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Fx Any Depraved and Dark Plots

Feb 13, 2025
[Bold]An Invitation to rape[Bold]

We meet online. We became friends. We flirt. We share kinks. We discovered that we dont live as far appart as we thought...

The invitation was inavitbale "Wanna grope me on the train home this evening?" How could you say no to that?

Over the next few weeks it happens again and again, you get more and more bold, i get more and more open. You start to send me clothing to wear. I begin to "take the senic route home" that gives you plenty of space to ambush me and do more than just feeling up my breast and fingering my wet pantys. Eventually you kidnapp me for an entire weekend. I enjoy the rpugh dominatoon, you the eager submission as you train me. And somwhere along the way we might even fall for each other...

Kinks i want to include here: Outfit controll, cum play, bondage, cnc, groping, abuse...

Limits: Hyper/Infaltion, Incest, gential torture.

[Bold]The stranded Wreck[Bold]

Out on the stoney shore below my hometown lies a rusting ship wreck. Its been there for aslong as I can rember. Just sitting there, slowly rusting in the salty water. Nobody has ever taken a look insided. The goverment told us that it carried a dangerouse cargo. And even if its still contained, all that rusting, partely collapsed metal is dangerouse all by itself. It would be stupied to go explore it. Or rather reckless. Yet still, i find myself enjoying a full moon, panting after climbing the ancor chain...
Would i still enter if i knew i wasnt alone? That a creature not from this world calls this wreck home? That it is oh so very willing to rape, breed, swallow whole, outright tear appart or a mxture of all of the above a oretty, helpless girl like me? Considering the stuff i get off to, propably yes.

Kinks: Vore, breeding, snuff, rape, biting, scratching, mind break

Limits: see above.

[Bold]The Pig-Man butcher[Bold]

This plot can be played with human or anthro characters.

They call you the pig, becouse frankly, thats exactly what you are. Fat, unwashed, stinky... with a habit of taking evrey women pretty enough to get your dick hard. The lucky ones are let go after their rape, most of them however are brought to your farm, where you threat them either as slave or animal till they either die from the abuse or it comes time to butcher and cook them. You then invite the mysteriouse being that lives in the woods fir dinner, a sa little thank you for keeping you safe from any and all consequence.
You two habe done this for decades now, though being interrupted by a women offering herself as a volunteer is a first...

Kinks: filth play, cum play, snuff( preferably non-permant), breeding, MMF, bondage, dolcett, ugly bastard, monster, pet play, mind break

Linits: see above.

Alrighty, i hope sole of these plots peaked an intrest! If they did pls feel fre to hit me up! Cant wait to get to know you!
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