- Joined
- Jul 24, 2020
- Location
- Northern Europe
Voyages of The Nibelungen
In a galaxy that is a mixture of a little bit of everything, from Star Trek to Stargate to Battlestar Galactica to everything else and anything we can conjure up on our own. Basically the only limitation is our own imagination. My own contributions will probably be highly inspired by norse and germanic mythology (as is probably already obvious). The once dominant battleship The Nibelungen is being restored and readied to set out on a voyage through the galaxy, now as a pirate ship more than anything else, but also with an ambition to restore the dominance of the Jötunn Galactic Empire. Now though they are facing a new alliance called The Federation of Planets (of which Earth is now a member).
What is needed is of course a bridge crew and other crew members as well.
GM: @Colonel_Liam
The positions of Captain, First security officer and Helmsman are already filled by Myself which leaves:
On Bridge:
Captain: Walküria Herjasdottir Sinmara(@MsBloom)
First Officer: Open
Security/Tactical Officer: Laaneth Undri(@MsBloom)
Navigator: Open
Helmsman: Sindra of the Völvur clan(@MsBloom)
Communicatons Officer: Open
Weapons Officer/Gunner: Open.
Medical Officer: Open
Off Bridge:
First Strike Team Leader: Open
Five more "Marines" (3 females, 2males) All Open
NPC: (played by our GM or whomever wants to create one, either temporarily (like an adversary in a raid) or more permanently).
Bridge servant, Captain's secretary
About The Jötunn and Jotunheimr
The Jötunn were once a dominant species that ruled a vast empire with an iron fist and The Nibelungen was the top predator of the galaxy. That was then when it was in its prime and its technology far surpassed that of most of its rivals. There was in fact only one ship that had even begun to match it, the Aesir Flagship Mjölnir. The two flagships ended up in an epic battle that left neither ship unscathed and (according to official Jötunn reports) was eventually won by Queen Järnsaxa Kárasdottir)then princess Commander-in-Chief and admiral of the Imperial Jötunn Fleet. The truth is that it ended in a draw when neither ship was able to fire at the other and an unofficial (secret) truce was negotiated and signed between the two empires. No official peace was ever negotiated, only a mutual non-aggression pact.
The Jötunn are a species of giants originating from the planet Jotunheimr which it shares with two other native species, Disir and Dokkalfár. While the former is an independent species of small but highly intelligent creatures from Jötunheimr's second largest moon Nidavellìr, The Dokkalfár are, like the Jötunn, a fiercely violent species that share many of the same qualities with them (though on average they stand about half ahead shorter).
The three species have cohabitated the Jotunheimr starsystem in a symbiotic peace for as long as there are written records (almost) although (being the only one of the three who dwell on the planets surface) The Jötunn are the dominantspecies and official representatives of Jotunheimr, and have always been while The Disir and Dokkalfár are considered autonomous minorities and for the most part Oath bonded to a Jötunn clan.
On Jotunheimr there is also a fourth,non native, species that is a remnant from the first inhabited outpost of The Jötunn Empire: Earth …
When the Jötunn first arrived on Earth there was no Homo Sapiens but there were Neanderthals and Denisovans who were of course easily enslaved by the "Giants", Adult Neanderthals did after all range in height between 158-168 cm (the latter probably considered unusually tall). Compared to them a species that stood at 225 cm on average would have been just that,giants.
What happened then was that these Giants bred with both species but after some time realised that not all the offspring born by the indigenous humanoid females became Jötunn but resembled their mother more than their father. This offspring did grow taller than the indigenous humanoids, (due to their Jötunn DNA), were more nimble and agile if perhaps notstronger but they were not Jötunn, nor were they Neanderthals or Denisovans. They were ... drum roll please ... Homo Sapiens.
Upon eventually leaving Earth having stripped it of the resource they originally came for they brought some of this new species of humans with them to use as slaves on their homeworld Jotunheimr. The humans thrived and after a millennia or two there was a rather sizeable population of Homo Sapiens on Jotunheimr (mainly on the continent of Midgard … The human population however, (while altogether greater than both the other minorities together), is not considered autonomous and are as such under direct rule from The Jötunn.
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