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Mx Female Action, Romance, Headbutting


Mar 9, 2019
If you have ideas, or want to see a more general thread look here. I wrote that 5 years ago, don’t judge me.

All right bare with me as I talk about myself for as little an amount of time as possible.

About me:

I'm a male, in my 30's. I've been roleplaying for at least a decade and consider myself a literate writer who posts 3-10 paragraphs in replies. I love plotting, scheming in OOC for where the story will go, and generally chatting about what's going on in the story. It's like being a fan of our own book. With that, I promise I will not be looking for some relationship or weird connection outside of the story. If we click well OOC talking about our story, it's often easy to keep it going though! So no silent writers!

I said as little time as possible about myself right? Okay I gotta finish quick! Kinks! …I don't have any. If our characters are vanilla, or have your typical rough, hair pulling, loud smut scenes great! Spicy moments that don't end in sex, also great(and awesome for build up). But I have no desire to start diving into bondage or all the "philia" ending words out there. Thats not to say a character can't have a dominant/submissive personality, I just don't really like to corner the market on my own character's personality like that.

Things I like in a story:

  • Action!!!!!!!
  • Bickering and head butting
  • Enemies to lovers!!!!!!
  • Good looking characters
  • Flawed personalities. I like to write my characters as less than perfect people. Whether that's anger, some form of greed that leads them to bad decisions. Anything but a perfect white knight
  • Adding to that I even enjoy playing the bad guy, perhaps coincidentally helping the good side. Who knows if he can be trusted? :)
  • Surprises!!! I love plotting, but I also love throwing curveballs once we've clicked. Sudden events you didn't see coming, nothing story derailing!
  • Politics, wars, shaky diplomacy…I love things teetering on the edge.
  • Medieval
  • Sci fi(space, ships, cool suits)
  • Fantasy
  • Forbidden love(not incest, but two people that are breaking rules. Whether that's in fact enemies to lovers, a royal and non royal…anything to fit the bill)
  • Strong women!!!!! None of the helpless, quiet, hurt stuff. Either she's got a strong mind and mouth(no pun intended lol), or she'll stab a bitch kinda thing. Both doesn't hurt either!
  • The story not having to take it self 100% serious. I like funny moments sometimes. Not necessary, but I enjoy witty lines so much.

I could probably go on and on here…but I'll spare you! We can talk more if you're interested once you endure this post!

Original Plots!

Set in a Medieval fantasy time.

The Vampire Kingdom has been known as the Outer Realm. Residing in a land that rarely sees the sun, the vampires themselves have seldom ventured outside its borders. It's been centuries since the last Great War. YC's kingdom, along with several others, had been assisted by the vampires in ensuring the continent wasn't shattered by an overwhelming horde of orcs lead by an evil sorceress. That time is mostly forgotten, the human leaders long since passed. Contact with the vampires has been lost, and no one could know where they stand now if allegiances needed to be reformed. MC, the High Vampire King Valian was considered evil in his own right. It was sheer reluctance with which he committed his kingdom to assisting the human realms in their war for survival. Until then, vampires were rarely seen just as they are now. Anyone who ventures near or into the Outer Realm is seldom seen again. But, a new threat is emerging. The kingdoms torn as a fearless leader searches to dominate the continent. YC's kingdom and only a few others have refused to bend the knee to him. If this new leader gains control of the continent, perhaps the vampires will once again assist in preventing it. Surely King Valian would rather the humans be separated rather than united under one rule.

YC can be anything in this: A Queen ruler, a Princess, a General, an emissary, a spell caster, a mixture of any 2. Hell you can change it up and make her a different race, elven? It's all up to you where she fits in this.

In the beginning the world knew dragons as a terrifying species. Akin to natural disasters, an entire kingdom could be thriving one year and be gone the next after inciting their wrath. Dragons went from being worshipped, to be feared, to ultimately being hunted as the centuries ticked away. After 300 years they were rarely seen, and when they were, great forces were raised to vanquish them. Except one. One mighty dragon that always eluded forces, slaughtered hundreds sent to slay him and retreated into volcanic lands. Until one day an unknown elven warrior adept in fire magic emerged. Making the journey into the volcanic lands alone, he returned having slain the dragon, his proof being a single scale that he's dawned ever since as a shield. Geron the Dragonslayer he was named. Any doubts of him were quickly lost as he proved a force to be reckoned with in many wars across the decades to follow. The scale was capable of blocking magic, his ability with a sword just as fluid as his spell casting, making him dangerous even when he's exhausted his magic. However, the world is always looking for a new threat to extinguish for glory. Where dragons were once what people feared. Now it is the elves. The humans have risen to wipe their beauty, wisdom, and haughty superior nature from the lands.

MC will be Geron. YC can play any roll you would like. A human who sympathizes with the elves. Perhaps she has her own force/small kingdom. Or, some elven royal or warrior. She could even be someone who already fights alongside Geron. At this point Geron has already made his way to leading forces within in elven kingdom. There's twists in this story, though you may have already guessed one. If not, I'm not telling you until the secrets out :).

More to come as I find the desire to keep writing out plots!

Fandom Plots!

Now I'll be honest. I just finished the 5th book of the ACOTAR series and my muse is heavily influenced and at an all time high. I would love to create our own characters, perhaps at a different time in the future come up with something. I have something ideas, but it would be a brain splat on this post. Let me know if ACOTAR left a hole in your life and you'd like to write something in that world too! We'll make a plot!

I'm not a huge fandomer, so that's all for now. More to come if I manage to get through the Crescent City books. Book 1 is a rough start.

Pairings/Themes Without Plot Ideas(Yet)

-Arranged Marriage
-Enemies to Lovers!!!
-Enemy Situation-ship!!
-Mafia x Any
-Medieval Pairs (Any)
-High/Low Medieval Fantasy Pairs
-Space Sci Fi Pairs
-Being the bad side!!!!!!
-Slice of Life…but it’s gotta be toxic/funny/clever…something

Okay stopping here! I'll add in more plots, I've got some in my head, just don't want to spend all of today writing them out. Please drop me a message if you'd like to start one of these, or have an idea that sounds right up my alley!
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Lady of the Lake

Her entire existence has centered on granting a sword to a worthy warrior. What happens when that warrior finally appears? Giving him the sword suddenly leaves her life without meaning. What you do with YC from there is entirely your decisions(obviously right?). Does she ask to come along to see where this sword takes him? Maybe she decides not to give it to him, and says she has to see if he is worthy(even though she already knows the answer). Build her how ever you wish!

MC? A king, a prince, a mercenary leader? Maybe a wandering adventurer even. We can discuss!

Til Death Do Us Part

Enemies to Lovers. What happens when a a war ends and our two characters are forcibly married to solidify a lasting peace? I like the idea of them being equal. Perhaps throughout the story they must split time between his families palace and hers. I’d love to add some history between them. Is she a warrior princess and they’ve fought each other before? If she isn’t a combat related character, maybe she narrowly escaped capture when he sacked a city during the war. This one should be all sorts of heated. Verbal and physical fights(not abuse, this is only if you also intend to make her a skilled combatant. Let them beat on each other!)

Bring your ‘woman scorned’ toxic character who will shit on his day just as much as he will hers. I will be extremely happy.
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