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changing dynamics verseXdana lane

Yuta Kaori had been advancing in his group lately.

Shooting in ranks, really. But for an organization like the Yakuza, that also meant more risk. They trusted him with more and more tasks, which meant that he was also entitled to more and more rewards. One of the older men who lorded over the turf Yuta worked and lived in, Sono Itacthi, liked the youngster and his gusto. They had met when Yuta had sought the Yakuza out after having sold for one of their runners. Technically he'd already been introduced to the life, and had kind of a rank, but showing some initiative had gotten him under a higher boss. It had stirred ripples between Yuta and the low-level seller he'd been working with, but with Sono's backing, the seller had been removed and Yuta had taken his place.

His mother had been been against it from the beginning, and Yuta knew their close relationship would suffer for this new life head lead, but he couldn't very well be her little boy forever. He understood the budding complexes his nearness to her had garnered in him - he was well aware of his inclinations toward mature women when he got the choice - and he supposed this was one way to handle that. She had been broken hearted when her friend told her, but the ensuing argument had set her straight, or rather, her son had. It had been a rite of passage for both himself and her, finally introducing the firm hand in the family that her husband could not be.

It was this tall and dapper youngling that walked into Dana Lane's apartment now. Yuta wore a suit, as expected of him given his new position and responsibilities within the Yakuza, which was black, coupled with a busy print red shirt. It was unbuttoned mostly, an imagery that cut rather boorish against the otherwise elegant silhouette of the tailoring. His black hair slicked back, voluminous, with oils, which helped present the prominent bones in his facial features, and the straight nose he'd inherited from his mother.

The Lane's home was beautiful. He'd visited here a few times when he was younger. He was well acquainted with both Mrs. Lane and her husband. In fact, this was partially why he had come. Edward Lane had found an interest in expensive artifacts. He couldn't afford the really good pieces, but he meant to collect many of them, and so had wracked up a great deal of debt with Yuta's employers. Given that they were in Yuta's districts, and knew him, his boss was more than willing to let Yuta deal with it. Yuta had even brokered the first loan himself, given Edward's vulnerability on the first loan. There had always been nefarious intentions within the boy who Edward himself had always considered almost a son, especially since working so close to Yuta's father at the university.

But the nostalgia between them bought Edward very little hope when he opened the door, despite Masako, Yuta's mother and Dana Lane's best friend since many years back, being there too. Yuta had told her to come along since she knew the loaner's wife so well. Today would change everything. He pressed inside as soon as the door opened. Edward was free to sniff the manly scent coming off the recently showered then boy, now man, who was native to this country.

"You and I need to talk, Mr. Lane." he said and Yuta's mother, who knew only surface facts about this trip, pointedly turned herself toward Diane, to make her stay. The boy she knew was gone and the beast living in his skin would he dauting at any woman - with his lofty height and vast shoulders, and black eyes - let alone someone who expected him to be sweet. Edward, who had been sweating bullets about his debt, started looking back to his wife for help as the youngest in the room grabbed him by the arm and pulled him with him toward their living room instead of the hall.
Mostly everyone I read about in my books had an end of innocence.
Hilary Clinton, when she first found out about Bill's infidelity. The geisha, with her first domineering man. The list is endless almost in my head.
I always wondered when my end of innocence would come.

But it never did, until that faithful day in the place I least expected it to happen - in my own home and in front of my dear
husband, with my best friend in attendance.

Moreover, in a country that I had grown to love - Japan, with it's blooming Sakura Cherry Blossoms and fine art, courtesy, gratitude and communal genteelness.

I was not quite sure what to feel when I saw him practically barge in through our sturdy wood door.
The little innocent boy I once knew had been replaced by a huge hulk of a man in rude clothing.
The red shirt he wore assaulted my eyes and kind sensibility, but the overall demeanor also brought out a slight tremor in my body.
A tremor and a warm blush.

I had not felt these things in my body in a long while - not since I met the bully of my younger brother at a high school dance - and I had a glimpse into what a more risque and dangerous, albeit adventurous life could bring.

That bully had smirked and purposefully put his arm around my waist, unannounced and uninvited. I recalled the strength and his masculine ease in drawing me next to him and his hot breath on my cheeks and how I had fought somewhat reluctantly against him in the darkness of that high school dance hall, - how his strong sturdy fingers had crept up my skirt and skillfully pushed aside my girlish panties to hit my pubis, before he laughed and let me go when he saw his girlfriend arrive. How I glared at him, my eyes fiery, nose flaring in indignation - that he had molested me in such a way, but also left me confused as to why I had so much pleasure in his rude intrusion.

Now, I watched in shock, as this young beast grabbed my poor Ed and led him forcibly to the living room. I saw the same brute force and masculine ease with which he dragged my precious Ed away. Masako had stood in front of me, as my natural instinct was to run to the aid of my poor husband. I looked helplessly at her, as she hugged me in her Asian way. Her head against the top of my left breast, her skinny arms around my neck.

The shock set in and overtook the tremor and the blush which went to the background. I had a sense, amidst my foggy notions about my past joys, that things were about to change very significantly and that the innocent phase of my life was over.

I heard a voice inside me whispering. I strained to hear it. It said "What is the big deal about innocence anyway?"
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The Kaori boy wasn't a stranger to the look in Dana's eyes when he brought along her husband. Edward's expression was familiar too. This was another home Yuta would break, but it was special to him, more than the others. Dana had chased him over these floors, and Edward had read to him here, in this room. There was a part of Yuta here. These people were friends of the family. No. They were family in some sense of the word. Not like his own parents, and not like the Yakuza; but rather, family by their actions. He should have felt bad, and maybe he did, but that made this more delicious. He could see the horror in Dana, who mom liked to refer to as Aunt. He was disappointing her. That cause a twinge in his chest. But it exhilarated him too. This was nothing compared to what would happen.

He looked back at her as he led her man away. His mother kept her in place but Dana didn't fight. Once she'd told him that you shouldn't hurt other people, when he'd pushed another boy and scraped his knees in doing so. Dana had taken it upon herself to keep Yuta a good person, and she'd give lovely embraces to reward him, when he was good. He liked that he'd get to show her it all fall apart in front of her. A rite of passage, but a dark one. This is what I've become.

And he also noted that conflict in her. How her legs wouldn't push her beyond Masako, even though she could. She was tall in comparison but no more powerful. Yuta thought the flash of weakness and an unwilling promise in her gaze was just darling. He couldn't help but smile back with all the confidence of the unbridled violence that he had at his disposal, tried and tested. He'd let her play her part in this too.

The two women would get to hear some roughhousing through the door. At one point a glass ornament broke. Mom would see to that the pale, mature wife didn't come in, even for that. Yuta held the glass shard, the neck of a glass swan, at Edward's jugular. The pallid man knew what this was about. He didn't know Yuta had orchestrated this, to trap him. To bring him into debt so Yuta could have all that was his. It was because Yuta had once respected this elder that this moment was so sweet. Edward's virtues were in books, he didn't have anything to fight back with when there was a real threat near him. Yuta patted his cheek as a reward when he quietly agreed to the terms.

"Kuru." Yuta uttered with his dark voice that carried through the closed door. Masako would know to bring Dana in at that. His mother wasn't entirely familiar with what was happening, and would be surprised too at the scene of a the thrashed livingroom, and Edward ruffled, and on his knees with his head shamefully lowered, as the youngster stood over him, impossibly large now that the man was half his own height.

"Your husband has agreed. He owes us and he can't pay back. You two are welcome to my apartment. Edward here knows the time." Yuta said and petted the scalp of the married, older man, a sign of insult and superiority in Japanese culture. Yuta's face whipped to look directly at Dana. He had a fully confident smile as he looked her over. "You should change your clothes into something more welcoming." he suggested and shoved Edward's head away, leaving him to topple if he couldn't recover.
(switching to third person)

Her natural instinct to protect dear Edward produced a bolt of energy in her body, but Masako stood in her way and it was the look in her friend's eyes that stopped her cold.
Her eyes were bloodshot and her nostrils flared, as she hesitated.

"There must be some power I have here.. some leverage with him." she thought to herself.
She held on to that belief. It was her lifeline to sanity. And she knew that she must keep that lifeline alive and clear of doubt.
It was the only hope for her and her husband.

She walked in unaware of the furrow of the deepest worry a loving and doting wife could have for her beloved husband.
She gasped as she saw Edward on the floor looking up helplessly at his attacker.

Dana rushed to him and checked his face, kneeling by him as Yuta spoke. She froze slightly when she heard his last statement.
The crudity was slightly shocking, but it also caused a sense of reality - that this was real and it was happening and she had to be the strong one.

She got up, measuring her 5 foot 8 inch against Yuta's massive height and girth.
"Yuta... can I speak to you in private... " She whispered, as she tried to gently put her soft small hands on his bulky arm, just above his elbow.

She did not manage to move him far, but Edward seemingly was too disoriented to hear anything right now.

"Yuta... I think.. you are insinuating that I show up in an attractive dress... and my guess is that you want me ... in a way that would satisfy you.
But ... why.. why have Edward there? Let me come to you ... by myself... alone... just you and I... and we can settle this ... amicably."

She found it hard to find the right word and hesitated before she uttered the final word.
That word - It felt like the last card she could deal - the last veil of decency she could manage to wrap herself around with.
She was looking up at the young man, searching for some betrayal of human decency, but her heart sank as she could see none - none of the sweet boy that she knew and played with.
Yet, she held out for the hope. The hope for an amicable and reasonable 'settlement'.

"I know the debt is big and you have the right to collect. And I know the nature of your ... your syndicate. So I am prepared to be .. and act as payment according to your wishes..."
She looked pleadingly up at him.
"But please .. please leave Edward out of it. Let it be me.. that you find reward .. and compensation in."
He had liked the bewilderment and horror he'd left Dana in as they exited the room. He had seen a softness of something else on her face as well. Yuta had come to expect that of women. He believed in the things he told the women in the brothels, and perhaps as they lead their enslaved lives, they were made to believe it too. His conviction was further cemented when the woman he'd always looked up to was now completely controlled by his barging in. But he had other matters to attend to before he could unwrap that present. He still needed to at least dress this in the guise of doing syndicate business.

Edward was easy to deal with. The man's strength in these negotiations were even meeker than the youngling had thought. Edward crumbled when Yuta applied just a little pressure. It is not set in stone that an elder cannot best a youth, but Yuta had all other advantages as well. So the husband collapsed under some easy manhandling from someone he'd considered kind of a son, once. Maybe somewhere in his head, he understood why Yuta had been so forthcoming about the loans up until now. It had been stones on his burial pile. Edward was on the floor, his temple and cheek swelling. As those marks would mottle and mature, they'd take on the print of Yuta's knuckles.

Yuta wasn't near done when Dana came in. He looked over his shoulder and grinned as she made her way. He had always thought she was beautiful and exotic; pure white and dignified - something he wanted to defile. Her maturity had made her more desirable because it seemed she was further beyond his reach, then. Which meant he had to have her. He was proud, head tilting to watch her with the man she married, who'd now not only failed her as provider, but also as a protector. She still coddled the weakling for a moment. Yuta simply stood there and waited, pulling at the shirt sleeves out of their openings in the jacket, as though she was cleaning up his mess for him.

He made a pandering expression when she came to him. Like he knew what she'd say already. He let her touch him. She looked like she needed him so much. He'd forgotten how small she was, since she'd always been an authority figure, but he quite liked that the woman who had carried him when his mom handed him over, was now so far below him. She smelled good in her distress. Her desperation stirred blood into his cock in the tailored slacks. So he followed when she nudged him a bit, but it was his resistance to moving further that had them still so close to Edward when she had to speak.

When she laid out the situation as she saw it, he stroked her brow with three fingers only to let the caress tuck some hair behind her ear. It wasn't as tender as it was possessive and demeaning. The boy had grown up into something self assured and demonically confident. "Not just a pretty dress, Dana." he said to correct her with his deep, steady voice. He was deliberately slow and she may gather that it was because it was important she understood, and also because he thought she might not since she was a woman. "I'd like something pretty underneath, too." he added.

He shifted with some satisfaction at her offer, though. She was being so reasonable. Suddenly his hand wrapped around her jaw to make her stand on her toes and tilt her chin up to look at him. His expression was still intimate and dark as he lowered his face toward hers, like he'd claim a kiss. But instead his breath hit against her lips. "If you know my syndicate then you should know time for negotiation with words is over. Your only asset is that I should like to taste you." he whispered, like a snake hissing before he shoved her back. "You're both to come. And if you're not sweet, I'll be bitter." he said and waved at her dismissively. "If you bore me, that'd be fatal."

He stood there, solid as any unforgiving fate. If she understood, then he'd be retreating to the red decorated and black-marbled den where he held up to await them, and if either of them needed more convincing, he'd be sure to supply that too.
3 Days Ago ...

Dana was out shopping at Harajuku with some other American expatriate wives.
She had a stimulating late morning with them at a lovely tea and biscuit place, as she listened quietly to, but did not participate in their gossip.

In that morning, before she left in her Lexus hybrid, she had stopped over at Edwards home office to find him snoozing on his chair. She responded to this sight of him, his neck inclined to one side, spit drooling from his mouth, eyes closed and snoring - with a mix of almost sisterly affection and disgust. He had lost the interest in their sex, when her sexual fires seemed to be building stronger than ever before. She was wearing her favorite 'sexy dress' and she was hoping for some sweet comments from him, before she left. 1737245544634.png

She paused at the perfume counter in slight irritation at the memory of seeing Edward in that state.
But soon she was distracted.
She had been intoxicated by the scents there and was drawn to the men's section, as the scents there were of stronger interest to her.

She spotted a tall, robust, gargantuan Japanese man who had a presence that spelt both trouble, danger and a kind of "don't give a fuck" comportment and posture.
He had a visible scar on his left cheek and a scowl. He wore a sleeveless jacket and shirt with a tie - all well matched and very masculine.
She had an immediate blushing 'itchy' reaction to him and scanned the room to make sure that the other girls were not within eyesight, before stealing another glance at him.
The itch was strong 'down there', as she pretended to be interested in a set of men's perfumes close to where he stood.

She looked up to smile at him and he returned her friendly look with a deeper, sneering scowl with an unmistakable licking of his lips, as he unabashedly admired her breast area. She half regretted and was half happy that she left her bra at home that day. She looked down at the top part of her breasts that were exposed and looked back up at him, trying to maintain her composure. Then she looked away in an effort to disperse her own emotions of attraction that were coming up.

She continued to look at the perfumes, as he growled "American ... nice... your husband not servicing you ... I can service you."
He stood towering over her, but just far enough from her to let her see his stature. He sneered and looked down to his crotch.
She foolishly followed his gaze in her shock at his words and her mouth flew open spontaneously at the sight of his gargantuan bulge.
"Oh... I must.." she floundered to find the words, but finally blushed and ran - literally ran while she could hear his loud growling laughter behind her.

She felt utterly foolish as she rounded the corner, past the local Japanese who pretended out of courtesy and fear, to not have witnessed the episode.
A kindly Japanese lady with an air of sophistication came to her rescue, as Dana sat on a soft cushion seat.
"It is a good thing you ran." she smiled at her, her head inclined in pity.
"He is a powerful gokudo. Best that you leave... he will find you easily..."
The lady walked away as quickly as she had advised Dana.

Dana was familiar with the term - it meant the extreme way. The extreme way of cruelty.
But as she sat on the soft comfortable cushion and was able to process her experience, she felt the itch had persisted past her initial fearful flight and it was growing stronger by the minute.

She quickly grabbed her phone and texted her friends. "Have to go.. sorry.. emergency.. I will be fine."

She managed to walk very quickly to her car. She knew where she needed to drive to. She was familiar with the place. Shenzoku Pond. She drove to her favorite isolated car park and
found only three cars parked. She parked a distance away from the other cars and took a deep breath at the beautiful sight before her.

She checked around her, after pressing down on the brake and shutting off the car. Then she slowly and carefully released her seat belt and lifted up her skirt, anxiously pulling down her panties and then off her ankles.

She pressed play on her Spotify list on Human Touch by Bruce Springsteen and put it on repeat, as she gradually moved her small white girlie fingers down to her landing strip blonde pubic hair, and then further south to her clitoral hood. She had a mix of shame and anticipation at her own touch. Her touch was electric as she imagined the gokudo forcibly undressing her and sticking his fingers into her. In her mind, she did not mind the force - at all; In fact, she welcomed it and she begged him to go deeper - as deep as he wished. And she would have even accepted his intrusions into her forbidden anus. It would not have been a problem for her.

She let herself go. It was easy to do that for her. Her left leg came up to over her steering wheel as she opened her mouth and started sweating. The other leg hung against her window.
She shuddered but knew how to extend her orgasm, so that when she came three times (the third time more violently than the others), she was fully satiated at least for now.

She was still shaking as she sat back on her chair, crying - her legs splayed wide open for any passerby to enjoy a clear view of some of the most delicious pink pussy ever produced by nature.

Now, she responded to Yuta's touch with a troubled look. She knew that she could not hide her blush and the redness coming up from her neck. She was hoping he would not notice.
As he commanded her style of dress to be worn, she could only nod quietly with a quick look back at Edward who seemed to be asleep.
That was how Edward responded to high stressful situations - an avoidant nap.

She was not surprised but relieved that her husband was not witness to his manhandling of her chin, as he forced her to stand on tip toe to look up at him.

She knew and was convinced that negotiations were over. She nodded up at him, as he slowly released his grip on her.
"Okay.. I promise I ... will not.. will not bore you."

She knew that he would be expecting her to add the following statement, but she stated it anyway.

"If I please you... will you release the debts.. or give us a chance to pay back on easier terms?"
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Her body blossomed under his rough touch. He knew the kind of woman Dana was by then, and how to handle her. If she hadn't exuded the kind of air and atmosphere of a female who craved this kind of treatment, and to be controlled, he would have smelled it on her. To think the dignified, foreign friend of his family had this in her. It cemented his view on women, and further strengthened the already rampant confidence inside the young man. He gave her a knowing, half grin as she melted and shaped under his contact. She looked much more correct like this, instead of that pesky dignity she'd carry herself with when they'd met under other circumstances. This was the real Dana, he was sure.

She didn't push any more. It was to be expect that she'd not initially follow his command, but now that her biology had locked on to him as a leader, the Yakuza member was certain she'd fall in line for what he wanted. Having command over this former authority figure was quite delicious. He nodded when she agreed with a soft, animal huff through his nose. He would make sure things weren't going to get boring, too.

His head tilted when she asked her question. He moved in closer again, his chest brushing against her. This close the scene of dragons playing on his neck looked gruesome. She was free to think what she'd said had offended him, and dream up any number of punishments for such offenses. It was a game he played even with his underlings and other criminal associates. The towering lad looking directly into her then snickered. It was beastly, and a few more black fangs got lose from his hairdo. He stroked his hand off the side of his head to correct them but some stayed, hanging at the corner of his eye.

"If you please me, that should be its own reward." She may not know it, but that kind of logic suggested he was going to own her for the foreseeable future. "But your debt remains. Today will just be your chance to earn forgiveness. Consider it a late fee." he explained to her. She was as new to the world of owing as her husband. He would have fun leading her down this rabbit hole. He stepped back from her and put his hands in his pockets, it shifted the look of his suit's silhouette to something more casual. Coupled with the tattoos and the murderous brow that shadowed his playfully threatening expression, he looked decidedly more like a hooligan.

"If you want to start now, I would take some good will." he offered and the tug of his lips was almost benign. But how could it be, when he was now looking at her as though he expected her to show him some skin, even before she'd had the time to prepare her heart. Something told him she knew exactly what he wanted, when his attention lingered on her chest. It wasn't the deal, though, he'd said she should meet him later, so whether she accommodated him right now was up to her. But maybe he'd set the married, older woman in a mindset to please.
All his words sounded like they were on a loud megaphone to her. She had to keep bringing herself back to the present, as she could already start feeling the conflicting waves of feelings. One set of waves was the desire to protect her husband and pay the debt and make things square. The other... she had a hard time coming to grips with - was the deep longing in her to be fucked, taken, screwed, buggered, skewered, humped... brutally, roughly, in the raw, rudely... by this man boy who seemed to know what buttons of hers to push.

She knew the feelings, and like most addicts, she was in a strange denial. A tear came down from her left eye and she quickly rubbed it off.
An unbelievable sadness that her life had come to this point. But she knew in her heart, that the deprivation that she had put herself into was the culprit.
Her years of denying herself true sexual pleasure had forced this kind of karma on her.

So she refused to complain.

She quickly glanced at the door and saw that Masako was not there. She knew intuitively that Masako would not want to be within eyeshot or earshot of the disgusting scene about to unfold with her son.

She let out of a quick breath and took a look behind her at Edward. She smiled as he was still blissfully asleep; his eyes closed in that cute way that he always did.
"This was worth it.. Dana." she thought to herself and very quickly even in mid thought, she looked up at her conquistador and with a relaxing of her shoulders, she signaled her willingness to capitulate.

She bent her head down and reached over her head to pull the orange material of her top over her head and paused theatrically before letting the material drop to hang aimlessly over her waist, her bouncing natural 34C pink white breasts with the reddish brown nipples dancing happily, oblivious to her shame and indignation.

She then mustered whatever remaining dignity and presence she had to scowl up at him, to show this young man boy, whom she used to chase in this very room in play when he was a toddler - to show this very man, her second most private parts of her body.
She told him every thought with her eyes. First at the door where his mother would have been. But there was no long time friend there to save her, even if it was Masako's boy who was doing this to Dana. And her husband, well, he was perhaps even more guilty in all this than Yuta was. If not for Edward's incompetence, Yuta wouldn't have been able to worm his way into her life like this. He'd still be that boy she loved through her friend. And he wouldn't have gotten to see this side of her, soon to taste it, too. She found her footing rather well, despite the strange situation.

In fact, he saw the longing in her eyes. It was a hunger that danced like circular fire around her pupils, and it made her weak. He lived for this kind of reveal. All the dignity he'd ascribed her, a bit like a deity, or at least a stone idol on an altar, and now he'd toppled her from her perch. All it took was control over her money through someone she trusted it to. He had seen it play out much like this, when he started whispering financial nonsense to Edward, who been seduced too, by the historical art of Yuta's country.

And he also saw the resolve in her when she decided upon it. When she let his influence seep into her and corrupt her, or rather, convince her that the parts of her that wanted the bad things he peddled were worth more than the good things in her marriage. Because he knew she wasn't just misguided by the martyrdom of her sacrifice. Her breaths were too hot for that.

And so he got to see her obey him. He stood, steady, like this had always been the way it'd play out. That she'd take care of him, growing up, and that when he turned his focus on her, she would comply. Had it been inevitable, that he'd have her? He nodded when she resigned herself to him. He gasped quietly, excited, when she went about undressing for him. He sighed with admiration, quiet and dark, when her breasts put on a show for him. Just seeing them at all was a tainted reward, and they seemed so happy to be looked at. Their nipples were a bit lighter than the girls he got in the brothels, or anyone in this country. He liked their ample but not exaggerated size.

"Now isn't that better? Don't you think it's more fitting showing me something I like to see?" he teased, monotone, powerful like a king who'd been presented something of value, that would be his if he said the word.

He looked her in the eye when he moved close, and didn't break the stare as he reached out, as though he could pacify her with whatever promise of reprisals she saw in him, to keep her from fighting or moving away. "You're a woman, Dana. You crave a real man to dominate you." He glommed onto her breast, big hand for his youth, and expertly squeezed it firmly, truly like sizing her up, to see if she'd be worth her prize. If she stirred too much his other would come up quickly, his index finger risen to stop her. "You feel it, don't you? You want this. Maybe you've always wanted this. It's what's been missing."

It was his turn to teach her a lesson about herself, now.
The fingers had a vice like grip on her breasts.

She stared up at him, as he manhandled her soft mammaries and she tried to control her breath.
There was a confusion of panic and extreme sexual turn on for her.
His hands were huge and covered a good portion of her right breast and she was stimulated by the size and the strength of his grip on her.
It strangely tickled a little as one finger strayed (perhaps intentionally) inside the crevice of her armpit.

She bit her lip and looked down for the sensations were very strong now - her nipples were sensitive all day.
She noticed how they were swollen during her shower earlier that morning. She had spent her after-shower time,
gently applying lotion liberally and a bit of gentle massage to assuage the turn on.

So she knew, much to her horror, that her breasts were probably very lovely to hold and fondle due to the extensive lotion care she took upon herself to do

She felt very guilty at the obvious pleasure she was experiencing and glanced again towards Edward who was still blissfully asleep.
She quickly scowled up at Yuta who looked down and sneered with a boyish grin.

She felt like a piece of meat - to be manhandled... eaten.
Some sadness came upon her and she swung her face away in shame as more waves of pleasure overcame her.
HIs finger was also 'squirling' inside her armpit area, making her want to laugh.

She finally gave in and laughed. "Yuta.. please!" she scolded him and withdrew from his clutches by stepping back and holding her breasts gently cradled in both arms.
It had been unthinkable that Dana would ever submit to him, but that was a boy's view of the world. He had grown into his role as young patriarch of his family, and his role as leader had bled into this family unit as well, given how weak her husband had been, and how easy it was to convince him of taking the impossible loans. Admittedly, Edward always had a good relationship to Yuta, and had very little reason to assume the boy who'd listened when he went on about his passion for Japanese history, would betray him so thoroughly. But it had always been Yuta's design.

And now he got to look down at a woman who'd carried him once. She had to stand there and present herself as his newest possession. All respect for her had turned into a want that he got to satisfy at his whim. He delighted in grabbing her breast and how she just had to stand there, served up and willing. He noticed her slightly turning when his finger meander outward, toward her armpit, and even if they were in a rather tense scene, it elicited a reaction out of her that might look amused. He grinned as he chased her nerves there, while at the same time letting himself have at her breast. Such a milky, soft offering. He had never expected her to feel this good. And he could see in her eyes that she was getting into the right mindset. He loved taming his mother's friend like this. It was a sign of his own power, to topple someone who'd had power over him.

He chuckled when she pulled back. The lightness in the mood was refreshing. She gave him a good show, and he let her bring some distance to them at her will.

But when her mirth had died down his hand expended again, coupled with a quick step. He grasped her throat and lifted her so she'd have to stand on her tippy toes or be choked. She'd be pretty close to that, anyway, as the same hand that had fondled her, now squeezed her. He put his cheek to hers, and kept her in place. "You don't stop me. I tell you when it's enough." he said with a calm, cavernous voice. His other hand came between them, and cupped her between her legs, the belly of a flinger pushing up to divide the cleft of her labia possessively, firmly. The lift helped her keep up with the hand choking her.

"You're mine now, Dana. You're my woman. You'd do well to get that into your silly little head. I think you'll like it. I think you're born for it." he hissed and then continued rubbing her cunt through whatever clothes were between his touch and her cunt.
"At what point does your secret desire become a problem Dana?"

Joanne was Dana's best friend. She was a therapist who seemed to be wiser than most other therapists - even the more mature ones.
This was probably due to Joanne's deeper experience in having made many mistakes in life, her work and her relationships.

Joanne had listened to Dana pouring out her new habits of masturbating in public places to relieve her extreme turn-ons arising out of experiencing or watching unsavory men.
Dana had been finding more such Yakuza men as she made excursionss into the Kabukicho district. Sometimes, she observed them from afar. More often recently, she had been bold enough to observe them up close in a bar or restaurant where they tended to congregate. Thus far, she had returned home unscathed.

Dana bit her lip and it was not from any turn on, but from a genuine experience of feeling lost.
"I don't know Joanne.. I really don't know. I don't want to hurt dear Edward, but I have been thinking of just wantonly giving myself .. surrendering sexually to a man like that."

Joanne cocked her head slightly over her Manhattan drink, looking at her friend intently.

"This can be a very dark world." Joanne swigged down the rest of her drink and ordered another.

"This IS... a dark world." Dana corrected - chugging down her Sochu.

As she finished laughing, Dana looked over at Edward again, who was still passed out on the floor.

She only caught Yuka's accelerated motion after it happened - his grip on her throat was strong and his fleshy finger belly on her labia, dangerously close to her clitoral hood.
Going on tip toe only served to make her turn on more intense.

All she could do now was to nod to everything he said.
There was a good tension in her when he caught her like that. Women always react in such a pretty way when their throats are captured. He liked seeing it on Dana's face. But it wasn't pure horror there, or the abandon to fighting for her life, desperate. There was something else in her mind when she was being accosted, tits out and life in jeopardy, in many ways more than just physical. He owned her because she owed him.

She complied, just as she had when he wanted to see her naked. Her breathing was strained, of course, but it was warm too, as was the blush on her face. Dana needed the danger more than most. Her life had been too cushioned. She'd moved to a foreign land and still enjoyed all the comforts and securities of her old life. "Your heart feels too soft. It wants to be tested." he said and then roughly nuzzled her hair, possessively. His hand squeezed her throat a little tighter.

His other hand moved about a bit until the middle of that finger, which was so intimate with her, would circle her bud, crush it a little, however hooded and protected it may be. It was an expert targeting of the nub. He wasn't the innocent she'd known. He was out there claiming real bodies and lives. And becoming exactly the kind of bad element she had cum to, in her car. So he continued to torture her with the absence of real pleasure.

And then slowly, he let her down on her heels again, and let go of her neck. A last push onto her cunt, and that hand retracted as well. Now she got to stand there, by herself, for a moment as he looked her over. Dana was undressed and he still had all his clothes on. It was his job to impress upon people the gravity of their situation with the Yakuza. He was sure he'd delivered that message to Dana and more.

"I will see you soon." he said and gave a little nod before he left her to stew in the implications of their meetings. There had been a time when he'd thought Dana would be absolutely distraught by what had happened - he certainly didn't think she was entirely happy with her new lot in life - but having seen and felt her, the desire she showed when he manhandled her; he suspected the life he offered was better suited for her than the screen of comfort Edward had provided.

The building they'd arrive to was tall and dark. Ominous. And it should be. The rest of their lives was contained within it. They'd be expected so two big men in busting suits showed them in. Yuta had the same suit on as before, but this time he'd omitted the showy shirt, leaving only the jacket to conceal his body, which meant a lot of his tattoos were spilling out for his guests viewing pleasure. He sat on a chair, black lacquer, in a large room with big windows and red walls with ivory and glass encased ornaments lining them. Edward particularly would know the value of the objects, but also that they'd been chosen for their aesthetics, and not for adherence to time period or style. A very gaudy office.
She was at the Bradelis NY store in Harajuku. She had gone in there surreptitiously - wearing her dark glasses and a huge scarf around her head.
This was the best place in Tokyo, she was told - to purchase lingerie.
As she walked in, she felt pleased at the recommendation. Their variety was outstandingly good.
She saw something she really like

She looked around for help and a young respectful but serious looking Japanese girl came to her aid.
"Er... yes... do you have this with a see-through... ?"
"Yes.. do you want see-through for the top or bottom?"
"Well... for both?"
The girl nodded and went to look for the item.

She felt a strong presence on her left and spun slowly to look.
It was a gokudo. He looked about 35 to 40 years old. Scar on his left cheek but extremely handsome and tall.
She felt the familiar wave of pleasure emanating from her lower quarters.
She did not smile, although she wanted to do so. He towered above her and he looked directly at her.

"Good choice.. but maybe you want this one?" he winked.
She felt comfortable with him immediately.
He showed her a see through bra and panty set almost in the same color that was her size and was clearly see through.
"Also, this type is guaranteed.. so if you don't like in one year, you can exchange at no cost ... easy."
He said, slapping his huge hands on his thigh.

She grinned. She could not help it.
She nodded looking at the material.
"Ah.. your husband.. he will be very happy.." he said noticing her ring.

The girl came back and Dana showed the new pick and said she would like to try it on.
The girl nodded and led Dana to the dressing room. She turned to smile at the gokudo, who looked back at her calmly.
When she got to the dressing room, she tried the revealing outfit on and it looked... devastatingly good on her.
She posed in the mirror and could not help but stifle a laugh.
She had no idea why she was buying this. But years of deprivation drove her to a manic need to feel desirable and sexy again.

She came back and agreed to pay for it. He stood by her at the cashier check out.
He managed to see the name on her credit card and she could sense that he froze a little.
"Please... I insist.. I must pay for this." He said.
His menacing tone left her awe struck and all she could do was to succumb and allow him to pay.
The truth was she was glad that he did. She knew money was tight in her household.

After the transaction, he got up to leave first. He seemed in a hurry.
He looked at her a little too devilishly and said "Yuta-san will be very happy... very happy!"
He then left laughing.
She stared after him and thought "How did he know Yuta?"

As Yuta walked out on her - out of her living room, Dana could only stare after the huge hulking figure of the powerful Japanese young man.
Then, suddenly aware of her nakedness, she drew her clothes around her and slowly checked on her husband, gently waking him up.
He was still groggy, but she managed to get him on his feet and walk him out her bedroom. Masako was nowhere to be seen.

She let him lie on their bed and quickly went to her closet to pick out the outfit she had bought. She understood now why the gokudo had said what he said.
She stripped completely naked and jumped in the shower, scrubbing herself very clean and she managed to find some of the lube she used when she and her husband were having sex.
She put some of it in her hand and smelt it - it seemed okay to her. She managed to put a lot of it into her vagina... and then hesitantly into her pink rosebud anus, looking at the mirror reflection to help guide her hand.

Then she put on her makeup and the lingerie, carefully adjusting it as she peered seriously into the mirror.
She then put on her thick nondescript but stylish black coat and her heels and then gently awoke Edward.
He was bewildered but she gently told him that they had to go see Yuta to make the final terms on the loan repayment.
"This will be okay... Edward.. but there is one thing.. that you need to know..."
She told him what Yuta wanted.

Edward sat on the bed with his head in his hands, starting to cry.
"How did we get to this Dana.. oh God.. it is all my fault.."
Dana looked at him nodding. "Not the time to discuss Edward.. we have to get there... but this needs to be done.. or else.. we could lose our lives or be maimed for life."
Edward looked hopeless and managed to stand and she helped him walk out the door to their car.

When they got to Yuta's office address which Yuta had earlier texted to her, they were led in - Edward still groggy and needing help from his wife to keep him upright.
Yuta stood arrogant alpha scornful of her, as she walked in with Edward.
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It seemed apt that Dana should support Edward on their way in. That's where this had been going for a long time anyway. Truly Edward had been the Trojan horse into his wife's pussy. And it felt good to have a mature woman take care of things in her own way, for once. Yuta usually dealt with a lot more scattered family units scrambling to make up a payment plan, often just throwing their youngest at him, whether it be for momentary relief or long time servitude. He of course made sure he got the absolute best out of any deal presented.

The two were allowed to take center stage on the floor infront of the black chair and its kingly occupant. He looked them both up and down, and then he looked to the side, at Kento, who had already told him the story of when he'd bought and paid for the underwear Dana was likely wearing underneath that coat. If Dana had the presence of mind to see anything but the boy she'd help raised, and the monster he'd turned into, she would recognize the guard as the one who'd given her attention in the store. Perhaps she would feel the extent of Yuta's influence then, and the dread of being trapped. Or even the reassurance of never having had a chance.

"Let go of Edward, Dana. You will be helping him in other ways from now on." Yuta said. His voice was calm and full of amusement, dark, but there was nothing in the tone that would let her think she could reject his order. "Stand closer to me." he said and waited for her to comply. His men, three by the door through which Dana had entered with her husband, and two behind Yuta, were ready to do horrible things for Yuta, and witness them too. A lot of it cost their souls, but today they'd be given royal entertainment. They were all here for the blackened needs of men, and Yuta saw to that their base impulses were fed.

Even if Dana belonged to him, she would have to learn to do what he said, and sometimes that meant putting on a show for his men as well. Being under Yuta didn't always mean you'd live a good life, but from the lust he'd seen in her when she had her life turned around earlier today, maybe Dana had tired of being comfortable. She needed to feel other things to live. He'd come in a savior, delivering just what she was parched for. "Now why don't you show me what all my money has bought me?" he said and gestured toward her outwear. She must be in tune enough with him and her recent fate now that she'd know that meant he wanted her to drop her outer layer. Kento had only briefly described the set. Now Yuta would get to see it for real.

"I think you want to show me too, don't you, Dana?" he pushed. There was no doubt the pale woman had a streak of something other than a good housewife in her. They'd dig it out and enjoy it.
Despite the orientation that she received about the true brutish nature of Yuta, she was still troubled as she heard his command.

But she also knew that she had no choice but to obey.

She reached up to her coat unbuttoned the front quickly and allowed the front to part to display her breasts and pubis covered barely by the lingerie.

She moved in feminine soft movements; her wrists limp, she looked quickly down to check her panties and bra for any stray dust or hairs - she summarily whisked off a small feather off her panties right where her cameltoe line was. She looked up trying to be impassive and bit her lip, as she saw the gnarled brutish ugly curled lip look on Yuta's grin - devouring the view of her cameltoe and pink red nipples ensconced in the translucent material. Her white thighs contrasting with the panty color and her silky breast skin as well. Her hair was left shoulder length to her neck collar bone, curled to frame her pretty face. Even with the bad lighting and with her sadness, her blue eyes shone like like icy crystal blue water.

She stood proud, yet respectful and quite in awe of the men around her.

The fine hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. She heard a rustling behind her and she panicked, her pupils widening. She resisted looking behind her but somehow the back of the coat covering her buttocks made her feel a little more secure. She knew she would feel very vulnerable to a male attack from behind, if she was ordered to drop the coat. She had been teased in high school, for her plump pudding like buttocks - they were not large, but they were decidedly attractive - bubble butted and well shaped. Even Edward had been constantly overexcited to pump her hard from behind in their infrequent trysts; the rare times when he showed extreme aggression, which she actually loved.
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He saw hesitation in her eyes but she didn't delay. That was good. She wasn't an actress. He wanted her obedience, not her lies. He smiled and shifted in his seat when she parted the coat. He had never thought he'd get to have her like this, to exert the power given to him by his organization. She had always been off limits, and often he hadn't even thought that she was this category of person in his life. But lately he'd learned that nothing was beyond him. He just wanted to see what it looked like, when he tamed Dana. And seeing her now, knowing she had purposefully not worn anything concealing under the simple outwear, it hit him. He had the kind of power that didn't even blink at making someone he respected into this. All the dignity he'd afforded her before, just didn't matter anymore. All that mattered was what he wanted.

He smiled a bit about her posture. Of course she'd have a good one, but that only meant she presented her assets better. Whatever he could see of them. He certainly liked the presentation of her cameltoe and the teasing view of her breasts that he was already familiar with. Somehow the lingerie made it better, at least for now; more of a spectacle. But the continued presence of the coat was irritating. He lifted his hand and waved at her. "Off with that." he ordered. And she'd hear someone move behind her again. They were all willing to deal violence for him. Usually, hurting a beauty was its own reward to these men. Sometimes that's why they joined the Yakuza ranks. For now, Yuta was sure his insistence would be enough to convince her to strip a little more.

"And come a little closer, Dana. You shouldn't be afraid of contact. You'll be doing a lot of that from now on." there were a few knowing chuckles around them. He looked at his men over his shoulder and laughed suggestively. And then, when he turned back to her, he clapped his hands together to startle her. "Hurry up. I'm not going to wait for you. Take it off and spin around for me. And bend over so I can see better." And there was enough darkness in his young eyes that she shouldn't mistake his words for casual suggestions.
"Absolute power corrupts absolutely"

It was odd how strange random seeming memories popped up in her mind whenever she was in a sexually compromised position.
She had learned the quote in her college days from her political science professor - Dr. Kim.
Dr. Kim was an impressive man, who hailed from North Korea - escaping the harsh world there, by going through a very harrowing and death defying escape.

He had seduced her - stolen her away from her bigger and taller blonde athlete boyfriend ... and was her first.. real "dom" before she married Edward.

He would brag to her how despite telling her the quote, that he would still have absolute power over her.
He would laugh his strange laugh while she was naked sitting on his fairly large cock in his office while he sat back arrogantly in his huge office chair - his official looking
pants unzipped incongruously as she bounced her perky white buttocks, impaling herself willingly and rigorously on his Korean rocket.
"Ah.. Dana.. the more power I have over you.. the more I can do with you."

So she guessed ... there was no accident that the quote came to her head as she looked up at Yuta and saw his gnarled, snarled crooked smile.

There was something about being put into this demeaning situation that was honestly turning her on again.
She had known since the time she spent with Dr. Kim, and thanks to his supreme example - that the feminine had a strong tendency to be attracted to the masculine
- the kind of masculine that was rare - the kind that could skillfully combine rage or the threat or possibility of violence with sexuality. A man who could play and be facile
in both these worlds - violence potential and sexuality ... and thus domination - was considered a superior man by her. She was always drawn to such men.
However, around the age of 30, those long driven stresses of having been submissive to such powerful men had driven her away from that world into the arms of a more 'reasonable' man
like Edward.

But now, she felt the familiar feelings, sensations and impulses she used to feel. Her nipples felt raw. Her labia and clitoris - red and raw. The underside of her breasts swollen. A darkening under her eyes. A red warm blush starting up from her breasts up to her neck. The skin on her buttocks feeling electric and alive. A general willingness ... wanting and desire to be loose.. for this man.. to be penetrated and taken by him.

She felt the rush of very cold air conditioned air blowing against her nipples, making them stand erect - almost comically.
Two of Yuta's henchmen came to the front to ogle and point at them with no embarrassment or apology.
She just glared at them.

She heard his command to remove her coat and she froze slightly.
She inclined her head to one side in half despair and half anger, her face solemn - her lips pursed.
She heard the rustle behind her and the fine hairs on her neck stood on end again.
She dared not look behind her, but there was snickering going on - male juvenile snickering.
Young chimps anxious to assert their virility and testosterone.

She obeyed Yuta in a daze - by inching up closer. But she was shocked back into awareness with his sharp clap and his furious yell.

She was stunned, but she dropped the coat immediately and spun around slowly for him and then bent over, having to grab her front shins, feeling the stretch of her perky buttock cheeks part the thin material of the lingerie to the side and the cool air conditioned wind blowing up against her semi-exposed pink rosebud anus and labia.

There was a stark silence in the room, as she adopted her bent demeaning position for her male audience.
She had done lots of yoga. This was an easy position for her clothed.
But being semi-naked in front of these men, made her lose her center and her hands shook unsteadily as she clasped my shins.

She closed her eyes in shame. She was scared that Edward may be awake to see all of this.
It was horrible for her, not knowing if he was conscious of her debasement.
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While he didn't know the story behind it, he could see the emotions on her. The way she shifted and the color of her blush, taking her over at the same pace as he was sure her arousal did. Her blood was red the same as his, and he knew the needs of women; he'd argue that he knew them better than themselves, at least the pure ones, the ones deeply rooted in their hearts by way of their pussies. He had fucked enough women to completion to know they never wore those harrowed but satisfied and exhausted faces for anything else; not money, not their husbands, not their gods.

He had the kind of work now that he could grant or take life, but he liked to think a woman well dicked-down, had it best. And something in her flesh, something in her ovaries, knew that, and that's why they were always looking for it. Even particularly comfortable women, like Dana here, still dressed to please men. She had no real world use for it, seemingly, but even before today she wore pretty things, she had jewelry that sparkled. Despite being happily married to Edward, she kept up her health beyond what she needed, because she wanted to be beautiful. Something in her had needed and prayed for someone like Yuta. Even his beloved second mother figure, who should be a Madonna to him, was now just this; the sum of her arousal, and her deeply rooted desire to be dominated.

She looked lovely in her coat, but he wanted it off, and she was someone who should give him whatever he wanted, now. She'd been paid for and bought. An object. And she was feeling increasingly like one, he was sure. The brat that sat to look at her had all the confidence of these philosophies, set it stone in his dark eyes. His belief that he should have her, and that she should yield for that, never faltered. When he clapped it changed her. It chased away her hesitation and it made him happy about her. He nodded with some praised in his expression when she dropped the coat like it was on fire. Her spin received a low, guttural breath. An animal, looking at her.

And then he laughed quietly when she bent over. He loved her breasts, and the way her nipples stuck out, but they were lovelier now, compromised at her new pose. More than that he liked her ass pointed at him. He thought it was very willing, and asking him to liberate it. He could see her cunt through the flimsy material, too, so this angle was particularly generous, and he was having a good time on Dana's expense. There was already a bulge starting in his slacks. She'd see it whenever she looked. "That's good, Dana. Doesn't it feel better when you're told what to do? None of that pesky free will. You're mine now. And we're going to make good use of that fact, aren't we?" His men grumbled in agreement, at least.

He cupped his groin and it was obvious a lot of heavy meat was being handled there. "Come over and sit in my lap, Dana. I think you'd be a lot more comfortable if you didn't have all those clothes on you. Let' start with the bra." he was very calm for someone who was now in complete control of her life, and very assumptive about her obedience. The chair would well accommodate someone sitting on its owner. And it'd be a mistake for the older woman to think she could chose not to humor her very dangerous, young host.
She got up slowly and tried not to show her anguish as she got up. She managed a weak smile as she turned around, still feeling her labia exposed as the thong panties were still moved to the side exposing her to anybody who would peer between her buttocks.

They say smiling causes you to be happy and strangely, it had that effect one her.
One part of her felt betrayed by the feeling, but the other part was cheering her on.
There comes a time when even a prisoner in a death camp accepts her fate and has a laissez-faire attitude towards whatever may happen next.
She found the scolding voice diminishing, and a deeper more growling voice taking over.

She smiled almost apologetically this time, but in a more feminine ... tickled manner.
She bit her lip and looked at the men, before reaching behind her to unsnap the bra allowing it to slowly fall to the floor, exposing her slightly bouncing breasts, which seemed to relish being freed up, to take a quick dance. The receding voice was scolding her. "You are such a slut are you not? Well.. you are on your own now.. don't say I did not warn you!"

The younger men cheered and she could not help but grin at them, albeit in a strained manner.

She walked over to him and she could smell the man smell that she was familiar with from her past. It was the musky smell of complete dominance.
She turned around and slowly sat her perky white buttocks down on his huge thighs and managed to look up at him. His thighs were rock hard and she could not help but dig into them with her right fingers to situate herself so as to not fall off. She was breathing hard and that only served to rise and lower her breasts in a magnetic manner for the male audience to further gawk at. She could feel his huge monster cock meat bulging into the soft flesh of her right thigh.
Dana obeyed. Her motions were unhindered when her pageantry was rather pleasant, inviting their attention. It must mean something that she could smile like that, in this situation. Dana was finding out that attention could be seductive, and the men were at least honest about it. No one in this room tried to keep their appreciation hidden. They were primal, maybe, but that made them transparent. It let her know that she could also loose her reins if she wanted to. If she had to give away everything Yuta asked for, there was no reason she shouldn't enjoy it. Because they all were.

Her pussy peeking out from the eschewed panties was a rather powerful lure. It turned her quickly from entertainment to prize, in the eyes of her testosterone poisoned audience. Yuta was staring when she undid her bra with such dramatic flare. She wasn't some hunched, crying victim, being forced to expose herself. No matter what Dana would say, whichever excuse she'd invent in her head; they all saw that she liked showing herself to them. Her breasts were lovely, their bounciness beckoning to be played with. Yuta shifted some more in the chair, waiting there while she came over to him. She had made such a transformation.

So he sat there like something monstrous waiting for her. And she was drawn to him like pretty things are. He inhaled when she turned and sat on him. He remembered when he'd been small enough that their roles were reversed. The other men looked but it was Yuta who touched her, grabbing her waist and sliding his fingers to her stomach, and then up. He grabbed her breast and rolled it, kneaded it while his other hand caressed her stomach and went down. He roughly tugged the crotch of her flimsy panties even more to the side, and didn't wait to mash his hand around her pussy. The strength in her young new master would push her back against his chest.

The hand on her breast crushed it on its way up to wrap around her throat possessively, all the while his lower digits didn't stop massaging her labia. The cock was trying to lift her from behind, through his pants. "Such a beautiful new slave you make, Dana." he whispered in her ear. "Aren't you happy I acquired you? I think you've always wanted this. To have someone to own you." And by how possessively he treated her, she'd know he meant it.
He was huge. And smelled of that stinky but alluring man musk. As his huge hairy hand found its way to her soft but naturally large breasts, she had to look down - half in shame, half with a troubled look that only a woman torn between extreme desire and propriety would comprehend. She looked up at him as the huge palm grappled her delicately white throat.

She felt his gnarled but metallic like multiple fingers intrude roughly into her pink vagina. She felt the hydraulic like nature of his powerful groin lifting her soft buttocks upwards.

She could not help it. She had to look up at him, mouth open and pupils dilated - like a cornered pussycat.

Helplessly, she looked up at him. She tried to speak, but nothing sensible could come out. She blinked and blinked, her mouth open as she gave in to the overwhelming tsunami level pleasure waves that were coming ... arriving on shore.. on time.. perfect... one after the other.. just piling on the pleasure... overwhelming her senses...

She looked towards her husband who was now awake and staring in shock at her. She tried to mouth the words of a sincere apology ... but her voice failed her. All there was in her head was the stark and honest need to accommodate whatever hole his young bull was finger fucking into her - and that she was going to do whatever she could to accommodate herself to his wide and thick and long and hard Japanese Bull Cock when the time would inevitably arrive for that demeaning penetrative fuck event.

The brazen crazed mind of her was almost solely responding to the gritty fingers of this Japanese Bull Man stuck into her pink feminine vulnerability. Her addiction to being at the behest and control of such a demeaning, mean, brutal man ... had come true. After years of barren misgivings, here she was ... back under the control of an amazing bull... taking full charge of her.

She looked up at him again, her mouth open - this time there were no protestations. She could hear her husband's cries of anguish, as she kept slipping into the seemingly never ending downward eddy in the ocean of her submissiveness. She let herself go and felt some spinning in her head, but mostly she felt the powerful rush of desire for more subjugation and demeaning treatment. Soon the protestations of her husband were a distant memory and she could feel her buttocks bouncing merrily on the powerful Japanese Bull.

She looked down in curiosity to check if he had penetrated her, but still felt his fingers fully engorged in her vaginal opening. A vague concern of her being penetrated anally briefly occupied her mind.. and she quickly reached behind to check but found his cock sticking into her perineum ... and amazingly lifting her up and down with just his animalistic penile expansions and contractions.

She was bouncing on just the exertions of his powerful cock. She looked up in awe again at him and heard what felt like an anguished cry -she decided that it must have been Edward's cry, but she was not longer concerned about him. She could feel Yuta's cock probing the equally attractive potentials of penetrating her vagina or her very tight and narrow rectum. She knew he could easily do either and allowed him to keep bouncing her on her perky buttocks.

At points, the cock would slip towards and penetrate her rectum to the point where his full cock head would be inside her lower digestive tract and at other points, it would slip towards her vaginal opening. She was frankly torn about which hole she would prefer. She bit her lip in some crazed inner smile. But she found that the inner smile was now manifesting itself on her face. She was smiling.. and in a blurred state, actually very happy.

She reached up to put her arms around his neck and kissed him gently on his powerful hairy chest and closed her eyes to allow the experience to further penetrate her brain.
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He could see it in her spirit as she came to him. He thought her aura was palpable as it lashed against him, and wanted to pull him in. She wasn't seducing out of her own choice, her womanhood, more than the hole he'd have from her, but her entire being, as saturated by her gender, called out to be given what society and her own learnings had starved it of. Something steady, something brutal. Something that would take what she had accumulated. He almost felt sorry for her when she exuded heat in his lap, and her perfectly suckling cunt coated his fingers in her intimate, molten truth.

He tested her composition and density by flexing his cock as he fingered her. It was a neat trick, and aside from blowing her mind, it also reminded all the men around here why they were inferior males. Yuta looked at her like she was a precious new object he acquired, yet to be used as she was intended to. But it seemed that she really wanted to. She had taken to being choked as all women do, only she'd been affect deeper than any other. Dana had it in her marrow to give in when the right man presented himself. The blackmail was just a formality. This could have been a secret affair, just as easily. But it felt good to take the woman from Edward, so the older man would learn the importance of virility, and application of violence.

"You understand now." he said when she looked down at herself, and what was about to transpire. Yuta had fucked enough to know his own preferences, and any woman who would ever vie to be a favorite needed to have a propensity toward that too. He didn't wait. Holding her throat, he could steer her body. He lifted her to let his cock stand free. A quick adjustment from his lower hand, now slick with her cunt juices, left the rigid, monstrous length a hulking log.

And then he pulled her down by the hold on her throat. "Scchhhh..." he whispered in her ear as he looked as his new price. Beautiful woman who'd been around all his life. He grunted. She'd of course know now that he'd slid his finger out of her pussy to let his cock into her. She was made to swallow his boiling rod with her soaked hole. How would Dana feel? How would it be to finally have something he'd been circling for so long? But he'd do it like he wanted, he'd claim her the way he'd envisioned. So he lifted her again, whether he'd bottomed out in the mature woman or not. His cock was now slathered in her confessional moisture.

"Are you ready to feel like new woman again?" he whispered, full of hubris before he lowered her by the budding stranglehold. His other hand returned to her pussy to pet the entrance, massaging the beginning of her hole and then move upward to her clit, crushing it with a probing fingertip just as the bruise-colored head of his cock started stretching her sphincter. "You'll be good, won't you?" he said and grinned as he forced her lower, ready to learn every inch of her most secretive place. It was strange, waiting to see if Dana, who'd been a guide to him in his own life, would make him proud. She wanted to submit, and now they'd both see if she was any good at it.
I had to look up at him, as he sucked his fingers drenched with my feminine juice. My mind was obsessed, occupied, distracted, defocused ... lost. The pleasure was addictive.

I loved this boy man now. Even though, it seemed like only a matter of a few years back, when I was cuddling with him, to watch Mary Poppins on cable.

But now this boy man had extricated an amazing amount of my pussy cream juice from my previously 'hands off' vagina and I had to admit ... I just loved ... loved ... watching him suck on his fingers. It was so ... demeaning... and yet ... so ... sweet.

I felt his huge prepuce beginning to stick into my wet, slimy pussy - a sticky cockhead spurting some creamy man sperm meeting a sticky entrance, parting the soft lips apart like a powerful rocket. All I could do was look up at him, with my mouth opened wide. Obsessed, in need, wanting, desiring ... flooded with desire.

I let him lift me by my delicate throat, no longer concerned for my safety. At least initially, but then when I hit a strain point, I attempted to reach up to his hand to stop him, but he had already positioned me quite skillfully over his huge cock head again and I could feel the impending painful penetration. I knew what the law of gravity would do to me.

I slid down fast. Really fast ... all the way down till my buttocks slapped on his groin, fully penetrated. Taken. Conquered. Pain. I winced.

I looked up at him again, in awe - as he extricated me off his cock and then bounced me hard again on it. This time, the penetration was less painful but the message was clear.
He owned me now - mind, soul and body.
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The way she now looked at him; he knew she wasn't even trying to fight it anymore. All the actions of today, and her husband's action before, had come to this. Her eyes were lost, but they were attached to him, somehow. It was a beautiful expression of worship, from the woman who used to have so much power over his existence. Hadn't she lectured him about how to treat women? He'd done the opposite to her, and she had melted into this thoughtless creature, anticipating what he'd do next.

He was always looking for loyalty in this line of work, and Dana's was brimming with... a kind of attachment to him. He could funnel and turn it into whatever he wanted, in time. She was making promises with her body, when it was slathered in her confessional juices in his lap. Like she had admitted something to herself no. Like what he'd done already was enough. But he wanted more.

Her cunt took him well. She was beyond lubricated for when he invaded her. A line crossed - it should have been enough, he'd won, taken her, defeated her and her husband even though they were once his caretakers. Her temperature was perfectly scorching around his hard flesh. He couldn't believe his aunty Dana had given herself to him. He groaned as he dipped her down and his dick drowned in her womanhood, coated now in her arousal. Her upper lips parted at the same time, as though they were connected with tandem nerves to her labia lips, stretched by his superior cock. It was such a whorish expression on someone who had been so dignified in his memory. He got to defile her. And she submitted to it.

She lifted easily. Maybe he thought it'd be more difficult to tame this sometimes matron of his life. But she couldn't fight him in any way. He had made sure that her defenses were destroyed. What was left for her to fight for, when his cock was inside her? He looked at her with encouraging, slightly mocking grin; as though the fact that he was squeezing her windpipe and lifting her now starved cunt off his rod was a casual activity. The boy she'd cared for; now turned into some dark king over her world.

He grunted when Dana was able to take him in her ass. It was almost like a miracle when she sat down so completely, his cock lodged into her stomach, stirring her abdomen from the inside. Now that felt like rapture and victory. And then he lifted her again and slammed her down again. Her expression melted further. It looked like worship even if her brows were pinched slightly in pain.

He let go of her throat and stared into her eyes. It was rather intimate while he was also full-length inside her ass, stretching her willing anus. "Go ahead, Dana." he allowed her, but of course helped himself, too. He grabbed her hips and started bouncing her, like she was light as a feather, in his lap. Teaching her the forbidden pleasures of the hole he was training. She understood him.

His teeth grinded together as he looked down into her submissive stare. When he lifted her, his hips thrusted upward, so she'd be lanced both in being raised and being dropped on his cock. And he did it faster and faster to her, to see how much she could take, and what would get the best reactions out of her. "Who's my newest whore?" he asked darkly, to test her new pliability, all the while savoring the taut and almost painful crush of her insides around his cock.

The others were in awe of the scene; the young man controlling and enjoying, sodomizing, the mature woman so easily. Taking from her while her husband was still in the room, and for her to be made to want it.
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