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Fx Male Once and Future King - Arthurian Myth - Magic, Intrigue, Politics, Debauchery, & More


Mar 16, 2013
Please check my main thread HERE for how I write, posting frequency, kinks, don'ts, etc, before contacting me to make sure we're compatible, thank you!

I have tried a few times over the years to get a game going based on the Arthurian legends, time to try yet again! You would likely need at least some knowledge of Arthurian legends here, but you don't have to be an expert at all, and I'm not trying to do a historically accurate retelling either. This is about story-telling first!

I'm looking for a take on the Arthurian legends with a game that focuses around Arthur, Morgana (what I'll be calling out Morgan le Fey), Lancelot, and Guinevere and the relationships that form between them. There'd of course be a good bit of politics and war happening throughout the story but I'm definitely wanting to be a bit more character focused. I have an idea for allowing Morgana to at least start out as protagonist on Arthur's side and only later becoming more of a threat. The plot to corrupt Arthur and use him to father a child with Morgana to create a rival for the British crown would be hatched by their maternal aunt, Morgause, who would be the head priestess of Avalon and a sort contemporary and rival to Merlin. Morgana would only learn that she and Arthur had been manipulated into a relationship and having a child until after it's already happened, and eventually turn on Arthur and try to complete the plan with their son when he's an adult.

Backing up, however, I'd still like Lancelot and Guinevere to be a part of main cast, like I said, I'd like to keep their love affair in the game, but perhaps have Arthur find out fairly early on and even accept it (kind of fair I suppose since he'd be sleeping with his half-sister off and on). Bonus points to anyone who's willing to include some homoerotic elements in Lancelot and Arthur's relationship, but it's not required. They'd be best friends either way, and I've seen them be portrayed many different ways but I was leaning towards going with the more classic angle of Lancelot being the older one and Arthur the younger. Guinevere would likely not be in the game in the beginning, but would be introduced relatively early on and then married to Arthur probably pretty quickly. I'm also interested in hooking up Lancelot and Morgana when we get the opportunities.

I was thinking of having the game start a few years after Arthur has found out the truth of his heritage and has already taken up as the new lord of Camelot and finding his footing, and having him and Lancelot being invited to attend a pagan Beltane festival that would be overseen by Morgause, who is essentially luring Arthur in to snare him with Morgana and get her plot under way. My idea for their meeting would be that they see and meet one another without realizing who the other is and that they're siblings, and feeling an immediate attraction and even flirting a little before they find out. I'd imagine Arthur in his late teens (17/18), Morgana in her early 20s (21/22), and Lancelot in his mid 20s (24/25).

I could be talked into starting from the very beginning when Arthur would be 16 and just found out the truth, but it would be a slower burn for him and Morgana's relationship and I feel like there's already a lot story to cover so I think starting a little further into it makes more sense. I'm not completely against it however if you're someone who enjoys a slow burn, I do sometimes but most people don't seem to.

I'm looking for a good mix of action, fantasy, history, debauchery, and drama. There's so many different versions of these myths I think it'd be easy to make them our own and use some of those retellings or just make up our own and mix things in as we like.
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