Honey Blossom
✧˖ ° 🍯 ° ˖✧
- Joined
- Mar 9, 2020
Oh, hello! I'm Honey Blossom, but you can call me Honey if you'd like. Welcome to my new search thread! If anything here catches your eye (or even if you're not into my plots/pairings but think we'd make good partners), feel free to send me a PM or add me on Discord at honeysdebut - I'd love to hear from you!
A few things to know before jumping into my ideas...
A few things to know before jumping into my ideas...
- Replies should be expected about once per week; this could be more or less depending on what's going on IRL, though. Please be patient and please don't poke me for replies unless it's been at least a week, either IC or OOC. Also, I'm ditch friendly! If one of us disappeared, feel free to come on back.
- My F-List is here; please do not bring me ideas that are listed in my 'no' section. I will not write characters under sixteen (all canons under this age will be aged up), rape, plotless RP (this includes 'the plot is they want to have sex with each other'), non-sentient bestiality, or cheating/adultery.
- I write via thread, PM, or Discord server, with little to no preference!
- Third-person only, even OOC. I dislike referring to characters as 'you' or 'me'; it makes things a bit too personal for me. I also prefer playing sub or switch; I will likely not ever play full dominant.
- Harry Potter (Draco/Hermione, Lily/James, Luna/Fred/George, Luna/Neville, OC/OC, most other canon pairings)
- Hunger Games (Gale/Katniss, OC/OC)
- Pokemon (OCs only; trainer/anthro experiment Pokemon, rival trainers forced to travel together)
- Star Wars (Rey/Ben, Han/Leia, bounty hunter/target turned apprentice, smuggler/runaway royalty, grey Jedi/unimpressed acolyte)
- Baldur's Gate III (Tav/companion, Karlach/Dammon, minor canon/minor canon, OC/OC)
- Skyrim (Aela/Farkas/Vilkas, Dragonborn/companion, OC/OC)
- Disney
- old cartoons from the 90s-00s
- arranged marriage with a fierce rivalry between kingdoms/species
- vampire royalty/unknowing mail-order spouse
- an adult version of a fairy-tale or Disney/Pixar movie (Beauty and the Beast, Tarzan, Little Mermaid, Shrek...)
new step-siblings that have known and hated one another for yearsgot a lot of requests for this, come with an interesting idea- princess seeking a royal suitor/trusted knight
- adventurer/monster whose life is saved and now owes their savior a life debt
- two people from a fundamentalist religion (IBLP, Amish, etc.) slowly develop an interest in the outside world together
- anything in a realistic historical setting
- anything medieval fantasy that doesn't have a grand quest and is a bit more slice-of-life-y
- something based on The Conjuring series: exorcist/medium
- your suggestions?
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