. It's not wrong. I just want to feel you..." Her hips wiggled and shifted, legs tensing as she sat more fully, locked herself down more tightly. She had to resist the urge to move. They had to be good... her hands stroked through his hair as she nuzzled her face into his neck, shame heating her cheeks.
He felt so fucking good, even just like this. It was so fucking unfair. "Please don't move... don't make this worse..." Who was she warning? Who was she trying to convince!? "Please forgive me."
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