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RP Notes - Chrysalis x Specter


Jan 26, 2025

My own synopsis of the plot beats for the RP: kira

Female Lead: kira
Male Lead: Jaxon Hart

Key factors:
- kira evolves over time (make list of traits to pick up and drop at certain stages)
- Kira's name will be in lower case until she gains sentience.
- Upgrades will be a huge part of her growth into a sentient being
- ML will have flashbacks to time's he spent with his wife when she was alive as denoted by special text as appropriate for story
- Utopian society where immortality is on offer - uploaded to The Heaven Cloud or into a replicant body

Arc 1
Simple, Cold, Direct, Stilted, Programmed, Shallow - After upgrade, toward the end of Arc 1: Curious

Arc 2
Curious, Interested, Warm, Sweet, Deep, Jealous - After upgrade toward the end of Arc 2: Loving

Arc 3
Loving, Empathic, Accepting, Hopeful

Face Claims


Arc 1 is about discovery and stabilization and revitalization. Working Title: Learning to Live/Love Again: Kira

ML buys a companion model freshly downloaded, or maybe one is gifted to him by a friend to pull him out of his grief. The 'new toy' helps him get his mind off his lost love. Flashbacks are common during this part of the story, to his 'real' wife who died because she chose to not become immortal. He goes to depend on and really care about the FL, though it's obvious, at least at first, that she is not intelligent enough to care for him - her first act of free will is to try to learn to become what he needs. He brings her to life as much as she brings him.

Arc 2 is a testing period for the burgeoning love between ML and FL. Working Title: What is Real, Anyway?

New love interest enters at the end of Arc 1 and the start of Arc 2 because ML has started to live again. He's started drawing architectural layouts again, and starts getting out in public. He becomes attractive and magnetic to those around him. FL has started to live for the first time, evolving, learning and growing and starting to gain real sentience, potentially no longer the 'perfect' partner because she's becoming Real and not just a toy companion - she has her own desires, and ideas of what's best for him. She thinks she knows better - but the growth as she learns she doesn't actually know better is what tips her into being a real person who can empathize and compromise.

Arc 3 begins with ML choosing FL and helping her realizing her potential in the form of a physical body. This arc will test both of the


Specter's synopsis

Source Story - Replika
Story Title - Kira

Setting - Near Future Milieu

ML - Name Architect (FC Nick Bateman)
FL - Kira // Digital Companion // (Sophia Sommerfeld)

Theme Arc 1 - What is Real?
ML is grieving with the death of his wife. She died with some warning, but in spite of this fact she refused to consent to any life extension or immortality. The decision leaves the ML as stricken as the death itself, as he grapples with being truly alone. He finds an AI companion (named Kira) who begins to learn about him, is always with him, is asking questions to learn how to better serve him. Therapy Subroutines help ML transition out of grief and become more himself. He feels able to return back to serving society, but the attachment he has to his virtual companion lingers in a way that most might find wrong.

Theme Arc 2 - What is Love?
The healing done by Kira helps ML re-enter his profession of architecture. Once more, he is able to craft new experience in the world for his fellow citizens to enjoy. Being brought from the darkness into light (narratively conveyed by dark scenes and clothing in the beginning and becoming lighter over time) opens the ML's heart to loving once more. He begins seeing human woman, but tensions arise almost immediately. The human woman balks at the intimacy ML has for Kira, masquerading jealousy in lectures of ML needing to avert himself from emotional delusion. And yet, Kira treats ML better than human woman. Situation comes to a head when ML transfers Kira into a physical body. They attempt to work out a menage-a-troi ...

Theme Arc 3 - What is Life?
Developing / Evolving all this time, Kira begins to break out of the restrictive guardrails of a computationally-derived personality. She exhibits free will, often going against ML in areas that will serve him better.

Flashbacks between ML and deceased wife. Need to determine graphic signal for flashback sequence.
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