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Reforming a Racist (DemonicOne x Sheena-Tiger)


Oct 1, 2024
United States
Isabellea was standing at the entrace for what looked like an old shoolhouse that had been abandoned a few years ago for one reason or another. She had made a deal with Nathalie to purchase a significant portion of her company but only on the condition that she pass a series of "reform classes" aimed at making her a better person. Of course there was no actual class here. Instead it was a ruse to put Nathalie in her place and show her that it was the 21st century and there was no place for racists in the world.

She stod waiting in a standard pantsuit for a woman. The matching purple button down top and pants to go with the black heels she was wearing as she was growing impatient and about to call off the whole thing since Nathalie was bordering on being late.

Full Name:Nathalie Niskanen
Age (looks):~30
Height:6'1'' / 185 cm
Other Details:
  • still owns >80% of her tech-company

Full Name:Isabellea
Hair:dark brown
Eyes:dark brown
Other Details:
  • far more progressive than Nathalie

Full Name:Ania Pasternak
Other Details:
  • works as chauffeur for Nathalie
  • immigrated from Poland
Today was the day the blonde woman had been waiting for almost all her life. Most people would say, she had everything but Nathalie was not of that same opinion. While it was true, that she was filthy rich, even she knew that her lifestyle would not be possible with her savings for the rest of her life, unless she would die within the next maybe 10 or such years. Her lifestyle was on the more expensive side of things but what would you expect from the founder and major owner of one of the largest and leading tech companies worldwide? Surely not that she would be living in a tiny apartment with a tiny car she had to drive herself, just to save money. No, she would keep her manor, the limousine and the sports car and the other cars along with her chauffeur and other employees. Nathalie had to agree that her maid was doing a really good job, despite being of a lower race, with her dark skin and all. None of those she had in her employ was of her own superior, white, race, and all of them was receiving barely more than the legally required payment, her chauffeur aside. Her name was Ania Pasternak though she was only called Ania. Nathalie actually did not know a lot about the younger woman, the fact she had immigrated from Poland aside.

All that aside, yes indeed this was the day, the day she had been working for since Highschool. It had been a long plan, very long in the making and she knew most people would never even consider doing something like this. Short sighted people, only having short term gains on their mind but she had been planning her early retirement since back ten. Te result had been all the work including her own company and ruling over it like a harpy. Nathalie had no illusion, she was not liked in her own company but nobody could do something about it. At the worst times, she had only owned 70% of the shares, right now the numbers were at 83%, nobody could touch her. What was the end goal though? Selling it all in 1 huge piece. That would net her a huge chunk of money while getting rid of all the responsibilities tied to the company. And a week ago someone had finally offered her exactly that. Sadly the creature had the audacity to include a ridiculous clause into the contract. Some nonsense about Nathalie having to go trough some kind of sensibility-course or something like that. Surely it was connected to her rules about who could be hired for what in her company. Naturally, by law, she was forced to accept everyone, regardless of their heritage. But she had found loopholes to ensure which kind of jobs could be assigned based on certain criteria. Of course, she had not been so dumb as making rules like "if you look like you come from Asia" or the likes, no together with a group of like minded lawyers everything was perfectly legal.

Somehow, even with having everything going by the law, it was pissing off people. In another world, the blonde would have bought up Isabella's company but it neither did fit her own companies profile nor was it financially possible. It was incredible, that dark skinned dog was offering double the money the shares were worth on the free market! In exchange, Nathalie would have to endure a week of farce called "reform classes". Nathalie checked her watch for maybe the 11th time now, only minutes to go. She had ordered Ania to wait out of sight of the address given to her for the start of this idiotic week. When they now started the motor they would be just on time, let that bitch boil and think Nathalie was not coming. She would have to learn who the superior person was, and that one clearly was looking as if she had been brought into the country to work on the cotton fields like Isabella's ancestors surely had. The rich CEO gave Ania a sign and shortly after, the limousine was stopping in front of a building that did remind her of a school. "Reform class... in a school... very funny." she thought to herself. Once the car had properly stopped, Ania left her place and walked around the limousine to open the door for her boss. Nathalia, in no rush at all, climbed out of the car, of course with a helping hand from her chauffeur, and straightened her clothes. Isabella was already waiting in front of the door, clearly not amused that Nathalie had been just on time. "She was thinking she was in control with her silly plan. But you do not mess with Nathalie Niskanen. I did build the company from nothing and in a time-span of a few years. I will crush you in this week, or was it 2 weeks? Whatever, I will get out of this with triple the money, not just double." Nathalie thought as she walked the distance from the car towards Isabella, a well trained smile on her face. "It's so good to finally see you again. How long has it been, a Month? To me it feels that long at least." the blonde said cheerfully, extending her hand. While she found creatures like Isabella disgusting and not worth her time, she knew how to play along to get what she wanted. And in this case, there was more money than she would ever need on the table.​
Isabella knew this was a power play from Nathalie. Making her wait until the last minute and then showing up perfectly on time and it was a move she fully expected but she was none the less annoyed by it. She pretended to try and she wasnt annoyed as Nathalie pulled up in her limo never one afraid to show off her wealth. Isabellea hid his displeasure as Nathalie approached and extended her hand. (Its never been long enough for me dealing with your racist ass but youre due to get yours starting today) "I think it has. And prior t that it had been since high school back in the day." She smiled and took her hand shaking it.

"So, are you read for your first day of classes? If so then by all means follow me." Isabella smirked and walked over to the door opening it and walking inside. Her own heels clicking along the tiled floor of the abandoned school as the pair walked through the halls and into a nearby classroom. "Go ahead and have a seat and we will go over the ground rules. I promise it wont take long and then we can begin your classes."
Full Name:Nathalie Niskanen
Age (looks):~30
Height:6'1'' / 185 cm
Other Details:
  • still owns >80% of her tech-company

Full Name:Isabella
Hair:dark brown
Eyes:dark brown
Other Details:
  • far more progressive than Nathalie

Full Name:Ania Pasternak
Other Details:
  • works as chauffeur for Nathalie
  • immigrated from Poland
Isabella seemingly caught her guest a bit off guard as she added "And prior to that it had been since high school back in the day.". The blonde pulled her hand slowly away from the darker skinned hand after they had finished shaking them. "High School? What is she talking about?" she wondered to herself, not interrupting the other or stopping her.

"I did have had more than enough classes in my life. I could really go without any more but life clearly does not want to play the same game I do." she replied as she followed Isabella inside the building. It was in good shape but clearly not fully taken care of for at least a couple months, maybe more. With windows and doors closed, she guessed, dust just settled down and nothing new collected. She could spot where people had passed through earlier, as if someone had inspected each room and maybe transported things through the empty place.

Nevertheless, right now she seemed very much alone with this abomination called Isabella, an abomination that would bring her fortune and a life without worries. "Just play along Nathalie, just play along. Time is your friend." The tall blonde looked around the room. There was nothing spectacular or really unexpected. The tables and chairs were almost entirely removed, by the looks of it for some as long as the building itself was empty. Not everything had been taken away and she sat down in the next chair behind a table. The surface was made from wood and many students must have had sat on this one, leaving behind marks in the surface, short messages, names and symbols, signs of all the lives this table had touched, in a way. "I am ready if you are. I am not expecting anything complicated though." was her answer, leaving out some additional comments how she was thinking about people of color and their mental capabilities. In no way she would destroy this chance for a comfortable life and spouting truths at this idiots face could end them far to quickly.​
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