Temptress RN
Alpha in Disguise
- Joined
- Oct 12, 2024

Alpha Krishna was no different from the others in that regard. He’d been bullied since his youth for being on the smaller side; then when his alpha nature finally made itself apparent, he was assigned all the tasks no one else wanted because he was the “new” one. And it continued even as he got older. Finally, he had decided it wasn’t worth it anymore and Krishna had decided to pull himself up by his own bootstraps. He left without word or announcement, and he’d never returned. Finding a cabin in the lands between had been easy, but establishing his claim on the land had been work. He’d fought off his fair share of challengers and out-survived others. Not many alphas found themselves in this no-mans-land of sorts, so he was unique in that respect. It gave him an edge, but he’d had to harden himself on the way. Krishna had learned skills most alphas back home wouldn’t dream of having, and small was no longer a word that could even remotely be used to describe him.
If he went home, though, he knew some would try. Therefore, he stayed. Life wasn’t perfect, but it was better than cleaning boots.
His alpha status did give him some advantages. Krishna was one of the few in the lands between who could safely navigate through the junkyard, collect supplies and get out without causing too much of a scene. Plenty of useful stuff was tossed into the area by all the surrounding packs and many within the lands between would love to make use of the cornucopia it offered. Unfortunately, with all the stuff that was thrown away, it tended to be dangerous. There were failed experiments there that tended to go off at the slightest jostle, metal shrapnel that seemed to leap on its own, and the creatures that made their home there didn’t tend to like disruption. On more than one occasion, other stragglers had requested his assistance in retrieving essentials from the place, and though he charged a hefty fee for it, Krishna was willing.
This trip, though, was for his own ends. Supplies had been flowing fairly well so he hadn’t needed to venture into the junkyard in quite some time, and now he wandered in merely out of boredom. Life had gotten dull. He hunted, cleaned his next meal before preparing it, he set the traps and he slept. Day in and day out, it was tiresome. The junkyard very often offered something to turn things around from dim and dull, and so that was where the alpha chose to spend his afternoon. Much had changed since he’d last wandered in, too. It looked like one of the packs had recently made a drop off of some old automobiles and Krishna found himself wondering if any of them would run. The trees were too thick in some places for driving a car to be feasible for transportation, but a working engine would be very valuable indeed for all the different things it could power if he could find enough to fuel it. He didn’t doubt that he could.
Nimble steps guided him over hills of debris, around objects that looked like little explosions waiting to happen, and through all sorts of collections of various metals. His eyes were on the cars he passed along the way, though, looking to see if any of them stood out as being in better condition than the others. Even some good scrap metal would make the trip worth it and he imagined these cars had a good deal of it. Krishna’s eyes were almost back to where he’d started his search when his nose twitched. Alpha senses were no joke, and in the junkyard, it was what kept him alive. His entire body turned to face the intruding scent before he let himself inhale deeply, examining it further and with greater curiosity.
The scent was… sweet?

Inhaling the air, Krishna found himself basking in flavors he hadn’t dreamed of in the longest time. Chocolate and strawberries highlighted the aroma, and although it smelled overall as though someone had burnt it on a stove, it was still the most alluring thing he could comprehend in the moment. Though his mind may not have connected the pieces right away, his inner beast identified it immediately. An omega was lingering in the junkyard. Seconds later, he realized it and he was immediately rejecting the thought. It didn’t make sense. Perhaps an omega had sat in one of these cars not long ago, but they couldn’t actually be in the junkyard - right? The scent was strong, though, intoxicating even, and Krishna had to follow it.
Denial flooded his senses, even as his eyes tried to tell him he was wrong about his thought that she couldn’t really be here. In the back of the car his feet continued carrying him towards was an omega. She looked unkempt, as though she hadn’t planned on being there, and she was bustling hurriedly about some blankets in the back seat as though she needed them more than water to drink or air to breathe. At his approach, that response didn’t change either. She was definitely more than too distracted in a place like the junkyard, but Krishna doubted she’d been here before. He would remember her scent. Caution guided his movements as he slowed his approach, wondering if this was some sort of trap to lure him to his doom, but he didn’t think anyone that clever would risk an omega in the process. They were meant to be valued, treasured, kept.
One more inhale told him that she wasn’t just any omega either. She bore the scent of another alpha, though she wasn’t claimed. And their seed had taken root. She was pregnant. A cringe quirked its way through his lip as fury overtook him that someone would do such a cruel thing to one so precious. Krishna himself had never once allowed himself to contemplate being able to be with an omega. It was an alpha’s every desire; they needed an omega mate to knot and to breed. Krishna was nowhere near close to that line, though, and his pack had been very particular about their approach. It was one of the reasons he’d never felt bad about leaving. He wasn’t losing anything. This, though, was entirely unexpected.
About two feet from the car now, Krishna called out, “Omega?” He had no name to call her, but it wasn’t an insult in the slightest. His name was a question as well, but more an announcement than anything else. “You’re far too precious to be out here in the middle of all this discarded junk. Can I help you get out?” He held his hands up, trying to appear non-threatening, though for an alpha speaking to an omega, the threat his presence offered was real. However, his presence also offered warmth, comfort and strength if she wished it. She would no doubt know that, too, despite other fears that may have layered their way in.