- Joined
- Jan 5, 2025
Setting: Low Fantasy
Capital City: Dunfel. Sits on two sides of a river junction - where the Borldt River joins the larger Dunrel River that proceeds down to the sea.
Proof of the Gods:
Gone are the days when the gods walked amongst their priests. Gone are the days when they spoke to their priests, or even "rode" their priests by temporarily possessing them. These days, a scandalous number of priests do not even believe the gods are real. But there are still two important things that are held by many as proof of the true existence of the gods.
1. The Books of the Law and Lineage:
There is a Book of the Law in each temple, encased in a thick glass box. There is no way to get into the box, the glass is unshatterable.
Every day, a page turns in the Book of the Law. No changes have been made to the Book of the Law in generations, but the ancient tales
say the laws wrote themselves. As if guided by an invisible hand.
2. The God Patterns. Every third year at the Feast of the Children, children dip their hands in the Tears of the Gods in the Temple of All Gods. Most of the time, the children's hands come out of the pool with colored patterns on their fingers and hands. The color and pattern signifies which god or goddess has chosen them. They will go through another Choosing Ritual at least one other time in their life. Each time a priest submerges any body part in the Tears of the Gods, their pattern will change. It can change in size, in complexity, in location, any number of ways. It cannot be removed except by a special ritual by the High Priest of the Temple.
Paths of the Gods:
These are listed in order of perceived importance. The gods teach that no path is more important than the other, but people are people.
*Festival of the Children: Every three years. Children of peasant families can be brought to the Temple of All Gods to the Choosing Bowl.
Manned by priests of Merci, the Choosing Bowl is a large silver vat filled with the Tears of the Gods. Every child aged 8-10 is offered the chance to dip their hands in the bowl. Some children pull their hands out and nothing has changed, except they are a little cleaner. These children are handed back over to the parent or guardian who brought them with smiles and pats, and given a copper coin. Their parent or guardian is given a silver coin and the child and all family with them are fed at a banquet table stocked with plain, hearty, but delicious food - including sweets. Then they are sent away.
But other children pull out hands with new patterns that look like tattoos. The colors of the gods. These children will become priests and priestesses of the god that chose them. They are immediately taken to the temple of that god or goddess.
Other children are brought by their parents who do not partake of the feast. These are families who are offering their children as a tithe. Usually upper middle class and nobility. These children are often marked for the upper ranks of the priesthood.
The God of Temptation is named Lure, and he encourages temptation. Since sex is the easiest temptation, that is what his Temple focuses on. While there are different paths of service a priest (I consider the term priest gender neutral - it includes all genders) can work in, the most visible are priests of the body and priests of protection.
Priests of the Body are essentially temple prostitutes. Patrons will go to the Temple and tell a Priest of the Word what they are wanting, and pay for the priest they will do those things with. An appointment time will be set up. The priest will meet the patron either in the Temple for a private room or in the patron's home. There, the priest will 'tempt' the patron to follow their urges. This can even include roleplayed situations. The priest comes in acting like a spoiled, petulant brat - because that was what was previously arranged.
All priests of the body are accompanied and protected but their guardian, a priest of protection 'assigned' to them. Priests of Protection act as protectors of their ward (their assigned priest of the body) in all ways - physical and emotional. They provide after care for their ward, provide guidance (they are usually older than their ward) and have the authority to force their ward to do something or stop doing something if they believe it is for their own good. Relationships vary wildly between guardian and ward - sometimes it is a duty relationship, sometimes there is romance, sometimes it is a 24/7 master/slave relationship.
No priest of temptation, no matter their path, can become pregnant or sick with a sexual disease - nor can they pass on such a disease. Priests also heal much faster. They are taught that every temptation has a price (the theology goes deep here) but that Lure charges his priests less.
While many patrons consider the priests of the body to be 'just' whores, nothing could be further from the truth. Priests go through years of education - both as children and adults. From the age of 16 and up, priests of the body go through four years of a sexual curriculum designed to not only make them experts on pretty much any sexual act, but also experts on the minds and needs and desires of their patrons. Deep dives into sexual psychology, training in healing sexual trauma, deep deep training in safety and consent...Priests of the Body have no shame and do not consider anything wrong as long as everyone is safe and consenting. While they understand why people become jealous of their partners having sex, no priest of Temptation would ever become jealous just because their partner or loved one had sex. They understand the physical act of sex does not always mean there is love and affection.
Priests of Temptation are often considered the most beautiful people in the kingdom. But none are as beautiful as Priests of the Body. Combine their beauty with their sexual skill and training to assimilate in nearly any situation - Priests of the Body are a highly valued commodity. People want them, and more than one has disappeared after being snatched off the streets. Somehow, many of those kidnapped find their way back to the Temple, but some have simply never been seen again. That is one reason they are followed everywhere by their Guardian - who will even be in the same room as them while they are working with a patron.
Priests of the Body are essentially temple prostitutes. Patrons will go to the Temple and tell a Priest of the Word what they are wanting, and pay for the priest they will do those things with. An appointment time will be set up. The priest will meet the patron either in the Temple for a private room or in the patron's home. There, the priest will 'tempt' the patron to follow their urges. This can even include roleplayed situations. The priest comes in acting like a spoiled, petulant brat - because that was what was previously arranged.
All priests of the body are accompanied and protected but their guardian, a priest of protection 'assigned' to them. Priests of Protection act as protectors of their ward (their assigned priest of the body) in all ways - physical and emotional. They provide after care for their ward, provide guidance (they are usually older than their ward) and have the authority to force their ward to do something or stop doing something if they believe it is for their own good. Relationships vary wildly between guardian and ward - sometimes it is a duty relationship, sometimes there is romance, sometimes it is a 24/7 master/slave relationship.
No priest of temptation, no matter their path, can become pregnant or sick with a sexual disease - nor can they pass on such a disease. Priests also heal much faster. They are taught that every temptation has a price (the theology goes deep here) but that Lure charges his priests less.
While many patrons consider the priests of the body to be 'just' whores, nothing could be further from the truth. Priests go through years of education - both as children and adults. From the age of 16 and up, priests of the body go through four years of a sexual curriculum designed to not only make them experts on pretty much any sexual act, but also experts on the minds and needs and desires of their patrons. Deep dives into sexual psychology, training in healing sexual trauma, deep deep training in safety and consent...Priests of the Body have no shame and do not consider anything wrong as long as everyone is safe and consenting. While they understand why people become jealous of their partners having sex, no priest of Temptation would ever become jealous just because their partner or loved one had sex. They understand the physical act of sex does not always mean there is love and affection.
Priests of Temptation are often considered the most beautiful people in the kingdom. But none are as beautiful as Priests of the Body. Combine their beauty with their sexual skill and training to assimilate in nearly any situation - Priests of the Body are a highly valued commodity. People want them, and more than one has disappeared after being snatched off the streets. Somehow, many of those kidnapped find their way back to the Temple, but some have simply never been seen again. That is one reason they are followed everywhere by their Guardian - who will even be in the same room as them while they are working with a patron.
Capital City: Dunfel. Sits on two sides of a river junction - where the Borldt River joins the larger Dunrel River that proceeds down to the sea.
God/dess | Domain | Color | Tattoo Pattern |
Lure (male) | Temptation | Black | Lace |
Merci (female) | Compassion | Blue | Water |
Ishva (female) | Wisdom | Purple | Concentric Circles |
Phelan (gender fluid) | Inspiration | Green | Woodgrain Patterns |
Core | War | Red | Smearing like blood |
Proof of the Gods:
Gone are the days when the gods walked amongst their priests. Gone are the days when they spoke to their priests, or even "rode" their priests by temporarily possessing them. These days, a scandalous number of priests do not even believe the gods are real. But there are still two important things that are held by many as proof of the true existence of the gods.
1. The Books of the Law and Lineage:
There is a Book of the Law in each temple, encased in a thick glass box. There is no way to get into the box, the glass is unshatterable.
Every day, a page turns in the Book of the Law. No changes have been made to the Book of the Law in generations, but the ancient tales
say the laws wrote themselves. As if guided by an invisible hand.
2. The God Patterns. Every third year at the Feast of the Children, children dip their hands in the Tears of the Gods in the Temple of All Gods. Most of the time, the children's hands come out of the pool with colored patterns on their fingers and hands. The color and pattern signifies which god or goddess has chosen them. They will go through another Choosing Ritual at least one other time in their life. Each time a priest submerges any body part in the Tears of the Gods, their pattern will change. It can change in size, in complexity, in location, any number of ways. It cannot be removed except by a special ritual by the High Priest of the Temple.
Paths of the Gods:
These are listed in order of perceived importance. The gods teach that no path is more important than the other, but people are people.
Path of Obligation | Serves through menial labor. Cooking, laundry, cleaning, etc |
Path of Action | Serves through skilled labor. Doctors and medics, construction, engineering, etc. |
Path of the Body | Serves through sex. |
Path of Protection | Serves by protecting the Temple and the priesthood. |
Path of the Voice | Serves by communicating the words of their god. They are the teachers, the diplomats, the liaison between the Temple and the people. Usually formed from older priests who have retired. |
*Festival of the Children: Every three years. Children of peasant families can be brought to the Temple of All Gods to the Choosing Bowl.
Manned by priests of Merci, the Choosing Bowl is a large silver vat filled with the Tears of the Gods. Every child aged 8-10 is offered the chance to dip their hands in the bowl. Some children pull their hands out and nothing has changed, except they are a little cleaner. These children are handed back over to the parent or guardian who brought them with smiles and pats, and given a copper coin. Their parent or guardian is given a silver coin and the child and all family with them are fed at a banquet table stocked with plain, hearty, but delicious food - including sweets. Then they are sent away.
But other children pull out hands with new patterns that look like tattoos. The colors of the gods. These children will become priests and priestesses of the god that chose them. They are immediately taken to the temple of that god or goddess.
Other children are brought by their parents who do not partake of the feast. These are families who are offering their children as a tithe. Usually upper middle class and nobility. These children are often marked for the upper ranks of the priesthood.
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