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"Let you put your hands on me, in my skin-tight jeans" -Femme for M-

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Sep 14, 2010
First off, let me begin with my biggest pet peeve:

I absolutely hate it when people are rude or arrogant from the get go. Perhaps I’m old fashioned but I believe in comradeship and accommodating others. For example, if you didn’t read the 8th paragraph on my second page of turn offs after the 7th picture of some anime babe in a catsuit, I won’t immediately slam you as ignorant and ask you to never contact or pm me again.

My other pet peeves:
Really crappy writing like this: “i kno rite?” he said. then they went in to da bedroom and had sexxx 4 3 hrs!!!!

Playing my character for me...just ask me and we’ll discuss beforehand. If you surprise me and start controlling my characters without my permission then you might as well be writing fiction and not roleplaying with a partner.

(I am not a hypocrite, so let me know what bugs you and I’ll be more than happy to steer clear of your pet peeves)

What I would request:

is creativity and at least some brainstorming sessions with moi. I find that playing canon characters all the time makes Jack a dull boy. I enjoy twists, setting up the scenery and exploring the darker depths of characters. I also wouldn’t mind having a great writer to roleplay with :)

longer term roleplays...I’m not asking for a decade long commitment but at most several months and at minimum a few weeks. From my experience, not every beginning ends up to be an epic success but if you’re willing to try and cultivate something cool then you’re in the right place.

My preferences:
I play a female character, either submissive or dominant you decide.

I ask that your character is:
Female (maybe, I generally prefer males but I’ll try it)

I will never do:
father x daughter, Hogwarts, most anime, dragons and shiz, animals, tentacles, most warfare based roleplays but it’s a possible maybe, smut with no story line

Cravings (Plots):

English Regency, 1815 (Tease, Older man x younger female dynamic, eventual romance): If you played this with me before, contact me again. I’ve been meaning to track you down and apologize for my behavior, I have a set of very believable excuses :)

Premise- Miss Helena Southeby is a young lady on the verge of debuting in the ton. Unlike her more docile and more obedient siblings, she’s cursed with a rather unattractive and rebellious nature which, stemming from the fact that she belongs to a notable family with ties to aristocracy, would prove disastrous if went unchecked. Her cousin, a most eligible bachelor humors Miss Southeby with a pianoforte lesson one summer day when she becomes smitten with him. Despite all good sense (being young, beautiful and entitled she has very little good sense), Miss Southeby does her best to seduce her cousin and she’s slowly revealed to be more “woman” than impish child. He holds off, he himself is quite the ladies’ man but it would be extremely improper to tarnish his own cousin’s innocence so he remains a gentleman until his own amused interest becomes a full fledged desire.

“No One Will Ever Know”: (Modern Day Adultery)
Premise- Lana and Tom bump into each other at the supermarket, they’re both married, late 20-something professionals. They politely smile and awkwardly untangle their shopping carts and move along their way but they both can’t help but feel that there was something incredibly attractive about the other stranger. Fast forward several weeks, Lana’s husband has family over their house and they’re expecting one late newcomer. The bell rings and Lana, amidst the rush of preparing for the party opens the door. To her surprise, it’s Tom and they are both painfully aware that they had met before. As it turns out, Tom is newly married to Lana’s sister in law and they conveniently just moved into the next town over. Shortly after that party, Tom and Lana strike up a heated affair but what will happen if their respective spouses find out?

“Fly On The Wall”: (Modern Day Stalking)
Premise- This plot isn’t as fleshed out as the other ones so I’m totally open to brainstorming up more details. A lonely college student (can be older) begins stalking a fellow student/co-worker. He becomes a peeping tom, watching her shower, undress, sleep etc. What happens when she finally confronts him and it turns out she actually knows that he’s been watching her all along?

Could be non-consensual, PM me with ideas/suggestions/questions...

“Celibacy & Sin”: A newly ordained priest arrives in a small bible-thumping town. He’s a young man, the silent and strong type who’s always been more absorbed in books and the strict teachings of Christ. He’s eager to be a model of morality and sensibility for his new flock and community and has never thought of straying towards temptation. That is until he meets a young female church goer, almost as religiously devout and innocent as him. The girl is sweet, pure, an unpicked flower and as she spends more and more time with him under the shroud of attending bible studies he becomes obsessed with her. Scared but possessed by the same sinful thoughts that plague the priest she seduces him and they succumb to their lust.

Other pairings:
Teacher x Student
Roommate X Roommate
Aristocracy X Aristocracy
Aristocracy X Peasant/Slave

Miscellaneous Ideas:
Greek & Roman
World War II
Modern Urban City
Boarding School
Snowed in cabin with brother in law or enemy
Something based loosely on the film Atonement

I prefer roleplaying via PM or board, will do email or instant messenger so ask! PM me, I'll get back to you sooner :)
Thanks everyone for replying, as of now my cravings are all filled up so I won't be accepting requests for those. It's tough to juggle two roleplays no less four :/

BUT if you have a really cool idea, please please please PM/contact me. I'm always up for original story lines.
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