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[WB] The Breeding Law Timeline [WIP]

Mister Wanderer

Dec 29, 2024
Note OOC: This is meant to be an alternate timeline. This is no way reflect real life and will have 'science fiction-like' elements.

Second Edit just in case: This thread may have things with implication of non-con and infidelity. If any of two things disturb you, please avoid reading.

On November 27, 2025, an unnamed Scientist discovered a new concept within the human body. At the time it's full understanding was unknown, but this discovery would be of 'Compatibility'.

Is the science that two people, usually of opposite gender, are compatible with each other by a certain percentage. This concept was first made famous by fictional novel with the concept of "the one" or "soul mate". The Scientist were able to find something tangible. The Compatibility also determines the likelihood of said couple having children. A couple with 10%-15% compatibility will struggle to produce a child while a couple with 60% will be more likely. The Compatibility is said to have a 0% failure. Once two people with high compatibility (high compatibility meaning 55% or above) become 'in love'.

The discovery of compatibility was first taken as a joke to the public. Married couple would take the Compatibility exam only to discovery they were 10% compatible (a fairly low number on the scale). Best friends would take the test and post their results on social media. It was used a quick trend for couple of all ages to giggle at. What they didn't know is that Compatibility would be the reason leading to the eventual Breeding Law the world would adopt.
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Online Blog Journal of Erik Faulc (Translated from German to English). Written in 21st of November, 2028. Time: 20:03:42.

To who may read this in the future. This is in hopes to be the earliest records in case the world has changed drastically. Honestly, maybe it also hopes to be one published in a grander novel.

Let me say this, this did not begin in 2028. No this began all the back in 2026. The news made it clear. Birth rates have hit an all time low in every country. Despite efforts in 2025, the world has not recovered. This is quite strange as marriage rates have been on the rise while divorce rates plummeted. In most first world countries, the economy made it where having children was once again viable. There wasn't a clear explanation, but the public was not concern. I certainty wasn't. I didn't even know how low birth rates were falling. A phenomena? I am religious and believe in god, but even I never thought of an act of god. Divine Punishment?

These may sound like ramblings, but I am trying to relate to the lawmakers. Whatever the case, this led to a public meeting between World Leader in April of 2026. It was public, but it did not garner attention. The odd forum mentioned it, but strangely never garnered attention. Should it? I can't say, but the reports were fascinating coming out. The World Leader discussed 'Compatibility'. No, not the actual word, this new source found within people. I won't go into much detail, but let's just say some couples can find out how likely they are to have children and from previous report, it had a 0% chance of failure rate.

The Americans seemed to have made a 'online trend' of this where 'couples' would see compatibility. Taken as a joke... I am getting ahead. Let me not get ahead because something that was implied here would be important later.

After this meeting, at the very least, the public did not see anything strange with the world leaders. Though, looking at it now, it became apparent there was plans. Hindsight is truly a magical sense... most world leaders began to visit hospitals and have more meetings with scientist. Where was this during the climate crisis? I should not get political.

Let's move to the next meeting. The meeting of January 2027. A meeting that was more private, but information have been leaked. I will discuss this information as if was going on then in the timeline, but know that this information was leaked a year later... Nearly 27 million adult men and women took the first stages of compatibility. Barring rare exception, most turned out to be not compatible or 10% compatible (which is bad). The leaders took note of this seeing that the lack of compatibility has led to the a drop of birth rates. They have actually gone farther and checked if within the 27 million that took the compatibility, there were any compatible with each other that never took it. They found that most people paired with strangers had high compatibility, 60% or higher.

What do I think of this? Madness of course. But if I take opinion out... they were faced with a crisis in the meeting during April 2026 and seemingly found the solution in January 2027. They discovered they could find people who were compatible.

The ethics could be essays. In the coming days there will essays on why it's wrong to use this information of compatibility for what they did next. Sorry, I always wanted to be a dramatic writer...

If you're reading this from the future. Maybe what I am saying is all, but a distant memory... The day was 21. The month November. And the Year 2028. When these meeting accumulated with almost all world leaders proclaiming that a new law needed to be passed. The Breeding Law. Where people with high compatibility must produce a child.

Madness. Nothing more. Protests have begun. At least online. A forum shows there will women marching in Berlin feeling this is a clear attack on women's autonomy of choice. What about me? I sadly work in a factory. I dream of being a writer. I may protest one day. I don't know. Maybe I am being over dramatic and this 'Breeding Law' will die with laughter and shame. Who knows. I will try to update as soon as I can. Thank you for reading my blog!
OOC: The App is meant to be TikTok format.

The Following Transcript was collected in a Social Media app. Although, not the first of it's kind, this was the one spread around showing the anti-breeding law that happened in December of 2028. Foul language is not altered, but the user did self censor or censor. This short video was posted on 15 of December, 2028. The day was friday and this video was posted by user GloriaDaBezt or Gloria Hunnington (surname at the time).

[Video begins with a corner screen shot of a social media post by the US Government proclaiming: To those wondering, the U.S. Government has sent out letters to any affiliate that tested a high compatibiltty with another affiliate. This is for the sake for all people. Gloria is in the center shaking her head pointing at said screen shot]

[Video cuts to an angled close up as she adjust her phone]

"This is crazy ya'll. These mother... truckers..." [Gloria begins to laugh. She quickly says a censored word, implied to be 'fuck'.

Video cuts to her glaring and beginning to rant.

"Okay like w-who do they think they are sending these letters to. They sent one to me!? To me!?" [Gloria shows an ring]. "Girl like... no... I can't even... slapping needs to be legalize cause is this for real? Are ya'll for real?" [Gloria reaches and shows the letter of Compatibility]. "Ya'll send me a letter using my surname! My surname that isn't my maiden name. You know what that means..." [Gloria pauses, glaring]. "That means I am married! I am married! I been married for 10 (beep) years! Sorry, I can't..." [she puts her hand to the camera and it cuts]. "Like... I have 2 kids with my husband. What the fudge are they sending me a letter telling me I'm compatible with some guy in France. I don't even know French. I think most French people don't even know English. What...? I'm supposed to forget about the ring I had for ten years for some guy because I am 60... 64% compatible with him...?" [Gloria glares at the camera]. "This is crazy. Ya'll expecting me to tell my husband and children" [Begins a mocking voice.] "Golly, I'm sorry, but I need to go have a baby with a French guy. Government said so. Fudge the Government! Fudge them! I hate that I have to censor myself for this ridiclousness!? Ya'll need god! Ya'll clearly lost God if you're telling a happily married woman she needs go produce children with some guy from France. I'm from (censors, probably accidenally revealing information... her location... she didn't know people knowing) and I need to meet a guy in France. This is crazy... I am appalled..."

This video was posted and garnered 29.9k likes. 250 comments.

The comments were overall in support.

Not all though.

The most promiment comment was a user by LidyaWenderton: Doesn't hurt if you don't try. I have a kid with my ex husband, but the guy I'm compatible with... it's different.

Most replies were calling this user fake or a bot. Even the user made a video reply making fun of the user.

Lidya Wenderton was someone who looked for the man she was 75% compatible with, apparently out of curioisty. She ended up having sexual intercourse with this man and immediately ended up pregnant. She filed for divorce with her husband. By the time the comment was made, the divorce was still being processed. Lidya would comment in her local newspaper days before the comment: "I didn't think it was real, but meeting Benny... I don't know... I am a religous person... I don't advocate cheating, but... I couldn't stop. I don't regret it. Compatibility works."
The following is the speech transcript of famed activist Gina Horwitz. She was a 28 year old and lived in England her whole life. The context is with the Breeding Laws becoming more anticipated to pass without letting the public choose, different protest rose up. A group called Unity Against Compatibility war formed. The group primarily was a women's group. It's origins are scattered, but by the time Gina Horwitz became it's spokeperson, they're message was clear: women should not feel the need to find who they are compatible with. In essence, the female activist group found The Breeding Laws were trying to make women into housewives. Although there was push back by different groups, the government would respond with: 'This law is to ensure the future. It is not about roles of genders at all.' This speech was made in response to that. It was said on March 3rd, 2029 around noon.

"Ladies, today we sadly cannot look forward. We need to look back to the 21st of November last year [2028]... we need to look back the day the people we pay our taxes to and the people who were sworn in to protect us... have abandoned us. The Breeding Law. It sickens me to say that such a thing exists. The Breeding Law states that a woman and man who have high compatibility must produce a child to ensure the future. The future? The future is unknown yet these people... no... brutes... these brutes think they have the means to control that. They claim that the law is not about roles of gender. This comment they made is ignorant to what they are proposing. They are forcing women to have children with strangers. And most likely are using this Compatibility to find 'their' perfect partner. How long until they send the military at our doors. Whether you're married, single, lesbian, trans... if you can produce a child, these beasts want you to have one. For what? A declining birth-rate that only they care about. Rape. This is what this is. The rape of women and I am ashamed that [prominent English female politician's name] would sign off the law. She is 64... the Breeding Law doesn't even effect her and she is signing away women's right to make the men happy. And I know my words are for women, but the first time I call for men to join us. Some of you have wives. You have sisters who are married. This law is ripping that apart whether they come for the man or the woman. I will say it... Fuck Compatibility... I don't care if there is a man who I am 100% compatible with based on it. I married James Yorkshire. He is my loving husband. I care about husbands too. And Compatibility wants to rip out. And not only men... but religious group. I know religion well, I have fought against it and the beliefs, but I now ask for unity. This is promoting infidelity to the worst degree. It is making rape legal. For all that is why we are Unity Against Compatibility. No matter if you're skin is different, your preference is different, or beliefs are different... we are together. We are unified. And we will not be told who is for us!"

This speech would ignite the UnAC for further action. Counter opinions would immediately spark. Surprisingly not from the government or someone hired, but mostly women (occasional men) who claim compatibility helped them find their true partner. Some of them saying they were disgusted, but Compatibility turns out be accurate. Gina would respond on social media with the post 'Women who support Compatibility. Especially those of you who were happily married and happily cheated on the partner with the person you claim to be 'compatible' with. You are reason they are going to violate a million of us [women]. Stop talking and get help'
Short Story:

Cassidy took small short breaths. She looked up at the blue sky and saw that it cloudy. She sat int he shade protecting her from the sun. Her pale skin still seemingly to glimmer in contrast to the dark rest lipstick and mostly black outfit she wore. She looked at her phone as the face lock activated to show forum with the title 'Women who take compatibility to have children are traitors'. The post was made 14 days ago on July 24th, 2029.

The bird chirped, making Cassidy escape from her trance. She smacked her lips a few time before putting the phone away, turning it off. She turned to the building with the name 'Compatibility Center - Dallas'. She looked around to see simple pedestrians walking. Cassidy put on her hoodie and quickly began to pace to the front entrance. She felt as is eyes were watching her, judging her. She began to gasp as she entered.

"C-Calm down!" She was immediately met with an security agent. The Defense of Compatibility United States (DCUS for short). They were a group formed when the protest and riots began. They were almost in the background. They're roll is to ensure two people compatible meet. A controversial group to many and a safety to some. The few who have said to be accepting of compatibility. "Ma'am, wait here..." the agent said before stepping away.

The lobby was... normal. Cassidy expected something like a prison or completely sterile. It was completely like any lobby to a building. She saw the agent go to the front desk clerk. "Ma'am come here!" He said.

Cassidy thought for a moment to run out the door. Her breath short before she shook her head and steeled herself. She marched to the front.

"Sorry, we need to know if you are Cassidy O'Shae? If you're not we're going to have to ask you to leave the premises-"

"I am Cassidy O'Shae... I..." Cassidy shook as she took out a purse. She dug out her identification and a 'Compatibility' card. The clerk took both and scanned the Compatibility.

"You're thirty minutes early..." the clerk mentioned.

"I-I just thought there would be a line or something... I thought coming early was like..."

"We understand," the clerk said before waving off the security guard who went to watch the front. "Ma'am, are you okay?"

"Should I be here?" Cassidy's voice shook as her eyes became watery. She had this puckered frown, "Half a year ago I stood outside this building and threw anything at you people yelling 'Unity over Compatibility'..."

The clerk had a still face, "I am not the one who should be speaking to?"

"Then who?" Cassidy gasped out, "am I a traitor?"

And before the clerk could continue, the elevator door rang. A woman wearing a red dress stepped out. The clerk immediately broke her still expression, "Miss Delia!"

"Hello," Miss Delia walked with a bright smile. "Cassidy O'Shae!" Miss Delia said with such familiarity, it shocked Cassidy. "Come now, we spoke on the phone. I mean briefly, but it's good to meet you."

Cassidy wiped her eyes and the tip of her nose, "g-good to see you."

"Come with me, we have much to discuss," Miss Delia pointed at the elevator. Cassidy looked over and the clerk before nodding and marching forward, keeping her head down. Miss Delia followed as Cassidy, shaking, entered the elevator with Miss Delia. "15th floor."

Cassidy hit the number 15 as the elevator doors closed. The elevator began to rise after dinging. Cassidy took in a loud inhale and exhaled as loud. "Everything is going to be alright?"

"I threw a bottle at you." Cassidy looked over at Miss Delia who raised a brow. "I threw a bottle at you about six months ago. T-The Riot? On Valentines. It was barely filled with iced coffee, but I got you right in the head."

"Miss O'Shae..."

"Cassidy! My name is Cassidy!"

A pause as Miss Delia spoke, "Cassidy, there is no ill will."

"W-Why!?" Cassidy yelled only staring at Miss Delia from the reflection of the elevator doors. "Is it cause I'm a traitor to what I once stood for? Is that it? Am I your poster girl?" Cassidy gulped before wiping a tear as it stream down black due to her mascara. "Am I going to be shown as once a protestor, now Compatibility Apologist?"

Miss Delia looked as the door of the elevator opened, "no, Cassidy, that is not the goal here." Miss Delia stepped out as Cassidy followed with a stern stride.

"Then what is...?"

"What I said on the phone... to meet the one you were Compatible with."

Cassidy stopped and clenched her fist. She let out a exasperated sigh, "this is ridiculous... why am I feeling this way?" Cassidy let some tears flow. She looked down for a moment before looking up ready to yell, but her eyes widened. She saw someone beside Miss Delia. A young man (similar of age). He seemed only slightly taller than Cassidy and had on a nice collared shirt. He looked like he could work in this building, but she could tell who he was.

"Cassidy, this is the one you were 78% compatible with... Julio Reyes." Miss Dalia had a warm smile, she turned to Julio, "both of you talk. I'll be in my office."

"Right," Julio said with a nod. He turned to Cassidy and stared at her. She stared back, her tear dripping down. She began to wipe as Julio chuckled, "I... I heard a lot about you."

Cassidy nodded, not being able to make eye contact. "I... It's nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too," Julio responded with a smile.

Cassidy wiped her eyes, smearing some make up. "Am I... what you expected...?"

Julio stopped, "I don't know how to answer that."

Cassidy snorted, finally being able to look at him. "Is that a safe response?"

"No it's just, I don't want to come off as shallow or anything."

"Right," Cassidy went back to averting her eyes. She rubbed the back of her head. "Julio... I... I barely dated guys I just met. I wasn't a 'one night stand' type of girl. Even with the guys who were super cute when I was a hormonal mess. I would say I thought 'love at first sight' was complete bullshit. I stood out there back in Valentines Day... the Valentines Day Riot... I was telling Miss Delia that I threw a bottle at her. That was the nicest thing I did during the Riots... I called the police and security 'rapist'. I meant it at the time too. I hated everything this place stood for."

Julio looked at Cassidy who slowly looked up at him, awaiting a response. "When did you want a child?"

Cassidy chuckled, rolling her eyes. "Fuck you." She glared at him, "fuck you for taking the compatibility test. Fuck you for coming here. Fuck you... for knowing what has been running through my head..." Cassidy turned and leaned against a wall. "Fuck...." She closed her eyes, letting tears fall. She could feel a pain on her chest as she clutched her fist. She began to fall to her knees, hearing Julio coming close. He simply knelt down, looking at her. She turned to look at him with a glare. "I know I don't look the part. I know you may see me as a alternative bi-sexual girl who hates the system, but I always wanted a kid. I always had baby fever. So to answer your question. Before the Breeding Law. Before the infertility rates plummeted... I wanted a baby."

Julio put his hand on her shoulder, she reached over and squeezed it. "And god... I just couldn't find the right guy. I turned 28 and I wanted to pretend that it didn't, but it did. And when the Breeding Law passed I waved the anti-banner so hard. Then... I saw the babies born from the first wave. And I took the Compatibility exam... I thought it was going to take years. Maybe I could ignore it, pretend it was to prove the Breeding Laws wrong. And they called me two weeks later. I was compatible with you."

Julio rubbed her shoulder, "I am no one special. I actually work in a plumbing job... nothing special... I just dig. I work in dirt and well... I wanted to earn money. I heard about the Compatibility..."

"The money," Cassidy snorted into a giggle.

"The money sounded good. It was what all my other co-workers told me. Free money. Make a child. I am not one with feminism or movements... not that I hate them, but like I don't make enough money in life and need to focus on work or else I strave. I took a Compatiblity exam the first day they introduced the Breeding Law. I want children too, I mean I would like to be able to have children. It just felt like I had a freedom and desire I could get. Two weeks ago, I got the call."

Cassidy winced when she heard how he wanted children. It was the way she felt. How life was going to move on despite her wants. And that she took the first opportunity to make it happen.

"You're not married?" Cassidy asked as Julio shook his head. Cassidy found herself staring into his brown eyes. "Would you have done this if you were married?"

Julio shrugged, "probably not. But I hadn't had time for a girlfriend in years. So, cheating wasn't going to be an issue. That said, all the men and women who had sex with the people they were compatible with..."

Cassidy nodded and said, "0% failure rate. All the couples who are 50% or more compatible will choose their Compatible partner over their spouse." Both Cassidy and Julio chuckled for a moment. They shared a look as Cassidy tilted her head. Her lips parted, but she gazed at Julio a bit more. A smile appeared on her face.

"I never had sex with a hispanic guy..."

"I never had sex with a white woman..." Julio smiled back.

Cassidy shrugged, "I... I want to get to know you before we..."

"Of course," Julio grabbed her hand and kissed it. Cassidy giggled and immediately leaned against him. They both sat there holding their hands and leaning agsindt each other. Looking forward, but not paying attention. They both were just making sure the other was comfortable. They both sat there. Two people. Two different lives. Two different perspectives. Brought together.

It was strange. Julio is a complete stranger. She wouldn't think to even look at him in any other circumstance. But here she was... feeling infuated... like he was compatible. Soon Cassidy would get up, still holding Julio's hand, ready for the next step
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