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[CS] Magical Repertoire, Wishlist, Misc. Details

Character Sheet
Jul 28, 2022
Antaeus, the Monkberry

Boots of Striding and Springing (Uncommon, easier sprinting, 12 foot vertical jumps.)
Bracers of Defence (Rare, would be played as a way to block/deflect blades and the like with forearms.)
Dragonhide Belt (Varying levels, would in-game just give me an excuse to spam more awesome ki abilities. )
Cloak of Arachnida (Very Rare, Cast web once per day, web walking, spider climb, poison resistance)
Blood Fury Tattoo (Legendary, limited number of high-damage hits that also heal the user when landing them.)
Rod of Seven Parts (Artifact, got to track down multiple pieces to use, offers some different spells as well as being a big ol' stick. Originally the seven pieces can be used to cast whatever spell is associated with it, but was thinking maybe ditching that and saying the staff only works at all once all the pieces are assembled; only feature the pieces have on their own is giving the holder the instinctive 'pull' towards the others.)

Korth, the grumpy-ass dwarf

Amulet of the drunkard (Uncommon, booze heals once a day. :eek: )
Ring of Jumping (Uncommon, cast Jump spell once a day; Dwarven softball special.)
Dragon Vessel (Uncommon at first, maybe plot-y opportunities to improve it to the higher rarity versions later. Uncommon version allows a one-a-day magical fill of either ale, olive oil, a potion of climbing or a potion of healing. Higher rarities have more/better options.)
Ring of Free Action (Rare, negates difficult terrain speed drops and renders immune to magical paralysis or similar movement-stripping spells.)
Belt of Storm Giant's Strength (Legendary, makes ya crazy strong boi!)
Axe of the Dwarvish Lords (Artifact, super special find, long sought ancient dwarven weapon!)

Ezekiel the snobbish tiefling

Hat of Wizardy (Common, allows spellcasting while hands free, will allow for casting unknown cantrips with some time to think about it, i.e. not useful in a combat situation.)
Driftglobe (Uncommon, can cast Light or Daylight and hover for a period of time.)
House of Cards (Uncommon, a deck of playing cards that literally turns into a shelter made of playing cards, comfortable interior temperature, door that can only be opened by user, can have 0-4 windows and take any shape within a 40 foot cube. Picturing the Wizard as being really REALLY not accustomed to rough living, and having his own shelter that he pretty specifically uses apart from the rest of the party. If shelter is damaged again, it reverts back to a deck, 1 usage per day.)
Wand of Magic Detection (Uncommon, allows the casting of Magic Detection.)
Helm of Comprehending Languages (Uncommon, basically allows free casting of Comprehend Languages.)
Alchemy Jug (Uncommon, produces various liquids on command, only one type per day, maximum quantity depending on the liquid. A bit too heavy and bulky to just carry around normally, likely kept in a Bag of Holding or travel pack. The one-a-day limit on liquid type has the opportunity for some fun arguing, as between the fresh water, the beer, the wine, the honey and the poison there'd probably be different demands from different party members. God help us if anyone wants 2 gallons of mayonnaise.)
Protective Verses (Rare, spellbook that allows casting of various defensive spells)
Staff of the Magi (Legendary, access to a bunch of spells.)
Ring of Winter (Artifact, Buncha frost-type magic access, sentient item that WILL try to fuck with the user and compel them to do bad shit, could be a sweet plot hook in 'breaking' the ring's will.)

Useful Party Shit

Bags of Holding (Of course.)
Sending Stones (Allows 1 cast of Sending per day, multiple stones allow a quick message between party members or makes the party able to receive messages from distant allies.)
Cauldron of Plenty (Rare, 50 pound cauldron, 30 gallon capacity. When water is added and stirred, transforms into a hearty stew that can feed 4 people per gallon. 3 uses per day. Would obviously need a means to store it, but could see a niche use for refugee or similar situations where feeding a lot of people could help.)
Portable Hole (The way it's described, looks like a useful way the party could store larger/more stationary items a Bag of Holding might not do so well with. ...just have to be reeeeal careful not to try and stick the portable hole in the bag of holding.)

Ezekiel's Spell Repertoire (Bold For Active) Ritual spells can be cast over 10 minutes without using a slot or needing to be prepared.
Cantrips (4)

Toll the Dead (V,S)
Blade Ward (V,S)
Fire Bolt (V,S)
Whisper (V,S, a short piece of copper wire)
Thaumaturgy (V, Tiefling ability)

Mold Earth (S)
Shape Water (S)

1st Level (4)
Magic Missile (V,S)
Mage Armor (V,S, a piece of cured leather)
Sleep (V,S, a pinch of fine sand, rose petals, or a cricket)
Feather Fall (V,M)
Hellish Rebuke (1 per day, Tiefling)

Unseen Servant (V,S, a piece of string and a bit of wood) Ritual
Detect Magic (V,S) Ritual

2nd Level (3)
Web (V,S, piece of spiderweb)
Shatter (V,S, chip of mica)
Dragon's Breath (V,S, hot pepper)
Darkness (1 per day, Tiefling)

Levitate (V,S, either a small leather loop or a piece of golden wire bent into a cup shape with a long shank on the end)

3rd Level (2)
Fireball (V,S, a tiny ball of bat guano and sulfur)
Counterspell (S)

Dispel Magic (V,S)
Water Breathing (V,S, a short piece of reed or straw) Ritual
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Aliana the cheery paladin

Gauntlets of Ogre Power (Uncommon, enhance physical strength up to a certain point, likely only slightly so for Aliana.)
Devotee's Censer (Rare, flail that does extra holy damage and can emit a cloud of incense that heals allies within it.)
Necklace of Prayer Beads (Rare, 1d4+2 beads, each bead has one-per-day spell, spell type per bead determined by dice roll.)
Cape of the Mountebank (Rare, allows one casting of Dimension Door per day with a custom effect of a cloud of smoke appearing at your departure and arrival points.)
Efreeti Chainmail (Legendary, immune to fire, can understand and speak primordial and walk on lava as if it were solid ground.)

Aliana's Spell Repertoire

Cleric Cantrips (2) Blessed Warrior bonus
Sacred Flame
Word of Radiance

1st Level (4)
Protection From Evil And Good (V, S, holy water)
Searing Smite (V)
Compelled Duel (V)
Purify Food And Drink (V, S) R

2nd Level (2)
Zone of Truth (V, S)
Branding Smite (V)
Gentle Repose (V. S, a pinch of salt and one copper piece placed on each of the corpse's eyes, which must remain there for the duration) R
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