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Fx Any Am I your dream girl?


May 7, 2019
Only one way to find out.

Hello, Blue Moon. After being away for quite some time, I'm dipping my toes back into writing. To summarize, I'm wanting to play an interesting female submissive character to an interesting dominant character of any gender. The story and the setting, well, we'll create them together- but don't think that just because I want some level of D/s involved that my character will be in any way a boring starfish. I promise you, she won't!

A few quick notes-
  • It can sometimes take me a few days to reply. I'm patient with your own reply time, too!
  • Posts should at least be readable and do something to move the plot along. I'm not looking for either of us to do all the work!
  • As for kinks, I'm very open. My F-List is here. I will not write anything nonconsensual, first person, cheating, bestiality (though monsters and other non-humans are loved as long as they can communicate), or scat/snuff/gore. Anything else should be considered at least up for discussion if not wholeheartedly loved; if you have any must-haves, let me know!
  • Discord, PM, or thread! I'm not picky.
Now, can we skip to the good part? As for what I want to write, I'm very open- I'm really looking to try new things, so bring me that idea you had a while ago that never really got started. Bring me the desires you want to voice but are afraid to in your own request thread. Bring me something new and fun and hot! I'll put a few barebones settings and pairings down below, but I'm really looking to create something new with you.

  • Pokémon
  • Sailor Moon
  • Kingdom Hearts
  • Star Wars
  • Harry Potter
  • Disney
  • Mario
  • arranged marriage
  • princess x knight
  • royal x commoner
  • bad boy x good girl
  • rich recluse x hired help
  • pop star x rock star/comedian/athlete
  • based on reality tv (90 Day Fiance/Married at First Sight, Teen Mom, etc)
  • adult twists on fairy tales/Disney movies/etc
  • escaping a cult
  • the tradwife movement
  • any female x female pairings
  • mermaid x pirate
  • western
  • your suggestions
Well, that's about all I have for now! PM me or add me on Discord at sinnamonrps and let's get to writing!

Last edited:
Bringing this back around after a bunch of planning talks died out. Less picky, really just want to write!
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