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The Fall of Ionia (Impyh/Santuary of Sinz)


Feb 18, 2025
Ashes fell from the sky, so she had to use a hand to cover her eyes. She couldn’t stop looking to the horizon, the ruined plantations and the fire spreading through the woods. But that was war, right? It was how it had to be. Noxus rewarded might, power, strength. It was the only place in the world where anyone could prove themselves worthy and ascend to the top. They were the heroes of the story.


She gripped the hilt of her sword, still bloodstained, and pulled it from the cadaver of an enemy. She passed her free hand over her face, somewhat cleaning herself from sweat and dirt, breathing hard to calm herself. After all, it was Riven’s first battle. It was okay to be nervous, she told herself. Lifting her giant broken blade, she took mousy steps back to the camp.

The entire battlefield smelled of death. She watched as lots of scavengers went through the body, enriching themselves with coins, jewelry and anything that could be sold for a few bucks. Riven was not there for the money, she was there to find for her country. To find herself a purpose, to fight for what she believes. Noxus would bring proper civilization to that exotic evil place. If only they could see it and surrender before too much blood was spilled…

It didn’t take long for her to get back to the main camp. They moved most of the installations while they clashed against that first Ionian division, so that they were now rooted deeper into their territory. Just on top of a small hill, on the side of a voluminous river, good vision and control of the flow of water. She nodded to the guards on vigilance duty, all of them wearing the red and black Noxian colors. Like she was.

Riven was draped in light armor, which was better for her mobility. She had some black reinforced leather straps protecting her abdomen and shoulders, but her chest was covered only by white cloth. Well, used to be white. It was even more Noxian now, painted with red blood. Her big thick muscular legs were exposed, allowing her to move so much faster, to jump and shift through the background. And it worked. She was almost untouched. She had a small cut on her tight that already stopped bleeding, a few bruises, but nothing that needed medical attention.

That wasn’t true for all her fellow comrades. The medical tent was right at the entrance of the camp, one the first things they set up, and it was already at maximum capacity. She heard the soul piercing screams, the sound of knives wenting into flesh. They won, decisively, but even victories had a big bloody cost. She had to find her way to the command tent, where they would probably be waiting for her. Riven wasn’t exactly a high ranking official, but her skills were recognized. Noxus always rewarded the strong. So she was respected. Given a good place, under one of Noxus generals. She walked through the soldiers patching their small wounds and cleaning their weapons, the smell of blood never leaving her. Shouldn’t it be less after she left the battlefield? Would the musk of death stay on her nostrils forever?

Riven shook her head. Maybe. Why did it matter? Why was she thinking so much? It was a battlefield. Of course it stinked. What else did she expect? And then she hit the big open area in the center of the camp, and a second powerful pungent smell overtook the scent of death. First she smelled, confused, her mouth processing it, and then she understood what she was seeing.

They had set up some kind of improvised wood pillory, and stuck there was a young vastayan girl. Her head and wrists locked in the wood display, her body completely naked. Riven watched dumbfounded as a soldier pulled her ass up by her fluffy brown tail, and forced his cock inside of her. He was slamming roughly into her cunt, forcing her tail with strength, the legs of the poor girl shaking as she was fucked. And – oh fuck – the line behind her was endless. Riven couldn’t move as another soldier went in front of the girl, gripping both her animal ears and forcing her mouth open to face fuck her. It didn’t take long for him to pull back and cum all over her face, white sticking semen mixing with the tears that flowed down her amber eyes. Riven stood for an unbearable long time in shock, frozen, confused, sickened.

She looked in her early twenty, just like herself, but you never could truly know with Vastayans. Her medium perky breasts were showing, under her body, already kind of red from all of the hard groping. The second man also climaxed, shooting his cum inside of her cunt, and when he stepped back Riven could see the liquid dripping between the poor thing’s shaking legs, forming a puddle under her. She realized that was probably not the first soldier that used the prisoner, her ass looking sore from all the spanking. She watched as a couple more men advanced to keep spitroasting the Vastaya girl, and Riven was filled with the urge to intervene.

“What the hell is going on here?!”

Most of the heads in the crowd turned to her, their faces twisted in sick looks. Most of them had their cocks out, jerking it, waiting in the line, and Riven felt something sink in her stomach. They were looking at her as if she was also just meat to be used, their attention focusing on her ample breasts, on her exposed legs. She felt dirty.

The next dude on line – A burly bearded fifty-something captain – spread the brunette pussy with two of his fingers, making the girl cry and moan in a language Riven didn’t understand, before slapping his hard hairy dick against that hole. He was looking deep into Riven’s eyes while trying to fit it in.

“Fun. We got some playthings. Keep the morale up” He forced it inside, and the woman wailed, also looking at Riven, eyes brimming with tears. “Plus, they’re not even human. Want to come here and have her eat you out?”

Riven felt a deep sense of disgust.


And she walked away, trying to hold back her queasiness, the strong smell of cocks, sex and semen now impregnating the camp. It didn’t take long for her to realize that there was more of that going on. She saw a white haired horned girl spread on the floor, her arms and legs tied up, while soldiers also took turns laying atop of her. Not far, a purple skinned thin girl was made to stand between two masts, standing with her arms and legs locked in an X, and two soldiers sandwiched her, one inside her pussy and one in her ass. Her head lay on the shoulder of the front one, defeated, just letting them abuse her body.

Because they weren’t human? Because they were just a bounty for the soldier’s morale? Like the scavengers were collecting money and trinkets, so the army could make their collection of exotic vastayan sex slaves?

She tried to push the moans and cries out of her mind. She had a meeting to attend, so she made her way to her commander tent. Maybe there she could tell him something… Maybe they could fight that war with respect…

She left out a disgruntled little laugh. Why was she trying to lie to herself? That was what war is. Murder, conquest, rape. Everything was on the table, right? She shouldn’t feel bad. Ionia would do the same if they won. Noxus was might. So Noxus was right.

Wasn’t it?

She recomposed herself, trying hard to not cry – never cry, Riven. You’re a proud strong warrior – and went inside the command tent.
The clash of two countries would be felt far and wide. Ionia's defenses and fortitude against the brutality that was Noxus and it's ever growing quest for conquest, taking those under it's wing, by Force, If Necessary. Noxus had come to Ionia with an attempt to bring their nations together, and absorb them into the Noxian Empire, further strengthening their nation. But when the leaders refused such an offer, One of Noxus' leaders warned of war, and that taking no for an answer was never their approach to a world of which they sought. They would show the fruits of their labors, their metal put against the Ionian forces. As the leader left the chambers, his last words left an echo in the chambers, leaving a sense of dread behind

"Send your men and women, and watch them fall. You will see the might of Noxus, as you cower behind your walls."

The sanguine life from allies and enemies stained the barren fields on the outskirts of Ionia's fields, where once they held verdant green seas of grass and tall mighty trees, now set earth and embers, land paved out and beaten with bodies, steel, and footprints. The battle cried having died out hours ago, leaving nothing but the unsettling sound of the Spoils of War, where they plucked from the remains like Ravens to corpses. The Noxians plundered and reaped the rewards, pulling men to the side to either finish off or conscript, while scouring the women for their bounties

The scent of blood, toil, and loose bowels stained the air, only being blotted out by the scent of fire and food. This was war after all, and Ionia's refusal to become a part of the growing Empire that was Noxus had lead to this first assault being a success for the aggressors. Their banners raised high, a testament to the land they've pushed forth and claimed. Tents raised high, showing quality leathers and materials, weapon racks set and propped up in orderly fashion as most of the laborers, both soldiers and slaves, were put to work to make sure their grounds were secure. A few had attempted to flee in desperation, hoping for a glimmer of a chance to escape and find themselves in a peaceful world of their home, the horizon that encompassed Ionia, only to find themselves felled, added to the pile of corpses

The noise of bodies rutting against one another as those who were left to fight, or tend to the warriors of the defending land were now being used to satisfy the mens appetites, some spirits broken, others holding fire in their guts, other succumbing to their pleasures, and the worst, were the ones that have lost their spirits and having gone borderline mad with their torturers using them as much as they saw fit. It was a growing night of endless noise and cheerful success. The enemies line had fallen, and none could stand against the first wave.

The high tent was colors of black and red, with a trim of gold, and a pair of Noxian Battle Flags for peaks, billowing in the wind on their posts that reached heavenward. As the air cleared itself of the unholy scents, making it far more bearable in this area, away from the leftover mess. When the flaps opened up, a small handful of soldiers settled within the tent, most of their helms removed to let their eyes scour over the map laid out before them, as a single woman bound in leathers with her arms tied behind her back was left silent, a splay of black hair over her head, covering her up almost completely. She seemed detached from what was going on.

Then, there, at the very war table, hands set on either sides of the detailed layout before them, was the Might of Noxus...


He was the definition of power, one of the three leaders of Noxus who had lead the charge against the Ionian forces and culled many in his way. The stains of blood still spattered different parts of his armor, droplets staining his pale skin. The flicker of his eyes lifted from the map as they laid on Riven. His brows furrowed as he picked up on the expression she had.

"... Leave us."

He spoke in a sharp tone, his voice low and commanding to the other members who steadily began to file out one at a time, the tent flap signaling each person that left in short order. The three were left behind, given far more space.

Torches hanging in metal cages, casting warmth and light in the space as weapon racks settled neatly in their respective spaces. Barrels with rolled up maps, parchments, and notes, shelves with books and notes. On the map, it showed a few wood carved pieces, noting the position of the army in contrast to the Ionian forces, and the layout of approach to which they'd put their strengths. Darius had waited a moment for the fall of footsteps to fade away, before he steadily straightened his back. The stark contrast of height between them, even at this distance, was easily noted. He was imposing, powerful, even while quiet. His axe was set just within reach, leaning against the wood frame of the table where their tactics laid out.


Short, curt, and direct. Darius wanted to hear from Rivens mouth of their progress. After the first hour of his own rampaging, he fell back, finding no other foes worthy to fight him. His men would fight, succeed, or die, and become a stepping stone for the rest.
Darius was impressive. It was hard for Riven to stay in front of him, even sitting he looked large and imposing. She's seen his might in the battlefield earlier that day, and it was hard to even comprehend what he was doing, speed that made no sense with his size, an efficient brutality, interest only in the results. It was hard to think of him as human. Riven thought herself a very good fighter, but she was leagues below him.

She should be worried about sharing that tent with him – and that random tied Vastaya – but her body was riddled with anxiety. Probably just the fighting, the nerves, and the things she saw on the camp on her way to the command tent. She fixed her posture, sustaining Darius' hard watch, and began giving him her report.

“We’ve taken most of the farmlands, sir. Resistance has died down, but their leaders mostly retreated. It seems they’re planning on setting stronger defenses on the cities and temples, as expected. Our losses were expected, a few hundred men, but we still haven’t got the full numbers. Our troops proved their worth. We took prisoners…”

Her voice shook a bit. Riven knew she must be ruthless, but something irked her badly. They should liberate the place, and it was okay to kill whoever stood in their way but… The pillory. The raping. It seemed excessive. It seemed perverted. She breathed deeply before continuing.

“We took prisoners and your brother states behind in the fields to deal with them. He said that he wanted to make a show out of their executions. And I saw that some female prisoners were already brought to the camp and were being… Very publicly abused, sir.”

She wasn’t close to Darius, but she knew him to be a decent man, the face of the Noxian army, the proof that anyone could ignore all the political games and ascend in society through sheer will and prowess. Riven admired him, always did, and it was an honor serving directly under him. She spent her teenage years impoverished and lost, and her only hope was dreaming about the army. About being like general Darius. She wanted to be strong, of course. But she also wanted to stay human. She took a risk, taking a look at the poor Vastaya sitting there without moving, in a state of shock. She was so short, so thin, and looked so broken…

“Will that be protocol, sir? Are we really keeping sex slaves during this campaign?”
Darius kept his eyes steady on her, focusing entirely on the warrior before him. He had acknowledged her strength when she fought against his brother, Draven, in the Executioners Arena. Her performance with no more than a strange broken blade giving reason for their attention to Riven. Noxus was meant to bring strong people into their ranks, give them purpose and motivation, their goals aligned. In Darius Army, he held to a standard that his men soon adopted

Strength Above All

The cool gaze traced parts of her figure, as if seeking any injuries, fresh wounds, blood, bruises. It was normal for him to assess injuries, gauge the persons willingness to fight on. The gloss over her body was nothing more than a parental check up if anything, his lips pressed together in a flat line, a subtle nod of his head as his sight claimed hers, hearing her report of the Farmlands. With the Resistance pushing back, it was easier to assert control over the area. Slowing down the food source from this area gave them the advantage while forcing the enemies to ration. The success in this area would lead to more desperate measures from the Ionians... Or turncoats.

"Good.. Then we have an excellent head start on this war."

Hearing the subtle discomfort in her voice as she began to speak up about what his brother Draven was up to, the stereotypical showboating and challenges, a chance at freedom for any who could escape and find a chance at survival, only to be toyed with by the mans whirring blades and unnerving laugh. The sound it made when flesh was sundered by the steel and pained yowls leaving the body. They were all just victims.. Some were criminals, these were just farmers.

His eyes flicked down to the single Vastayan woman leaning forward, arms still shackled behind her, clothed dirtied, her breath shallow. She seemed to be alright, yet there was an odd thing about her, the shaking wasn't just from nerves or fear.

"The prisoners.. Are the reward of the men." The General spoke, easing his way to a standing posture. That impressive frame of 6'5" casting a shadow in Rivens direction. "They are to help keep the men's spirits high. And should those women bear children, they can be a part of Noxus." It was a cold and blunt line, as if the rationality of the situation justified the actions that transpired. "But.. I'll speak with them, make sure that they give the women proper breaks, meals, and rest. But if they try to kill our men, we won't show mercy."

His body leaned to the side, the subtle scrape of steel and metal plates against layers of leather, the broad body beneath a testament to handling the impressive set. "Cooperation has it's rewards.. Ambition as well." Darius flicked his eyes downward, gesturing with his sights towards the Vastayan who was now breathing heavily, lips parted as her breath exhaled in shaken patterns. Her knees ground into the leather pelt that settled beneath her, as ears twitched and flicked at the slightest of sounds.

"Ph... plle...aase..."

Her wrists pulled taut at the chains, her back arching as beads of sweat shown along her jawline. Her voice was an attempt at mustering some humility while dealing with an internal torment.

"Riven.. You understood what Noxus stands for.. It's aspirations, it's reason for coming here."

He waited for a response, a test of her memory, and why she joined Noxus, took up her blade to fight alongside them. Darius wasn't unreasonable, but he didn't tolerate the selfish, the cowardly, those that put it's men last, and gave them no purpose to push forward and fight.

It was important to him that she remember what she chose
"Of course, sir. I understand" She stood still, not showing how shaky she actually was. Darius was a good commander, and she was sure he would treat the slaves properly, even if it didn't sit well with her, it was a war right? Things were like that. She just had to do her job and not pay attention to whatever wicked torture was going on in camp, ignore the moans, the grunt, the sickening smell of dried cum. "Noxus stand for might. Anyone can prosper as long as they have the will, and anyone can claim alliance to us while being assimilated. Prove their worth. Noxus is the greatest, fairest empire in all of Runeterra."

Truth is, that wasn't bullshit. Riven believed in every single word she just spoke. Noxus gave her purpose, gave her a life, a chance at making things better for herself. It was a good place to fight and prove oneself. She took a look at the Vastaya, her sweaty body, her pained expression, and Riven knew she had to toughen up. To not care about the fate of that woman, about what she would be put through. It didn't matter, she was weak, and the weak were made to be used by to strong. Right?

She stared right at Darius, fearless.

"I fight for Noxus because it gives me purpose. To change the world for the better. To give people the possibility to join our great nation. To be the most powerful of our warriors. I fight for Noxus because it deserves me."

She stood there without moving a muscle, her resolve ironed, her spine straight to look her commander in his eyes. She would not cower, she would not let the first battle crumble her spirits. Riven had to be what her great nation expected of her.

"Is that all, sir? Please let me know if you have any other orders for me or my division."
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