ℑt was late in the evening and the moon was already high in the sky, the sharp curve of its waxing crescent phase shaped like the blade of a farmer's sickle. Faint light spilled across the trees and mountaintops that towered off in the distance, but in town the streets were illuminated by ornate lampposts that speckled the land around Elantria Castle, soft orange glows radiating from the fires within. The hustle and bustle of the capital had begun to settle down now that the young and the elderly had retired to their homes, seeking the warmth and respite of their beds as the witching hour approached. Only evening laborers and ladies of the night remained, with the latter few attempting to attract the company of the former as they finished up their business and headed to their abodes.
Lucia had left behind the high, pointed peaks and grand halls of Oracleis Cathedral to pursue her mundane tasks hours earlier. As one of the Sisters of the convent, she spent her days offering up prayers to the goddess Oracleis, the most widely worshipped deity in the Light Kingdom. Attending sermons and working the confessional only accounted for a small portion of her overall duties, however. When she wasn't cleaning up around the cathedral or helping out in the kitchens, the young woman was often tasked with running errands for her Sisters out in town. Perhaps the wine cellar needed to be restocked, or a nobleman had requested a house call for his sickly wife. Today, it just so happened to be that many such chores all converged at once, leaving her the prime candidate for them.
It wasn't until after sundown that she'd finally finished off her long list of errands, the day ending with her exiting the tailor's shop while holding bundles of fabric in her arms. Does Sister Elinor really need this much? She wondered, the little bell above the door tinkling behind her as she pushed it open and left the establishment.
As a petite girl of only five feet, her head barely came up over the pile of them, orchid-hued eyes sharp like blades as they reflected the lack of amusement she felt at being relegated to 'pack mule'. Sure, she was just some nobody orphan that the church had taken in, even clothing and caring for her free of charge — but would it kill them to give her a break sometimes?
Sighing, Lucia made the trek back to the cathedral, wisps of silvery-lilac hair fluttering behind her with each step she took. As a Nephilim, her eyes glowed faintly in the dark, yet they still didn't make it any easier for her to see. She navigated the cobblestone paths by lantern light, her dress providing little in the way of protection from the cold night air. A shiver ran through her, but she only straightened her shoulders and pushed ahead, her footfalls the only source of noise emanating from the deserted street.
The quiet was... unnerving. Surely there should have been at least a few people that were still awake and about? Stilling herself, she stopped next to a lamppost and looked around, straining her pointed ears for the faintest sound.
Without warning, the flames in the oil lamps lining the streets all died at once. Plunged into total darkness, she quickly dropped the fabric she'd been holding and cupped her hands, a sphere of holy light shifting and undulating as it materialized in her palms. By now, her pulse was so loud that the quickened tempo of her heart was all she could hear, her blood rushing faster as it pulsed through tensed veins. There was a presence in the dark— no, multiple of them, a whole cadre of figures stalking her from the shadows. How could it have taken her so long to notice?
"Who's there?" Her voice was like ice and needles, the radiant aura of her magic only spreading so far. Anything could be lurking in the crevices between buildings or beneath the leaves of a nearby weeping willow tree. "Show yourselves."
Her demand was heard. Out of the corner of her eye, an outline was approaching her at blinding speed, the glint of metal catching her eye just before she whipped her body around to evade it. A throwing knife lodged itself into a signpost behind her, the tip of it dripping with an iridescent purple liquid. Poison.
Somebody was trying to kill her.
Without stopping to negotiate, Lucia immediately took off running, the long trains of her dress whipping in the wind that rushed past her. Her boots struck the ground hard, heavy breaths accentuating each movement she made as she exerted herself beyond what she was used to. As one of Oracleis' disciples, her life was a peaceful one: conflict was often nothing more than something she'd read about in history books or the squabbles she'd witnessed between her Sisters in the order.
Elantria itself was a safe, tranquil place — bathed in the golden light of the sun, it was home to many of the light races that inhabited this world. Attacks against the royal guard or those out in the pasture weren't unheard of, but she'd never personally been targeted by any malicious entities for any reason whatsoever. She was merely a humble follower of the goddess, a half-celestial who posed no threat to anyone. What could anyone possibly have to gain from assassinating her?
There was no time to question her assailants' motives. A charred, smoky scent hit her nostrils just before infernal flames danced across her peripherals. Demons. Fiends weren't permitted to enter the Light Kingdom, but that didn't stop their kind from trying to infiltrate and corrupt those who were pure of heart and holy, the embodiments of everything they despised. Lucia spun on her heel and summoned divine flames of retribution, their golden light casting out the dark fires of the abyss. It wasn't enough to spare her completely, however.
She let out an agonized scream as hellfire caught her dress ablaze and began to lick up her skin, the burning sensation ten times worse than any normal magic. It managed to leave a nasty reddish burn along her thigh before she was able to put it out, the flesh around the area turning blackened and necrotic. Hissing through clenched teeth, Lucia's head snapped up to examine the figures approaching her. They were cloaked and unidentifiable, but she could tell that they were all from the realm below.
One of them had been utterly consumed by her holy fire, his body burnt to ash and scattered to the winds while not a single one of his companions lifted a finger to help him. Down there, they believed in culling the weak, for one had no place in such a cutthroat society if they were without power. Such a callous ideology was almost disheartening to see in action, had the stranger not been trying to burn her alive moments ago.
"Kill the Nephilim." Their leader commanded the remaining three, his fist clenching as he summoned an obsidian blade in his grasp. Horrified, Lucia realized that it was made of diabolic ore from the Realm of Undeath. Wounds garnered from such a blade would not be so easily healed, even in spite of the celestial blood that she'd inherited from her ancestors.
The four of them advanced towards her, their murderous intentions so overpowering that they were practically tangible. With a choked gasp, she leapt backwards before his weapon could slice her skin open and shot a beam of light into their midst. The demons scattered to avoid it, but the girl was resilient, her magic continuing to pelt them in a desperate attempt to keep them back. A bloody struggle ensued between opposing forces, one angelic scion versus four demon spawn, their shadows stretching towards her in an effort to snuff out her light. She was stronger than them, but their numbers were greater; add onto that the fact that she was at a disadvantage after nightfall meant that she was fighting for her life just to keep up with these beings.
Though she was cornered and fatigued, one still remained. Her movements slowed with exhaustion, his blade kissing her flesh as it drew line after line of her sanguine life force from the soft tissue it buried itself into. Her magic grew weak as her blood loss continued to worsen, the rapier of light she'd been wielding fragmenting into glowing shards before disappearing entirely. Panting heavily, Lucia hit the floor when the demon kicked her onto her back, his dark blade piercing through her torso and embedding itself into the solid stone beneath her.
"Aaaaaaagh-!" The scream she let out ripped through her vocal cords, but it was cut short by the blood that rose up from her throat and spilled over her lips. She choked on it, coughs racking her body as the man dug his sword even deeper into her intestines. Her fingers twitched as they rested at her sides, the luminescence of her pupils beginning to fade into a dulled gray. Beneath her attacker, she lie in a puddle of her own blood, her ivory dress stained crimson and torn by the sharp edge of his blade.
Lucia tried and failed to sit up, the thrum of her pulse slowing to a crawl as she gazed up at the stars above, watching as they swirled around in her blurred vision. Am I... dying? She was too far gone to fear death anymore. Instead, her heavy eyelids began to close, a single tear escaping her lashes as it slid down her cheek and soaked into the cracked earth of her final resting place. "... Why...?" One word was all she could manage to rasp out, a single question meant for the ears of her killer. But would knowing the reason for her demise really bring her peace?
He slid his blade out of her flesh in one motion, flicking the blood off of it before returning it to its hilt. "You're the last of Cordelia's lineage. When you meet her in the afterlife, you ought to ask her that."
Cordelia... She'd never heard that name before. Her head slumped to the side as she breathed in painfully, barely registering the way that the man turned his back on her and left her for dead. So she did have a family somewhere out there... At least now she might finally get the chance to reunite with them. Embrace me, Lady Oracleis...
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