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♛ ━ `UP FOR POKEBOYS? [M/M] Still searching.

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Jan 10, 2009
So long story short, I'm looking for the male, twisted version of Pokegirls. Basically, all the original Pokemon ground rules apply, but these are gijinkas (human forms of the Pokemon with the creature's elemental and distinguishable physical attributes applied to them) that take the place of the actual monsters. Your job is to play the tamer, or pretty much the trainer who fucks his Pokeboys to develop a bond with their harem (team).

If you're still unsure about this lewd concept, feel free to ask me questions, and I'll be happy to clarify some things for you.

I'm also a huge fan of straight out, uncontrollable sex, but I do like a bit more spice in my story lines. I like having a central plot or little subplots littered throughout our roleplay to keep it interesting. Of course, detailed sex is a given, but I'd like to meet a partner who prefers a little bit of both. The Pokemon concept itself offers a wide variety of complications and twists, so I don't think we'll have much trouble figuring something out that will satisfy the both of us.

That being said, I would love for you to be literate. I believe in both quantity and quality. If you're sure that you could at least write like me and type out anywhere from one to three solid paragraphs, then we're good. If you're nowhere close to what my expectations are, please don't bother to contact me. First impressions really matter, so try not to screw up?

I'm flexible, so I'll be able to roleplay over Private Messages, threads, or AIM. My AIM screename is ai x pikachu.

We'll go over our kinks and turnoffs privately.

I'm a switch when it comes to romping around between the sheets, but as a tamer, I expect you to be somewhat more dominant. This doesn't mean that they do all the work, as my characters are more of the "dominant submissive" type. They'll be wild and willing, so don't worry about having to do with stuttering whine-a-lots.

Also, please keep in mind that this is a request for a homosexual pairing.

So I'll see you soon, and we'll discuss more.
I might be up to the challenge.

I am straight in nature, but I can do yaoi if we lay down some ground rules.
IF you are ok with that, p.m me so we can discuss.

Kind regards,
Ohai! We played together once, maybe a year ago now. (I don't remember my IM screenname anymore, so I can't say who I was, hahaha.) I think we got along fairly well. If you're still looking, I'll PM ya? :>
I don't think I remember you exactly, but sure, contact me over AIM!
Does purikura porn/instant porn machines ring a bell? I'm pretty sure you're the one whom I played that scene with... of course, I could be wrong. Also, I didn't know you were IM-exclusive these days. Bad me. =/ I don't do messengers nowadays. Is that a problem? If so, I totes understand. :>
OHHHHHHH. I totally remember you now! Hehe. We should totally do another roleplay. :> I would make a special exception for you if you prefer threads or something, but... planning it out might go by faster over AIM or something?
I don't have messengers these days. I guess I could whip up a screenie if you insist, but I'm rarely un-busy enough to respond to messages in real time, so... I doubt I'd be on it often enough. |||OTL Again, I totes understand if this is a big deal for ya. :>
Nah, messengers are just a little more convenient for plotting, but if you're still interested, then I wouldn't mind doing this over messages or private threads. :) I don't want to pressure you, so if you are really interested in responding to my request, we can work something out?
Sweet. I'll totally take you on, brah. ;D You don't mind moving the plotting process to PMs? Again, I hate to be a bother, but IMs would likely be the worse option considering how bad I'd be at replying to them. |||orz
I don't mind~ I'll actually send you over a few pictures of the Pokeboys I have and see which one you like the best. :) We'll plot over PMs, then. :)
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