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Digimon: Fallen Knights (group RP interest check; SFW)


LONG LONG SWOO~RD! *jazzy saxophone music*
Dec 25, 2022

Thousands of years ago, the Digital World was overseen by the Royal Knights. These thirteen Holy Knight Digimon, originally sworn to serving the will of the host computer Yggdrasil, took it upon themselves to protect the weak and maintain peace. The Royal Knights divided the Digital World into thirteen districts, each overseen and protected by one of them. For as long as the Royal Knights drew breath, the Digital World was safe. But peace was never meant to last...

From the Dark Area came powerful Digimon known as the Seven Great Demon Lords. Led by Lucemon, they sought to conquer the Digital World and rule over it with an iron fist. The war between the Royal Knights' and the Demon Lords' forces raged for over a century. Both sides took massive losses, and the landscape of the Digital World was scarred from the constant battles. In the final battle between the two sides, Omnimon, Alphamon, and Gallantmon fell to Lucemon. But the Demon Lord decided to spare the three death, and infected them with a virus that twisted and corrupted the three Royal Knights, hoping to use them as servants.

It would be Lucemon's final mistake.

The corrupted Royal Knights became little more than mindless beasts with an urge to destroy. The three turned on Lucemon, and slaughtered him and the remaining Demon Lords, before beginning to rampage across the Digital World. The Digimon prayed to Yggdrasil for salvation, but no answer came. The three Fallen Knights carved paths of destruction across the Digital World before sinking into deep slumber. The Digimon built tombs around each of the Knights to seal them away, lest they lay waste to the Digital World again...

But darkness is returning. Digimon are hungry for power, and will do anything to attain it. Many take it as a sign that the Fallen Knights will rise again to destroy the Digital World. The faithful continue to pray, but unlike before, Yggdrasil has seen fit to answer their prayers. Heroes from another world will come, whether they are ready or not.​

Welcome to the RP!
  • First and foremost, try to be as polite and courteous to each other as possible. We're all here to have fun, after all.
  • Please try to be as communicative as possible. Going to be out of town for a while? Writers block? Let me and fellow RP members know, we'll understand.
  • Try to write a minimum of one paragraph (6-7 sentences with decent spelling and grammar) per post. Some posts might not even need that much, or you might be struggling to write, but try to avoid that. If writers block is a problem for you, feel free to brainstorm OoC with other RP members.
  • Mild language and innuendo are allowed in the RP, but if you wouldn't hear it in a T/PEGI-16 rated game, then characters shouldn't say it.

What is the Digital World?

The Digital World is a plane of existence that came into being with the advent of computers. As access to technology increased, it became larger and more complex. Time flows at an accelerated rate in the Digital World in comparison to ours. As time and technology marched on, lifeforms evolved in the Digital World, influenced by mankind's history and legend. These creatures are known as Digimon, and they take on a myriad of sizes, shapes, and concepts.

What is a Digimon?

As previously stated, a Digimon is a digital lifeform. The first Digimon were rather rudimentary in nature, bearing more in common with computer viruses and files than what we see today. At the center of every Digimon is a DigiCore, a program and data that roughly correspond to the organs of real-world animals. As long as a Digimon's DigiCore is functional, they can heal from nearly any injury if given the time and energy to recuperate. Most Digimon have an innate desire to engage in combat, though this is usually expressed in competitions and friendly battles.
Digimon are able to achieve new, stronger forms by taking in new data. This is usually accomplished slowly over time, but Digimon can accelerate this process by battling other Digimon. When a Digimon is defeated in battle, part of their data is absorbed by the Digimon that defeated them. Digimon with Tamers as partners are unique in that they can temporarily Digivolve to stronger forms thanks to the bond with their human.
Digimon reproduce only once or twice in their life, as the process of creating a new Digimon is time, energy, and data intensive. When a Digimon reproduces, they make a copy of their DigiCore and combine it with a copy of another Digimon's DigiCore. In theory, there is no limit to the number of Digimon that can be involved in the creation of a new Digimon. The more Digimon that are involved in the creation of a new Digimon, the more likely it is that the resulting offspring will be able to attain forms unrelated to one parent. All Digimon hatch from DigiEggs, and if a Digimon is defeated in combat with their DigiCore intact, they will revert to a DigiEgg in order to start over. In this event, a Digimon may lose certain memories.
While humans have never been to the Digital World, Digimon have been able to get glimpses of them through information gleaned from the internet. Some Digimon regard humans as real, tangible beings, while others simply regard them as myth and folklore not unlike the way many humans view creatures like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster. Digimon have recreated certain human inventions, including instruments.

The Digivice G

The Digivice G takes the form of a pair of goggles or glasses, and has a variety of functions. However its main purpose is to help channel a Tamer's emotional energy to a partner Digimon in order to help them Digivolve. Other functions of the Digivice G include:
  • Displaying information on a Digimon, including level, Attribute, and attacks
  • Showing direction (NSWE)
  • Making phone calls to other Digivice G users

The idea of this story is to combine Digimon with medieval fantasy and isekai tropes, and the tone I have in mind is most in line with Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory. My intent after the group finds their footing is to have smaller arcs related to each of the players' characters. Given that the intent of the story is to be a more medieval setting, certain types of Digimon (ie- Machine or Cyborg types) are off the table until later in the story. I've already started a small amount of world building for the story, but am certainly open to ideas and suggestions. Ideally, I would like to have a total of five or six players (including myself).

I would love some feedback and ideas from people who might be interested.
I've got a couple rookie digimon that I think might fit for an OC.

DemiDevimon or Keramon as rookies come to mind.
Okay, I have a couple of character sheets you can fill out of you like. ^^

Pretty self-explanatory

Age range is 16-22

Can be an image; other characteristics like height, birth marks, or scars.

Doesn't need to be too in-depth, just enough to give us a sense of what they're like.

Tell us about your character's history. Doesn't need to be too in-depth, but a paragraph or two about their life would be nice.

Base form of a Digimon partner should be at Rookie level.

Digivice G appearance:
All Digivice G have a unique appearance, though they all take the form of a pair of goggles or glasses.


It's not uncommon for Tamers to give their Digimon nicknames, but it isn't necessary.

All Digimon partner's base form should be Rookie level.

What category of Digimon are they?

All Digimon possess an Attribute that they align with. The most common Attributes are Vaccine, Virus, and Data. Vaccine Digimon have an advantage against Virus Digimon; Virus Digimon have an advantage against Data Digimon; Data Digimon have an advantage against Vaccine Digimon; other Attributes exist, and possess different traits

All Digimon belong to at least one Family, which can determine their evolutionary path. There are ten Families total: Nature Spirits, Deep Savers, Nightmare Soldiers, Wind Guardians, Metal Empire, Unknown, Dark Area, Virus Busters, Dragon's Roar, and Jungle Troopers

Techniques used by a Digimon in combat

Evolutionary line:
The other forms your Digimon can attain. Please leave Mega level blank.
Okay, I have a couple of character sheets you can fill out of you like. ^^

Pretty self-explanatory

Age range is 16-22

Can be an image; other characteristics like height, birth marks, or scars.

Doesn't need to be too in-depth, just enough to give us a sense of what they're like.

Tell us about your character's history. Doesn't need to be too in-depth, but a paragraph or two about their life would be nice.

Base form of a Digimon partner should be at Rookie level.

Digivice G appearance:
All Digivice G have a unique appearance, though they all take the form of a pair of goggles or glasses.


It's not uncommon for Tamers to give their Digimon nicknames, but it isn't necessary.

All Digimon partner's base form should be Rookie level.

What category of Digimon are they?

All Digimon possess an Attribute that they align with. The most common Attributes are Vaccine, Virus, and Data. Vaccine Digimon have an advantage against Virus Digimon; Virus Digimon have an advantage against Data Digimon; Data Digimon have an advantage against Vaccine Digimon; other Attributes exist, and possess different traits

All Digimon belong to at least one Family, which can determine their evolutionary path. There are ten Families total: Nature Spirits, Deep Savers, Nightmare Soldiers, Wind Guardians, Metal Empire, Unknown, Dark Area, Virus Busters, Dragon's Roar, and Jungle Troopers

Techniques used by a Digimon in combat

Evolutionary line:
The other forms your Digimon can attain. Please leave Mega level blank.
Want me to send this over messages? To avoid clogging the thread?
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