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Treasure in the Junkyard [Temptress x hecate]

Temptress RN

Alpha in Disguise
Oct 12, 2024
1740112725719.jpeg Living in the lands between was a lonely lifestyle for anyone. The competition for resources was fierce, there was no law to enforce any protections for those who couldn’t stand up for themselves, and bullies thought they knew how to run things only to have their power abruptly overturned by the next outcast to be tossed into the mix by one of the neighboring packs. If everyone in the lands between got together and formed a pack of their own, they would’ve been a force to be reckoned with, but as they were all outcasts themselves, they weren’t inclined to trust one another.

Alpha Krishna was no different from the others in that regard. He’d been bullied since his youth for being on the smaller side; then when his alpha nature finally made itself apparent, he was assigned all the tasks no one else wanted because he was the “new” one. And it continued even as he got older. Finally, he had decided it wasn’t worth it anymore and Krishna had decided to pull himself up by his own bootstraps. He left without word or announcement, and he’d never returned. Finding a cabin in the lands between had been easy, but establishing his claim on the land had been work. He’d fought off his fair share of challengers and out-survived others. Not many alphas found themselves in this no-mans-land of sorts, so he was unique in that respect. It gave him an edge, but he’d had to harden himself on the way. Krishna had learned skills most alphas back home wouldn’t dream of having, and small was no longer a word that could even remotely be used to describe him.

If he went home, though, he knew some would try. Therefore, he stayed. Life wasn’t perfect, but it was better than cleaning boots.

His alpha status did give him some advantages. Krishna was one of the few in the lands between who could safely navigate through the junkyard, collect supplies and get out without causing too much of a scene. Plenty of useful stuff was tossed into the area by all the surrounding packs and many within the lands between would love to make use of the cornucopia it offered. Unfortunately, with all the stuff that was thrown away, it tended to be dangerous. There were failed experiments there that tended to go off at the slightest jostle, metal shrapnel that seemed to leap on its own, and the creatures that made their home there didn’t tend to like disruption. On more than one occasion, other stragglers had requested his assistance in retrieving essentials from the place, and though he charged a hefty fee for it, Krishna was willing.

This trip, though, was for his own ends. Supplies had been flowing fairly well so he hadn’t needed to venture into the junkyard in quite some time, and now he wandered in merely out of boredom. Life had gotten dull. He hunted, cleaned his next meal before preparing it, he set the traps and he slept. Day in and day out, it was tiresome. The junkyard very often offered something to turn things around from dim and dull, and so that was where the alpha chose to spend his afternoon. Much had changed since he’d last wandered in, too. It looked like one of the packs had recently made a drop off of some old automobiles and Krishna found himself wondering if any of them would run. The trees were too thick in some places for driving a car to be feasible for transportation, but a working engine would be very valuable indeed for all the different things it could power if he could find enough to fuel it. He didn’t doubt that he could.

Nimble steps guided him over hills of debris, around objects that looked like little explosions waiting to happen, and through all sorts of collections of various metals. His eyes were on the cars he passed along the way, though, looking to see if any of them stood out as being in better condition than the others. Even some good scrap metal would make the trip worth it and he imagined these cars had a good deal of it. Krishna’s eyes were almost back to where he’d started his search when his nose twitched. Alpha senses were no joke, and in the junkyard, it was what kept him alive. His entire body turned to face the intruding scent before he let himself inhale deeply, examining it further and with greater curiosity.

The scent was… sweet? 1740112763805.jpeg

Inhaling the air, Krishna found himself basking in flavors he hadn’t dreamed of in the longest time. Chocolate and strawberries highlighted the aroma, and although it smelled overall as though someone had burnt it on a stove, it was still the most alluring thing he could comprehend in the moment. Though his mind may not have connected the pieces right away, his inner beast identified it immediately. An omega was lingering in the junkyard. Seconds later, he realized it and he was immediately rejecting the thought. It didn’t make sense. Perhaps an omega had sat in one of these cars not long ago, but they couldn’t actually be in the junkyard - right? The scent was strong, though, intoxicating even, and Krishna had to follow it.

Denial flooded his senses, even as his eyes tried to tell him he was wrong about his thought that she couldn’t really be here. In the back of the car his feet continued carrying him towards was an omega. She looked unkempt, as though she hadn’t planned on being there, and she was bustling hurriedly about some blankets in the back seat as though she needed them more than water to drink or air to breathe. At his approach, that response didn’t change either. She was definitely more than too distracted in a place like the junkyard, but Krishna doubted she’d been here before. He would remember her scent. Caution guided his movements as he slowed his approach, wondering if this was some sort of trap to lure him to his doom, but he didn’t think anyone that clever would risk an omega in the process. They were meant to be valued, treasured, kept.

One more inhale told him that she wasn’t just any omega either. She bore the scent of another alpha, though she wasn’t claimed. And their seed had taken root. She was pregnant. A cringe quirked its way through his lip as fury overtook him that someone would do such a cruel thing to one so precious. Krishna himself had never once allowed himself to contemplate being able to be with an omega. It was an alpha’s every desire; they needed an omega mate to knot and to breed. Krishna was nowhere near close to that line, though, and his pack had been very particular about their approach. It was one of the reasons he’d never felt bad about leaving. He wasn’t losing anything. This, though, was entirely unexpected.

About two feet from the car now, Krishna called out, “Omega?” He had no name to call her, but it wasn’t an insult in the slightest. His name was a question as well, but more an announcement than anything else. “You’re far too precious to be out here in the middle of all this discarded junk. Can I help you get out?” He held his hands up, trying to appear non-threatening, though for an alpha speaking to an omega, the threat his presence offered was real. However, his presence also offered warmth, comfort and strength if she wished it. She would no doubt know that, too, despite other fears that may have layered their way in.

Packless. Abandoned. Rejected. Forgotten. Words that never often accompanied an Omega who found themselves suddenly in the lands between. The territory that lay outside the lands of each pack was considered wild and untamed, dangerous even. For many who went out from the safety of the pack, either willingly or because of an imposed exile - few would ever be heard from again. Parents would warn their children of the consequences of bad behaviour with bed time stories of the dangers of being without a pack. Most would grow to have a rooted fear of that unknown. Perhaps thought none more so than Omegas. For them the idea of a harsh, bare existence outside a pack was akin to a death sentence. As the softer, gentler and more nurturing designation, Omegas thrived in their pack and within the social connection to their family, their friends, their mate and pups. Often called a foundation to a pack, because a pack without Omega's and just as unbalanced as an Omega without a pack.

Rhea had not yet lived the idyllic life that most Omega's did. She had no warm, tender upbringing. The unexpected third child to two betas who were as unprepared to be parents as they were to be mated to each other - let alone to raise an Omega with no understanding or guidance of their own. It perhaps was no surprise when their relationship broke down, her mother abandoning them all, never to be seen again and leaving only the barest of letters behind to explain herself. She had been the tender age of seven when her mother left and for her formative years her father seemed uninterested in his Omega daughter.

When she grew older many things about her Omega nature seemed elusive to her. What was instinct and what was simply teenage trials and tribulations? The hard blow then of loosing her father at age fourteen sent Rhea's world into a tail spin. While she had received little to no attention from her father she had received worse from the distant aunt and uncle she and her older siblings were placed with. They had taken them in out of obligation but it became quite clear they resented the responsibility of mouths to feed and having to raise the fragile children that had been left to their care. They had never had pups of their own and therefore no experience or patience to go through the process now.

Was it then any real surprise that when son of the pack Alpha turned his attention to Rhea, that she fell so hard and easily for his charms? All he needed was to smile her way and dote on her minimally to have her fully enraptured by him. He had told her sweet promises secretly, weaving false promises for her to dream of. Told her everything she had longed to hear, he did not need to state his intentions or court her for the pack to see to get what he wanted from her.

Experience was a brutal and cruel teacher. Rhea had submitted to him in secret. Letting him claim her just as she entered the edge of her heat when she was out unprotected because her guardians didn't care enough to provide her with the safeguards a young Omega deserved. Even at the time Rhea knew it was reckless, but her tender trusting heart had thought he loved her, that he was devoted to only her. How foolish she had been. Her aunt and uncle hadn't even noticed her absence for those days of her heat, and Rhea had been certain that any day after she had returned that Caleb would come for her, ask her uncle for permission to mate her properly. Then he would take her with him and make all the promises he had made her come true.

But he didn't come for her...

Her heart had been broken, but nothing had broken her more than a month later when she realized she did not have the flu, and that her daily puking was a symptom of something else entirely. Pregnant... and unmated. A dangerous scenario and it made her swallow her pride and her broken heart and go to Caleb.

Never had she thought that decision would land her in the lands between. Now an outcast. Alone.

Caleb and his father had seen to it quietly and personally. Expelling her from the pack and delivering her to the junkyard with other items to cover their intentions, maybe they would tell the pack and even her own family she had left, or been asked to join another pack to mate an Alpha there. They surely would never admit to dumping a pregnant, young Omega into the wilds.

It had been less than two days on her own and Rhea felt changed by her surroundings, her Omega instincts and her survival instincts rearing their heads. Ever since she had been left there she had barely slept, her panic and fear at her predicament barely allowing her to rest. There was too much to do. She had a pup growing inside of her that needed to be loved, cared for and protected... and she knew what odds were now stacked against her. A near feverish focus had taken control of her and the persistence she felt bubbled in her veins, eclipsing every other thought. Without an Alpha, without a mate her chances of carrying the babe to term were slim. The strain on her system without an Alpha to care for and protect her would be great and now she was alone in the world. An old yellow van was her chosen space to try and convert into a nest, searching for items to fill it with to make it adequate. But what was contained in the junkyard was old, dirty, forgotten things. Surely not what the Omega longed for... but simply was what she had access too.

So caught up in her endless task she had forgotten to check her surroundings. Forgotten to stay vigilante for Alphas and anyone who called the lands between their home. She had been too consumed with fretting over the oil stained blankets she had found and brought back to her makeshift shelter to notice his approach.

"Omega?" - the male voice at once created two different and competing reactions. One where she froze in fear, her panic spiking and the other deeper instinctual part of her designation that longed for the comfort of an Alpha. She was perched at the opening of the sliding door and could hear the Alpha behind her, the light breeze carried his scent to her. A delicious mix of pine, whiskey and mint. A scent she could easily and happily lose herself in in any other circumstance. Glancing over her shoulder with wide eyes she saw him, hands raised to appear harmless but he was one of the largest Alpha's she had ever seen.

Some reaction had her retreat into her nest, needing it's comfort as she considered the Alpha that had stumbled upon her. Rhea had only disappeared inside for a few seconds before the top of her head poked out, grey eyes regarding him at length once again.

"Alpha?" Rhea's voice was soft, vulnerable. So much question carried in her tone, it was hope and yearning all wrapped with her apprehension. She watched him cautiously, her brow furrowing slightly like the question he had asked her wasn't making sense to her haze of instincts. "Out? Do I have to leave?"

Was this his territory? Was she being told to go? Salty tears started to fill Rhea's eyes, her nest was far from perfect but it was hers if she had to leave and start over again... her hand went to her stomach, pressing protectively to the soft little swell under her shirt that none knew was there yet except for her. "Alpha, please help."

@Temptress RN
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He could smell the spiking fear at his approach. It was part of why he’d stopped where he did; getting any closer would’ve been an invasion upon her space even though Krishna knew that no one could really lay claim to any particular space in the junkyard. The alpha watched carefully as she retreated, but not quite hid herself from his view, and his head cocked to the side at her questions. The alpha let a little rumble erupt from his chest, though he didn’t sustain it in the moment; the sound alone was enough to convince her in case she didn’t believe it that he was indeed an alpha and could offer her all the comforts that came along with it if she was willing.

It quickly became apparent, though, that his designation wasn’t the crux of her question. Rather, the precious little gem was asking if he was going to force her out of her makeshift home or not. At least, that was the impression Krishna received, and he quickly shook his head in a negative response, though he also crouched down to make himself appear that much smaller and less threatening. He needed her to hear his words rather than read his body language because every movement she made was only increasing the fury he felt - not at her - but at whoever had put her in such a situation as this one. “Sweetheart,” the term was out of his mouth before he could even consider an alternative name for her beyond her title, “I’m not saying you have to leave, but this place is not safe. I can bring you someplace warmer, someplace where you can nest with whole blankets and pillows.” The alpha very much knew that those offerings would appeal to her instincts.

Not long after he spoke, though, tears manifested and Krishna could not keep himself away anymore. Three long strides closed the distance between where he had been standing and the van that she had turned into her temporary haven. He reached out to her, hands wrapping around her sides and pulling her to the edge of the van. He didn’t remove her from her nest, nor did he enter it, but he did hold her against him, hands running through her hair and down her sides in soft and gentle pets as Krishna started purring all the while. It was something he had never done before, but for this omega, it felt like the most natural thing in the world. The alpha had not been oblivious to her hand over her stomach and his own gently shadowed over her palm there, a silent acknowledgement that he knew. It was a way to communicate without words.

“Can I come into your nest and hold you, Sweetheart?” Krishna spoke softly and slowly, not wanting to startle her. “Nothing else. Just warmth and touch.”

Even as he said it, Krishna was acutely aware of the effect that holding her was having on him. It was a natural response for an alpha near an omega who’s scent was even half as sweet as hers. The only thing tempering it was the sourness in her scent from all the trauma she’d likely endured, and the tears in her eyes certainly weren’t a sight he enjoyed either. Despite that, Krishna’s pants felt tighter around his waist and he knew that if he held her, she would likely note it too in time. That was something they could deal with later, though. In that moment, Krishna knew that she needed what he could offer.

The smallest affirmative from her would be enough for him to join her in the nest she’d created. While he had to admit that he would have expected something more if he had anticipated meeting an omega in such a manner, he also had to respect that she’d made the most of her situation. The space was absolutely saturated with her scent, but there were hints of an alpha here and there as well; those hints made his nose crinkle. Krishna would lean against a wall of the van, guiding the little omega gently and softly until her head laid on his lap, his purr still rumbling through his chest as he continued soft and smooth pets. Beneath his hands, he had to admit that her skin was soft, warm, and oh so smooth. He could only imagine what it would feel like if he… Well, he cut those thoughts off.

“I have a cabin more towards the trees,” Krishna eventually explained, “that I’ve kept safe for years from anything this land could throw at me. I’ve got warm food, fresh water from the spring, blankets and pillows, and a roof over my head. You could come with me, if you wanted, Little Gem.” The alpha did everything he could to phrase it as an offer rather than a demand. There were others within the lands between that he knew might help, but Krishna really didn’t want to bring them into it if he could avoid it. “Or I could help you get back to a pack if you’d prefer.” Again, Krishna didn’t want that, but she was an omega. She deserved the best and that wasn’t him.
Sweetheart - the unexpected term of endearment hooked into Rhea's psyche and she became enraptured by the sound of it echoing in her ears. Never had she heard anyone call ehr by something so soft, so reverent. Not by her parents, and not even by Caleb whom she thought would mate her. It caught her off guard and hooked deep into her soul that this Alpha barely seen her for more than a minute was already treating her so tenderly. Offering her a place that was safer, warmer caught the attention of her Omega instincts. The tears in her eyes bubbled until some spilled down her freckled cheeks.

The Alpha closed the distance between them in quick steps and despite the rush of his advancement she didn't pull back to hide in her nest again. He reached for her and found her body pliant and moveable as he dragged her towards him. Offering without hesitation the comfort of his scent and touch to her. The few stray tears turned to more as they started to cascaded silently from the corners of her eyes. She sank into his chest, burrowing her nose into the direct source of his scent. Rhea felt the rumble of his purr vibrate against her and she scooted forward further into his arms and his touch ran other her, soothing the parts of her that had been caught in a state of panic and fear since she realized she was caring a pup inside of her.

Her breath hitched and hiccuped in her throat when she felt his hand wander down and touch over her stomach where her hand still rested. Of course he knew, she realized he had to be able to scent it as well. Caleb had known, had perhaps even realized it at the end of her heat and left her alone anyways. Maybe hoping the pregnancy wouldn't take or miscarry days later. He had clearly been shocked when she showed up at his door, still carrying and now wanting him to make good on his promise for the sake of the pregnancy if nothing else. Now she had an Alpha, a stranger comforting her better than the Alpha had allowed to have her heat ever did.

Once again he called her sweetheart as he asked for her permission to enter her nest. Her heart and soul ached at his gentleness towards her. He offered her warmth and touch and her Omega melted at his offer.

"Yes, Alpha." she gasped before shuffling back allowing him the space to enter into the van with her. The van seemed too small to contain him but somehow he eased himself inside without complaint or groans. Rhea adjusted some of the materials she had made her next with worriedly, it was not a good nest. She would have wanted a better one to present to an Alpha to show how worthy of an Omega she was. But this Alpha showed no disapproval so far of her work and for that alone she had to be grateful. Once he was settled she melted into his once again. Curling at his side and letting her head rest against him. Her hands fisted into the fabric of his clothes like she was afraid he would slip away in the blink of an eye on her.

Briefly Rhea closed her eyes, greedily drinking in his scent. Even briefly her heart rate started to come down, just with his touch. His wide, strong hand brushed over her in soothing motions.

After a moment to allow her to calm he spoke again, telling her that he had a safe place - a home that he offered to her. Food, shelter, protection... then he lso offered to get her to a pack and she panicked. Her eyes opened in a snap and her arms hugged around his legs.

"No!" Rhea quickly gasped. "You Alpha. I choose you." she told him before she lifted her body, crawling into his lap to burrow herself into his arms and chest once again. She didn't want to be sent away, or worse, sent back to her pack. What would Caleb do if she made her way back to the pack territory? Sending her out to the junkyard was meant as a death sentence, if she came crawling back would be decide to just kill her himself? No, she wouldn't risk that to herself or her pup.

This Alpha who had found her was good, and smelt incredible and he offered her safety and she would be foolish not to take what he offered.
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Krishna had to halt a jolt of movement that almost shot through him at the omega’s sudden startled reaction. He’d offered to get her back to a pack because there were so many packs that would offer their omegas the world and more, would keep them safe, would protect them and see them placed with kind alphas who would tend to their needs. Surely? The pack he came from certainly had never shown any cruelty towards their small omega population. The smallest upset, after all, could send them all spiraling and it could ultimately topple the pack entirely if they weren’t careful. Omegas ensured that the pack had a future. Betas could have children, sure, but for them, it was a process. It took time, significant effort, and lots of care after the pregnancy had started. For an omega, it was a never ending cycle if they were well taken care of; pregnancy was almost guaranteed every time they went into heat, and then it progressed safely and simply so long as their alpha continued to make sure they had everything they needed. It was part of why Krishna wanted to get her at least out of the car sooner rather than later. Her pregnancy was at risk as long as she wasn’t somewhere safe.

His arms opened a bit as she needlessly shifted on his lap. The precious omega even went so far as to crawl into it to try to secure her place heading back with him to the home he’d so generously offered to open up to her, and Krishna found himself smiling at that realization. It was delightful.

Once she was settled once again, Krishna’s arms returned to embrace her, and his purr returned. It offered reassurance - he wouldn’t leave her alone and he wouldn’t send her anywhere she didn’t want to go without lots of further considerations that he would share with her as they arose. The promise was made without needing words through the simple fact that his actions moved to comfort her once he realized his offer of getting her back to a pack had upset her. More time passed without words. She needed rest and while the alpha knew that the rest in his lap wasn’t the best, it was a small reprieve and he didn’t know when the last time she had that was. He could ask, but he knew talking about it could be rough. Caution was critical regardless of the fact that his cock was throbbing in his jeans, and despite the fact that she probably felt it.

The only reason he was as calm as he was was because he’d scented her pregnancy quite quickly, and his inner beast knew that this situation warranted more care.

Finally, though, he shifted, moving to push himself off of the car’s seat that he was leaning against. “Do you have anything you need to bring with you, Sugar?” Looking around, Krishna didn’t really see anything that he would have considered worth grabbing, but he already planned on bringing two of the blankets she’d scrounged up because they would be familiar to her and likely valuable in making her new nest. “I’ll grab the two most intact blankets to bring with us so you’re not starting from scratch,” he explained, “but is there anything else here that is yours?”

If she seemed to need a nudge in the right direction, Krishna carefully helped to maneuver her out of his lap so that she could collect her thoughts instead of allowing her mind to be infused with his scent. While he had no overall problems with her basking in it, he needed her somewhat aware at that moment. His hand guided her chin to his eyes while the rest of him was apart from her, and his eyes repeated his questions, hoping that she could find the words to at least speak a little bit. Before he gave her that opportunity, though, the alpha added, “Your name would be helpful, too, Treasure, because although I can come up with pet names all day, they’re not what I’d like to growl when I’m finally inside you. You can call me Kris.”

He had to lay it out for her and he couldn’t let her later claim he hadn’t stated his intentions. If she came with him, then eventually, he would rut her. But Krishna intended to take care of her, too, and to ensure his rut didn’t harm her child or her in any way that she couldn’t handle.
The Alpha didn't push her away or make her stop when she had moved to crawl into his lap. Rhea burrowed against his chest the moment his purr resumed. Needing to feel the vibration of his chest against hers, every instinct that was in overdrive inside her, making her yearn for his comfort, his touch and his praise. The feeling of just needing to belong, to be wanted and cherished... This Alpha called her precious and offered his touch to comfort her without hesitation, but Rhea knew that wasn't the same as him wanting to keep her. No she would need to prove to him, show him how good she could be. If he took her to his home, she would show him how well she could build a nest, work hard to prove she could tend and care for him. Everyday of her life had been a battle to earn love and care, she could prove to this Alpha, that she was worthy keeping. She had too.

Silent tears flooded her face when his arms wrapped around her anchoring her against him and finally the Omega settled. Everything felt like it was finally right, finally it felt like her head was above water when she had be treading water so so long on the brink of drowning.

They sat in silence for a while. Rhea wasn't even sure how long, she only knew she focused on the sound of his purr and his heartbeat. The rest of the world just failed to exist for her. She had been given hope and though it was fragile it was all she had in that moment. The exhaustion of the last few days crept up on her now, finally allowed to feel it. Her instincts that had been relentlessly driving her were finally baiting in the Alpha's presence. She would want to sleep, very soon, rest and regain her strength.

A soft hum left here when the Alpha final shifted, her head lifting from his chest. He asked about what she wanted to bring with her and she looked around. "They didn't let me bring anything..." Rhea admitted absently. Her guard had quickly lowered in his presence and she hadn't even though to choose her words better or hide the truth from him in that moment. She was just so very tired that the raw honesty slipped from her without second thought.

He nudge her off his lap and she shifted searching through the nest for the only thing she would want to bring with her. "I like this one." she said and plucked out from the pile small velvety pillow she had tucked down to protect it from any dirt and grime. It was perhaps the only soft thing she had found in the junkyard that she truly liked for her nest. Her brief distraction ended when he hand guided her gaze back to him, she was in a much calmer state now then when he had first happened on her, but the Omega was not out of the woods. It would take more care and contact with the Alpha to prevent the worse from happening to both her and the pup she carried.

The Alpha asked for her name and the Omega blinked in response. A shiver had run up her spine at his inference that he would be inside her later, her Omega liked that idea - very much.

Kris - she repeated his name in her thoughts, committing it to memory

Alpha. - her Omega echoed in response.

"I'm Rhea," her own name rolling off her tongue softly. Her hands rhythmically squeezed the pillow, a habit to self-soothe. "-and I like the pet names." she admitted to him coyly, her freckled cheeks flushed slightly. How would her name sound as he groaned it while entering her? Would he pinned her down softly and whisper those pet names into her ear? Or would be take her fast and hard while repeating her name like it was a prayer? The Omega as excited and eager to discover the possibilities. But first thing was first, to let him take her out of the junkyard.
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“Rhea,” Krishna repeated her name almost immediately after he gave it to her. Then he heard the rest of what she’d said, and he couldn’t stop himself from smiling when she said she liked the pet names he’d been using so far. She liked ‘sweetheart.’ He made a mental note of that before he commented, “Well, the pet names aren’t about to stop anytime soon, Little One, but I’ve not found one that I’ve decided I like quite yet. We’ll continue cycling through them, I think. Does that sound alright with you?” As an alpha, he had to make it clear that he would make that decision on which one ultimately became hers forever. Or even became hers for as long as she was with him. Krishna wasn’t trying to fool himself by allowing himself to consider her to be his omega yet. She was pregnant by another alpha. That was a long commitment without being able to seed her himself, and for an alpha, that was asking a lot. Sure, he wasn’t about to leave her alone or abandon her, but he wasn’t certain that he could keep her given her situation. The simple fact of the matter was that his own instincts might ultimately make it impossible. It was all going to require time to work out the details of.

Maneuvering himself out of the omega’s nest wasn’t necessarily an easy task, but most of the problem was Krishna’s own fault because he had gotten himself into a rather tight space in the first place. He’d needed to, though, for her comfort.

Once he was free of the car, the alpha scooped up one of the blankets that Rhea hadn’t claimed, imagining that she would be glad for it later. He let her continue to cling to the pillow she had picked out as something she wanted to keep, though, and then Krishna reached out to grab the most important cargo of all - the omega herself. The alpha’s arms pulled her close to his chest before he scooped her up in a cradle of an embrace. His purr rumbled briefly, reassuring her that even though he was pulling her out of her safe space, he was a safe person and he intended to bring her to a much safer space overall.

It was only when he started walking that his focus shifted to conversation. “Krishna is my full name,” he revealed to her, “but Kris works. It’s easier, faster and will get my attention just the same.” He didn’t want to start a relationship off by withholding any information from the omega now warm and embraced. “You deserve to have all the details,” he added.

As he continued walking, carrying her out of the junkyard with no intention of ever bringing her back to that horrendous space, Krishna had more to share. “So, once we get to the cabin, I would like you to think of it as your home, too, while you’re with me. You can help yourself to anything I have and if you need something more, please let me know. I cannot guarantee I’ll be able to acquire it, but I will do my best.” Pausing, he thought of where to pick up that thought. Then he continued, “We are in the lands in between, so leaving the cabin on your own is not something I would recommend. I can only speak for myself as far as being a safe person in these lands. Many alphas roam who may well have lost their minds over the separation from society. Exile is not necessarily pleasant on an alpha mind - not any more than it would be for an omega.” Though he didn’t speak to it, Krishna also knew that there were wild animals that may like her scent more than a bit and would not be pleasant with their attempts at appreciating her.

A pregnant omega faced many dangers, particularly in these lands.

The journey wasn’t that long, but it wasn’t because it wasn’t far. The scenery changed quite a bit over the course of their travels, with Krishna taking her from the junkyard into an area that was a nearly empty open plain. It felt odd and empty compared to what any pack life would’ve been like, but once they crossed the treeline, that feeling of emptiness faded. His cabin wasn’t far beyond that, though. The alpha purred intermittently on their travels, well aware of the calming effect it had on the omega in his arms. Walking into his cabin was a feeling of warmth, though, that even his purr couldn’t quite match. There was a fireplace, and although he hadn’t left it burning, warm coals and soot still crackled softly. There was no electricity to speak of, but Krishna was quick to explain that he did have running water piped in from a nearby spring.

The space was all one room, mostly. His bed was prominent in the middle, along one wall. There was a dresser, and a little corner kitchen. The one room closed off from everything else was likely a bathroom, although he didn’t opt to give her a grand tour in the moment as he gently placed her on her feet. There were a few blankets folded neatly at the foot of the bed, and some pelts displayed as though their purpose wasn’t quite clear. Krishna hadn’t wanted to get rid of them given how soft they were, but he wasn’t necessarily one skilled at making them into something more. They could be trading goods eventually. He wasn’t certain, though.

“You go ahead and make yourself comfortable wherever you like,” Krishna urged her. “I’ve got a deer that I was cleaning up out back and I’ll get the fire going again. We can have some venison and potatoes for dinner if that suits you?”
The sound of her name being spoken by the Alpha was the sweetest kind of sound she had heard in a long while. Her heart fluttered happily in her chest an automatic response to it, just as it fluttered again when he called her 'Little One' - her Omega all too happy to be given any sort of endearment, so long as it meant that he cherish and kept her. Rhea knew she would happily prove anything she needed to Kris, show him that she was a good Omega and would care for him and his home the way that a mate would expect. No one in her life had truly wanted her yet, but there was a chance he would. Slowly her head bobbed in a gentle nod of agreement to him before she shuffled back so he might extract himself from the haphazard nest that she had created in the van. Being dumped into the wilds had been terrifying for her, the van was far from ideal but was what she would have made do. Now that she knew she was leaving it behind it seemed to appear more bleak and cramped than it had even moments ago. All alone it offered no real safety for her, especially in her condition. The nights she had slept in it had been cold, even with the meager blankets she had salvaged.

Rhea's gaze swept around her surrounding once more, clutching the pillow to her chest while she heard the Alpha scoop up some of the bedding behind her. She turned to him just as he was ready for her. She went eagerly into his arms and let him lift her out of the van, cradling her to his chest. The arm between her torso and his reached up looping over his shoulder and then around his neck. The over she kept tucked, holding the pillow which at that moment - was her one and only cherished possession in the world.

The steady rumble of the Alpha's purr eased her anxiety of leaving the nest she had made. Assured her that she did not need to give into her instincts which would in other circumstances reject the idea of leaving her hand made sanctuary. She tucked her head against the underside of his jaw and nuzzled against him.

"Krishna." - this time Rhea repeated him name in a whisper as he gave it to her. "Alpha." she then sighed contentedly and of their own volition her eyes drifted closed, letting herself relax and lose herself to the sound of his purr, the warmth of his arms and the crisp blooming of his scent. Calming and soothing her all at once.

The omega didn't know how long or far they walked before he spoke again, telling her about his home, how she was to think of it as her home as well and that if she needed anything she would only have to ask. But what else could she ask for? He had already saving her life, giving her comfort and protection. He may be an Alpha with his own instincts to appear by caring for an Omega in distress, but she wouldn't want to give any reason to think she was going to take advantage of his kindness. Still, she nodded along as he told her things she should and shouldn't do for her safety. It was not hard to agree with his reasons, she didn't have any plans to go wander the wilds. Not while pregnant, she grew a tiny and fragile life inside of her. One that was pure and good and deserved no pain or sorrow.

"I promise to stay safe." Rhea vowed in a soft voice, her hand lowered the pillow down from her chest to her stomach, tenderly sheltering that delicate spark of life.

Again her eyes drifted closed as he walked, the motion of his long strides an easy way to soothe her into a calm state. Any time she seemed to start to rouse in his hold he would resume purring for her. It was like her Omega needed to be assured he still had her, she was safe with him and nothing bad could happen. Somehow she sense that the journey was nearing it end because she lifted her head in time to see the cabin emerged from the trees, quaint an more charming than she anticipated. Rhea perked up in his arms at their approach, eyes taking in every shingle of the roof, pane of glass and wood beam that made it. It looked like it belong illustrated on the pages of a children's book. Inside was small but admittedly very cozy and warm. It was all one room, everything within sight of each other except for the bathroom, it was tucked behind the one door she could see.

Krishna set her down, told her to settle in. And though he put no force on his words to make it a command her eager to please Omega was going to treat it as one. The mention of food had her empty stomach ache, she blinked realizing she couldn't remember what she ate last. Was it the apple she had found on her.... first day? No, it her second day when she had found the discard fruit not caring to wonder how it had been overlooked in the items that her pack Alpha had dumped into the junkyard with her.

"It sounds good." Rhea agreed gently, she had never had venison but she was never a pick eater, not when sometimes food was scarce in her aunt and uncle home when they forgot to do groceries. "I'll go clean up." she announced realizing the the few days she had spent in the junkyard she had to be so very dirty and though as comforting and soft as his bed had looked, she wasn't going to touch it until she wash the dust and grime from herself.

Rhea padded her way to the bathroom, pausing at the threshold of the doorway to look back at him. Almost needing that assurance that this was real, that he was still there.

"Thank you, Kris." Rhea added in, her tone weighted with her gratitude before she slipped into the bathroom.
Before he could fully excuse himself to the task he’d assigned to himself to give the omega space, Krishna had to offer her a smile as she thanked him. She didn’t specify what for, but it really didn’t matter. What mattered was that his precious little treasure appreciated what he was offering to her so far, and that was certainly a positive sign. It made his inner beast preen with delight, something he tried to dampen as much as he could. She wasn’t his. The omega carried another alpha’s child and she wasn’t likely to part with them anytime soon. Most omegas would die before they’d be separated from their child. Kris knew he couldn’t do that to her, but also that his beast would ultimately demand an heir that was his own if he were to ever claim an omega for himself. He didn’t think she would be interested in providing that for him anytime soon, not with all the trauma she already carried. He would take care of her, though; Krishna had already made that vow to himself to be there for her until she needed things he couldn’t provide any longer.

“Of course, Little Treasure,” Krishna replied, the words escaping him without any second thoughts. He couldn’t imagine having taken any other action upon finding an omega lost and left behind as Rhea had been; it had been a kindness he couldn’t avoid offering. Yes. The more he let that thought sink into his brain, the more he believed it in the moment. It hadn’t been because of how deliciously enticing her scent was or how beautiful he imagined she would look as her body filled in with the curves of her pregnancy. That had nothing to do with it. Krishna had to believe it.

Realizing that she had gone in there with only her torn and ragged clothes, Krishna did one more thing before he ultimately headed outside as he’d stated he intended to. The alpha meandered into his own closet and pulled out a pair of sweatpants that were too small on him, along with a t-shirt. The pants might be too big, but they had a drawstring, and the shirt would be a dress for her, but it was better than nothing. He folded them neatly on the bed, hoping she would find them once she was finished in the shower. They were there for her if she wanted them.

It took more effort than it should have for Krishna to actually leave his little cabin and head outside to finish working on a project that had been ongoing for a few days now, but he managed it once the precious omega had moved herself out of his senses for a time.

Then the alpha took to skinning the creature with gusto and energy that he hadn’t found anything comparable to in ages. He’d already disposed of the organs so it was a quick step to remove the unneeded pieces - the pieces that offered no meat or warmth or anything else of value. He saved some of the bones as he pulled them from the carcass, imagining that a stew would be nice as a meal for both himself and his new guest over the next few days. The marrow could also add flavor to just about anything and the precious omega making herself comfortable in his home right now certainly deserved the best. Krishna did not hold back his energy as he took his hunting knife and drove it beneath the beast’s pelt, though, peeling fur from flesh with a fierce alpha strength that he knew he couldn’t safely take out on his new guest despite how much he wanted to. It was that type of pent up aggressive sexual energy that an omega was literally built to help an alpha manage, and Krishna was beyond furious at his own fate in the midst of this whole situation. She might want him around now, but he couldn’t imagine that was anything other than her pregnancy seeking out stability - stability which he fully intended to provide, but that he knew would eventually tear him apart.

Just like he tore the deer to pieces.

He’d already gutted the creature before he’d brought it to the little station outside of his cabin, but plenty of blood, muscle fibers and other bodily fluids made their way onto the alpha throughout the process, something he didn’t mind in the slightest. It was simply part of the job that he’d been tackling. He wasn’t one to care much about how much of a mess he made along the way because there never had been anyone else to notice. Of course, now there was, but somewhere along the way, Krishna had lost full comprehension of that particular detail as he allowed his instincts to simply get washed away by the process of surviving. It was liberating to not have to think about it at all for a little while, after all.

Time passed and through that time, the alpha progressed on his task. When it came time to cut the meat into nice-sized pieces, Krishna found that he once again had the patience to manage such a task without obliterating the remains of the beast completely. This was a meal for himself, sure, but he also wanted to put together a nice presentation for his new companion. Once those pieces were set, Krishna took to cutting out a few other nice pieces as well, to provide meals for a few days. While leaving her alone in the cabin while he went out to hunt for more didn’t seem like a terrible option, his inner beast wasn’t fond of it within the moment. Having extra would stave that eventuality off for a little while. It also gave him some more time to collect herself while giving the little omega inside more time to make herself comfortable as he’d offered her the opportunity to do. He didn’t think his hovering would help a whole lot.

However, Krishna had nothing else left to keep him outside in the end. Heading back inside was the only option. He could only hope it had been enough time for her to start to nest at least a little.
Once alone in the bathroom a few things happened all at once. A wealth of emotion bubbled up inside of her chest, for days she had been in survival more that she hadn't even had time to recognize or process the loss she had felt. Being expelled so callously from her pack. There was no tender relationship with her guardians - her aunt and uncle, but somehow she felt an ache to be ripped from the only family she had left. Her siblings, they also had been ripped from her and she had no idea what explanation they might receive about her disappearance. Would they even worry for her? Look for her? If they had known the reality would they have come for her? There was also the relief that flooded her Omega, she was finally somewhere safe and she felt like finally she could breathe once again.

Then her grey gaze caught sight of her reflection in a simple mirror hanging in the bathroom and even Rhea had to do a double take at her appearance. She looked nearly haggard, her hair a wild mess, skin pale which pronounced the dirt that mostly concealed the paintwork of freckles on her cheeks and nose. There was dark hollows up her eyes that had not been there before and her cheeks looked more shrunken in than they had before. Her lips dry and chapped and the clothing she wore carrying patches of car grease, oil and dirt from her time in the junkyard. Rhea also could only imagine she smelt as dirty as she felt in that moment and it was any wonder that Kris had held her as close as he did.

The shower was not difficult to figure out and she turned it on, not waiting as she shucked her dirty clothing off and stepped into the stream of water. It was cool at first but rose to a more moderate temperature and she scrubbed at her skin in earnest. She used the soap in the shower and lave dit over her skin, cleaning every inch of herself. It was more than what she needed to do to make the water run clean but she felt a driving need to make sure she was perfect before the Alpha saw her again. Under the stream of water she did her best to untangle her hair and rub at her scalp until she felt fully clean before shutting off the water and stepping out.

When Rhea looked to her reflection she appeared more like herself than before, less wild looking. But she noted the weight she had loss in those few days on her own, weight she couldn't afford to lose due to her pregnancy.

Her hands drifted to her stomach protectively at the very mere thought.

From beyond the door she didn't hear anything so she was sure Krishna hadn't yet returned from outside. But still she cracked open the door to peek out, the cabin was empty but she noted a stack of clothing at the foot of the bed that hadn't been there before. Rhea blinked, had he left them there for her? She tiptoed out of the bathroom, bare and exposed to snatch them up. Lifting them to her nose. They were clean but like everything in the cabin the echoes of his scent clung to the fabric and she breathed them in before excitedly pulling them on. The sweatpants required her to pull the drawstrings tight and to roll the ankles a few times to allow her feet to poke out. She savoured the feel of cotton against her clean damp skin for a moment before she looked around the cabin again.

Able to take better stock of it, notice all the little things she hadn't before. But inevitably her eyes fell on the bed.

Stepping towards it she leaned forward, her palms bracing on it and testing its softness. Pleased to find that i
t was plush and inviting... but far to bare.

Nest. Must build a good nest for Alpha. - her Omega now whispered, rather insistently in her mind.
Prove that we will be a good Omega for him.

Looking around she felt the pull of her instincts, driving her to fulfill their calling. Rhea found herself drawn to a door, seeking and searching. Opening it she was relieved to see it was his closet. Her hands gathered everything she felt she would need, pilfering the extra set of sheets and two pillows tucked to a corner before carrying them to the bed. She then went for the pillow she had brought from the junkyard as well as the blankets he had scooped up from her temporary shelter. One was relatively clean enough to pass her Omega's standard to be placed onto the bed, the other she carried to the bathroom, intent on cleaning it - later.

For now she had a singular focus - nest making.

Crawling onto the bed Rhea started to push the items she'd gathered around, adjusting the sheets, pillows and blanket already on the bed as well. Guided by pure intuition the Omega started to pile the pillows towards the head and top corners of the bed, a thicker blanket then being artfully arranged at the edges to provide some padding, and safety to the nest. She snorted in frustration as she worked with the sheets trying to figure out how best to use them. Weaving the sheets across the span of the bed as well as the blankets she kept adjusting them trying to find just the right way they should be.

After a few attempts to make it perfect she suddenly realized, it doesn't smell right.

Her Omega panicked as she realized the newest items to the nest didn't smell like enough like her, or Kris. Rhea whined in some distress before she pushed herself down into the bed, her body rubbing, rolling against the items she had arranged. Hands lifted her hair as she exposed the glands on the back of her neck to get as much of her scent onto anything new. Working herself over every square inch at least twice.

That was when the door to the cabin opened, and Rhea suddenly bolted upright again. Eyes wide as they snapped to the doorway and the familiar figure that stepped through it.
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