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Mx Female You've got writing talent. Show me.


Feb 7, 2025
My kink is consuming passion that is born between characters as they endure trials, suffer defeats, and exalt in triumphs together. The tales that produce this passion can take many forms, but it requires a commitment to the story that I am willing to provide and which I desire from my partner. I know you are out there. I know you share this desire. Are you willing to not only make the effort, but take the chance?

I promise to provide writing that shows quality and effort. I am not saying I am perfect in the English department, but I usually get their, there, and they're in their proper places. I am also understanding to my partner, so don't think you have to be perfect. I don't require long pages of prose, sometimes a story only needs a couple paragraphs to move on. What I do require is that you contribute to the flow of the story. Throw in a twist. Surprise me every once in a while. Have fun driving me insane with your ideas.

When it comes to settings, I prefer something that adds some danger/action/suspense to the story, so I like to dabble in elements of the supernatural/fantasy/sci-fi, but I am willing to discuss more realistic environs if you can sell it well. I have ideas galore, but want to hear what is tempting you as well. Part of the fun is creating something together.

I am looking to play a male character opposite a female, but can do any number of secondary characters as needed to make the story come alive. Fair warning, my main character is usually going to be an alpha mindset with rogue-like tendencies, but can vary in other personality traits. If you don't like playing opposite strong male leads, you probably should pass me on by.

If this type of story commitment interests you, send me a message and let me know what is on your mind. We can work through the details together.

I know you got it, now show me.
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