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[WB] The Breeding Law Timeline [WIP]

Dec 29, 2024
Note OOC: This is meant to be an alternate timeline. This is no way reflect real life and will have 'science fiction-like' elements.

On November 27, 2025, an unnamed Scientist discovered a new concept within the human body. At the time it's full understanding was unknown, but this discovery would be of 'Compatibility'.

Is the science that two people, usually of opposite gender, are compatible with each other by a certain percentage. This concept was first made famous by fictional novel with the concept of "the one" or "soul mate". The Scientist were able to find something tangible. The Compatibility also determines the likelihood of said couple having children. A couple with 10%-15% compatibility will struggle to produce a child while a couple with 60% will be more likely. The Compatibility is said to have a 0% failure. Once two people with high compatibility (high compatibility meaning 55% or above) become 'in love'.

The discovery of compatibility was first taken as a joke to the public. Married couple would take the Compatibility exam only to discovery they were 10% compatible (a fairly low number on the scale). Best friends would take the test and post their results on social media. It was used a quick trend for couple of all ages to giggle at. What they didn't know is that Compatibility would be the reason leading to the eventual Breeding Law the world would adopt.
Online Blog Journal of Erik Faulc (Translated from German to English). Written in 21st of November, 2028. Time: 20:03:42.

To who may read this in the future. This is in hopes to be the earliest records in case the world has changed drastically. Honestly, maybe it also hopes to be one published in a grander novel.

Let me say this, this did not begin in 2028. No this began all the back in 2026. The news made it clear. Birth rates have hit an all time low in every country. Despite efforts in 2025, the world has not recovered. This is quite strange as marriage rates have been on the rise while divorce rates plummeted. In most first world countries, the economy made it where having children was once again viable. There wasn't a clear explanation, but the public was not concern. I certainty wasn't. I didn't even know how low birth rates were falling. A phenomena? I am religious and believe in god, but even I never thought of an act of god. Divine Punishment?

These may sound like ramblings, but I am trying to relate to the lawmakers. Whatever the case, this led to a public meeting between World Leader in April of 2026. It was public, but it did not garner attention. The odd forum mentioned it, but strangely never garnered attention. Should it? I can't say, but the reports were fascinating coming out. The World Leader discussed 'Compatibility'. No, not the actual word, this new source found within people. I won't go into much detail, but let's just say some couples can find out how likely they are to have children and from previous report, it had a 0% chance of failure rate.

The Americans seemed to have made a 'online trend' of this where 'couples' would see compatibility. Taken as a joke... I am getting ahead. Let me not get ahead because something that was implied here would be important later.

After this meeting, at the very least, the public did not see anything strange with the world leaders. Though, looking at it now, it became apparent there was plans. Hindsight is truly a magical sense... most world leaders began to visit hospitals and have more meetings with scientist. Where was this during the climate crisis? I should not get political.

Let's move to the next meeting. The meeting of January 2027. A meeting that was more private, but information have been leaked. I will discuss this information as if was going on then in the timeline, but know that this information was leaked a year later... Nearly 27 million adult men and women took the first stages of compatibility. Barring rare exception, most turned out to be not compatible or 10% compatible (which is bad). The leaders took note of this seeing that the lack of compatibility has led to the a drop of birth rates. They have actually gone farther and checked if within the 27 million that took the compatibility, there were any compatible with each other that never took it. They found that most people paired with strangers had high compatibility, 60% or higher.

What do I think of this? Madness of course. But if I take opinion out... they were faced with a crisis in the meeting during April 2026 and seemingly found the solution in January 2027. They discovered they could find people who were compatible.

The ethics could be essays. In the coming days there will essays on why it's wrong to use this information of compatibility for what they did next. Sorry, I always wanted to be a dramatic writer...

If you're reading this from the future. Maybe what I am saying is all, but a distant memory... The day was 21. The month November. And the Year 2028. When these meeting accumulated with almost all world leaders proclaiming that a new law needed to be passed. The Breeding Law. Where people with high compatibility must produce a child.

Madness. Nothing more. Protests have begun. At least online. A forum shows there will women marching in Berlin feeling this is a clear attack on women's autonomy of choice. What about me? I sadly work in a factory. I dream of being a writer. I may protest one day. I don't know. Maybe I am being over dramatic and this 'Breeding Law' will die with laughter and shame. Who knows. I will try to update as soon as I can. Thank you for reading my blog!
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