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Question Question about Request Thread Limit


Jun 5, 2016
Santiago, Chile
So, from what I understand from the rules everyone is entitled to 2 Request threads tops for each area. So basically 2 for the male thread and 2 for the female thread.

What I am not sure on if making threads in both the On-site and Off-site sections of the forum COUNTS as those 2 slots? Or do those still count as 1 thread per area?

I want to make a new thread for more super-specific ideas in my head, but I'm not sure if by having a general request thread in both On-site and Off-site sections i'm already at the Limit.
On-Site and Off-Site are two different sections, so the forums are completely different. You can have two in each, so two in On-Site Females, two in Off-Site Females, so on and so forth.
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