“Of course.” Emond nodded with all the feigned deference of a crocodile as he drew up the biometric monitoring data on one of the monitors, glancing at his mentee as the lines of stubborn determination writ large upon her brow. Though Jane had turned her back to him for a modicum of decency, he had a full view as the lithe blonde undressed, forced to contend with being far more exposed than a mere EKG would require. To her credit, Jane’s voice never once waivered, never once betrayed her even if her trembling fingers did. “Understood. No deviations, Jane. You’ll engage with the simulation on exactly the same terms as Mr. Forrester did. Once it has begun, there’s no easy way to intervene while preserving the experience. If your vitals start to become concerning, however, there’s a counteragent,” he gestured to a smaller needle and vial, “which will help bring you out faster. However, the counteragent does tend to scramble recollection of events while using the NEUR-CON. Sort of like a vague dream you can’t piece together.”
Again, he set up another ‘out’ for the younger blonde to take should she feel overwhelmed, knowing full well the concern and doubt he was expressing would be heard as if he were testing her resolve. After all, that same drive and unwillingness to back down was one of the traits Emond most admired and made him recommend Jane for the position. Offering a firm smile and nodding toward the ominous sleekchair, he shifted his attention from the disrobed trials coordinator trying to preserve a semblance of modesty back to the computer monitors. The chair - more like a table with its angle being nearly parallel to the ground – contoured to Jane’s back, encouraging her hips into a slightly tucked position rather than being perfectly straight. From the way her legs pressed against the leg-rests it was evident they were constructed to swivel open like a gynecologist’s examination chair. Similarly, the arm-rests could be pivoted to change the angle her arms extended from her body. Bright light streamed down from above, washing her body in clinical white illumination.
“The IV drip takes about 20-30 minutes to kick in, and I’ll finish wiring you in during that time. The simulation itself seems to run 60 to 90 minutes for most participants.” Rolling over a ketamine drip, Emond stood over Jane for a moment as he got several alcohol pads prepared and slid a pair of blue nitrile gloves on. Clipping a blood pressure monitor over one of her fingers, he then tested her right arm for a vein, the slippery sensation of the nitrile material haunting her forearm. “There’s often a sense of time dilation within the simulation experience – seeming like it has been several hours when in fact only one has passed, or simply losing track of time. A little pinch…” He slid the IV needle into Jane’s arm with trained precision, taping it in place. After a moment there was a sensation of something slightly cool flowing into her bloodstream, but soon that was barely noticeable. “How is that?”
Moving towards her head, the pock-marked face of her mentor was upside down as he readied a black mesh cap attached with diodes. “This is for the electroencephalogram to monitor your brain activity,” he slid it over Jane’s hair carefully, leaving it snugly wrapped around her while also keeping hair out of her face, like a strange swimming cap. Gesturing to one of the monitors which he flipped around so Jane could see, Emond pointed to a live graph and a computer rendered image of Jane’s brain. “There you are. Brighter areas are points of activation. A lot of prefrontal cortex activity is normal when anxiety is elevated. To answer your question…” He opened one of the alcohol pads, looking down at Jane’s exposed body with a certain appreciation crossing the lines of what was appropriate. “There are liminal phases entering the simulation and coming out of it, but any physical pain or discomfort will not continue beyond the session. However, you may experience autonomic reactions in your body during the simulation… uncontrolled twitching or limbs moving involuntarily. It can be disconcerting, but it’s completely normal. I’ll be strapping you in so – for example – you don’t accidentally twist the needle or disrupt the diodes gathering your biometrics.” Nothing about Emond’s safety talk left Jane with much reassurance.
“This might be a bit cold,” he offered as he brought the alcohol pad along Jane’s clavicles, the sleeve of his dark shirt grazing her nipple. He wiped under her left breast at the top of her ribcage, and then dangerously close to just above her left areola. “Perhaps they didn’t run an EKG during your physical? Typically it’s reserved for older employees, but it gives us essential information about your heart function.” He wiped down Jane’s abdomen to the left and right of her belly button in discrete small movements till he stopped at the hem of her lace panties. “I’ll also be attaching a TENS device to your abdomen that both registers abdominal fluctation and if you do develop a muscle cramp –it’s unlikely, but I’ve seen two cases – it can deliver very low level e-stim to soften the muscular contractions.” Silently attaching the white sticky pads to specific spots on Jane’s body, Emond word with the sort of cold precision that typified his work, making sure each pad stuck correctly despite the slightly slimy gel against her skin. He then attached the diodes for the EKG heart monitor and the TENS device on her abdomen. It wasn’t electroshock. It wasn’t. A TENS device was different. It wasn’t.
Drip drip. The IV sent ketamine into her veins at steady intervals. “If you have any nausea, notify me right away - there’s an anti-nausea medication I have on standby if you need it.”
Pointing to a screen, he smiled that cheshire smile at Jane, “And there’s your heart rate data. You’re feeling anxious?” It was more than an understatement, more like a blatant lie, as Jane’s biometrics were jumping erratically all over the map. Pulse fluttering. Blood pressure too high. Pulling a strap from the arm of the chair, he secured it around Jane’s right arm, keeping it pinned to the arm-rest, before moving to her other side to repeat the same restraint on her other arm. She wasn’t just trapped by her own stubornness, now she was physically trapped.
“I’m going to lower the NEUR-CON visor,” he gestured to the white and black face mask that looked like something out of a virtual reality exhibition hall that hovered above the chair. “I want you to get a feel for it physically first. The simulation is not running yet, alright? Here we go. If you have any claustrophobia, we can stop.” Pressing a button there was a disconcerting electronic whine before the face mask lowered down, foam pressing lightly against the sides of Jane’s face until her eyes were completely covered. It should have been entirely black, but there was a very faint sense of light moving at the edges, as if there were indistinct silhouettes playing in her peripheral vision. “OK, pupil dilation online. Breath tracking online. You’re looking good, Jane. Part of your initial synchronization within the simulation will feel like a lie detector test. I’ll be asking you very easy true/false statements to establish a baseline.” As he spoke, Emond brought up a neck brace under Jane’s neck, clearly designed to keep her from involuntarily twisting her head out of the visor. “Ah, so let me attach the perineum monitor. One moment…” His nitrile covered hand rested on Jane’s shoulder for a heartbeat before Emond moved to the side.
Pulling straps from the chair, Emond secured them just above Jane’s knees, keeping her legs restrained to the leg-rests. A disconcerting electronic buzz came from the chair before the leg-rests began sliding apart, not just to the side but at an angle causing her knees to bend slightly. They didn’t stop, instead opening wider and wider, enough so that Emond could practically stand in between her parted legs. He was counting on Jane’s stubborn pride keeping her from backing down, even as any semblance of control was stripped away from the erudite employee. “Apologies for the discomfort…” After a moment of a few mechanical sounds, Emond brought a gimble arm with a small black rubbery sphere between Jane’s legs…
Drip drip. Drip drip. Blackness was threatening to swallow the edges of her visual consciousness.
Gripping the edge of her panties, Emond pulled them to the side, utterly exposing the blonde without any sign of remorse or hesitation. He directed the small black rubbery sphere to lightly contact against her sensitive perineum between her ass and her cunt. Immediately, he released the edge of her panties which slid back mostly into place, save for the disruption of the rubbery sphere.
Sounds echoed as if there were other people’s voices somewhere in the concrete compound, but the language wasn’t English. Kazakh maybe? A dialect of Russian or Chinese? Indistinct shapes were moving in the darkness. Her hands were…were they zip-tied to the chair?
“Let’s start slow. Please state your full name.” It was Emond’s voice, but the way his voice carried in the space was all wrong. The echoes were of a different nature entirely: “Testing the TENS device, three, two, one…” Jane’s abdomen and hips quaked involuntarily, causing the black rubbery sphere to rub against her, or rather for her to rub against it. “What is your height and weight?”
“And for establishing a negative baseline, can you say: ‘I am a Russian intelligence agent’, please.” Emond was there with her, but it was as if he wasn’t sitting by her side but standing closer to her feet. Drip drip. The machine didn’t lie.
“Now Jane, it is important you answer the next two questions honestly. If you lie there will be consequences…” A disconcerting electronic buzz simmered in the darkness of the detention cell. Detention cell? “Are you sexually attracted to Sergeant Ryan Forrester? Yes or no, please.” The buzzing was intensifying like some sort of charge building in the background. Emond was present in his same clothes near her feet with his arms crossed, a clipboard in one hand, and a well of shadow capturing his eyes. “And what would you like to do with Mr. Forrester’s cock? Please be specific and honest, for your sake…”